posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 06:06 PM
Aliens will be the physical manifestations of demons when God opens the pit of hell and the demons are allowed to come to earth because the sins of
man. The UFO is the inter dimensional vehicle that will bring them to earth. Right now, only the spiritual battle is happening --in which we cannot
see. Soon the veil will be lifted and the battle will move to the physical.
There is no life on other planets --that is a falsehood to divide beliefs so when the final battle does come, people will be confused on which way to
go. Should we go with the "Aliens" who are here to "help" us, or should we see them for what they are ....demons? You can see some who already
are making it seem that Aliens will be coming to help us --the GFL is one of the main groups. Maitreya, St. Germain, and the rest of the "Ascended
Masters" are some more who want you to believe in Aliens and that they are here to help. They’re not, they’re here to deceive. That’s what
the Great Deception in the Bible will be.
Remember Satan always wants to be like Christ, but is the exact opposite. What is the exact opposite of a “Fallen Angel?” Yep, you guessed it:
An “Ascended Master.” He's trying to pose himself as something good.
Please don’t believe in other life forms –it degrades the value of a human being -you, and this is something Satan wants to do. He wants to make
it so you don’t feel special. God created humans and only humans. Once the falsehood of Aliens comes out, the faith of millions will be
Don’t believe in what you can see –Satan and material things and the things of this world. Believe and have faith in which you cannot see: God,
because there’ll come a time when you’ll see both and then it’ll be too late to choose correctly.