reply to post by StaceyWilson
Saturn, has long been associated with Satan. The people from Saturn, were actually originally from Earth, Atlantis to be exact. They knew how to
travel from Earth, to Saturn and back. Something to do with mining. I believe it was the abundance of helium, which they used in large balloons as
lifting devices.
Gold, somehow, allowed their space travel, and created energy here on Earth.
They became like us, forgetting about God, and crediting their advancements to themselves, instead of thanking God for the knowledge.
As far as I know, the Giants were from God's realm, and were not human. I believe the Reptilians are the result of the Giants and Human
interbreeding. If you look at the dinosaurs, they are reptilian. It's possible the Giants brought some of their own animals with them, including the
snake that tricked Eve.
I am told that Earth, is the only place in the universe that creates life. The egg in the womb, if you wish...We are close to birth. That is the real
The pyramids were built by normal humans. They were most likely remnants of Atlantis. The story of Noah is about Atlantis. If you notice, there were
others besides Noah who survived. It's most likely, they were on Saturn, only to return home to find their home destroyed. They were very angry at
God, and vowed revenge.. The large granite blocks, were put into place using large granite ball bearing (found all over Earth), running in grooves.
Scaffolding was used. Much of the pyramid was made with concrete, and forms.
As with all people, there are good and bad. There is a great battle currently going on on Earth, between the people from Saturn. Some want to destroy
Earth humans, and some want to help. People from Saturn blink alot, as the atmosphere is more helium based on Saturn.
The Easter Island statues were built off the island, and transported there by boats. They stood them up by digging holes, and tilting them into the
The Giants were destroyed by God, but the offspring, the Reptilians, survived by going underground. They establish a new colony on Inner Earth. Inner
Earth contains a sun, and oceans. Admiral Byrd saw it. The Reptilians are basically a cursed race, and hate God.
The evil Saturn people and the Reptilians eventually joined together and formed societies such as the Freemasons to support their Global intent to
destroy most of mankind, and kill God's children. Most Freemasons don't realize that the dues they pay are supporting their own demise.
I pretty sure the Planet X people are seeing is Jesus, and a great ship that is waiting for God to say, "land on Earth and create the New City" At
some point, God will cut off His most merciful gift for those who go against Him.
That most merciful gift, is death.