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Is Porn Dangerous?

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by tiger5
People get addicted to porn just like drugs. Have you ever sat down with a druggie? They lie to everyone including themselves. I believe that Porn addicts do a similar thing. It is better to get out there and meet real people and interact with them. People can be flakey - true but you must learn to pick and choose. Leave the flakes to the flakey!

Well spoken and like that of someone who understands from watching the world rather than parrot talking.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem

Originally posted by tiger5
People get addicted to porn just like drugs. Have you ever sat down with a druggie? They lie to everyone including themselves. I believe that Porn addicts do a similar thing. It is better to get out there and meet real people and interact with them. People can be flakey - true but you must learn to pick and choose. Leave the flakes to the flakey!

Well spoken and like that of someone who understands from watching the world rather than parrot talking.

Heh, but sex is extremely addictive. Why is one - the guy or the gal that partakes in porn - an addicted, and people who indulge in sex, aren't addicted?

How many guys do I see going around saying to each other "damn, man, I really need to get some tonight."

Sounds like addiction to me. Don't forget that all those chemicals produced during sex, creating emotional bonds, will eventually spell doom to the person who gets dumped/cheated on/traded for someone else.

Porn on the other hand, has incredible advantages. You guys don't know how fun it is to be completely invulnerable to the charms of Beautiful Nordic women.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Payita

I think porn is the most dangerous to those that believe it's sex.
Of course I'm not being an idiot, playing word games, I do understand what you were saying and that people don't literally confused porn with intercourse.

I'm talking about something more on an emotion level, factoring selfishness and perverseness.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78
reply to post by LimbicSystem

How is it unhealthy ?
I don't get it.

Porn can and has broke up marriages, mine for one. If one spouse is turned off by it and the other loves it and is influenced by it, it's a home wrecker.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Violence and pornography teach young people to not respect others.

Both are sick and both are damaging.

And even though I am a follower of the teachings of Christ - which are love each other (difficult), do not harm anyone, and forgive - this is not the rant of a church-goer - because I believe that churches are mostly hypocritical. And it is not a rant from a bible believer either - I believe that the bible was written by too many people to be truthful.

I am just saying that I believe that when young people play a lot of games featuring violence and/or pornography, they become innured to the extent that they might think these things are OK.

I happen to agree with you. I don't think it's harmful to just young people. I think it's sick and damaging to anyone who indulges in it.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:33 PM
One of the things that can cause rape is Alcohol and drugs which influence one of the people in a wrong way and they can't think clearly so they rape them. Usually the people that are raped know the rapist. Also think about all the sexual songs and video games like GTA San Andreas.
edit on 7/10/2010 by Darkvampire1011 because: I wanted to add more to my reply

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:12 PM
Rape is about power, not sex. It is about the physical domination of another person for psychological satisfaction. Most pornography (the weird fringes aside) is about sexual stimulation, not some kind of warped interpersonal power. The two concepts have different fundamental identities, so I don't see how you can postulate a causal relationship between the two.

Pornography has been around since the dawn of human civilization. People simply like to watch, and then they like to do. If you consider war and conquest--and patriarchal social control--you'll find that rape was much more common before the advent of prolific and widely available pornography.

That being said, I won't deny that porn devalues true intimate (emotional) relationships, especially in young people. But I think this is more due to the superficial values modern culture as a whole imprints on young people--you must buy "this or that" to be attractive, you must behave in a certain way to be considered desirable. If people succumb to an attitude such as this, they will be more willing to accept pornographic portrayals of interpersonal relationships as "normal".

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can't draw a line from pornography straight to aberrant sexual behavior, but I think there is a connection among porn, MSM, and the current social atmosphere in general. When the chips are down, it comes down to the parents to raise, educate, and evolve their children in ways in which they view themselves as unique individuals who are confident in themselves and valued in society... then pornography becomes irrelevant. There is no need for vicarious interaction.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:21 PM


posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem

In the United States, 1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1872 rapes each day, 56160 rapes each month, and 683,280 rapes each year.

1 out of every 3 American women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime.
The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.
1 in 7 women will be raped by her husband.
83% of rape cases are ages 24 or under.

Would you care to actually cite some facts to go with these claims??

I don't have time to quote everything, but the claim that 'rapes have "SHOT UP" in recent years' ???

Guess again:
Note how as broadband was beginning actually become something, the Internet itself for that matter, the rape rate has steadily decreased.

Japan has a low rape rate? Do you know anything about Asian cinema?? Rape is a central theme in their film culture, and has been for a long time. Ever seen the film Kill Bill? The entire film is a tribute film to a dizzying array of 70's "Pinky Violence" films, which spawned in those days in response to the rape theme: In PV films the girls would get revenge! In Kill Bill right off the rip she awakens from her coma while being raped, and gets revenge by killing the orderly who was pimping out her comatosed body, and hijacks his truck titled the "Pussy Wagon".

This trend can also be found in Hong Kong CATEGORY III films which to this day push the envelope of depicting actual rape scenes. The word RAPE is even in the title of many of their films! These are in effect what we call "Rated R" here in the US, and they play these films right in everyday theatres. I don't ever recall the outcry of international fervor to stop the Cat. III genre which has Hong Kong leading the world in rapes per capita.

Here's a good Cat.III cover for you:
Cinema of Hong Kong:

This is common place across the Asian culture, yet:

Germany has a lower rape rate? Oh dear, the porn that is the norm in that place is grimey and grotesque. It deserves sociological studies and papers published. Maybe there even are, I don't know.

Here goes some hard numbers:

Gee, I wonder how many people in South Africa (world leader) even have broadband Internet to be getting all of the hardcore action

Oh dear! The US is 0.301318 per 1,000 people, yet in Hong Kong it's only 0.0150746 per 1,000 people.

This thread is pure fearmongering

Judging by whatcultures watch, and their rape rates, you ought to be arguing for hardcore rape scenes in every Hollywood production

edit on 8-10-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

1 out of every 3 American women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime.
The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.
1 in 7 women will be raped by her husband.
83% of rape cases are ages 24 or under

Apparently you've never been to Japan if your theory is that porn rises rape rates. Japan is so heavily saturated with porn and sex it's not even funny.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 04:46 AM
Honestly, I believe the main theme that the poster was aiming at is "warped minds, lead to warped things"

Well let's take a moment out to look at this in theory> So back in the early days (1950's) we did not have as much garbage splashed on the television. There weren't as many "warped" ppl, (aside from a few mentally unstable individuals) going around doing "bad things" because there was no demand for it.
So what happened? A few creative ppl decided that there would be a demand, human nature is simple, when your bored of seeing the same thing everyday, you want to see something different right? Ok stay on course with me for a minute further, demand grows, ppl experiment, times change. Our technology begins to grow, it becomes a staple to splash absolute garbage that will implement a consumer to go ape# with his/her shopping list for no reason at all.
It then becomes pretty clear that it's advertising is only left to skyrocket, no more waiting for your daddy to go to work to sift through a soft-core porn collection, all a young mind has to do, is go to the right locations to get their dose. Why is there an instinct for it? Well have you watched the news lately? Tell me one thing that you don't hear everyday on the entertainment side of scandels, divorces, sex sex SEX.
Sex sells, it's common practice now days, typically what we are stuck in now, is a complete evolution of this sexual stimulation for FREEE!

So that's a mini rant of what happened with it, now let's use an example of someone I knew, let's call him alex. Alex was a good kid, has good grades, played guitar...but alex had a lot of time on his hands. His parents were never home because they were busy at work trying to make a living. They rarley expressed their love for one another, because frankly they were simply to tired to care.
Skipping ahead, alex had a few friends, but he didin't have girl-friends. He did not understand them, because his father only talked about them as pretty home-makers, he never discussed "true love" with his son. Well sooner-or-later he learned of his fathers porn collection, and it started feeding his thoughts, In time he got bored of those magazines, and started exploring on his own, rather than talking to others. He started to feel inadequate with himself, his person self esteem dropped like a brick, the men in these videos and magazines were so much more of a man than he could ever be, "maybe I should get these free samples of pills?"
Skipping ahead even more now, Alex has grown up, but has started to talk to girls, yes, the way they talk to girls in the videos he has studied. He now wants to become more of a man, he wants to dominate them, make them submissive to the structure in his head, of how they will act, talk, and feel, according to his actions. Alex has moved unto a much more demented area of the pornographic field of study, he has become so desensitized with the "fake porn" that he literally spends half a day every week trying to locate "real raw degrading porn."
He cannot seem to stop the viewing, the bordom is eating his insides, the feeding of the addiction needs to come into play. When he is not watching it, he is stimulating his mind with what he really WOULD like to do.

Now ill cut it short because your probably sick of reading this, but you kinda get my drift, and the author of this post would hopefully agree with me, that this is what starts the whole "warped mind demented raping process" for all I know it feeds pedophiles, it feeds killers, but im no psychologist, im sure disinformation, and an easy access of certain material to desensitize you anything could be caused by anything. Im not going to argue, im just stating a theory, in conclusion, how do you stop this without throwing the wrench into the mechanics of it. It is a creature evolving, you cannot stop the process because it is soo godamn complex, that any wrong shift from left, center, or right will deem utter collapse.

you can only type so much about all the examples, and viewpoints of it all.........

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
reply to post by Payita

I think porn is the most dangerous to those that believe it's sex.
Of course I'm not being an idiot, playing word games, I do understand what you were saying and that people don't literally confused porn with intercourse.

I'm talking about something more on an emotion level, factoring selfishness and perverseness.

You're speaking of chemical addiction. The asexuals(lack sexual desire) do have "emotional" crushes, but we all had those as kids and we know it was just being silly. Without sexual desire, there is no "love" because love and sex is nature's way of enslaving humans to each other. Sex is 400 times more pleasurable than masturbation and creates emotional bonds because its necessary.

Who would, otherwise, work jobs they hate, to support a family? Look at the workers from the 19th century. They'd work awful jobs, risk terrible deaths, to feed their families. Its impossible to imagine how sex and "emotions" are powerful. Without sex, most males wouldn't bother with women and why do men bother with women? Because of the pleasure sex brings AND the "emotional" bonding that comes with sex.

I've spoken to sexual people(including the extremely attractive males and females) and researched this subject, it seems most people, once they have sex, can't return to what they were as a virgins; completely free from outer(sex) dependency - they aren't happy with how they are.

The will need that "fix" that sex brings.

Lets not forget that putting your happiness on someone's hands only results in divorce/being dumped/being sexually rejected.

Oh, sex is a selfish act. Which guy is going to stay with a woman that doesn't have sex with him? Unless the guy has no options, he's going to dump him. How many cases have we heard of women using sex as weapon? Look at how most marriages are sexless.

All this, emotional connection and how porn kills it, is like saying that drinking bottled water kills the emotional connection you'd have with water if you drank from the source.

Porn satisfies the sexual urges. Since the porn industry is the most powerful industry in the world(put tHollywood together with the NBA and several other industries) and you'll reach the conclusion that Porn brings in more money than all of the greatest moneymakers in the world.

What does this say?

Sex is as powerful as water. Once you have it, you can never go back. Porn guarantees a man's independence and clarity of mind.

By the way, is it any wonder that the greatest opponents of porn are the religious and women?

Without sexual urges, most males won't see the point of being married(and most will end up divorced anyway, there goes the myth of sex creating "love" and what not). With porn, most males will look at that woman playing hard to get(because she now wants something serious/is not that interested in the guy/is trying to make the Alpha male, jealous) and he says, "to hell with it:"

Goes home to watch porn, releases his sexual tension and is ready for another day.

All of my friends support my love for porn. No woman I know, as a friend or belongs to my family, supports my love for porn. My own ex girlfriend didn't have sex with me but was mad at my love for porn. Control. I wasn't born to be controlled, sorry.

If I watch porn, I get my sexual needs(I'm too old to have emotional "needs") met. I will not chase a woman. I will not ask her out. I will not put up with her dramas, her need for attention(and women's need to talk everyday? Jesus!), her need for affection, her desire to go out(and of course, spend my money) and the list amounts.

How will a woman get a self - esteem boost if men stop looking at them?

You talk about rape and how porn increases the rape rates(honestly, I have never met a raped woman and I went to a huge University), bur have you stopped to look at the women around you?

Every woman, from the teenager girl, to the woman in the late 40's, is sporting tiny clothes. With their thongs visible or coming out of the pants. Look at the push - up bras women use to get free male attention, look at how women have their breasts almost coming out.

Look at how women are provoking. Its so easy to get sex from attractive 18- 22 year old females if you are willing to risk catching a std. You don't even have to be one of the top 20%. Those females will age, put up a reborn - virgin act. You'll be dating/marrying a woman who slept with half the campus but to you, acted like you were the first guy

I can't count how many women play that act, the so called church women. And I've met many extremely religious women/girls acting like Angels but getting the groove on behind their mother's back.

So tell me, how does porn increase the rape rates, but walking around like easy women, doesn't ?

Exactly. Men have amazing self - control. Only the depraved will rape a woman, and those will rape a woman with or without porn in their lives.

Sex is extremely dangerous. You are never sure of which door you are opening when you begin your sexual life. Most people will catch a std. Most people will be emotionally broken, most be will be dumped: all of this for a chemical high?

How can I forget all the wisdom and intelligence of guys, like Tesla, Newton, Beethoven?

All virgins, by the way.

edit on 8-10-2010 by Payita because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2010 by Payita because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2010 by Payita because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by LimbicSystem

1 out of every 3 American women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime.
The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.
1 in 7 women will be raped by her husband.
83% of rape cases are ages 24 or under

Apparently you've never been to Japan if your theory is that porn rises rape rates. Japan is so heavily saturated with porn and sex it's not even funny.

Yes. The Japanese have several fetishes. One is the obsession with groping women inside the subway, the other is hentai rape. I don't get the appeal, but wouldn't it be logical - if the Original poster was correct - to see the rape rates go up, hugely?


I've been watching porn all of my life and I don't feel bad about myself. The male porn stars are huge. I mean HUGE. Both in physical stature as in eh. I'm not bothered by it. People with normal self - esteem are going to accept them as they are.

Look, wouldn't I feel bad just by walking in the street? So many 16 year old males are as tall as 6'3''. So? am I going to stay inside of the house, never go out, because there are guys much taller than me? Would I feel bad because of it?

Of course not. My father is short and so was my mother, that's why I'm short. I accept it. I don't expect to look like Brad Pitt, I don't expect to sing like Pavarotti and I don't expect to be as tall as Phelps. Things are as they are.

For the rest of your post.. what's so wrong with watching porn from an early age? I discovered porn at the age of 15. I instantly stopped being depressed - because the girls were chasing the 18 year olds -, I stopped wasting my money, asking the girls to go out with me, only to flake on me as soon as the "date" was over.

Do I know how to talk to women? of course I know. Porn doesn't turn a man into a caveman. I don't go to a woman and drag her to my cave. I don't expect to be hired to fix a woman's toilet and have sex as payment

Anyway, porn didn't destroy a bridge between me and women; it only allowed me to sit on that bridge and choose to go from A to B or not.

What porn did to me, was to dull my sexual desire towards real women. But here's the thing. I'm average. I don't have the access to sex and "relationships" that a 6'4'' model has. Porn allows me to have the same sexual freedom.

And you know?

Most relationships will end. Most guys will suffer from depression. Did you know that males commit suicide much, much more often than women? I suspect it has its origins in lack of sex or "emotional" intimacy. Heartbreak.

Porn releases you from chasing women.

Nothin' wrong with that
edit on 8-10-2010 by Payita because: (no reason given)

"Now ill cut it short because your probably sick of reading this, but you kinda get my drift, and the author of this post would hopefully agree with me, that this is what starts the whole "warped mind demented raping process" for all I know it feeds pedophiles, it feeds killers, but im no psychologist"

Jesus Christ! Now that's just plain, mean propaganda. All the porn I watch has as stars women beyond the age of 18. I don't watch amateur porn - we never know how old they are - and I haven't turned into a sicko.

Seriously. Posts like these make me think some people are still living in the stone age, no offense, buddy, but it doesn't make any sense.

Now that you speak of Psychologists. I remember a shrink asking me if I have a girlfriend(who knows, maybe the cougar likes young meat :lol
. I told her no. She lightens up(what the hell?) and says, "oh, so you are having fun."


She stared at me. I told her that relationships are like the stock market. In one day you can become rich, in the next one you might be starving. I elaborated, explaining how sex is addictive, how most people will catch a lifelong std, the physical and emotional changes sex brings with it etc etc.

She couldn't understand me. Human beings are truly incapable of seeing past their sexual organs, lol

I'm going against the Feminist society we live in, by pointing out that many of the "rape reports" come from women in their early 20's.. You know, college girls? getting drunk, having sex, then saying it was rape? Or how many women who have casual sex hoping for a phone call, he doesn't care, she claims rape?

Men and women aren't pretty flowers. Don't believe everything you read or hear.
edit on 8-10-2010 by Payita because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

This has already been discussed by many before you.
Thanks for the per capita statistics.

Of course the US still has the highest rape according to statistics on a very wealthy industry...whatever that's worth.
I guess the stats are low enough for you. I figured everyone would know my meaning, but it makes sense for it to be taken for what it said, so I don't really blame you.
The stats are TOO high, is that better?

I'll go ahead and answer your question:

No, I will not actually cite some facts to go with these claims for you.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:25 PM
I think that porn desensitizes men. For example in the past a woman showing her ankles was considered flirtatious and could drive men into a frenzy, yet today it causes no reaction in most men.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

So Japan and Hong Kong are non-industrialized? No wealth to be found in Asia? The point wasn't merely the stats, it's that far more depraved 'porn' is found in common cinema and cartoons even, yet they have lower rape rates.

Chicken and the egg: Does porn make perverts, or do perverts like porn? Do violent video games makke everyone into mass murderers, or do sadistic people happen to like video games? Has car jackings gone up or down since the game franchise Grand Theft Auto since it went 3D??

Since South Africa has the highest rape rate, it could very well be that some people really just are perverts. What might make your argument is if you can find stats for how many poor people versus rich people go on raping sprees. It could be that the depraved might just be appeased by using porn, and that those who don't have as good of access to it are more likely to have to go out into 'the wild' to get their thrills. Then you have the dynamic of most women are attracted to wealth, which puts poor men out to dry on getting the ladies. Despite the spinner rims you might see, and 'clean' running water and sanitation, the U.S. is a poor nation with the same social stratification and distribution of wealth as the world average.

And about your others stats, the term "sexual assault" is rather absurd, as in a workplace the grab of a butt is considered "sexual assault". Consider that, 1 in 3 men will surely have a girl grab their butt unexpectedly at some point in their life. What that all means is that virtually all of your stats are potentially a total farce, as this is a society of 'victims' (which IS something that the media trains people into becoming). Your stats would have everyone believe that everybody is going to get raped whether they stay indoors or walk outside. Total fearmongering.

My last sentence above should have been the thread killer

reply to post by dusk18

You have a point there.

What gets me is these women who wear skimpy clothing yet get pissed when they get stared at.
edit on 8-10-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
reply to post by LimbicSystem

So Japan and Hong Kong are non-industrialized? No wealth to be found in Asia? The point wasn't merely the stats, it's that far more depraved 'porn' is found in common cinema and cartoons even, yet they have lower rape rates.

Chicken and the egg: Does porn make perverts, or do perverts like porn? Do violent video games makke everyone into mass murderers, or do sadistic people happen to like video games? Has car jackings gone up or down since the game franchise Grand Theft Auto since it went 3D??

Since South Africa has the highest rape rate, it could very well be that some people really just are perverts. What might make your argument is if you can find stats for how many poor people versus rich people go on raping sprees. It could be that the depraved might just be appeased by using porn, and that those who don't have as good of access to it are more likely to have to go out into 'the wild' to get their thrills. Then you have the dynamic of most women are attracted to wealth, which puts poor men out to dry on getting the ladies. Despite the spinner rims you might see, and 'clean' running water and sanitation, the U.S. is a poor nation with the same social stratification and distribution of wealth as the world average.

And about your others stats, the term "sexual assault" is rather absurd, as in a workplace the grab of a butt is considered "sexual assault". Consider that, 1 in 3 men will surely have a girl grab their butt unexpectedly at some point in their life. What that all means is that virtually all of your stats are potentially a total farce, as this is a society of 'victims' (which IS something that the media trains people into becoming). Your stats would have everyone believe that everybody is going to get raped whether they stay indoors or walk outside. Total fearmongering.

My last sentence above should have been the thread killer

reply to post by dusk18

You have a point there.

What gets me is these women who wear skimpy clothing yet get pissed when they get stared at.
edit on 8-10-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

I see what you're trying to do, but I'm telling you, it's all been discussed before.
I've said that I don't think games make people murderers, and explained it, some what.

I don't know if you're a troll or whatever, but I just don't care. All I can think about right now is something about cheerios...Rocks and stuff.
No, you're not a must be a hobbit.

Your argument isn't even near the best on this thread, and yet you're having little happy fits where you say things like "my sentence above should have been the thread killer. [happy face]"
Don't try so hard.

No body is threatening your life choices, but if you try to justify them to me, it will be ignored
because you have passed the point of dropping a line and leaving. You are ALREADY sounding like a broken record. I was satisfied with your first post. From there on, it was just noise.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

I don't have time to read your entire thread, but this many pages in you should be happy someone is bumping it up. For one thing, if it's all been covered, yet I'm wrong about you being totally without a leg to stand on in your OP, you should have no problem actually refuting what I'm saying.

People already mentioned HK Cat. III rape-sploitation films, and related rape statistics? Alrighty then.

So, according to you, games that are in effect mass murder simulators, where you actually participate directly, don't turn people into murderers... but casual "use" of porn is going to cause the rape rate to "shoot up"???

You just killed your own thread.

Funny thing is I detest that the US military develops high quality shooting games to then release them for free, overtly to be used as recruitment tools (which do in fact desensitize people into being battlefield killers and / or seeing people being killed in overseas wars to then not react to it). But for you to say that standard fare hardcore porn is going to turn people into depraved rapists, while using hype statistics, is itself a lewd act.

What you really ought to consider instead of porn is the barbarism in a society. With the US as the conquering warrior militarized culture, where people are oppressed by the system subvertly, while being trained to yearn for the domination others, there's plenty of room for other explainations besides foot fetishes and lingerie. Consider South Africa, where the domination of others is the staple of the society, and then consider streaming Internet hot threesome action. Which is going to cause rape? Let me guess, that's already been said also huh? No point in responding to this here thread is there?
Take another look at that graph. Now leading up to the early 90's most people would have assumed that exploitation cinema, and then hardcore porn on VHS was the cause of of the increase in rape incidence. But right about the time the Internet and broadband finally brought porn to the masses that rape rate started plummeting. Now I can see where people could have made the aforementioned conclusion, but now, in hindsight (and now that you have me actually thinking about this), the case could be made that the more domineering the society and the US global military empire rose so did micro-scale rape domination tendencies. But then Internet porn became common place and this began to satisfy many of these types. Look again at the graph. Note how after 9/11 the rate stopped decreasing and started increasing somewhat.

edit on 8-10-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

No...I do not believe games are harmful. And does not ruin my thread.

You can do this till you're blue in the face, you'll still just be a hobbit..or whatever it was I was saying..
What was I saying?
No, was it a troll?

If you don't have time to read my post, then I don't have time to write one. And I certainly don't have time to refute anything.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

I was exposed to pornography by friends as a kid, and it kinda screwed my mind a little but I got over it eventually. The trick is to develop your own integrity as a person and learn to love yourself. If you can love yourself, truly you can love others.

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