posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 02:35 AM
Your thread is a warning message for those that is researching for hours after hours in their mission in finding the truth in all aspect, to take
their research with moderation and to understand that is their limit in terms of taking and processing too much information and when ever you feel
that you sanity is about to be lost, take a break, maybe 1 week without visiting sites like ATS and not doing any further research until you start to
feel back into balance again.
Well, in my case, I have years of researching and trying to find out what is the truth, in fact, thanks to my research I have left the religion of
Catholicism and I have prevented my self from joining other religions such as "The Orthodox Church", "The Church of God", and "The Seven Day
When I left the Catholic church My main focus was joining the Orthodox church, but as I kept on researching I found that the orthodox church were also
not in perfect line with the bible, so I researched The Church of God, they were more fundamentalist than the orthodox, but then I kept of researching
and came across "Ellen G. White" which is a messenger/prophet for 7day adventist, so I purchased her book read it, found it interesting, downloaded
the MP3 version of it, heard it while meditating almost at bed time to ensure full grasp, even visited a local congregation to see how they are (in
person) and to even ask questions. Then, more controversy came in, the bible having numerous contradictions, and moral conflicts (the slave trade,
etc, etc), then about Jesus Christ, and its pre savious clones such as Chrisna, Horus, and 10's other that has a story line so similar to Christ that
it even looks like if the Jesus Story could have been a direct rip off of previous saviours stories from more ancient religions. With that said, I
made my next (and current) move of not following any world's religions, I came with the conclusion that all religions were created to control people
and/or to make a few select (eg. the founders, etc) rich/kings, etc... So, I dont follow religions, the bible, but I do think that the Bible might
have encoded secrets that may lead to understanding how to enter the spiritual world, immortality, etc I just dont take everything that is written in
the bible literally, its more like a message than any thing else.
I currently seek knowledge, I am of a"Scientist" type of individual, that have been exploring things since I was little, I have been born with
certain gifts, for example, I successfully fixed a tape radio when I was like 8 years old, it took me about 2 hours of thinking, but I did it using
common sense in the mechanics of the things, so people say that I have a good "mechanical" know how. Currently I am a professional computer tech,
again, nobody taught me this but my self, same with the installation of CCTV (Closed Circuit TV) surveillance cameras, all through the good use of
"Common Sense" I am able to achieve things that otherwise would require years and years of study for other people without my gift to achieve.
So, I frequent ATS alot, mainly in search of new information that I can process and leave my conclusion to me (whether I think its real, or horse bull
*** fake/hoax,) I try to use absolute discernment with everything I read, I try to locate source to validate certain information.
As for spirituality, such as Angels and Demons, here is my take:
Demon, comes from the Greek word "Daemon", which in turn translate to English to "Beings of Genius", so in essence, when the Catholics says "We
are against All Demons", they are saying "We are against All Geniuses", hey it makes sense, they try to keep every one as ignorant as possible,
while rejecting every once of "Geniuses" (Demons). When the Greek came up with "Daemon"(Demon) it was originally understood that there were good
Demons (Geniuses) and bad Demons (Geniuses), it was later that word, Demon, morphed to mean absolute 100% evil, possible to keep the masses suppresed.