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Is Porn Dangerous?

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posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 08:44 AM
Why do i feel that people are missing the point of this thread?
You can throw up as many statistics that you like, claim that i am a religious nut, and think i am straight as anything.
Statistics do have value, but in no way should you concider them 100% true, wether they are from the CIA factbook or you conducted it yourself.
I am a psychology student so i KNOW this, you have independent variables and dependant variables. ANYTHING, even if it is extremely small can completely alter your statistics.
Things like culture, environment even the individual people can completely fk up your findings.
For example:
In china, the amounts of rapes recorded was Rape: 15,000 cases (5,8% decrease) Source
China also has a very big sex industry and is notorious for 'hentai' porn.
So yes you could conclude that because there has been a decrease and its not too high (any number is too high really).
BUT you need to take in the IV and DV.
chinese culture is very well known for the way women are portraid. Did you know that there are around 40 million women missing from china? (as in there is ment to be another 40 mil.) SOURCE
This is because of the 'One child policy' you may look it up if you wish but overall the chinese are more fond of the boys and the women are often abused and looked down upon, therefore not as many rapes would be recorded as the women succumb to the pressure.
Dont believe me? read Woman Warrior, that will tell ya

So guys, there is no point throwing around numbers and there is no point preaching either.
We are arguing just black and white but what we need to do is look DEEPER. Ultimately, it is not the porn, its the person veiwing the porn, so it CAN be dangerous, or it could be completely safe.
Its the persons mindset which makes porn dangerous or not. not the porn itself
its like a gun, only dangerous when you have intent to use it.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 09:14 AM

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by wisdomnotemotion


posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 11:08 AM
Once years ago while sitting at home alone in front of my computer I was suddenly without warning violently raped by porn.

It left me very dizzy and annoyed, but I hold no grudge, and strangely enough we keep in touch.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Wow. Calling me a troll for bringing impossible debate that you can't actually respond to, and then attempting to coin new phrases at the same time. Trolls derail discussions. I stepped up the discussion, all totally on topic.

Troll... hobbit? In Lord of the Rings, where hobbits come from, the little derailer was a golem. COrrect me if I'm wrong, but I don't even recall "trolls" in LotR, rather the Ogre's that destroy everything. Even if I'm mistaken, about "trolls" not being in LotR, if you try to turn this into the new discussion, while skipping past my on point talking points, then that would have you derail your own thread, thereby without exception exposing you as uber-troll.

This thread is troll bait I will say. I mean, complaining how people watch porn, and then blaming the 'rape rate' on porn usage, while using flimsy statistics, without anything actually correlating the two, is troll style. It IS possible for trolls to start new threads. They don't merely just interrupt them. Meanwhile I've been on point, and you've set the pave to all of this drivel. Address my talking points, directly, please.

And I never said I didn't read your post, I said I didn't read the 13+ page thread. Vast difference.

Damn. Considering this is surely the tail end of this thread, I'm a chump, as I got sucked into your troll-bait. Go ahead, try to keep the discussion on the dynamics of what trolling is, you know you need to. Welcome to ATS. It's quite obvious you have a long ways to go before you might actually contribute to intellectual discussion here. We've all been there.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
This is not meant to offend regular porn users.

Somebody typed those words. Yes, that is officially a sentence, now.

This planet is entertaining,

edit on 10-10-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because: I typed these words. And now you are reading them. congratulations. This now concludes thie post.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by littlecloud
Why do i feel that people are missing the point of this thread?
You can throw up as many statistics that you like, claim that i am a religious nut, and think i am straight as anything.
Statistics do have value, but in no way should you concider them 100% true, wether they are from the CIA factbook or you conducted it yourself.
I am a psychology student so i KNOW this, you have independent variables and dependant variables. ANYTHING, even if it is extremely small can completely alter your statistics.
Things like culture, environment even the individual people can completely fk up your findings.
For example:
In china, the amounts of rapes recorded was Rape: 15,000 cases (5,8% decrease) Source
China also has a very big sex industry and is notorious for 'hentai' porn.
So yes you could conclude that because there has been a decrease and its not too high (any number is too high really).
BUT you need to take in the IV and DV.
chinese culture is very well known for the way women are portraid. Did you know that there are around 40 million women missing from china? (as in there is ment to be another 40 mil.) SOURCE
This is because of the 'One child policy' you may look it up if you wish but overall the chinese are more fond of the boys and the women are often abused and looked down upon, therefore not as many rapes would be recorded as the women succumb to the pressure.
Dont believe me? read Woman Warrior, that will tell ya

So guys, there is no point throwing around numbers and there is no point preaching either.
We are arguing just black and white but what we need to do is look DEEPER. Ultimately, it is not the porn, its the person veiwing the porn, so it CAN be dangerous, or it could be completely safe.
Its the persons mindset which makes porn dangerous or not. not the porn itself
its like a gun, only dangerous when you have intent to use it.

I am not convinced that aberrant sexual "entertainment" can be "safe". You are or can become what you watch and what you read. People can deny all they want that watching and or reading porn is ok for them and that they won't be affected. It isn't true. It does affect you, and it can affect those with whom you relationship with.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal
What a well written biased piece. Although the OP may really believe that Porn contributes negatively to society, the experts disagree.

could porn be good for you?

Same study covered by Scientist Magazine

However there is much to be said when looking at stats. If we look at the numbers of rapes per capita you will notice places like Saudi Arabia and Qatar at the bottom of the list and both places have strict laws outlawing prostitution and porn. So does that mean that outlawing porn means no rape? Absolutely not. We already know that most sex crimes go unreported due to the humiliation or fear that women experience as a result of the event. So I would suggest that in places where women are treated like second class citizens to begin with, they would probably be more apt to never say a word. These stats are reflective only of those who DO speak out. Many studies also indicate that rape is not about sex, instead it is about power, control, and violence.

I do not feel that there is any correlation between porn and sex crimes. If we are indeed living in a free society, consenting adults should be able to view adult oriented material, as well as make it. YOU have the option to participate or not. For many people porn is fantasy, nothing more nothing less, and just like everything in this world...too much of it is not always healthy.

Who made the "experts" , the "experts"? I remember that Ted Bundy said he was an avid reader of porn. Often times, the "experts" are themselves indulging in porn.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by abe froman
reply to post by LimbicSystem
rape is a crime of power, not sex. rape has existed long before internet porn. you view porn as unhealthy and are trying to connect it to rape because it doesn't fit into your morality. if you took away all the porn there would still be rape just like there always has been throughout human history. if you closed all the mcdonald's there would still be fat people.

That is not entirely true. There can be other motives for rape. Here is an interesting study:

I am a teacher. In the last couple of years there has been an increase in the behavior of young males, ages 13 and 14 to freely grab at young ladies. Just last week, a 14 year old male student went up to a 14 year old female student and grabbed her breast. His reason? He was curious and wanted to see what it felt like! Consequences? Registered sex offender. Not registered power offender. My fellow teachers and myself see this type of behavior more often. We have to closely monitor hallway activities. These young boys are not acting out some power trip.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Wow. Calling me a troll for bringing impossible debate that you can't actually respond to, and then attempting to coin new phrases at the same time. Trolls derail discussions. I stepped up the discussion, all totally on topic.

Troll... hobbit? In Lord of the Rings, where hobbits come from, the little derailer was a golem. COrrect me if I'm wrong, but I don't even recall "trolls" in LotR, rather the Ogre's that destroy everything. Even if I'm mistaken, about "trolls" not being in LotR, if you try to turn this into the new discussion, while skipping past my on point talking points, then that would have you derail your own thread, thereby without exception exposing you as uber-troll.

This thread is troll bait I will say. I mean, complaining how people watch porn, and then blaming the 'rape rate' on porn usage, while using flimsy statistics, without anything actually correlating the two, is troll style. It IS possible for trolls to start new threads. They don't merely just interrupt them. Meanwhile I've been on point, and you've set the pave to all of this drivel. Address my talking points, directly, please.

And I never said I didn't read your post, I said I didn't read the 13+ page thread. Vast difference.

Damn. Considering this is surely the tail end of this thread, I'm a chump, as I got sucked into your troll-bait. Go ahead, try to keep the discussion on the dynamics of what trolling is, you know you need to. Welcome to ATS. It's quite obvious you have a long ways to go before you might actually contribute to intellectual discussion here. We've all been there.

Whoa, well you were pulled into something there. You went far into the Lord of The Rings. I didn't even know all that about hobbits.
I just couldn't think of the difference of a troll and a hobbit.
Thank you.

You spoke of killing my thread several times and all you're doing is just throwing the same thing I last said back.

That's why it's pointless, and that's why I'm not having a very intelligent conversation with you.
You have set yourself up to not be taken seriously, and that's why this will be forgotten.

As much as I enjoy being welcomed, you don't quite understand me. I don't see how you could understand where I am to say that you all were here once.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by aero56

Right you are, Aero.

Rape is a tender thing. Many things are involved in the motivation of it.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:39 AM
I blame internet as a whole cause it was meant for getting information and creative uses and discussions.
but like any other inventions, people have ways of exploiting it for bad uses.

mis-information and things kids shouldnt be looking at.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by hinky
Your confusing porn with rape. Rape is an act of violence. Porn is good clean sex.

Doesn't matter what the porn is, it doesn't increase violence. Only violent acts increase violence.

Do you have any statistics to back up your claims?

Otherwise we're just taking your word for it.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 11:46 AM
I have to post this, soo appropriate for the thread:

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by LimbicSystem
reply to post by KingPen

I suppose it depends on what kind of lover you are, Pen.

Do you love like an elephant or like someone interested in how your partner feels during sex?

I am not a lover...I am procreator...

You may have asked a question that you don't want the answer to....

edit on 10-10-2010 by KingPen because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Porn seems to have a place in society and has made many progressions over the course of time, To listen to the older generation about it like in the 40s it was considered burlesque to show a woman knee, looking at playboy back in the late 60s was considered offending to religious leaders and then larry flynt publications is in the court system for how risque is too risque blah blah.

Being an early bloomer cause of family values in upbringing, I had a teen crush on the infamous Tracy Lords and collected all her porn videos, jus something in those eyes jus not right- to find out she made them at 15 yrs of age and was sued, loss her chances of getting into main stream movies.

Becoming a male model for J.C. Penneys and being exposed to the escort industry- Richard Gere portraying American Gigolo- like this was acceptable in society in late 70s. I fell for it big time the money the sex, the lifestyle.

By mid 80s I was exposed to pornsets and how all those films were produced, I made a few underground movies and it was all about that dollar.

becoming a supporter and active member of what most call redlight districts in any state in the union, placed my face on media boards and newspapers and this is porn in a sense that its adult entertainment.

now I have used porn to prevent straying in my past relationships and do not consider it bad but it does have place in society .

Having access to P2P sites and filesharing has filled every kink that a person may feel in their progression of who they are behind a closed door. Sure partners are viewed differently in a relation but the same ole in and out same way without variety will kill the union in the long run, so why not view alternative ways to enrich a relationship.
then you visit these sites this is wher I have problem with it is a specific topic is viewed different be everyone and then the freaks out there entice you with such a topic and it turns out to be live webcam of a terrorist act, it is out there on the web.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by snowen20
Once years ago while sitting at home alone in front of my computer I was suddenly without warning violently raped by porn.

It left me very dizzy and annoyed, but I hold no grudge, and strangely enough we keep in touch.

Hey me too
thousands of times in a year.

I hope you feel OK now.. I mean getting used to it

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo

Originally posted by klawsraught
I feel like there are no such thing as wrong inclinations, if you feel like you have to rape someone, even though I disagree with it, that shouldn't let it stop you, you we're probably put here to do just that, for whatever reason, The one being raped to learn a powerful lesson of forgiveness, the person raping to learn compassion for another, or to further their progression on a dark path. Many more possibilities I'm sure...
That being said, please don't go and use this information to justify what you know in your heart to be wrong!

edit on 5-10-2010 by klawsraught because: (no reason given)

That is one of the most disturbing things I have read on this site.
I cant believe anyone would make a justifiable reason for rape. bold my emphasis

"... if you feel like you have to rape someone, even though I disagree with it, that shouldn't let it stop you...
- klawsraught

WTF is an understatement.

Will we be getting our Foe lists back anytime soon?

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Oh snaps!

That is a really, really wicked thing right there.

See guys, this is what I've been trying to say about spirituality being the new Religion for psychopaths.

This stuff is wicked. There is no universal balance amongst humanity and any one species.

If we do evil, we do evil. If we do enough, we'll be wiped out.

The balance lies within the cosmos.

Don't let spiritual inclinations twist your mind into being entirely without judgment.

This is a BIG no-no, kids.

Originally posted by klawsraught
What I am saying is that:
If you are some evil SOB, that knows they are evil, intends on being evil, and will be evil regardless of his fellow man, than I assume their heart would seek such things, to this person, on a personal level, what they are doing is good for them, I STRONGLY dislike it, but what I feel doesn't matter to this person, we are so far removed from each other, that it would be very bad for his progression as a soul, to work off of my platform, he has chosen his path, and it's not up to us to take anyone off of their path.
I intended no offense, sorry for any possible misconceptions.

OMG, I can't believe I'm reading this crap!!

WTH are you talking about here?

If I see someone raping a woman, I'm not just going to call the cops, I'm going to get that POS off the woman and kick his teeth in. I don't give a flying F if I go to jail for it, he'll be in much longer, and he deserves both, jail and his ass kicked. You're twisted, man.

These people LEARN from people standing up for what's right. It's not merely individuals who think this way or that, it's the majority that molds the misfits based on the code of ethics within that society. If we just allow people to be as they are, we're phucked as a civilization.
edit on 10-10-2010 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

Yeah, pretty crazy.

Someone said that they believe that people should let their kids watch porn because it's so healthy.
That's kind of odd. We're all very confused, it seems.

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