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Is Porn Dangerous?

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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:00 PM
What a well written biased piece. Although the OP may really believe that Porn contributes negatively to society, the experts disagree.

could porn be good for you?

Same study covered by Scientist Magazine

However there is much to be said when looking at stats. If we look at the numbers of rapes per capita you will notice places like Saudi Arabia and Qatar at the bottom of the list and both places have strict laws outlawing prostitution and porn. So does that mean that outlawing porn means no rape? Absolutely not. We already know that most sex crimes go unreported due to the humiliation or fear that women experience as a result of the event. So I would suggest that in places where women are treated like second class citizens to begin with, they would probably be more apt to never say a word. These stats are reflective only of those who DO speak out. Many studies also indicate that rape is not about sex, instead it is about power, control, and violence.

I do not feel that there is any correlation between porn and sex crimes. If we are indeed living in a free society, consenting adults should be able to view adult oriented material, as well as make it. YOU have the option to participate or not. For many people porn is fantasy, nothing more nothing less, and just like everything in this world...too much of it is not always healthy.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by klawsraught
I feel like there are no such thing as wrong inclinations, if you feel like you have to rape someone, even though I disagree with it, that shouldn't let it stop you, you we're probably put here to do just that, for whatever reason, The one being raped to learn a powerful lesson of forgiveness, the person raping to learn compassion for another, or to further their progression on a dark path. Many more possibilities I'm sure...
That being said, please don't go and use this information to justify what you know in your heart to be wrong!

edit on 5-10-2010 by klawsraught because: (no reason given)

That is one of the most disturbing things I have read on this site.
I cant believe anyone would make a justifiable reason for rape. bold my emphasis
edit on October 5th 2010 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Fun chatting with this topic. If I had to guess one direct reason for a rapist, it is their parenting. That and the fact that we are taught to associate sex with guilt. I mean how many of us would just die if our tops or bottoms fell off in public? WHY is the big question? Why are teenagers taken out of school for having a porno mag in their locker? Why are people offended by public breastfeeding? As long as we act like children about sex, we allow rapists to thrive off of the "naughty" factor.
Everybody have a great night/day! May you all experience love just the way you want it!

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by klawsraught
I feel like there are no such thing as wrong inclinations, if you feel like you have to rape someone, even though I disagree with it, that shouldn't let it stop you, you we're probably put here to do just that, for whatever reason, The one being raped to learn a powerful lesson of forgiveness, the person raping to learn compassion for another, or to further their progression on a dark path. Many more possibilities I'm sure...
That being said, please don't go and use this information to justify what you know in your heart to be wrong!

edit on 5-10-2010 by klawsraught because: (no reason given)

I have a feeling your being sarcastic to prove a point but Im not sure what it is or youve had too much whiskey. Im pretty sure everyone knows rape is wrong... just like murder, theft, greed, etc... No one ever suggested anarchy in their points

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:09 PM
So you feel, my beliefs, should influence others, just because they are correct as most would see it?
If someone feels something to be true in their heart, but conventional wisdom goes against it, they should immediately disregard it? I certainly don't justify or encourage such actions, as I stated previously.
edit on 5-10-2010 by klawsraught because: added a questionmark

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by klawsraught
So you feel, my beliefs, should influence others, just because they are correct as most would see it?
If someone feels something to be true in their heart, but conventional wisdom goes against it, they should immediately disregard it. I certainly don't justify or encourage such actions, as I stated previously.

Im trying to figure out what beliefs you speak of that are "correct as most would see it". Sure you can have viewpoints against conventional wisdom, why couldn't you? Thats why i was confused. I thought you were against rape but that post made it look as though you encouraged rape. Thats why I figured you were being sarcastic. Still dont get what effect that had on furthering a point though.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:17 PM
What I am saying is that:
If you are some evil SOB, that knows they are evil, intends on being evil, and will be evil regardless of his fellow man, than I assume their heart would seek such things, to this person, on a personal level, what they are doing is good for them, I STRONGLY dislike it, but what I feel doesn't matter to this person, we are so far removed from each other, that it would be very bad for his progression as a soul, to work off of my platform, he has chosen his path, and it's not up to us to take anyone off of their path.
I intended no offense, sorry for any possible misconceptions.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by klawsraught
What I am saying is that:
If you are some evil SOB, that knows they are evil, intends on being evil, and will be evil regardless of his fellow man, than I assume their heart would seek such things, to this person, on a personal level, what they are doing is good for them, I STRONGLY dislike it, but what I feel doesn't matter to this person, we are so far removed from each other, that it would be very bad for his progression as a soul, to work off of my platform, he has chosen his path, and it's not up to us to take anyone off of their path.
I intended no offense, sorry for any possible misconceptions.

That is really interesting. Yea you gotta let people be. If they commit a crime, than they get prosecuted. I commend you as there are a lot of tax wasting self help groups that cause problems that never before existed.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:30 PM
Thanks for your response, I wouldn't have expected someone to interpret my response in that manner.
Nevertheless your raise some good points.
edit on 6-10-2010 by klawsraught because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:44 PM
This is about the billionth thread on this subject.

Porn's not dangerous.

Wouldn't matter if it was because it's Constitutionally protected speech.

You're never gonna get it made illegal or banned or whatever.

Pervs win!

Deal with it.

Have a good one.

*Wanders off to look at some porn*


posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:44 PM
I don't know about you guys but...

I enjoy porn and I enjoy watching it. Thats the freedom I have in this country and a freedom I'm grateful for. Thank you very much. Now excuse me, Sasha Grey is calling my name.

Oh about it being dangerous..uh, hm.

I'm in college,
I work,
I have a wonderful relationship with a wonderful girl,
I have a wonderful family,
I'm very content in my life and continue to work hard to achieve my goals.

So far, porn hasn't really damaged anything except for the hard drive on my old computer.

RIP Compaq

edit on 5-10-2010 by SeventhSeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Nothing beats the real thing.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:05 AM
There is no correlation between viewing of Pornography and tendency to Rape. Rape can occur for a multitude of reasons most of which come down to Opportunism. Porn can still have a negative impact in the sense that it gives millions of teenagers and men around the world unrealistic expectations about what to expect from members of the opposite sex. But it also provides relief for the millions of single men around the world who are looking for a way to quench their sexual urges. It seems like the OP is trying to establish a link between Pornography's role in society and the occurrence of Rape. This is not correct.

In Japan it is legal to create and sell video games involving Rape, Paedophilia and Sexual assault. Whether you agree this is moral or not doesn't change the fact that a large proportion of Rapes have probably been prevented by giving those with the tendency to do such a thing a legal way to do it that does not harm another person.

No rational man wants their sister, mother, aunt, niece or cousin to ever be the victims of Sexual Assault of any kind. All we can do is educate youth that members of their sex and the other sex deserve respect and dignity at all times and unwanted sexual advances are unacceptable. The rest of the responsibility lies with adults: men to encourage other men to treat women with respect and never take advantage of them; women not to lead men on or accept invites back to their place unless accompanied by a sober and responsible friend.
edit on 6/10/2010 by Dark Ghost because: spelling,grammer,formating

edit on 6/10/2010 by Dark Ghost because: spelling,grammer,formating

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:23 AM
Every second - 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography.
Every second - 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines.
Every second - $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography.
Every 39 minutes: a new pornographic video is being created in the United States.

Four states with lowest internet access --Increase in rape of 53%
Four states with highest internet access --Decrease in rape of 27%

More Porn less rape ?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
reply to post by JohnnyTHSeed

Maybe I'm wrong by this belief, but as long as porn is bringing in money

It is unlikely that the porn industry has paid off all the research scientists and journals.

all the different sources of information that the statistics come from still will not explain to you that when the population is going up, a statistic[restricted to 100 percent] will appear to be going down.

As in...for the population total, it IS appearing to be going down in statistics, and it is overall harder to calculate...but in real numbers, it's higher, but the increase of people makes the statistic appear lower.

You are exhibiting double think. Using the logic of your theory, a higher population -> more porn viewers -> more rape. BUT now you say a higher population (who statistically are likely to view porn) is responsible for artificially lowering rape stats.

I believe you're being tricked because money is all that matters. Maybe I'm wrong.

If you had read the earliest study I linked to, you would have seen that a group of prestigious science dudes were hired by this guy named Nixon for the specific purpose of linking pornography with violent crime. The evidence pointed the other way. Of course, you know better and the most reasonable explanation is the porn industry has bought up all the reputable scientific journals. Cognitive Dissonance

Well, we know enough to say that porn isn't helping to bring down rape.
All crime has been going down. Technology has, it isn't some kind of shock that the statistics say rape has gone down.

I don't like sourcing to studies that I can't find the full text of.. but c'est la vie. This study looks at statistics from 1964 to 1984 in four different countries. The most important technology regarding rape is DNA profiling. That technique was not even invented until 1985.

The development of rape and attempted rape during the period 1964-1984 was studied in four countries: the U.S.A., Denmark, Sweden and West Germany. In all four countries there is clear and undisputed evidence that during this period the availability of various forms of pictorial pornography including violent/dominant varieties (in the form of picture magazines, and films/videos used at home or shown in arcades or cinemas) has developed from extreme scarcity to relative abundance.

If (violent) pornography causes rape, this exceptional development in the availability of (violent) pornography should definitely somehow influence the rape statistics. Since, however, the rape figures could not simply be expected to remain steady during the period in question (when it is well known that most other crimes increased considerably), the development of rape rates was compared with that of non-sexual violent offences and nonviolent sexual offences (in so far as available statistics permitted).

The results showed that in none of the countries did rape increase more than nonsexual violent crimes.This finding in itself would seem sufficient to discard the hypothesis that pornography causes rape.
- Pornography and rape: theory and practice? Evidence from crime data in four countries where pornography is easily available.

Of a combination of all of these things, including porn bringing in too much money to ever die, I believe porn DOES poison the mind of any addict over a period of time.
That is the main point.

Yes, exposure to porn is detrimental to an addict, not so much to a non-addict. Just as peanuts are detrimental to those with allergies, but delicious to everyone else.

You don't have to share my ideas on this. I wouldn't expect it from anyone other than the adults and parents.

Zing! Nice one junior.
edit on 6-10-2010 by JohnnyTHSeed because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2010 by JohnnyTHSeed because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2010 by JohnnyTHSeed because: formatting of external text

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem

In the United States, 1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1872 rapes each day, 56160 rapes each month, and 683,280 rapes each year.

edit on 4-10-2010 by LimbicSystem because: Shortened it up

edit on 4-10-2010 by LimbicSystem because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2010 by LimbicSystem because: (no reason given)

Four out of five men would be raping a woman right now if they weren't watching porn and masturbating instead.

And did you know that, based on 1.3 women being raped every minute in the U.S., nearly 70 million women have been raped since 1910? Almost 160 million rapes since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In fact, recent studies indicate that every woman in America is raped several hundred times a day, every day, for her entire life. And each one of the hundreds of billions of rapes that have occurred in the past five minutes have been directly linked to porn. In fact, scientists frequently point out that approximately 90 percent of these rapes are actually committed by the porn itself.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:45 AM
On a more sobering note, there is the issue of prostate vasocongestion:

the condition of temporary fluid congestion in the testicles and prostate region caused by prolonged sexual arousal in the human male. It is often accompanied by a cramp-like ache of prostatic congestion and pain/tenderness or edema of the testes

In other more severe cases it has been known for men to suffer from stomach pains, and upset or a loose stomach combined with intense stomach cramps.

I submit that porn is not only not dangerous, but a lack of it could in fact be detrimental to one's health.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Salamandy
Fun chatting with this topic. If I had to guess one direct reason for a rapist, it is their parenting. That and the fact that we are taught to associate sex with guilt. I mean how many of us would just die if our tops or bottoms fell off in public? WHY is the big question? Why are teenagers taken out of school for having a porno mag in their locker? Why are people offended by public breastfeeding? As long as we act like children about sex, we allow rapists to thrive off of the "naughty" factor.
Everybody have a great night/day! May you all experience love just the way you want it!

I'm not sure I can imagine adding breast feeding in a sex category, but I know you're right about people being offended by it in public.

Sex has quite a big influence in the world. Sex is nice..

I just can't say the same for porn. Porn is only sex to those who are confused about sex.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by nophun
Every second - 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography.
Every second - 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines.
Every second - $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography.
Every 39 minutes: a new pornographic video is being created in the United States.

Four states with lowest internet access --Increase in rape of 53%
Four states with highest internet access --Decrease in rape of 27%

More Porn less rape ?

Yeah, read that a few times. Thanks again though.

For any more of these, people, run through the comments real fast. You'll save yourself a lot of time.

In the mean time, continue believing what you hear, read, and remember the most important part...your common sense means nothing...only money matters, only the media is all knowing and wise, and of course,
porn is healthy and fruitful! Mastur your way through the lonely nights.

You're so cool....

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

And I am going to agree with what you say .. why ? Show stats or something actually showing porno leads to rape.

I watch porn and never once has it made me run out a treat a female in any harsh way.
Really after I watch some of the porno I am generally even nicer to the opposite sex then normal .. for obvious reasons .. obviously ... know what I mean
edit on 6-10-2010 by nophun because: (no reason given)

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