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My Friend Who Committed Suicide (Important Read)

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posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Archirvion

Did ET come home in

or something like:


or something much grander.....

Another Angle: ^

word is to thought as a sentence is to syntax as syntax is to form as form is to vision as the vision is to envision the 'whole' of it All.
Interdimesional wormholes to new virtual though 'sensual' Realities in symbiotic beeing.

Sounds almost harm*less.
That's all for now.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Jonas86

Dear OP Jonas,

As your post is an annonymous, after reading and analysing your post, pardon me for my insensitivities by asking you a few questions, which you need not answer, but only for others to consider.

1. You seem to blame ATS for the 'death' of your 'friend', intimating that it was the conspiracies here that caused him to have a mental breakdown and then jumping to his death. Let's not play the denial game here, reread your own post and see how it had been crafted insidiously.

2. You talk about him starting about the WTC collapse back when you both were 17 years old. That would put the timeframe of him starting out on ATS being 2002.

Back then I sincerly doubt if the investigations were as 'thorough and authentic' as you so eloquently put it in your post, that would have impressed a hormone raging teenager at 17 that was you.

3.You already said he was a studious person, and I am sure he reads much more widely than just ATS alone. and much more emotionally devoted to knowledge than just ATS as well.

4. You yourself claimed he did not take ATS seriously, even made fun of its name, but then you were quick to mentioned the subjects that are often talked about here as what he delved into - quantum physics, politics, etc. Was this his or your own added and included insidiously perceptions?

5. What exactly is your agenda? More so with your stern warning about unity of consciousness as being the 'symptom' that will lead to one's suicide?

Are you from TPTB is so afraid of this gathering and comming consciousness that you post this drivel to put fright into humanity, or at least readers here, the way the TPTB had used fear to control us all?

No human would spend their lives 24/7 on ATS, more so for years. Between the sleeping hours and work, there are much more that influences a person than the topics on ATS ever will.

When one talks about conciousness, one does not talk about committing death but to treat life as sacrosanct, beginning with oneself, and much more spiritual aspects of it that would have helped a person mentally and discouraged the taking of life, if he had been as obsessed here on ATS as you claimed.

Furthermore, here on ATS, it is a site filled with debates and discussions, rarely does everyone agrees to what one person says, and will rationally prove their points and provide links, facts and figures to support their claims, which will help anyone to present his views in the real world with minimal ridicule, more so for those who are not exposed to ATS.

If such facts and figures, logic and reasons are lies, than would not the greater conspiracy be the 'truth' that you had been fed with by your puppet masters and MSM?

And if accepting such 'truths' fed to you by TPTB gives you comfort and solace, then who is the one who is metally ill and should instead be sent to the mental care station?

Pardon my post, but as you are annonymous and espacially after analyzing your post in depth, I do need to reconsider my sympthy. Human lives are precious, but only for real fellow human beings and not for fictatious figures or pics taken from some obituary coloumn in the papers.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 01:08 PM
sorry op,i think maybe i understand the hurt a little. since my best friend suddenly,changed and grow to resent me for no reason.
the theory of one energy becomes more and more true.
with all the law of attraction..that works! your friends was right about one councusness now just use what you know to make life easy for your self

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 01:08 PM
THanks OP I heard you were gay!

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

2. You talk about him starting about the WTC collapse back when you both were 17 years old. That would put the timeframe of him starting out on ATS being 2002.

If you reread the OP he said his friend never came to ATS... Where you got the impression he blames ATS is beyond me I read all the OP and never once got that impression.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Yes, exactly. He needs to come on and address some questions about his belief that being aware and into health food is a sign of mental collapse and leads to suicide? I mean what next, all those who question the world and leaders, and look up skywatch, who eat nutrutious foods are going to be rounded up, held indefiniately, and medicated for their own goods, poor dears, so they dont commit "suicide".

His OP just gave off some pretty major alarm signals to me.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Eventually I found ATS, this site and found it interesting. My friend didn't check here. He sort of found it funny, he would say a couple of times "aboove toop seecret" and would laugh at it.

Look again at how he crafted that sentence, as well as his other insinuations on the similiarity of subjects his 'friend' dealt with.

Guess TPTB is learning fast, but then all humans are equal, some equally fast to catch and improve as well.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

What he said was about conspiracies in general, the exlusion of ATS ,may have simply been to stroke our egos and allow some to set aside their critical thinkning while reading his post.

But he went down a typical awakening story: ie. 9/11, general world mismangment conspiracies and bloodlines in general, some hokie new age type et thingy, not real experiences or sitings, and then suddenly an interest in health food. And to him, to his OP, this is the reason, the symptoms of this poor mans suicide, if only he had been forced into the institute and medicated he'd be treated for his paranoia deliusions and be alive?

Come on now. Have you not noticed the threads recently? I don't support ficitonal accounts and nwo agendas either. He needs to come on and address questions about why he thinks there is a link between all of this and what he means.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Your friend was depressed and looking for answers...I'm very glad you posted this...Sometimes we live in a world of mystery and when we are there its like our balloon is not landing... We need to remember we need to plant our feet on the ground. Enjoy the world that we are given for what it is and what it presents it self to us Not always asking it to devulge its secret...Peace

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:36 PM
Why are you all getting the impression he was going insane? You're making a hell of a lot of assumptions!

For example this:

He would slowly, really carefully take steps towards the car, being insisted by his father. Once he was nearly at the car he sprang away, but his father caught him up and they took him to the mental care station.

Maybe he was just pretending his basic motor skills were impaired so that he could suddenly run away? Maybe it all just got to him emotionally, all the deceit and injustice that is going on in the world.

You have no idea what was in this guy's head. And neither do I.
I'm tired of people who have no clue about depression and assume things based on their own world outlook. The complexity of a depressed mind, especially one that was so intelligent to start with, is beyond comprehension of the average Joe.

[edit on 2010-7-17 by cannabuddha]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:40 PM
My Dad committed suicide on my birthday in 2004 . He was depressed off and on for quite a while - I didn't know to what extent until after his death really - then he had a psychotic nervous breakdown out of the blue and one week later was gone.

Long story short after he died, while at his flat, me and my brother discovered he had been getting seriously into a lot of reading material dealing with religion, spirituality, channelling, stuff talking about life's big questions and all that. There was a reading list he'd been given by a friend with titles of books in this vein reccommended for him to read and there was even a cassette tape (my Dad didn't do CD's !) of some channelling . Well I knew my Dad had some measure of interest in spiritual topics but no idea he had gotten so into it all in the months leading up to his death. I really do think that all the occult /supernatural stuff he was cramming his head with might have tipped him over the edge. In his suicide note he referenced a BIBLE passage and my Dad had always been very condemning of orthodox religion.

When he had his breakdown we accompanied him to the hospital and he was talking about God telling him he was bad, God telling him he needed to be punished, voices telling him he was dirty and unclean and voices telling him he was going to be going on a journey soon and all this really weird crap that sounded alot like some sort of strange demonic influence. He was told he needed to die etc.

If you are depressed then I think delving into the occult/conspiracy world is enough to tip you over potentially. It can also negatively affect a mind that starts out very robust and level-headed ...look what happened to Rik Clay. You have to listen to your self closely when getting into all this stuff intesely - know when it's time to take breaks and remember to do other things in life .

I found ATS about 2 years ago and it acted as a catalyst for a book idea I'm now working on...I probably clock up 20-30 hrs a week reading all sorts of ATS -like stuff here and around the net for my research but I worked up to this gradually and know to listen when my mind has had enough .

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:40 PM
My Dad committed suicide on my birthday in 2004 . He was depressed off and on for quite a while - I didn't know to what extent until after his death really - then he had a psychotic nervous breakdown out of the blue and one week later was gone.

Long story short after he died, while at his flat, me and my brother discovered he had been getting seriously into a lot of reading material dealing with religion, spirituality, channelling, stuff talking about life's big questions and all that. There was a reading list he'd been given by a friend with titles of books in this vein reccommended for him to read and there was even a cassette tape (my Dad didn't do CD's !) of some channelling . Well I knew my Dad had some measure of interest in spiritual topics but no idea he had gotten so into it all in the months leading up to his death. I really do think that all the occult /supernatural stuff he was cramming his head with might have tipped him over the edge. In his suicide note he referenced a BIBLE passage and my Dad had always been very condemning of orthodox religion.

When he had his breakdown we accompanied him to the hospital and he was talking about God telling him he was bad, God telling him he needed to be punished, voices telling him he was dirty and unclean and voices telling him he was going to be going on a journey soon and all this really weird crap that sounded alot like some sort of strange demonic influence. He was told he needed to die etc.

If you are depressed then I think delving into the occult/conspiracy world is enough to tip you over potentially. It can also negatively affect a mind that starts out very robust and level-headed ...look what happened to Rik Clay. You have to listen to your self closely when getting into all this stuff intesely - know when it's time to take breaks and remember to do other things in life .

I found ATS about 2 years ago and it acted as a catalyst for a book idea I'm now working on...I probably clock up 20-30 hrs a week reading all sorts of ATS -like stuff here and around the net for my research but I worked up to this gradually and know to listen when my mind has had enough .

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 05:57 PM
I really don't think the lesson that should be taken from this story is that ATS or the specific subject matter discussed here are somehow inherently insidious or dangerous psychologically. I also don't interpret anything Jonas said as suggesting or implying that. People may feel free to disagree, of course. That assessment is a subjective one, as we cannot see into someone's head and determine empirically their motivations.

The message, in my opinion, that we can derive from this story is that any obsessive rumination can, often times unknown to the one doing the ruminating, be a time, energy, and emotional sink for someone who is already psychologically unhealthy. It can be much easier to lose oneself in an obsession, especially one which seems to promise answers and solutions to their questions and sufferings, than to step back and truly acknowledge and deal with a psychological issue or issues. Regardless of what anyone says, I know that this can happen from personal experience.

It doesn't mean it always happens by any means, nor does it mean that this particular subject matter is more likely to produce that outcome than any other. It can be almost any subject matter that is broadly interpretable, seems "neverending" in its layers and depths (i.e. it provides a sense of continuing stages, something to lose oneself in,) or is amorphous enough to be molded to the specific psychological needs of the individual. That could be anything from finding a new religion, to taking up a particularly complex hobby, to an obsession with a certain form of fiction, to the subjects discussed here, to drug use, etc. And those things are not inherently or necessarily dangerous or psychologically unbalancing, either. They are, for many, enlightening, enriching, life-improving tools and experiences. It can and does happen, though, that people lose themselves in them as a means of escaping or transferring their psychological issues rather than really coping with them.

I've seen it happen, and I've done it myself in the past. To reject the possibility outright because it conflicts with one's worldview or personal convictions is potentially dangerous and self-deluding in my personal, non-professional, opinion.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Jonas86

Great story cheers and condolences .

Perhaps the bright side could be looked at a little as apposed to the doom and gloom merchants peddling demons and depression.

It is clear that your friend was smart and as a rule smart people tend to think critically and not rush into decisions and delusional beliefs.

You friend may well have come to the conclusion that life on earth is more often crap and that his understanding of an afterlife seemed pretty cool.

Perhaps the dude for whatever reason or for whatever evidence, was convinced beyond doubt that life existed after death of the body and chose to go live there, wherever that may be.

If he was right then be happy for him, he's probably having some sort of good time and perhaps he'll be in touch if you pay attention, grieve no more.

If he was wrong, well at least you can remember him as a very brave dude amongst your other memories .

Trouble is you'll never know unless you equally have the same convictions, then what do you do.

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Jonas86

Too many people blame themselves unjustly for the illnesses of others. Many people show no signs of suicidal thoughts. You have my deepest symathies. My family has had its share of suicides and no one had any idea as to why. Let us hope that he is in a better place. As a young man, I went to a psycologist who really helped me gain perspective and probably saved my life. I am genuinely sorry for your loss but never blame yourself because the closest people usually know the least because the illness does not want to affect your love and opinion.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 11:21 PM
What causes mental illness? Theories abound, from social beliefs to scientific 'theories'.

The study of neuroscience is still in its infancy and have yet to fully comprehend how the human mind developes fully, operates and functions. There is still so much to learn that mankind has yet to comprehend in full.

Scientific theories are what the word truly mean - a temporary belief not supported by actual facts, only data, until actual fact comes along to dispute it.

Those who spout such theories will then claim it was only a theory/belief, was not forced upon others and fully up to them to accept or reject.

But then harm may had been done, as many amongst mankind trust and hold science as self evident and truth, and would base their belief systems and rationale for their actions.

If it was correct, well and good, but when the theory was wrong, lives will be wreaked, not just their worldview, but their personal faiths and constructed 'realities' as well.

Depression is the more commonly accepted belief that it leads to mental illness. Depression can come from many forms - current state of world or local affairs, career and relationships. Pyschological therapies had seemed to work. But ultimately, what will help the depressed is not just pills and professional strangers.

It is the rock that everyone can cling on to, for no human is born alone in this world. It is our family, relatives and friends, and these are the link of realities that never changes regardless what happens to the world around us.

We need each other through our journey in life, and with patience and love, it will be the rock that will see us through this blessed journey we called the gift of life....

Should TPTB in their quest to divide in order to conquer humanity and decides to destroy our rock-the family, then we still have relatives to depend on, as in the numbers there will be bound to a few who may be more understanding and sympathetic. Should that fail, we still can find friends or create new ones and new families.

Should that all fail, take heart. One would still have the biggest family one can ever hope for - humanity itself, because we are One, brothers and sisters by creation, with common hopes and aspirations...

[edit on 18-7-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Jonas86

I am in a similar situation where the quote Were not ready to see you yet 99 ways to die works for me. I know that I am not crazy for I have way too much insight in this matter. It just so happens that on the flip side of this matter someone has found a use for me so that I will not be left to whim. We have not as of yet spoken of this agreement but I know that in the future we will be together serving an official purpose hopefully until natural causes take me. Because the pain of what might become of my life is greater than the pain of leaving this world. This statement should prove as a challenge to the ats few who believe in the ufo phenomenon. your questions are anticipated. The psychic circle is my peace of mind.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Jonas86

Too much is too bad! exploring these kinda anonymity should be limited to certain extent not more than what our brain can handle else it will swallow us as OP said... any way let your friend RIP let leave these kind of things to yogis and other full timers...

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:46 AM
Your story is what encouraged me to join this forum. I really wanted to reply. To be honest I feel like I can kind of relate to your friend a little, in a sense. I didn't know him so of course wouldn't know for sure what's going through his head. I'm curious about what happens after death in the spiritual sense, enough to the point where I'm not afraid of dying, but I AM afraid of dying in pain. I never contemplate killing myself, but sometimes I imagine that if someone came to me and said "You can die right now and not feel anything at all", I might actually take them up on their offer just to see what it's like.I'm not depressed, I like my life - fairly good job, great boyfriend of 3 years, friends, a wonderful dog, I'm quite lucky and I appreciate them all. I don't hate life, I've never considered committing suicide and don't feel like I ever would. When I think of what my body would look like on the physical plane after I die,the effect it would have on my loved ones, I hate it-but when I think of my spiritual self I almost look forward to it. And even though I believe that we are all one and we reconnect with the infinite pool of energy and one-consciousness when we die, I am open to the possibility that I could be wrong, and if there ends up being nothing out there, I think "So what, if I'm gone I can't exactly regret it anyway"

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 05:40 AM
my deepest sympathy friend. i feel for you. loss is very hard to cope with, especially so un expected. i hope you are alright. i cant entirely understand what would drive someone to do such a thing. possibly all the hours of sleep, food, possibly even water deprivation, all causing mal-nutrition, mixing with all of his research time. could affect thinking patterns. enough of this could cause mild hallucinogenic effects. even symptoms of insanity

i cant say anything for sure. im not a doctor

but do not fear, you will be never alone in this time of need and confusion.

if you wish to talk to me about it, i am more than happy.

peace and love brother.

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