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My Friend Who Committed Suicide (Important Read)

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posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Jonas86

I would say I'm sorry for your friend, but really, I'm happy for him. He's in a better place now; what he referred to as "the sea of consciousness". He has escaped this cruel world, and now he is happy and well.

Who I'm really sorry for is you. You are the one who must feel the pain, because you miss your friends so dearly. You need to think positive. Some good has come to you! Now you will be strong and are prepared to face the bad things in life.

In 2008, my brother passed away at 22. I was only 11 at the time, and even though I had already experienced many horrible things, such as being separated from my mother, this was by far the worst thing that has happened to me. My brother had just bought a new house and was prepared to start his new life. He died of a heroin withdrawal while in his sleep. What I understand now is that he is indeed in a better place. I know this. I've heard stories of people who were close to dieing and they've seen the light; the stairway to Heaven.
As much as I missed my brother, I know that something very valuable has come out of this situation. My heart is unbreakable; I am strong now. Because I was (and still am) so young (13 years old), I'm now ready to take on the rest of my life. I'm much more mature than my friends because I truly understand life. Because of this, my brother has become a sort pf symbol to me, symbol that I am strong. As I type I hold the shamrock charm with his initials engraved in it in my hands.

This event had something to do with my love of the Unknown, I believe. I needed a new hobby to get my mind off of things, so I looked to Cryptozoology and soon everything else in the Unknown.

Be sure to keep this in mind. Don't think so negatively about the loss of your friend. Think of him as a symbol, as I did for my brother. You will want to keep studying Conspiracy to keep you mind off things. You will probably also find yet another hobby to distract you--whether it be art, writing, a new sport, singing--you name it.

Best regards

[edit on 17-7-2010 by nicolee123nd]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 02:54 AM
Is this about your pain or how conspiracy theory interest can drown a person? You "have the responsibility to share it" ... why is that?

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Jonas86
The last time I saw him was at the beginning of this April.


Three days later on a Monday I was in Helsinki on a trip being counceled to one of my projects at work.

Sorry for your loss mate.

And sorry to have to ask you this seemingly dumb question (but I have my reasons, and may expound on them depending on your response),
but WHICH Monday in April of 2008 did your friend make his exit, was it on the 7th, 14th, 21st, or 28th?

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:07 AM
(Continuation to add more elaboration to my post)...

As for spirituality, such as Angels and Demons, here is my take:
Demon, comes from the Greek word "Daemon", which in turn translate to English to "Beings of Genius", so in essence, when the Catholics says "We are against All Demons", they are saying "We are against All Geniuses", hey it makes sense, they try to keep every one as ignorant as possible, while rejecting every once of "Geniuses" (Demons). When the Greek came up with "Daemon"(Demon) it was originally understood that there were good Demons (Geniuses) and bad Demons (Geniuses), it was later that word, Demon, morphed to mean absolute 100% evil, possible to keep the masses suppressed.

So, since it was later that the Greek word Daemon, which is known to today as "Demon", meaning got changed to mean 100% evil, and not 50%/50% as it was originally taught, this should raise alot of questions to many people, and this is one of the knowledge I use as a "Filter" to my self in whether deciding to believe or not other people's theories. For example, any people posting theories where, that in some of their lines say things like "You have to be careful with demons, they are all evil and can easily corrupt you), are posts that I know to likely ignore, specially if its overall content sounds fishy, because I know that the poster doesn't know that he is talking about, knowing that there are Good Demons (geniuses) in the spiritual world, as there are bad. If a conspiracy theorist cannot come up with that conclusion, and research about "The Truth about the word Demon", like I did, then that theorist cannot be taken very seriously if he begin just repeating what he have heard in church since little, mixed along with other theories.

The reason why You use the word "Demon" today, is the very same reason why you use the word "Barabbas" to describe the biblical bandit that was granted freedom by the masses and the Jews when Poncius Pilate offered to liberate Barabbas, or Jesus the Savior. The reason is, these words are parts of a series of worlds that were left UNTRANSLATED from its original Greek, as not to either open up the eyes of the people and awake them to reality, and/or not to confuse readers. Just see this:, the Greek word "Barabba" (and yes, the "s" at the end was added later on to make it sound more like a name), means Son of the Father "Bar" means Son, and Abba means Father SonFather, Son of the Father. Also, on the original Greek version, it is shown that Barabba's full name was Jesus Barabbas, and in SOME English translation you have it left that way as "Jesus Barabbas", So, now that we know that Barabbas means, lets say the whole phase translated 100% to proper English, here we go: Ponce Pilate offered, as accustomed, to the masses, to liberate ONE prisoner for the festivity tradition of liberating one prisoner at the public's choice. Here were the choice: Would you like to have liberated Jesus The Savior? or would you like to liberate Jesus (the) Son of the father, Please pick one, then every one started to Yell, Liberate Jesus (the) Son of the Father! Jesus (the) Son of the Father! Now, I dont know about you, but does this makes sense? two prisoners with attributes inter matching one another, because after all, Jesus the Savior was ALSO knows to be Jesus Son of the Father (God) right? This makes no sense at all. THAT is one of the mayor reasons why I dont follow the bible in such a literal way.

Now, as of Aliens, I really cannot believe such things that I have never seen my self, while I cannot deny it either since I have no proof of either direction, therefore I can only remain speculative about possibilities, and I think that people should leave the Aliens subject as it to avoid the possibilities of overwhelming themselves as such concrete proof you are never going to find it, just more hoaxers here photos hoping pictures to make an orb appear there, that's all what you are going to find 95% of time.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by FNetV1]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
Is this about your pain or how conspiracy theory interest can drown a person? You "have the responsibility to share it" ... why is that?

He believes that it's his "responsibility to share it" because he wants to make sure that nobody else falls into the same trap that his friend did. His friend liked the same topics discussed here on ATS and he feels that he needs to warn us.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by nicolee123nd

Always liked this One:

Stairway to Hio or Heben.....your choice.....
It is Understood and seAn for what IsIs.
I felt the energy of the music long before the words.
The words made more sense post-script.

I felt terrible for the death of his son.
I'm sure he's in a better place now.
A natural death is not to be feared.
It was as it Was to be.
Is/Was 'have' pOtential.

Wow, good night folks.
Time to 'disconnect'.
Too much of a good thing is not such a good thing.
KnowatAmean?; tipping the hatnthecAt.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by nicolee123nd

The two arent linked and it is a little odd how he is linking them and bringing it all down this list. He even included that this young man who was growing thinner and more unhealthy was suddenly interested in eating healthy foods and healhty foods are being attacked by NWO nonstop. Its a new illness according to the idiots in the UK, to be into health food. I send sympathy if this story is real, but I have encountered far too many threads lately that seem to be an agenda.

This one is very motivated and I'm surprised that others havnt been a little more cautious in givnig the sympathy, the sympathy is conditional for truth. If this occurred, its not conspiracy related or awareness related. Not in the least.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:26 AM
As like everyone, I'm sympathy with you and thank you for sharing an eye opening story.

As I see it, the reason is not something he do, but more something he doesnt.

This might offend some readers, but the answer to this is religion. I believe its what he lack or did not practice. The last fall back human can go is religion/belief, doesnt matter what religion, all prohibit suicide and give something wonderful - hope. If you dont have this failsafe fall back, suicide is the next thing.

When all things fail, we turn to god and put up our hope and yet we gotta be alive for the result.

When all things fail, and we have nowhere to lay hope, being somewhere else might be the best answer ....

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:32 AM
(Continuation to add more elaboration to my posts)

Researching can be a good thing, it has helped me on numerous subjects.
Such as the ones I have described previously on my posts, plus it has helped me pick a good, natural diet for my self. I now check the ingredients of things I purchase, I pay extra caution for products that say they contains things such as "High Fructose Corn Syrup", among other ingredients and chemicals. I try to buy organic as much as possible, I eat fruits and vegetable regularly and drink NON FLUORIDATED water because I have researched for "Dangers of Fluoride" and have found many eye opening information on the topic, and I believe you should too. I try to live a natural life as much as possible, I do exercise and I meditate before bed time.

I currently research and pursue abilities such as "Out of Body Experience" and "Astral Traveling". Now, knowing that I am not going to potentially offend good Demons since I already know that there are good demons, and I believe that knowing this is very important specially if you are researching about Out of Body Experience, because if you do have one successfully and you encounter a spirit, you do not want to start offending things you see without not knowing.

Before you start seeking spiritual knowledge, you should clean you self up, if you listen to thinks like Hip-hop, and/or any malicious music where all what they do is talk about negativity, STOP, make these type of music not your prefer type any more, then seek spiritual truth, you will then start vibrating in a higher vibrational plane where you will attract good spirits and good demons and not the bad ones, if you are currently vibrating in a low vibrational frequency dont pursue anything in the occult and its very easy to tell if you are of low vibrational frequency, by doing a very easy and simple Exam of Consciousness, by asking you self questions like: "Do I belong to a Gang", "are all the friends that I like to hand around with are of evil character?", "Do I find my self hanging out at 3 AM in the morning breaking other people's car and stealing/robbing?", "Do I disrespect others, and if yes, how often", "Do all of my sentences HAVE to have so many bad words?", "Do I hold grudges?", "Do I envy". Okay, I know it sounds like a catholic exam of consciousness, as is perhaps one of the things I have decided to keep from Catholicism that actually made sense just a little modified by me. Ask your self these questions, and then you shall know that is your level of frequency and if you are ready to explore things like Out of Body Experiences.

So, you should research on things you can actually prove through the method of science, dont get too deep, I think that seeking spiritual knowledge first is a good move, because after that, truth just begin flowing on you, you can read other conspiracies, and then be able to discern whether its real or false using your own feelings.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Sympathy from who'm'?
Who is the 'subject', ditto the 'author'.
You are not very clear.
Please stroke your brush with more paint to seA.
Would you please adjust UR frequency.....
Lil static

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Makes sense.
How about a Soul/Spirit?
Does it not have a higher Ring, Golden I believe.

The 'Bond' figure Was U all along.
A diamond in UR ruff.....
a or A? work in prOgress.

Wow, I really do need to disconnect.
Takes practice.
Too much.
Good night!

[edit on 17-7-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by nicolee123nd

The two arent linked and it is a little odd how he is linking them and bringing it all down this list. He even included that this young man who was growing thinner and more unhealthy was suddenly interested in eating healthy foods and healhty foods are being attacked by NWO nonstop. Its a new illness according to the idiots in the UK, to be into health food. I send sympathy if this story is real, but I have encountered far too many threads lately that seem to be an agenda.

This one is very motivated and I'm surprised that others havnt been a little more cautious in givnig the sympathy, the sympathy is conditional for truth. If this occurred, its not conspiracy related or awareness related. Not in the least.

Exactly. Non-conspiracy related tragedy, with all respect to the Op. peace.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:47 AM
If Truth is formless, so is it's C/creator.

That was for you, Charl. hehe

My Brother.

and to my sweet wife Deb:
You are my panacea in the trials of time.
A woman's beauty Is to be seAn for the crystHal it Is.

and to my Father:
You are the moving picture of my travels.
I found U.

my Mother:

Peace out folks.
Later, folkland

Has a certain Ring to it.....
So do the 'others' listed.
Know what I mean?

Oh, but I'll be right here in the flesh, I hope.
We all have this hope.
though the hope Is before the rope.
as "I" understand.

$uicide is an unnatural trait.
Therefor it is not right.
Choose Life.....
Choose Light.....
Feel Love.....

"The End" sounds self-defeating.

Right Here.
Feels 'better' in the flesh.
5 senses and all.....

[edit on 17-7-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:11 AM
well first its a shame that happened but it seems to me that he wanted to believe all that he read, But then realized that most is not true and it drove him to insanity

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by sm403

Uh, that's a negative,
Papa India Lima Golf Romeo India Mike
One.....two.....three.....Co'er.....who are you rootin fahr.....
Five.....Six.....Seven.....Eight.....who do you apprentice-ate?

Too much 'current' is a bad thing.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
Exactly. Non-conspiracy related tragedy, with all respect to the Op. peace.

Where does it state that everything posted on this site has to be conspiracy related?

Even so, the OP's story was about his friends who believed & researched the majority of the topics present here on ATS.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:29 AM
mr.Jonas86 stimulated responses from a very intelligent group of people in cyberspace. you are all so lucky to have come to Stable conclusions (of varying types), about the global madhouse we are trapped in. Obviously we are all going over to the other side soon enough, so the only difference we can make is the Way we go; the extremes being 1. crawl in a hole and wait 2. strap on a suicide belt (braver than youve been told) 3. take the calmer route along the Buddhistic middle way. Suicide is not as easy (psychologically) as imagined; one has to be very desperate or severely Confused to give in and abandon the hopes of Life. The contributors Listed below should all remember each others names, form a "Society for Guidance of the Confused" (SGC), set up a website, and try to stabilise as many others "on the edge" as possible. Some have to struggle hard to find wisdom, others have it instinctively from experiences in previous lives. The reason why "the mysteries" are a mystery, is simply that the "god"(s) >deliberately< Obscure details of their own "divine" incompetence / LACK of supervision of this planet, and the full story is extremely frightening to weak souls needing help, but having to face the thought there almost isnt any. (Read back past Ezekial, Enoch, Atrahasis, Nephilim, thru Marduk, Ishtar, to VishnuKali.RaAnus ANU, zab-nibiru, and the genetic interferences with evolving Apes). "god" is so much SMALLER than youve been led to believe by western religions : a group of discarnate Alien spirits, most of them full of gibberish, and FEW of them much use to anyone. That is indeed an unstabilising thought capable of pushing desperate people over the edge; BUT, not >all< the spirits /"angels" are Useless, and altho its better to push on best you can WITHOUT "them", if you really need help, then please call on the soul of the Mother of Earth, and she says to me NOW, that she will answer any who respond to this mail. to find HER, stay close first to your human partners Love and Common Senses, also go out in a garden lie face down and clutch the grass to bring your mind "down to earth". Breath the fresh air - especially after rain on the vegetation, then stand up, do some Tao Chi and thereafter steer completely away from the "promises" and papal cash and soul energy thievings of the traditional western g/o/d, who is MUCH closer to evil than you ever imagined. You are an individual in the cosmos, already eternal - unless you willfully dissipate your energies (via drugs, sex, religion), but the effort of Standing "alone" is often too much for people, especially if they do not have "partners" to cling to. Jonas86 friend obviously had good advices from him all along, so maybe he did not suicide, just died for some medical reason; anti-psychotic induced brain haemorrage ? either way, heed reached the limit of his abilities, and like jesse james went down fighting ! be glad for him.... In no particular order : newhere, frith, socrates271, nixienox, highlyoriginal, madhadder545, axialleader, luxfestinus, phantasmagoria, cybertroy, deadpoolpete, nhee, rufusthestuntbum, leemur, gypsk, cosmicegg, strangeholder, perseusapex, anta, graceunderpressure, thelonio, wertdagf, fakedirt, acewombat04, g146541, stellify, paimei, signals, cash69, mutchie6g, hanoverfat, lillygotsilly, psychox42, nostringsonme, ofhumandescent, sonofthesun, parallex, esoteric, faiol, dawhiz, quetalcoatl12, bitfatfurytexan, stigup, 11118, doorhand, tim3lord, ianthechristian, nola213, chaos, novise, seanizle, ladyinwaiting, freeform, caelenium...... Plus anyonelse who joins this thread... she knows you all, we must all meet again one day a better world, where the psychopathic male gods do NOT reign, and themselves WILL be subservient to that proper human Love which those Planet-butchering Hypocrits have blasphemed for millennia, best wishes to you all, MK, Oxford uk.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by Perseus Apex

I wish you would be more respectful and stop posting your attention grabbing WUM-ish crap.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by RainCloud

Im not offended by your opinion but I have to say I totally disagree with it. I happen to believe that religion is purely a mechanism for coping with death. Religion fills people with guilt. When most people are in a desperate situation and turn to religion for help they find nothing. What are they going to do then?
Many people have been brainwashed into religion since childhood. When people are mature enough to search themselves for answers in life they will have a choice whether or not to have religion as part of their lives. The church I was raised in abused children and silenced parents. Ordinary law enforcement stayed silent over their crimes. I am sure it is not the only church to have abused its power like this.
Religion has fooled generations of people for centuries. Its time for that to stop.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:35 AM
Osanottoni, from a fellow Finn.

Anything can take over a human mind, become an obsession to the point of depression and "there is no future" thinking. I feel for him and hope that we all see a glimmer of hope no matter how depressing things, real or imagined might seem to be.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:38 AM
Sorry to hear you lost a good friend Jonas86.

Its nice you shared some of how he lived with us but I think it is impossible for anyone here to make a judgement or draw any conclusions on why he took his life.

If this is still hurting you I think you should talk to some friends about it or seek some professional person to speak to about it. This message board is not the place to discuss it.

I hope you find peace in your future.

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