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Aliens, *Snip* they are demons. Prove me wrong.

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posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Loken68

Thank you OP for providing copious details of the aliens' Modus operandi . As I said previously I do not have a problem with the notion alien=demon .

I would further state that religious background is not necessary to come to this conclusion. A pagan or an occultist would very likely come to the same conclusion. I suppose that paganism and occultism will be viewed by some as religions. But if that is the case, then psychiatrics and psychologists should also be labelled as religious.

The mind (conscious and unconscious) has so much secrets and it is sad that many people want to discuss UFOs without bringing the inner world into the discussion.

I have enough evidence to come to my conclusion and I will be honest about it. The UFO enthusiast (by his/her obsessive interest) creates a desire that resonates with beings of the astral. The first to respond to the call are the evil ones. As for the people who never had any interest in UFOs, they are sometimes selected randomly.

A occultist may summon a spirit , whilst protecting himself. This is done with full knowledge and protection. The avid UFO enthusiast however yearns so much to see one that he is effectively doing a ritual unwittingly and, sure enough, the craft or alien appears.

I experimented with my camcorder and found that no matter how long I pointed my camera at the sky , I would catch something. Whether it was ten seconds or one hour. It appears as if my desire to see one is enough to create a manifestation which can be captured on film.

I have retained my mental balance thanks to some basic occult training as well as a busy life (career, hobbies, etc), I have not experienced any negativity or morbid fear or obsession. I am as strong-willed, optimistic and obstinate as I was when a teenager.

It might be of interest to mention that in esoteric teachings , the inner world contains legions of angels and demons. My point is that it is the latter that don spacesuits.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by crowdedskies]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
All I'm saying is letting fear of the unknown form your opinions on things that have no conclusive polarization makes no sense, nor is it truthful.


Indeed proof is subjective and conclusive proof means "most people agree something is correct by being able to demonstrate a result again and again".

When proof either 1)does not exist or 2)is being hidden, it is very annoying for someone to demand it and shows me the person demanding it is either new to the subject or terribly biased.

I am not accussing you of anything, just make some generalisations of my own. Personally, I believe the elite probably have sinister motives for hiding the truth from the masses and it all boils down to covert slavery. The harder you work for materialism, the less energy you have to research topics and the more suseptible to brainwashing you become. The more brainwashed you are, the easier you can be controlled! As the old saying goes "He who denies you knowledge wishes YOU to be his slave and HIM your master".

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
Loken68 no offense, but I could take everyone of the ways you say alien and demon entities present themselves and show you how "God" of the bible does the same presentation.

Take Ezekiel's wheel, or Isaiah's descriptions, or Saul having Samual's spirit raised or even new testament descriptions of the tongues of fire. All the same could be called demonic and are when people don't understand them.

Are you saying god is the devil and the devil is god?

I think most religions make it abundantly clear who is good and who is bad. Of course I am simplyfying things but the theme throughout many religions is generally cohesive.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Loken68

he is right demons manifest themselves to look like things that we cant even a imagine they can turn into things that even your nightmares can ever dream of they even manifest themselves as u.f.o's not only that aliens do give us technology so there right they are getting technology from them almost every technology we have is based on demon-based things that they give us so anyone that does not think so do searches on you tube of lots of satan related things you will find out that the truth is harder to handle than just believing or saying you believe in it

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by crowdedskies

What worries me the most is that here at ATS and other forums I have saw members wanting to be abducted by aliens and other members wanting to be possessed by demons. Then these other members actually tell them hoe to do it. If one looks at the ideas members offer you start to see parallels in both views.

I have saw claims where people were abducted by aliens or possessed by demons, swear that they were cured of cancer or other disease. I guess that is a good thing.

But I have also seen documented cases where both types are subjected to sexual assault or sexual experimenting.

The list just goes on and on. Some people see UFO's, some see Moth men and some see ghost or shadow people. I think the entity uses what ever form it needs to get to the individual.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 09:48 PM
Extremely interesting and thought provoking post. I normally think on my feet in rapid succession, but It took me a few moments of contemplation for me to decide how to give an intelligent response to this one. Observe...

If you were to look over the course of humanity; from a cultural, religious, and chronological standpoint, there are inherent commonalities for all manners of the paranormal, extraterrestrial, or spiritual. The only main difference is how they are classified and what is deemed responsible for them. If you are to look at history from this holistic standpoint, there is not a whole lot of difference between ancient Mesopotamia and contemporary America.

The main difference we see in our modern age is the demands for scientific and empirical data is much more rigorous than before. What was Nobel prize winning work 50 years ago, is a D- in organic chemistry for some undergrad today. Faith, anecdotal evidence and rhetoric only works for politicians and religious leaders.

Unfortunately, this obsession on data and "proof" has spilled over into society at large, and has not been contained to those in the scientific community. This has both advantageous and disadvantages.

It is advantageous because how can you really criticize a person who practices due diligence and demands that empirical data be forthcoming in order to make a decision? On the surface, it seems like a completely rational and logical way to approach your life.

However, (and "NO" I won't branch into philosophy) there are certain things in life that can't be handed to you on a silver platter by a Chemist in a lab, a Physicist running a particle accelerator, or a mathematician calculating Pi out to 7 million decimal places.

I have loved science and mathematics since I was in 3rd grade, but I also realize the inherent danger present if I shut myself out to anything that defies scientific explanation as "hoax", "mental illness" or "Deception".

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Loken68

Demons have manifested themselves on a physical plain before and still do.

You just said that they have been "documented" but not proven to exist so the logic behind both your argument and your request is faulty.
It almost seems that you're trying to force whatever belief system you hold dear onto others and goading people into fruitless arguments.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Loken68

It is observable, at least from having interviewed many percipients,

Eye witness testimony is pretty weak sauce in the scientific world. Human beings can make some wild claims. Unicorns, fairies, mermaids, sea serpents and the like have all been sighted. Without harder evidence than the anecdotal of eye-witness testimony science cannot even begin to study the phenomenon. I might see Nessie but if I can't prove I saw him/her than my testimony is entirely useless to anyone but me.

We can at least partially judge these entities by their affects on people.

It has not been shown that there are any beings at work, save the testimony. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Those who are abducted report never being the same again,

Anyone can report anything.

Often, the ETs and spirit entities present themselves to percipients in identical ways

Which is what makes skeptics believe a common cause is at work, such as sleep paralysis or hypnotists planting memories/leading the subject. If something is wrong with the brain it cause hallucinations that seem entirely real to the individual. Also, you're generalizing, I know for a fact that every alien abduction scenario is not the same.

You believe in telepathy, demons and aliens and yet you've debated me for believing in evolution... nevermind I'll stay on topic

I'm just going to stop here.

What you've presented is entirely anecdotal information about alien abductions. I'm well aware of the abduction phenomenon but that doesn't mean aliens or DEMONS are going around snatching people from their homes to perform experiments. You might as well believe Billy Meier and David Icke if you're gonna swallow this poppycock.

So No Titen it doesn't equal fail

Your OP still equals fail. I'm glad that you've clarified your position and provided some anecdotal evidence, it certainly makes the claim stronger than the absolutely nothing in your OP (but not by much). The failure remains, you cannot make a claim based on tabloid junk and religious faith and then demand someone prove you wrong. You've made the claim - now YOU prove it. There's no reason for anyone to attempt to prove you wrong because your position is an assertion of faith.

But I suppose you have legions of eye witnesses on your side while all I have is my skepticism. Us skeptics will sit back scratching our heads about why testimony collected under hypnosis (the same hypnosis that gets people to act like chickens at parties) is good enough to convince you that little green men (or in your case demonic spirits from the ninth level of hell) are swooping down to abduct people.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

[edit on 7-6-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Why is it that everything I post result's in an attack from you? Your opinion has nothing to do with this thread. Why do you attack the source. I have purposely stayed away from your threads only to have you to follow mine with the clear goal of derailing them.

You never offer anything other than to attack my faith, my religion, my God and all my sources with nothing but your opinion. So please back up your source attack or stay out of the thread.

I offer sources, quotes, and study you brought nothing but your hatred for God and all things spiritual, however in other threads you make the claim to have studied paranormal activities and to have experienced the unexplainable. But then you show up time and time again in my threads swearing me false.

I have nothing personal to gain at ATS nor do I seek fame. I use this more or less for a research tool. I read the whole thread and most of the time I give no reply other to a star or flag unless what ever is being said rubs me completely wrong.

When I start a thread I do it in the spirit of debate not attack. Sometimes I have came across wrong and have been corrected on occasion but I never enter a thread on the attack as you have me on almost every thread.

Now Moderators I'm sorry for the rant but I see no other way to stop this other than adding him to my ignore list and that I don't want to do.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Loken68

When I start a thread I do it in the spirit of debate not attack.

If you feel that I attacked you I apologize but I assure you I did not intend such. I was merely countering your post.

You make an assertion of faith that UFOs are demons based on the anecdotal evidence of eye witnesses and people who've been hypnotized and then try to cast off the burden of proof for your claim onto the skeptical minded. I was merely pointing this out, its NOT an attack on you personally but on the way you worded the thread title and OP.

I'm sorry that the handful of posts I've made in your threads make you feel persecuted and find it odd that you would take it so personally when all I was doing was stating that your OP fails to make a coherent argument. It is not a good idea to start out a debate by making a wild speculative claim and then forcing those who don't believe it to take on the burden of proof.

This will be the last post I make on this particular thread as per your request, if you'd like to respond to this feel free to U2U me.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by Loken68

When I start a thread I do it in the spirit of debate not attack.

If you feel that I attacked you I apologize but I assure you I did not intend such. I was merely countering your post.

You make an assertion of faith that UFOs are demons based on the anecdotal evidence of eye witnesses and people who've been hypnotized and then try to cast off the burden of proof for your claim onto the skeptical minded. I was merely pointing this out, its NOT an attack on you personally but on the way you worded the thread title and OP.

Apology accepted and mine is asked. Thanks

Yes I made the assertion aliens and demons are the same. The evidence is there, historically, and present in most cultures of those fallen and thriving.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:47 PM
I allways wonder why demonologists come post such stuff.
My guess is that they're not interested in the paranormal crowd, but rather distill their proselytism amongst ufologists.
I don't think the UFO forum should be a platform for people to come spread their religious beliefs.
Aliens aren't about faith or good/evil in my view. These patterns are only worthy of the middle ages.
Time to grow up and look for other excuses to burn beeings at the stake.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by Chrysalis]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Chrysalis
I allways wonder why demonologists come post such stuff.

My guess is that they're not interested in the paranormal crowd, but rather distill their proselytism amongst ufologists.

Because I believe they both exist and are the same. I would receive a rebuke if I posted in both forums.

I don't think the UFO forum should be a platform for people to come spread their religious beliefs.

Have you read any of these UFO threads? When they show up they will become the "new" gods.

Aliens aren't about faith or good/evil in my view. These patterns are only worthy of the middle ages.

So you do not see good or evil in forced sexual exams or animal mutilations?

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
All I'm saying is letting fear of the unknown form your opinions on things that have no conclusive polarization makes no sense, nor is it truthful.


Indeed proof is subjective and conclusive proof means "most people agree something is correct by being able to demonstrate a result again and again".

When proof either 1)does not exist or 2)is being hidden, it is very annoying for someone to demand it and shows me the person demanding it is either new to the subject or terribly biased.

I am not accussing you of anything, just make some generalisations of my own. Personally, I believe the elite probably have sinister motives for hiding the truth from the masses and it all boils down to covert slavery. The harder you work for materialism, the less energy you have to research topics and the more suseptible to brainwashing you become. The more brainwashed you are, the easier you can be controlled! As the old saying goes "He who denies you knowledge wishes YOU to be his slave and HIM your master".

Are you saying god is the devil and the devil is god?

I think most religions make it abundantly clear who is good and who is bad. Of course I am simplyfying things but the theme throughout many religions is generally cohesive.

Religion is business no different then Alex Jones is business. Do you really think either of the two I just mentioned actually desire for the boogy man to go away? What would they do if they actually got what they preach for.....the doors of their "Est." would shut.

Fear is business, not only that it is the best kind of business because it is always paid up front.

As far as the Devil being God. I'll let God tell you the answer...

Isa 45:4 For My servant Jacob's sake, and for Israel My elect, I entitle you. I name you, but you do not know Me.
Isa 45:5 I am Jehovah, and there is none else; there is no God except Me. I will clothe you, though you do not know Me,
Isa 45:6 that they may know from the rising of the sun, and to its going down, that there is none besides Me; I am Jehovah, and there is none else;
Isa 45:7 forming light, and creating darkness; making peace, and creating evil.
I, Jehovah, do all these things.

In order to see the truth in these passages, you must first realize Good and Evil come from one place, that you are a equally as capable of doing good as you are evil, because if you want to see the truth you will realize....YOU are the one performing these things, you and all who are living...."The living God".

It really is the Force....It can be rapture or rape, either way they mean the exact same thing, it's your perception that labels, it's your vision that sees, but in the end, it's your heart that judges.


posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Loken68
Have you read any of these UFO threads? When they show up they will become the "new" gods.

No, some of us will want to fight them and either the humans or the aliens will be wiped out.
If that was to be my last bet, I'd put all my cash on human's stupidity.

Originally posted by Loken68
So you do not see good or evil in forced sexual exams or animal mutilations?

I also saw evil in Abu Ghraib and yet, there was nothing i could do about it.
Americans elected a very evil man, twice.
You really don't need to look at paranormal stuff to explain man's evil. It's right there, everywhere.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Loken68
reply to post by crowdedskies

I think the entity uses what ever form it needs to get to the individual.

God used a burning bush, Pillars of fire, smoke, snake staff's, a gold lined box, Amber orb's with 4 different faces morphing in and out of each other, frogs, grasshoppers, Pillars of Salt, and even just voices right out of thin air.

Jesus upon rising from the dead was not recognizable to anyone. He was in the form of a Gardner, a man on the road, a little boy, but it was only after he spoke that they recognized "his speech".

Also, Jesus didn't seem to concerned about throwing the "Demons" out of people, But the "Demons" REALLY DIDN'T WANT to be thrown out of people, requesting pigs to be sent into rather then "out of the body".

Jesus said, "It's not what goes into a man that can defile him, but what comes out of a man"

If demons do exist, they are hiding in skin, because once the blood is finished and the family line are they. This is why God placed the Cross over them....making a list "CHECKING" it twice. Hypocrites check them self off, their words cancel their action or lack there of.



posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
Ghosts/Demons are spiritual. Aliens are physical. How can they be the same thing?

What a strange thread. There's no conclusive proof that any of the above exist. I could say 'demons are marshmallow men - prove me wrong'.

Aliens are not physical. Nothing physical can make a right turn @ 16,000 MPH.

Aliens are Demons and are Ghosts. Quit wasting your time and look to the bible for answers you goofs.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:42 AM
Those of you who believe aliens are real actual beings…well, I feel sorry for you. You’ve already been deceived and will probably accept their message of salvation when they come to “help humanity” evolve or technologically advance. Just like the bible said the ignorant would do.

If these ignorant people on ATS would read the bible, they would know that GOD said these people would follow false teachings and lies straight from DEMONS(AKA: ALIENS) when? When you are in the last days.

Right after the rapture of the Christians, all those left behind are going to see these beings try to explain away and rationalize the disappearance of many people. The ignorant will still be ignorant and will follow blindly. Wake up you blind sheep.

There is no such things as Ghosts, Aliens. All those spottings and camera captures are Demons, and they are deceiving you all into believing there is life elsewhere. Once you accept a physical evolution (which is a lie), then you will accept a spiritual evolution for the ultimate lie. WAKE UP YOU IGNORANT PEOPLE ON ATS. GEEEEZ…

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Spykemann
Aliens are not physical. Nothing physical can make a right turn @ 16,000 MPH.

As far as we in general know.

But, what do we know? Not much at all really.. we haven't even gone far away from earth to know much... come to think of it, we are still baby-stepping.

So we have no idea really about what types of technologies could easily do as you mentioned without harming occupants. There are some good theories about why the occupants aren't harmed by their displays of "Mysterious God-like actions"

Aliens are Demons and are Ghosts. Quit wasting your time and look to the bible for answers you goofs.

Um, aliens aren't mentioned in the Bible.

Yes there are the Nephilim.. but everyone wants to argue over what they are. Some changed the word to Behemoths, which we now call Giants and people argue over what they are.

The earliest writings to be included in the Bible.. the Genesis of Genesis so to speak, talks about an Alien race called Anunnaki. But everyone wants to argue about that too.

Even if aliens were mentioned in your home Bible I'm sure we couldn't rely on what it said considering it's checkered past and man' manipulations therein... oh, and the in-fighting over what any of it means.

No offence intended.

Edited to include the latest post...


Ignorant Ones? Perhps from your personal perspective, but I am sure that many people here are not the slightest bit Ignorant.

There are many highly intelligent, highly aware people who post here, so I cannot fathom how these people can be Ignorant.

There are people here who have had direct experience of aliens, in the physical world, and have enough understanding from their experiences to definately not be included in the Ignorant List.

Tell me please, how will The Belief-System cope with experiencing physical Aliens in your physical world?

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Tayesin]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by Spykemann
You feel sorry for me??

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by hhott
reply to post by OneNationUnder

Dear OP .. some definitions might be helpful.

What is a demon? Whose definition of "demon" are we using? The Christian? Or any f the numerous other descriptions and definitions of creatures commonly called demons?

What is an alien? If an alien is a creature not from Earth, then demons are alien..

Do you mean to say that no creatures from another planet or dimension are visiting Earth, they are just demons disguising themselves as aliens? Or do you mean to say that if there is any life on other planets, they are demons because they aren't human?

A bit more clarity would be appreciated.

There may be life on other planets. I believe what is being experienced here on Earth are not alien but demonic. I can't call them fallen angels for those are bound in darkness waiting for judgment. I personally believe they are the disembodied spirits from the flood's.

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