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Aliens, *Snip* they are demons. Prove me wrong.

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posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Both are generals in an intergallactic space war and are waging war for our body and soul.

God is at war with no limit Thee to think such things. All souls return to Thee through reaping what they sow. It takes much time to sift through the lessons Earth provides us. The plan is perfect.

Im sorry to be blunt, but Im just tired of people displaying God in false ways.

The only war going on is within us. Between our bodies of flesh and bodies of Spirit. We are a body/soul/spirit complex. Our souls must sift and weigh and go through many experiences to become the spiritual beings we are meant to be. There are lower natures (Earthly natures) and higher natures (spiritual natures). Our soul is the one in battle, sifting which nature to live for.

The OP obviously believes in my post to the OP was perfectly relevant.

I mean no ill intent

[edit on 13-6-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Mitsuskitzo
reply to post by LeoVirgo

God doesn't exist. Prove me wrong!!

I cant prove that to you...which was the point to my posts. The OP is talking about things, that no one can prove exists...and asking them to prove he/she wrong.

Its a pointless thread.

I have never tried to prove God exists to anyone and I wont. That is up to the person themselves to seek such things.

The flags that these threads get is unbelievable. I guess people flag threads that they share the same OPINION of. Even if others here agree that demons and aliens are of the same thing...they should be man enough to admit its something that can not be proven.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I respect that you dont try to prove god exist, And I respectfully agree with you on the flag issue on a thread not worthy of flaging.

I'm not really sure of the context that the op was revering to demons as because it can be reffered to as the biblical demon of hell or just evil entities in general, be it alien or spitiual or anything.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by Mitsuskitzo

Well I am going by past posts of the OP that he/she fully believes in the Bible...I hope it didnt come off that I was assuming was what I gathered in other posts of the OP.

There are plenty of things I have 'belief' in....but I would never posts a thread claiming it as fact if I cant prove the things in my title as being fact. Then in turn, tell others they cant prove me wrong. Just so silly.

Thanks for the respect, in return! Appreciate that..

My best to you

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Loken68

Personally from my own research I am in agreement with you.

Ghost, fairies, goblins, demons, they're all either extraterrestrials or inhabitants from other dimensions, "time lines" and or parallel universes.

We humans are at this point very limited in our ability to perceive anything outside of our 3d reality.

Every once in a while, something or somebody slips through.

As far as the post below yours, what is spiritual? It's anything and or anyone that is not based physically in our 3rd dimension.

How many dimensions are there? How many stars are in the night sky?

Our human 3d minds cannot perceive of the many wonders of our universe, we are like ants trying to understand one of Einstein's equations.

Density/Dimension Scale
as described in the book "Prism of Lyra" by Lyssa Royal.

7th Density
Awareness as the multidimensional experience, group-matrix identity, (social memory complex). This is the frequency of total oneness or integration and vibrations at this frequency are merged in identity and become a mass-conscious whole. They magnetize those in other frequencies and provide the current for the natural flow toward integration. Once the seventh density beings reach critical mass, they will progress thru the Prism of Lyra (from our point of view it will then be a black hole exit point) and reach the next octave where another adventure awaits.

6th Density
Awareness as the dimension itself. This has often been called the "Christ Consciousness" in that it displays a frequency level equal to that of the the Christ or Buddha. >From this frequency a total remembrance occurs, and the one begins taking responsibility for the Whole rather then the Self. The process of progressing the Self and progressing the Whole becomes one and the same.

5th Density
Experiental awareness of "I" as a group identity, not bound by linear time. In this density sentient consciousness begins to awaken to its heritage. this is the density of wisdom. As one awakens the wisdom within, they very often want to share it with those who are still focused in the lower densities. many from this realm choose to become guides for others. A 5th density being merges with its family of consciousness ("oversoul" or "higher self" if you will) and begins to remember. This is the first density in which a nonphysical orientation is experienced. Note: there is no clear-cut distinction when transiting from 5th to 7th densities. Because these densities are not physically oriented, there is much blending in these transitions.

4th Density
Containment of volumetric awareness, superconsciousness, reintegration of group identity without loss of ego identity; as vibration increases, perception of past, present, and future become more fluid along with the ability to interface with multidimensional and multidensity realities, negatively oriented consciousness becomes more difficult to maintain. Presently on Earth, 4th density reality is overlapping third. In humanity's case, this can account for the increased desire for unity, peace and unconditional love as opposed to the illusion of separation that characterizes third density. The vibrationary rate of one's reality is stepped up, and therefore one may be faced with personal issues in a much more rapid and intense way.

3rd Density
Volumetric awareness, ego, loss of group identity, development of individual identity, ability to remember past and cognize the future while retaining present awareness. This is the density where human beings emerge. It is a vibration that creates the illusion of separation and thus a challenge toward awakening. Presently humanity is going thru a transition period into 4th dnesity reality which can account for the many rapid changes the human race is undergoing. This is the frequency that expresses the most separation from the Whole. It is from here that many lessons about integration are learned. This is the most intense of all levels in its cultivation of growth with the Self. Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) presently exist simultaneously in 3rd and 4th densities and are transiting out of 3rd along with humanity.

2nd Density
Awareness as a line, biological matter, development of species identity. The consciousness expressed by 2nd density vibration does not possess self-awareness (or ego). Most species within the plant and animal kingdoms exist here, however their placement in density depends upon many additional factors, including the presence of absence of ego.

1st Density
Awareness as a point, physical matter. This frequency level is the most basic. It provides the matter and energy for the creation of atoms and molecules. The basic life forms of mineral and water, for example, are all operating from 1st density. Humans possess this frequency within themselves as well. It makes up the basic genetic codes.


Density: Density denotes a vibrational frequency and not a location, which the term "dimension" implies. The density structure of this reality is primarily expressed in seven levels, though each level has sub-levels within it. The density scale is a model used to communicate one's perception of orientation in relation to other realities.
Dimension: Dimension refers to one's location in space/time rather then a person's vibrational frequency (density). Webster defines "dimension" as "Magnitude measured in a particular direction, specifically length, breadth, thickness or time." There are an infinite number of dimensions existing with a given density or vibrational frequency.

Frequency: Matter is vibrating energy. Different vibrationary rates denote the properties. Frequency is the rate at which molecules or consciousness vibrate.


All I can say is that I've been with people when they died and there is a definite energy force that leaves the body at the moment of expiration, I felt it numerous times.

"Human beings are not objects; they have no solidity. they are round, luminous beings; they are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is only a description that was created to help them, to make their passage on earth convenient." - Carlos Castaneda

There is so much we don't know and we being stuck in this 3d reality in this limited container with only 6 senses how can anyone claim to have the answers and to even vaguely understand a tiny portion of our universal reality.

Up to now, IMHO, religion as well as mainstream science have failed us. Both have limited man and held him back from knowing his true potential.

There is so much going on, it's like trying to tell a blind man what the color of purple is like.

The more I study this the more I find the shamen were right all along.

And, we are all part of a whole. Like individual cells in a body, and "god" is the body

Beings that come from another dimension or universe or density level would seem to have "god like" powers, that is possibly (note I say possibly) the reason abductions occur and yet we have no viable "proof".

Same thing for UFO's and all the other high strangeness that mankind has been experiencing.

Humans are such egotistically creatures we secretly believe we are so smart. We're just another dumb ape that happens to be able to walk upright, talk, do a little math - but and this is a big but, there are probably beings out there or in here (other dimensions) that are a lot smarter and have natural abilities we would consider superpowers.

Even Michio Kaku, a fairly mainstream scientist, is now admitting to multiple universes and paralle worlds probably existing, well duh - if there are other "worlds" you can bet some of them are populated.

The Men In Black I is one of my all time favorite movies, the entire universe theme was repeated over and over, in the necklace and the locker.

For all you know a single drop of water could contain an entire universe.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

seems to me if he fully believes in the bible, then believing in aliens is a contradiction.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Mitsuskitzo
reply to post by LeoVirgo

seems to me if he fully believes in the bible, then believing in aliens is a contradiction.

Not according to the Vatican. They say it is okay to believe in Aliens.

But I can see certain aliens being demons of sort. Maybe such as the grays that abduct humans for experiments would seem demonic in nature. Just look at the "angels" also that visited humans. It seems they only show up when humanity are at its lowest point.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Both are generals in an intergallactic space war and are waging war for our body and soul.

God is at war with no limit Thee to think such things. All souls return to Thee through reaping what they sow. It takes much time to sift through the lessons Earth provides us. The plan is perfect.

The plan is perfect? What plan?

And yes I believe god is at war with satan. That should be obvious since for every ying there is a yang(chineese symbol of duality). There is both an alien battle in space and a battle within our souls. THAT is what mainstream religion is covering up.

The church does not deny the fact satan exists, but at the same time it is significantly downplayed. As I said before ONLY the King James bible mentions lucifer once, while subsequent editions fail any mentioning.

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
Im sorry to be blunt, but Im just tired of people displaying God in false ways.

Most people can't prove god exist! Most people can't prove satan exist!

Most people can't prove aliens exist! Most people can't prove ufos exist!

PEOPLE CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PROVE! Its not because evidence does not exist, its because such people are narrow minded hypocritical deniers!

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
The only war going on is within us. Between our bodies of flesh and bodies of Spirit. We are a body/soul/spirit complex. Our souls must sift and weigh and go through many experiences to become the spiritual beings we are meant to be. There are lower natures (Earthly natures) and higher natures (spiritual natures). Our soul is the one in battle, sifting which nature to live for.

The OP obviously believes in my post to the OP was perfectly relevant.

I mean no ill intent

[edit on 13-6-2010 by LeoVirgo]

And I am tired of people believing what society forces them to believe. It gets old, especially on ats which is supposed to be an alternative discussion forumn.

Thanks for the discussion. I mean no ill intent!

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

God is perfect, there for anything emanated from God is perfect, there has been no mistakes, no falls, this world has dualities because we are in need of them.

The church does not deny the fact satan exists,

I care less about any Earthly building.

Most people can't prove god exist!

You were the one that brought God up in wars, I just came in defense of this idea. I am not trying to prove any existence to anyone.

And I am tired of people believing what society forces them to believe.

Last time I checked the idea that there is a Satan and him and God are at war, was a very mainstream belief of what society 'offers' the people. Its not I walking the broad path.

Ive made my point, God IS...and nothing, no one, can make war with what absolutely IS. As if something could actually threaten Thee.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Loken68

When you said demons, which type of demons do you mean? The fallen angels type or the monstrous type?

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