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Obama:Change to be afraid of.....

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posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Curiousisall

And again i say it was all around you....all you had to do was watch the news... maybe visit a few websites...

Obama was being called a Socialist waaay before he took office

Obama own words before he took office... "If you want to know me and my policies look who i have around me" and there were plenty of people saying....he hangs around with bill ayers, van jones...

Why wasn't the birth cert. a problem before he took office... again look outside of this forum... if it wasn't brought up enough here, there are plenty of sites where it was...

If you want to know about why it wasn't brought up on this board... i think your asking the wrong crowd

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by ljtg123

I personally, would like our current system to become a socialist one. Most people don't even know what the word "socialist" means, they immediately connect it to a dictatorship. They're countries that are socialist democracies that are doing very well. The people control the government and the government controls the economy.

The days of the free market need to end. History has shown that a free unregulated market has a negitive impact on the environment as well as the people. If you have small government with very little regulation, you'll have companies doing anything and everything to save a buck (remember when lakes would start of fire because of the pollution in them. That kind of pollution stopped because of regulation in the 60's and 70's). Not only that, you'll see the gap between the middle class and the rich become even larger than it already is because of the way big corporate business stack the deck through lobbying.

You would get paid way more as an employee in a socialist system. Instead of the owner making tons of money while his employees make very little money, the "manager" would make substantially less and the employees would share a lot more. Let's say the employer makes 400K (instead of 2 Billion) and each blue collar employee makes 250K a year (instead of 30 to 50K). Right now the rich own a huge percentage of the worlds resources while everyone else shares the remaining resources. The money would be spread around a lot better in a socialist society. We may even be able to eliminate world hunger which is a huge problem. Not to mention that decisions would be driven by innovation instead of money. When money makes the decision, new technologies are oppressed in order to keep making profits off of the old technology.

Dictator + Socialism = Bad
Democracy + Socialism = Good

Just my Opinion, either way, the next few years should prove interesting.

edit on 29-9-2010 by brianmg5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by tspark

Yeah, yeah the socialist nonsense. I never once said he was not scrutinized or criticized before the election. I am specifically talking about the birthers, who his mom hun out with in high school, what he wrote in his college thesis, whether or not his stepfather adopted him thus making him Indonesian, which hospital he was born in, who his mom slept with, what some kid who went to the same school as him thinks about him based on nothing more than having been somewhere at some time, who else his mom slept with, and on and on and on and on.

Sorry if that was not clear.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by ArcAngel

We would love to help fix the issues, that is what we are trying to do, but all that our ideas get is trashed by people that want bigger government. It is sad that people actually want to pay more taxes and give more power to the government further depriving themselves of freedom.

I am sorry but there is no middle ground.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by ljtg123

Isnt this what our government wants us to do. Argue amongst our selves over whos worse liberals or conservatives. The US government is isnt protecting the interest of the people but we continue to argue over who is stealing from us more. When will we rise above this and finally speak as "We the People..."

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by ljtg123

Yep - please bite the hands of those that feed, the weak! Socialist agenda - they are getting real stupid! They have no idea about the retaliation and freedom preserving lion they are poking with a stick. They think they have planned this for years, but they are in for a big surprise! Especially with the requests for legal documentation going unnoticed.

Keep poking the real God fearing, free America you socialist Union, silver spoon fed Harvard depopulating retards. You are bringing something on a scale never even conceived!

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by ljtg123

Ok...I got as far as ..

Obama loved his mother..

She went to High School...

Someone on the school board of her High School testified during the McCarthy era that he was once a memeber of the communist party?

I will be a good right-winger for the sake of argument and blindly trust the "Obama Files" here..

OK...with you so far...but there's more!

According to the "Obama Files" there was a radical English teacher at the school who had the students read...

“Foubert, who died recently, taught English. His texts were cutting edge: "Atlas Shrugged," "The Organization Man," ....................

Sidenote – It is easy to talk about dead people…it makes it kinda difficult for folks to confirm what you are saying about them. That goes for Pres. Obama’s mother too. I am sure that the commie school board memberr has conveniently passed away also...

This kind of rhetoric is just soooo classy!

Back to topic…What radical communist books was this teacher making the kids read according to "Obama Files"?

Atlas Shrugged!!! Oh no! He forced the kids to read the very book that the GOP has been touting as gospel ever since Pres. Obama took office!!! umm......Confused.

“the Organization Man”…Written by an editor of Forbes magazine of all people…questioning the growing corporatism in American culture?…

This is about the point that I assumed you didn’t have a clue and stopped reading…the entertainment value was gone..If you are going to be all crazy Glen beck and all, playing connect the dots of unrelated crap, then at least don’t self-contradict your theme from the get-go…


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:39 AM
I wish the Republicans would give it a rest, at least for one day. The more they talk, they more I want to vote against them. I wasn't going to vote at all this time around, but I got so tired of hearing all this stuff day in and day out that I decided to vote "No" on the Republicans.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by witness63

That is just silly. That sounds like a Obama Union comment. Most of the people that voice their opinions are independent or are just American's that are sick of the games coming from both sides.

Democrat/Republican - Liberal/Conservative - they are just the left and right hand on the same evil beast called "Globalism"

So, when you read these post replies - 80% or so of the people posting their true feeling about freedom from socialism and extreme government mandates don't align themselves with either side of the "bought and paid for" mainstream media lies!

They are just real American's seeing the obvious truth in the false hijacked government system unfolding before us all!

edit on 29-9-2010 by arizonascott because: mistake

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by witness63
I wish the Republicans would give it a rest, at least for one day. The more they talk, they more I want to vote against them. I wasn't going to vote at all this time around, but I got so tired of hearing all this stuff day in and day out that I decided to vote "No" on the Republicans.

Too bad there are people out there who can't base their decisions on who gets their vote by doing some sincere research on the candidates skills and vision. So you're saying "hearing all this stuff day in and day out" is the reason you vote blindly, as long as they aren't "Republicans".

No one should vote according to the party name. By that statement you are not only saying the people you claim to be "Republicans" are controlling you emotionally. You are also saying you have to mentality of..... you don't like one type of person, so you don't like all of them. You have the thoughts of a racist.

I hope you don't vote by closing your eyes and what ever name your finger lands on, they get your vote, well as long as they aren't "Republicans" of course.

The next sentence is not written to witness63.

This country is being murdered from the inside out. This shouldn't be about religion, about division but it is. Obama, the great divider, the compulsive bower, can do no wrong. Eyes wide shut. I get it.


edit on 29-9-2010 by sweetliberty because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by ljtg123
Barack Obama is a socialist.

I got that far before the first mistake.
Clearly ops does not know what a socialist, no point in reading the rest of the post considering the first sentence is factually incorrect.

Social tendencies...all leaders struggle with how much socialism verses free market needs to be established for balance...tip too far one way, we are in nazi germany, tip to far the other way, we are in somolia.

anyhow...first sentence would be better written as "Barack Obama's socialist desires exceeds my comfort level of how much socialist programs should be involved in America." or something to that effect.

But then again, thats pretty much just stating a different partys main meme

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by ljtg123
Barack Obama is a socialist.

anyhow...first sentence would be better written as "Barack Obama's socialist desires exceeds my comfort level of how much socialist programs should be involved in America." or something to that effect.

But then again, thats pretty much just stating a different partys main meme

Yeah ljtg123, you aren't being politically correct! Shame on you
Remember, it's all about calling a duck a feathery friend that also swims in the water. Geez, "change" ljtg123, CHANGE!

Lesson 1. Learn how to tip-toe.
Change= shut up.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by sweetliberty

Whoa, racist because they don't like Republicans? What kind of twisted, nonsensical logic is this?

I still maintain that birthers are being played big time by interests that wish to harm the Obama presidency.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by arizonascott

All I see is idiotic name-calling here and nothing of substance. Is that all you birthers have to offer?

Freedom-loving lion? Poking with a stick? Have you been watching too much Colbert Report?

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by neo96

Wait a minute. State controlled media? State controlled film?

The last time I checked, the government doesn't control either. Sure, both industries kow-tow to whoever is in office at the time.

I suppose if you want to make the argument of government controlled "media", you could argue that Faux Noise was the propaganda wing for the G.W Bush administration.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Kaleokualoha
Nothing in my references "says that he didn't write the poem about davis." I recommend that we follow the evidence. The burden of proof is always upon those making controversial claims.

Then you have no argument. Of course he wrote the poem about Davis.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by tspark

You know why they won't touch it? Because it's GARBAGE!

Get over yourselves.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Curiousisall
I am really not sure what is supposed to be proven by these threads about supposition, guesses, and people who knew people and other people who said they knew people but I do have a question.

Where was this inquisitive attitude before the election? What were all the birthers and the "Obama is a known socialist Muslim" folks before he was elected? Where you all distracted by Palin? Were you too busy to care?
Just curious.

What were you saying about Ted Nugent? Where's the proof chick?

Show me is THIS thread where there has been any mention of Obama's birth by me? I don't have anything against birthers, but I don't believe he was born in Kenya. My OP is based on facts. I worked hard, waded through a lot of nonsense to put this together. Why don't you do something constructive instead of destructive? If you feel this strongly you should do the work and disprove what I have written. .

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by ljtg123

What were you saying about Ted Nugent? Where's the proof chick?

I posted the proof. I even gave the full name of his adopted teenage girlfriend. He does not deny having sex with her since she was 15 and admits he adopted her because she was too young to marry. Not my fault you do not want to check it out. Hell, google "Ted Nugent Undera" and you will have more to read than you can ever finish. It is only a secret that needs to be proven to people that really know nothing of Ted. He admits this stuff so get over it.

Show me is THIS thread where there has been any mention of Obama's birth by me? I don't have anything against birthers, but I don't believe he was born in Kenya. My OP is based on facts. I worked hard, waded through a lot of nonsense to put this together. Why don't you do something constructive instead of destructive? If you feel this strongly you should do the work and disprove what I have written. .

OK, so you did not mention his birth. You got me there allright. I still do not see what you do have though? What is all of this supposition and 3rd hand rumor prove exactly? Why is it important now and not 3 years ago?

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by ljtg123

People don't have to disprove your "work".

It's akin to a poorly-researched grade school project.

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