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Now you are FORCED to buy health insurance, what will you eliminate to afford it?

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:16 PM
Pay the fine and do not get insurance - it will be cheaper to go that route. Under the new law insurance companies have to give you coverage no matter what your situation. Just wait until you are ill or have an accident and then get insurance - you cannot be turned down!

Now you can see that eventually the insurance companies will weaken and close and we will all have to be on some sort of a government plan. Isn't it diabolical!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:21 PM
Personally, I'm not forced to buy health care and I don't care what is says. There will be plenty of legal challenges from all quarters if they try to force it.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:21 PM
oh no buying health insurance is so bad!!! look i do not like that it passed but hey its health insurance something you need!!! it is not like he is making you buy flood insurance in the mountains or hurricane insurance in montana

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:24 PM
Obama is to the insurance industry what Bush was to the Oil companies. You already know the scoop on Bush. From what I can tell, the only significant moves that Obama has made has been the bail-outs, which went to the insurance business in large amounts such as AIG, and then this healthcare bill. Did anyone else notice that healthcare stocks went up today?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:46 PM
So I admit I have not read every page of this and so this may be redundant, but....

Problem: too many uninsured

Solution: make being insured illegal

Now let's extrapolate and fix some other problems.

Problem: too many homeless

Solution: make it illegal ( close in some communities already)

Problem. too many unemployed

Solution: Test all applicants for drugs using a procedure with only a 67% accuracy.

Yep looks like we can turn every social problem over to the criminal justice system and Viola`, problem solved.

"what ya in for?"
Didn't buy health insurance.
"how long ya in for?"

So again if I am being redundant in these 12 pages, good as the point is valid.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

Source please!

Otherwise I could do this,

For 21%
Against 76%
Idiots 3%

Plus, I have not seen ONE poll where the for was higher than the against.

I think you are lying.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by mkross1983

Originally posted by Aggie Man

Originally posted by mkross1983
Yeah, why don't you go read the bill huh? If you don't have insurance you will not get your tax refund. If that doesn't cover it or you owe them you get another charge of $2500 or 2.5% of your income, whichever is greater. This bill creates 17k new IRS agents to enforce this. If you do not pay the fine you will go to PRISON. Does that sound like Freedom to you or are you happy with being forced to pay for illegal alien's healthcare, abortions, a national health care id, etc.

Fine by me. I have insurance...this simply places the cost back on the "freeloaders" that circumnavigate the system by going to the "free" clinic...and by free, I mean on the tax payer's dime.

So, just so I understand. You are ok with the government going against the majority of Americans who did not want this to pass but they passed it anyway. So you are ok with America being a dictatorship now?

Yeah because if we had a direct democracy you wouldn't argue at every chance that the votes were skewed when things didn't go your way.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by SantaClaus

If you cannot pay you are fined 2% of your income or 2250.00 whichever is greater. Should you not have that money you go to prison. This will be checked on a monthly basis by the IRS. Month in month out year in year out for the rest of your life. I hope you never become unemployed.
Also if you have children and you believe in raising them yourself you have just lost that right. This legislation gives govt. automatic access to come in your home not only to make sure you children are healthy but to give you parenting classes.
Finally there are only 17 powers delegated to the federal govt. in our Constitution and guess what HEALTHCARE isn't one of them. That means healthcare is unconstitutional(illegal) and anyone who signs this healthcare bill has committed an impeachable offense by breaking their oath of office.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by Aggie Man

Source please!

Otherwise I could do this,

For 21%
Against 76%
Idiots 3%

Plus, I have not seen ONE poll where the for was higher than the against.

I think you are lying.

I have. It was a poll conducted on the house floor Sunday night.

212: Against
219: For

For was higher.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by rick1
Also if you have children and you believe in raising them yourself you have just lost that right. This legislation gives govt. automatic access to come in your home not only to make sure you children are healthy but to give you parenting classes.

Parenting classes? What section is that in? Checking....

Is this in H.R. 3590?

UPDATE: Ok, it looks like the reference is to Subtitle L—Maternal and Child Health Services -- SEC. 2951. MATERNAL, INFANT, AND EARLY CHILDHOOD HOME VISITING PROGRAMS. It's pretty wordy, but at the moment, it appears to be allowing for people to apply for grants to create community based home education and visitation programs to help young parents. That in itself is nothing sinister, but I am a bit bothered about the fact that they require the states to give them some pretty detailed figures in order to qualify for the moneys, such as poverty rates, drug use rates, number of high school drop outs, etc... all correlated with geographical data

[edit on 3-22-2010 by rogerstigers]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by RestingInPieces

Of course circumstances could never prevent you from working or making a living right?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:08 PM
I read that people making less than $14K a year are actually going to get FREE health insurance. So there you go. Now the morally deviant dimwitted mental midgets can actually have more babies and spread more disease and rob and assault more victims with all that free time they have every week since they don't work worth a damn and just drink and smoke pot all day.

AND my family and your family is getting larger also. That is correct. We are now supporting millions and millions of extended family members who are all slackers and basically unwanted pests. I wish I could mandate family member killoff as a way to thin the herd and control cost.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by rick1
reply to post by SantaClaus

If you cannot pay you are fined 2% of your income or 2250.00 whichever is greater. Should you not have that money you go to prison. This will be checked on a monthly basis by the IRS. Month in month out year in year out for the rest of your life. I hope you never become unemployed.
By the logic of this law the unemployment problem will likely be solved by making it illegal also
Finally there are only 17 powers delegated to the federal govt. in our Constitution and guess what HEALTHCARE isn't one of them. That means healthcare is unconstitutional(illegal) and anyone who signs this healthcare bill has committed an impeachable offense by breaking their oath of office.

I would literally # a brick if at this point any affront to the constitution is challenged legally.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:19 PM
It will be good news for me as I have been denied health insurance for a pre-existing condition that has long since been managed and very inexpensive to treat. The actuaries the insurance companies still use to deny me coverage are very outdated and they do not recognize that newer treatments are inexpensive and that my illness is no longer considered progressive...but they don't insure me at all anyway because of my age ( 57) and my pre-existing condition.

I am paying for my own care now and have been lucky so far except for a broken bone but I am uninsured and not by choice. I am waiting to find out what kind of insurance I can get for the six month temporary coverage this bill promises for everyone in my situation who has been denied before. It will be a huge relief to get some kind of insurance even if is a high deductible or just catastrophic...even if it is fairly expensive. To be uninsurable has been a constant worry for me and many like me.

Do you all know what it's like to be in this situation??? You'd be happy too! I'm also happy that 32 million other people might get coverage for the first time too - mostly the working lower middle class who will get subsidies if they can't afford it. It's not a good bill by any means and it needs a lot of tweaking but it is a significant step towards and more civilized society in the USA.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by ChrisCrikey]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:22 PM
OP, calling our president "B. Hussein O.," emphasis on the Hussein makes me immediately think of good ol' conservative, racist fear-mongering and drowns out any real points you might have wanted to make. I mean, it is easier to herd the sheep into your pen by making them fear the actions of our secret Muslim president bent on destroying America, right? Congrats on being part of the problem of our current political landscape.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:24 PM
Not paying it,
Not paying the fines.
Going to prison (Like that's much different than how we live now...)
Free health care for me! Government stuck with the bill.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:28 PM
just another step in to communism

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:44 PM
For those that state that hospitals have to treat you, that is true. What they don't have to do is any follow up.
No physical therapy if needed, no prescriptions if you have a persistent illness, no preventative care, nothing other than keep you alive long enough to discharge.
Is this law a bad one? Almost certainly.
Is some type of reform necessary? Certainly.
Maybe it will force the healthcare/insurance industry into some type of reform, in order to save their own butts.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:04 PM
Do you know what a soldier does?

A soldier risks his life for what he believes in. He often dies for it.

Now let that sink in for a moment. A soldier might die in battle for what he believes in, all the while knowing that he will most certainly die of old age no matter what. A soldier is a time traveler. He has seen a possible future and he does not like it, so he battles against it. He knows damn well he will die some day, so why not today? Why not die today for what you believe in?

And THIS is key to understanding how the Insurance Companies and Obama and the Radical Leftists have scared you into begging for your chains and loss of freedom. No liberty. No justice. Nothing but servitude. They know that you are weak minded and afraid of pain, afraid of death, afraid of the inevitable end of your own ego. They know this. And They trick you into believing in them as your saviour. They trick you into believing that you won't die now. You think now you won't suffer, or you won't feel any pain, or you won't die because they have wrangled you into their slave labor camp insurance plan. Welcome to your holocaust. A helluva cost.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:05 PM
Oh I forgot. Nobody mentioned that they will be eliminating their freedom and liberty to afford it.

The title of the thread clearly asks WHAT WILL YOU ELIMINATE TO AFFORD IT, not how can you tippy type some clever argument.

You all have paid the cost more dear than life itself and you deserve nothing. Life without liberty is worthless.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Cabaret Voltaire]

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