I haven't seen your post in awhile. Good to read your material again..thank you.
While I haven't bothered to read all the posts on this thread...I do want to make a few comments.
The title of the thread...states.."original" thought. Yet in the text of many of the posts the concept switches to "intelligent/intelligence.
First off, Jenna, I want to state that my limited experience tells me that intelligence does not always translate directly over to smarts..or even
common sense. Neither males or females have a monopoly on this.
I've worked around engineers ...both male and female on construction projects. Some are ok..some not...However ..I know that some of them you would
never want to give them a wrench or hammer...they will get you killed or severely hurt..male and or female.
It is not necessarily intelligence per se...but alot of olde fashioned common sense goes along ways.
I also think that what some of the posters on here are trying to that both males and females today...know more about the latest drivel to
define their lives and standard of living than good olde common sense. Status/self promotion what is replacing common sense and basic
I do not find this type of textbook conduct to be intelligent nor civil. There is alot of it now days...self promotion at the expense of others.
One area which is difficult to detect on a board like ATS/BTS is ability. All the intelligence or talk if you like..does not translate over to ability
in the real world. This is the arena where men and women are going to greatly differ.
If I want to know about decor...and how to do certain plants...etc ..I do not generally go to the male of the species. Women usually have much
superior skills and abilities in this arena and the vocabulary to match.
I do not go to a male down at the local garage or bar/pub to get help picking out new curtains or blinds for my al.
Now if the heater/air conditioning goes out in my home I do not go to most women to find out how or why it quit working. I go to someone who knows the
heating/refrigeration cycle.
Between males and females usually one finds a huge gap in ability and willingness to take RISK in life to reach a goal. This is very telling in
detecting value systems in play. Most males do not think this way..but a woman will catch on to it much faster than the average is in the
genes I believe.
These beliefs and values are often noted by those aware of this pattern/fingerprints in the sexes. If one is can see it or the tell tales
of it in some of the posts here.
I ,for one, do not believe in equality. It is a nice catch all and puts alot of posters here on the defensive..but I have seen enough to know that
both sexes are not interested in Equal RISK..but the talk sounds good. Without Equal RISK ..there will be no equality going on.
It looks good among unthinking emotional peoples..and wins alot of votes..but I know it to be just that ..window dressing.
Women and or females in the west live in social structures where the economic affluence gives them more freedom to live lives of emotional
fulfillment/satisfaction...more so than most males. In other words ..more options...and options means more emotional satisfaction. The males Ive seen
..haven't a clue about this concept.
Males on the other hand...many of them know that they must discipline their emotions to reach goals....often at great risks. This is not generally in
the female modus operandi in the West.
This is a huge difference in approach to most events lived daily by the different sexes. Women tend to know this fingerprint with more awareness than
do most men...or males. Most women/females I have ever met not clue the males into the knowledge that they work, think, and value by this
This is not talk...but what one generally finds out here in the real world and in the west. This pattern.
I also believe one of the most ignorant creatures to squat and take care of business between two legs is the American Male. He hasn't a clue how the
system is designed to keep him ignorant of almost everything but sports while thinking he is the cats meow. He hasn't a clue how sexist this world
actually is and is getting worse. His thinking is generally one dimensional. Sports and "oil shortages/cheerleaders."
History is going to prove this out ... he is expected to take first class risks to keep this structure going ..while he gets second and third class
consideration for the risks he is going to have to take to keep and maintain it. As long as he has beer/liquor and cheerleaders he is usually good for
the next 100,000 miles. This is going to happen more and more often because of the people taking advantage of this sexist template in politics. If you
can think outside the can see them preying, and parasiting off this template to sell their programs.
Intelligence will not serve the male is going to take much more.
Alot more than sports, bling, and cheerleaders.
One more thing...Jenna...there is going on ..a steady and constant movement to feminize the American Male and quite successful too. He is getting just
like the females out here...defining himself by status..not what he knows and or can do ..but bling...dress ....and whatever transient drivel that can
be marketed to him. They are becoming just like everything else...a stamped out xeroxed copy. It is the same McDonalds, the same Burger King, the same
shopping center...the same male....etc al.
The male of today knows more about sports and gadgets than how to maintain what he has. Often someone else must maintain it for him...just like alot
of females. In this regard ..equality is definitely happening.
We should be proud of this. Don't you think??
This also means is becoming the same female as well. Not much original thought going on out here.
Intelligence does not equal greatness, smarts,or even goodness/decency....male or female.
As to this Jenna...
I don't want the guys afraid they'll be accused of something just for posting in this thread.
I like to think you know enough about how I think to know this will not be or apply to me.
[edit on 7-5-2010 by orangetom1999]