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Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care

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posted on May, 17 2010 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

It's a lost cause.

There is no getting through him/her.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

No need to quote any of that fantasy..

If you desire to make up comments for her, I am sure I can find an address where you can apply for her staff..

Now that was rich..

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

And where will their HC come from?


So you admit you are making an assumption here...right?

Why is it so hard for you to admit that she actually never said those words???

Then why not attack the article? Perhaps your argument is too weak for the article?

There are already people on the articles website pointing out the exact same thing that I am. But I saw no one making that point that is why I am doing it here.

I'm not a member of the CNS community...but I am a member of the ATS community so I will call people out when they are trying to push mis-information here on ATS.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

The only Mis-Information is coming from you my friend..

The video has been posted twice

You have never once addressed it

Your entire posting has been directed at me

I was never in that video

You have not made any coherent commentary on what she said

You selectively quote from those responding to you

All verified tactics of Political Partisans..


posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

If you desire to make up comments for her, I am sure I can find an address where you can apply for her staff aren't going to turn this around on me. I am not the one making up comments for her...I believe that was the article and you quoting the article.

And you still won't answer one of the most simple questions I have ever asked on ATS.

Did Pelosi ever say "Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care"???

It is a yes or no question...I already know the answer...anyone who watched the video or read the article should know the answer. I just want to see if YOU know the answer and if you were aware that you were spreading mis-information here on ATS???

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:12 AM
Did she say this?

in order to get affordable health care.

You don't have to answer as I am not going to attack you..See who is spreading Misinformation? hmmmmmm

My post was about a video from a news site, yours was from where?

I prefer to address the topic which is the video..

I must say it is amusing that you continue to try and get me to step into a leading question..

As an aside (That means not quite on topic)

Are you going to continue asking me that? If so, I may stay awake for a bit as I am enjoying it..

[edit on 5/17/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:13 AM
Originally posted by semperfortis
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

The only Mis-Information is coming from you my friend..

The video has been posted twice

You have never once addressed it
You have not made any coherent commentary on what she said

I did in fact adress it in my original reply HERE

Your entire posting has been directed at me

I was never in that video

You are the OP. And you are the one spreading mis-information about what was actually said in that video.

As I said before...saying you no longer have to be job-locked to get affordable health care is A LOT different than saying "Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care".

You selectively quote from those responding to you

All verified tactics of Political Partisans..

I quote the parts I'm responding too...I see nothing wrong with that.

You can keep trying to label me as a "political partisan"...but you are the one dodging a simple yes/no question and spreading mis-information here.

[edit on 17-5-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

[edit on 17-5-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

All I get is one huge quote

Here is a link on how to quote to assist you


posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

All I get is one huge quote

Here is a link on how to quote to assist you


That was very mature of you.

And yes...I will keep asking you...I find it funny that you don't want to answer.

Did Pelosi ever say "Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care"???

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:19 AM
I think we all can agree that Nancy Pelosi has her best interest at heart.That is,keeping her political fiefdom alive,while pandering to the poorest of the poor. Its almost like shes trying to convince herself and everyone else that the Healthcare bill will actually save this country. With that type of thinking,I might as well go get my weekly checkup at the local hospital,because it free if I use a different name then the one I have.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:23 AM
It is really quite astounding, the level of discourse, all in defense of this so called "health care" reform, which is nothing more than an insurances scheme. What is most disheartening is how willing people are in ignoring The Constitution for the United States, which serves as The Supreme Law of the Land, in order to justify their deflections. How this thread turned into a defense of President Obama is unbelievable. The justifications for keeping Obama in this thread are even more unbelievable.

The very first President of the United States of America, in his farewell address, gave dire warnings to the rise of political parties. There is, of course, no mandate by Constitution, to even have political parties, and the level of debate in this thread, declaring The Speaker of The House as a flunky to the President, only underscores George Washington's words. When party politics become more important than law, in a nation of laws, it should be quite clear that this nation is in serious trouble.

When ignorance is hailed as a valid level of discourse, and partisan politics demanded so that battle lines may be drawn then there is no need for external enemies, and we will surely implode and defeat ourselves. The POTUS has nothing at all to do with this thread, and even as a member of the Executive Branch, there is little any POTUS can do to enforce this imprudent legislation colloquially known as "health care reform". This so called "reform" is a creation of Congress, and the validity of this legislation is far from being tested. It must stand Constitutional muster before it can function as law.

What is evident, in this thread, and many others, is that there are many who believe that legislation is law. Yet, in order to believe this, law itself must be ignored, history of legislation in the U.S. must be ignored, and reason itself abandoned. The passage of the 18th Amendment and its subsequent repeal should serve as just one example that legislation is not law. The foolishness of the 18th Amendment was only underscored by a defiant people who drank booze regardless of what Congress had to say about it, and regardless of hard the Executive Branch attempted to enforce legislation that was clearly not law. The tyranny of that Amendment, which had nothing at all to do with protecting rights, only gave rise to alphabet agencies, and granting crime an industry.

Legislation is not law, and if the people don't want this forced "health care reform" thrust upon them, then they will defy it every step of the way, and through this defiance, there will be the matter of legal challenges to this legislation. It will not matter which party one belongs to, it will not matter that the POTUS is foolishly hailed as "the leader of the free world", it will not matter that sycophants of government will vehemently argue the validity of legislation, and all that will matter is the will of the people, and the protections of Rights, that government has been mandated to protect.

For too long now, Congress has endeavored to criminalize the People, first with the imprudent 18th Amendment, and indeed, legislation even before that, in the form of a tax code, has been used to criminalize the people, and at best make liars and cheats out of them, and where the 18th Amendment served as evidence that Congress once recognized they could not operate outside of the bounds of their jurisdiction, and endeavored to expand that jurisdiction by Amendment, the so called "war on drugs" then serves as evidence that Congress is now confident that the people are ignorant enough about the law, that legislation is all they need to criminalize people.

People can make their moral assertions when it comes to the use of illicit drugs, but attempting assert morality when it comes to criminalizing a person simply because they refuse to by into an insurance scam is beyond the pale, and this is all this so called "health care reform" has accomplished. No reform has taken place, nor will it under such legislation, unless enriching insurance companies is considered to be "health care reform".

It should be evident by the level of discourse in this thread, that a nation is deeply divided on the issue of socialism, and how much authority Congress has in legislating such economic theories, but what is tragically more evident is that law itself is irrelevant in this issue, and all that matters is who can scream louder. It is even more tragic that President's are revered as kings, and members of Congress hailed as Lords and Nobles bound to the whims of their king. All this, in a thread about a political stump made by one single member of the House of Representatives. We are surely in serious trouble as a nation.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:29 AM
While this has been mildly amusing to say the least, it does begin to amuse me less and less, so as I have a career to attend to tomorrow, I must bid everyone good night..

In closing however, I will post the video again, as it should be the main focus of the conversation and not myself, my status here or any of the other myriad of things that have been attacked..

What has transpired here is captivating on many levels.

The video is certainly Pelosi and yet the conversation has been an attack on verbiage.. (Grammar)

Pelosi's message is clear to anyone that is not so blinded by partisanship that they can not fathom the truth. (Understand)

So we have had an attack on the source, verbiage and finally me; very little in reference to the subject matter..

Much like watching congress in action.

While we spend significant amounts of our time and energy defending the indefensible, they continue to bifurcate us. This can only be an effort to prevent us, the common tax payer, from actually organizing in any efficacious manner.

Now I personally pay an amount in taxes equal to the average wage in the United States. I believe that gives me the right to question where those funds are going too. When a SOTH stands up and encourages people to quit jobs so that tax payers like myself can foot the bill for any health care needs they may have, this concerns me.

It is equally as concerning to observe people on here defend her, make up comments not in the video and or attack a simple messenger and not address the topic.

Can you not see that you are falling into the trap the partisan politicians want to keep you in? Or perhaps you pay no taxes and just don't care...

Oh well..

It has been amusing for awhile, but I must get some rest as 6am comes early..

Thank you


posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:51 AM
Sometimes I wonder if the US is trying to shell itself in and become something totally different than the world.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
reply to post by piddles

Are you saying the video is NOT her?

Are you saying those are NOT her words?



the quote is poorly worded, and nancy pelosi brings the dumb but I know she can't have possibly meant what you, yourself have said about it ("let's all quit our jobs" 1st post). I'm not trying to "debunk" the video, but keep up that right wing method of accusing people through a question. you even answered yourself, too. cute.

also, you completely dodged the fact that you reposted essentially the same source 3 times as proof of what? other wingnuts feeling the same? I didn't even ask for that. The fact that you don't consider a video edited for effect and having an outspoken political allegiance bad journalism makes me question you.

I'm debating whether as much outrage as you incited is even really necessary. it's what I've been doing the entire time. I don't think what she said is a big deal or even anything to get upset about; it was a bad explanation of what Health Care Reform will do (not the first, not the last) I'm debating the accompanying article by the very 1 sided source included pushing the idea that this is something we should be mad about, hence bringing up the source's origins. Given the Right's track record with lying about anything to get their own guy in office, how am I supposed to take what is written seriously? I don't. I try not to buy into the party game at all but things like this give me no choice.

respectfully, I would like to withdraw any harshness towards you. I think I wasn't quite as clear in my earlier posts exactly what I meant and it is impossible to argue when both people are on two different pages. To be clear: I don't think this is a big deal, you can't support yourself with just health care so what she said doesn't matter anyway. It was a dumb, wrong thing to say but unlike most people in politics, it was something that wasn't an insult or any type of slander, and really not a big deal.

[edit on 17-5-2010 by piddles]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis

Can you not see that you are falling into the trap the partisan politicians want to keep you in?

don't you perpetuate this by posting a source that has any kind of political allegiance that edits its videos out of context for the sake of making their side look better?

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
Did she say this?

in order to get affordable health care.

[edit on 5/17/2010 by semperfortis]

he definitely says right after "B. is closer to what she said", acknowledging that he is paraphrasing the real intention behind the statement.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:59 AM
It is things like this, that make me think that we need a 'Polish Plane Crash' here in the states. Sheesh.


posted on May, 17 2010 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Oh crap. I wish you hadn't said this. Tell me it isn't possible that the next big thing is "privatizing" social security so that we can all "get rich like Wall Street & the bankers" by not doing a thing except shuffling numbers around.

Yes, they are undoubtedly softening us up for socialism. Pelonsky isn't stupid. She's breathtakingly, mind-numbingly ARROGANT.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 06:18 AM
The new health care bill is another scam to keep the rich uper class rich and the poor lower class poor. I have heard Obama speak on CNN stating how he wants to do away with our middle class....HEY THAT'S ME!

Where will our money go that we pay out to the insurance, or the money that we will have to pay in fines if we choose not to get health care? With out a doubt it's going into some rich uperclass mans pocket.
Then we have the poor and I don't mean the people on welfare, no I'm talking about the guys that are self employed carpenters, landscapers, strippers, basically all the jobs that provide good pay but no health care.
Now these people who cant afford coverage are going to have to pay causing them to become farther in debt and what's not to say that they never get sick, hurt, or whatever then they are paying for nothing. Isn't the idea to have health care for those that may become sick or hurt chances are that this bill is robbing people making them poor.

Heath care or help should be made availible to those that need it and not forced upon us, because well we may never need it.
I have thought there may be more to this than just the bill, perhaps all health care will require us to get certain shots or drop us from there plan and if we don't then the government can quarentine us. Now this is just a theory but to go as far to giving up our rights and let them force a health care bill. I mean isn't that why we went to war to gain freedom, independence day doesn't that stand for anything? Look at all those people that died in war did they die for what they believed in just so we can go and say okay we don't want freedom go ahead take it away.
The government already has us cornered, is that where you are living your life? in the corner because you are to afraid to do anything since the joined terror task force might acuse you of being a terrorist and stick you in some camp. Well not me! I see mashal law coming head on what are you looking at?????

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 06:47 AM
oh this is interesting. what do you want to bet, this is the same thing that happened to hillary and sarah. massaging that old "women are inferior" thing
to a nice greasy sheen. even if i disagree with her, white knuckle punching and various other forms of abuse, is so over the top that it just screams what a set up this is. while you're at it, why not get stones and stone her to death?


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