reply to post by Titen-Sxull
In this thread I have supplied the a comparison to demons and aliens and you will evidently read the entire thread. You only read the cover and back
of the book and formulate your own understanding of the subject. So once again against my better judgment and going against the rules I will repost
and add similarities at this much later point in the thread and risk another warning or removal. Sorry mods but you have to see my point.
I. Examine the fear factor: most people would find it equally abhorrent to either be abducted from their bedrooms by aliens and to have various
traumatizing experiments/molestations perpetrated against them, or to be possessed by a demon or discarnate, in either case to be powerless to stop
the intrusive activities. It is observable, at least from having interviewed many percipients, and having read the UFO literature, that many
percipients would rather admit to alien interference than to consider demon possession, the former offering some modicum of contact, perhaps with
higher intelligence (in the extreme, perhaps, as Harvard psychiatrist John Mack, M.D. and a long list of others opine, contact with messengers of
God), while the latter denotes unclean, morally corrupting contact (and perhaps even cooperation) with the ultimate evil force in the universe.
II. We can at least partially judge these entities by their affects on people.
III. Those who are abducted report never being the same again, as if their alien abductors were always nearby or, in some cases, within them (much
like an infection or a possession state). Dr. William J. Baldwin, author of Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual, assisted by his wife, Rev.
Judith Baldwin, often refer to dark entities like this:
They are simply bacteria, no more, no less. They are another life form with a different purpose. What right do bacteria have to join our bodies? The
Baldwins' statement infers consciousness as inherent with these entities.
IV. Many modern researchers are now saying that abductees are finding their experiences more and more acceptable, even spiritually uplifting and
transformational. Social worker John Carpenter, director of abduction research for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), has noted a more accepting attitude
in Contactees/abductees. Dr. John Mack says many abductees come to love their alien captors. Author Whitley Strieber admits to his love and longing
for the creatures (which had previously subjected him, without anesthetic, to medical-like experiments, including nasal and anal probes). In the case
of spirit/demon possession, a large measure of the entities' success in the host depends on the host's cooperation. If the host finds power, profit
or even love as a result of the visitors within (once they are recognized), then the host will naturally find the visitors presence more and more
acceptable, often even transformational in the broadest sense, to the point of developing a love for and/or a dependency on them. (The Stockholm
Syndrome, recognized in victims of terrorist-like captivity, is seemingly overlooked by these researchers.)
V. Often, the ETs and spirit entities present themselves to percipients in identical ways.
VI. There are many cases where percipients are unable to separate the identities of these entities as being one or the other, ET or demon, which
suggests that the entities, at least some of them, may be one and the same. (Conversely, many percipients confuse entities' identities with ETs and
angels, as well.)
VII. In addition, both sets of entities are or seem capable of:
1. telepathic communication
2. hypnotic / altered state induction, regression, suggestion
3. hiding, both in the sense of successfully convincing the
host /percipient to deny their existence AND at convincing a
huge portion of the public that they don't exist. Also, both are capable of hiding in the physical sense, as well, within the layered psyche and
often within the physical or quantum or interstitial body of the host.
4. reprisal when discovered, often in equal measure to the level of emotional distress caused by the discovery
5. time travel
6. obtaining some measure of physical and mental control over their subjects for extended periods
7. cajoling, manipulating, or in some way forcing their subjects to perform acts against the subjects' wills, including forced sexual intercourse
(rape), violent crime, and suicide. The Solar Temple cult could be an extreme example of this concept: Leader Luc Jouret claimed contact with ETs, and
said the only way to go to their planet was through the Glory of Fire, which resulted in the fiery deaths and in some cases murder of all cult members
in 1994 and more recently.
8. physically moving their subjects from one location to another through various means, including a compromise of the percipient's free will through
mind control / manipulation
9. interacting with percipients/hosts at the soul level
10. establishing highly organized, hierarchic networks capable of interacting with and controlling to some degree vast numbers of minions and human
beings simultaneously
11. according to Dr. Gregory Little, a psychologist and UFO researcher/author, these entities, at least the ones who do harm to human percipients,
enter or manifest into the human perceptual levels from the lower frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum (per his book, Grand Illusions)
12. interrupting the transitory journey of the soul after death. Examples can be found in the Bible, in the book Matrix II (per the Nexus Group),
various works by Maurice Rawlings (To Hell and Back), et al.
13. claiming to represent the Light, i.e. a higher spiritual power, even though the literal translation of the name Lucifer can be Light Bearer.
14. Neither set of entities ever occupied human bodies of their own.
15. Either set of entities can or could have been abducted or possessed. Without going into great detail, it is convenient to think of the
possibilities like this: Demons, or fallen angels, are said to have fallen from grace, even though they were originally created by God. In effect,
they may have been influenced, even possessed and/or abducted, by Lucifer at the time of the Great Rebellion in Heaven. ETs (generically meant here to
encompass UFO-related entities) are vulnerable to possession and abduction, as well.
16. Both sets or subsets of these entities may have volunteered to interact with humans in these ways.
Now lets look at ancient cultures in whom many members at ATS often refer to in their threads.
The ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas shared several intriguing characteristics:
They were extremely advanced scientifically and technologically.
Animal and human sacrifices were performed at an alarming rate, preceding their demise.
They believed they had acquired metaphysical knowledge from the "gods", whom they perceived as coming from the stars and also the subterranean level
of the earth.
These cultures disintegrated or became abruptly extinct while at the pinnacle of their existance.
Interviews taken of ex-Wiccans and Satanists (now Christians) indicate a high level of personal contact with various alien types, especially during
coven meetings and holiday rituals. Those coming from the highest echelon of Satanism known as the Illuminati, believe the original people who
inhabited the earth descended from Mars via the Moon. They believe the first established civilization was Atlantis. Renowned for their superior
intellect, the Atlanteans suffered the same fate as a few of the proceeding cultures already mentioned.