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Now you are FORCED to buy health insurance, what will you eliminate to afford it?

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+61 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:08 AM
You have to pay rent/mortgage and utilities. Can't stop that.
You have to pay for transportation and food. Can't stop that.

Now that you are FORCED to buy health insurance, how will you afford it?

It looks like credit cards won't be paid. Instant default.
It looks like entertainment budget will be cut. Sorry Hollywood.
It looks like eating out will be cut. Sorry local restaurant owners.
It looks like any discretionary spending will be cut. Sorry small stores and giant corporations.
It looks like savings and investment will be cut. Sorry for you if you are trying to build a nest egg.

It looks like B. Hussein O. has really stepped in it now.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

Flag for you OP. This is the simple truth and why make us pay more when the country is bleeding and barely holding it head above water. WHY?????

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:14 AM
I was talking to some American's on another site and they're all under the impression it's going to be free.

I can't wait to see the look on their faces.

I don't understand how not many people got how this bill would be terrible. Making the people that didn't have health insurance because they couldn't afford it get health insurance.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

I do not think this Issue is totally settled yet . There will be a massive outrage against this Bill and challenges to it's Constitutionality by Activist Groups and State Legislators before it will ever become the Law of the land . For now , I will just go on with my life as usual , and I think most Americans out there will do the same .

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Zanti Misfit]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:17 AM
First thing I would do is make sure that the insurance companies do not have a secret life insurance policy on me with a former employer. That would definitely be a conflict of interests.

'Dead peasants' insurance pays your employer a secret, tax-free windfall when you die. Insurers have sold millions of policies to companies such as Dow Chemical.

These policies, nicknamed dead janitors or dead peasants insurance, soared in popularity after many states cleared the way for them in the 1980s. Congress recently tried to crack down on the practice, to the howls of the insurance industry -- which earlier this year managed to derail reforms.

Read more here:

You may be worth more dead than alive. So wouldn't the insurance companies consider the profit margin for them when deciding your health care fate?

+58 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

I don't have to worry about how I'm going to be paying for healthcare.. I have to worry about how I am going to pay for the fines because I'm not going to be paying for healthcare.


+16 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:31 AM
It's funny because the Health Care Bill is written by the INSURANCE COMPANIES themselves! (True Story)

Why would the Insurance Companies rip themselves off? They wouldn't.

It's all about money.

It's just like the bank bailouts where they said the banks should be helped, and they gave hundreds of million of dollars as BONUSES to their Executives!

They DON'T care about the average person. They really don't.

It's all about MONEY.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Emerald The Paradigm]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:33 AM
Isnt it going to be restrictions on soft drinks in schools, restaurants and in the homes too ? seen it on blogs..

No soda to the Chips during SuperBowl ? What is an american to do ....

With the extention of the patriot act thru the jobs-bill, you'll have some good times ahead.

Any one here read the 2700 pages in the HC bill ?

These are topics Ive seen on misc. blog sites, so I just wonder if any of you know something about it..
Im Norwegean, so I should butt in, I just wonder about the above topics..

[edit on 22/3/2010 by ChemBreather]

+20 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

It might cost something but it's right.

If you have the world's biggest economy you can't have people without health-care...

I am an Aussie and am recovering from follow up surgery right now.
I have had emergency surgery two years ago and repairs last week...
...and there were no direct costs to me...
...all paid by my taxes paid over thirty years of work.

Health care should be available on the basis of needs not whether you can pay.

...America turned a moral corner today and I am proud of you.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by Alethea

Good one!

This is the sneakiest cold war attack on America yet.
The stinking ignorant deviant Radical Left has been used as patsies to pull off the most dangerous move so far.
The low IQ dolts have such fantasies about a perfect world they forget to notice the Lion breathing down their necks.
The Zionists have really outsmarted the dumb average American this time.
The insurance companies (no doubt led by Zionist CEOs and bankers) will measure the amount of care they doll out carefully so as to hurry you into the grave.
It is sick.
It has the signature of a much larger holocaust written all over it.
It requires a serious counter-attack by the Republic.
I believe we are all in for quite a treat.

+8 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by troubleshooter
I am an Aussie and am recovering from follow up surgery right now.
I have had emergency surgery two years ago and repairs last week...
...and there were no direct costs to me...
...all paid by my taxes paid over thirty years of work.

They aren't getting anything like Medicare mate. No PBS no GP's no bulk billing. This healthcare reform of theirs is a bloody joke.

+33 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:45 AM
Reply to post by troubleshooter

What passed doesn't do any of that. It just forces people to buy insurance.

What's next, a job creation bill that fines you for being out of work?

Seriously, it's like the supporters of this bill have absolutely no idea what's in it. Their opinions seem to be based on what they wish was in it.

This bill was written by the insurance companies for the insurance companies. Congratulations America on another corporate bailout. Bush would be proud.

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:56 AM
Pay for it? its freeeeee, free healthcare for alllllll, free prescription drugs for allll.
No one has to pay more for it, its free, the government will pay for it with their own money. lol

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:59 AM
my guess is that perhaps 100,000 will become independent bounty hunters who seek out and report those persons and families that are non-compliant with the mandateed health care package.

that's on top of the appox. 17,000 persons being recruited by the IRS as enforcement officers processing the guilty without coverage...

then add the +1,000,000's who will become the low paid medical workers given a crash course by the health-care insurance providers, to be the technicians for the common policy holders... [as doctors and nurses are reserved for the higher premium holders of health coverage]

and suddenly there has been a re-vamping of the old industrial economy,
there has been a re-location of the IT economy workers to health-care,
and we're off on another national Boom-&-Inflation Cycle with a different driving force

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
then add the +1,000,000's who will become the low paid medical workers given a crash course by the health-care insurance providers, to be the technicians for the common policy holders... [as doctors and nurses are reserved for the higher premium holders of health coverage]

Yeah I can see a big boom in the malpractice insurance premium prices coming up after this passes.

Even just jamming another 30 million people into the system would be a massive windfall for liability insurance.

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:30 AM
I'm glad people in this thread see this as it is. An insurance industry bailout.
Yeah, bailouts are soooo historic aren't they? Looks like there's going to be a lot of health care criminals if you don't pay up.

They'll call it health crime.

+8 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:37 AM
Again people, you hang on this crap without understanding any of the aspects of not having a health care plan.

Hospitals are REQUIRED to treat you whether you are insured or not. If you can't afford it, the bill is getting paid by the state or federal dollars anyway. Bastardized socialized medicine is already being used extremely ineffectively. This bill makes you get insurance so that not everyone else has to pay for your stupid a** when you get into a horrible accident.

What is wrong with some of you people? Do you understand that we already have horrible socialized care? This bill improves it by taxing you a little bit so not all of us pay ALOT in the end.

I am literally shocked at how ignorant and immature this discussion has become. Pay the friggin bill, and you get to stay healthy.

I'd kill for a decent plan right now, as I'm paying out of pocket for everything and its driving me mad. But guess who would pay if I couldn't? YOU!!!

+10 more 
posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
I am literally shocked at how ignorant and immature this discussion has become. Pay the friggin bill, and you get to stay healthy.

Sounds like a threat to me.

Why do you have to call people stupid?

Let me tell you something. I've never had to pay for healthcare in my entire life. When I get sick I don't think "Hey can I afford to go to the doctors?" "Maybe I can't get this prescription until next pay" "What if my insurance doesn't cover me"

Never. Not once ever in my life. I've had total public health coverage. With no charges aside from tax I'd be paying anyway. For my entire life.

You aren't getting that. You have to pay. So you'll have to excuse me for thinking this healthcare bill is a total joke and a slap in the face to anyone smart enough to understand it.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:49 AM
I would like to quit buying bras.

And certainly no more political contributions to either party.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by belial259

Originally posted by SantaClaus
I am literally shocked at how ignorant and immature this discussion has become. Pay the friggin bill, and you get to stay healthy.

Sounds like a threat to me.

Why do you have to call people stupid?

Let me tell you something. I've never had to pay for healthcare in my entire life. When I get sick I don't think "Hey can I afford to go to the doctors?" "Maybe I can't get this prescription until next pay" "What if my insurance doesn't cover me"

Never. Not once ever in my life. I've had total public health coverage. With no charges aside from tax I'd be paying anyway. For my entire life.

You aren't getting that. You have to pay. So you'll have to excuse me for thinking this healthcare bill is a total joke and a slap in the face to anyone smart enough to understand it.

Um... Well I'm paying out of pocket now. If the world was magic and I could automatically have your awesome insurance, I'd jump on board right now, but I'm not so lucky.

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