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Now you are FORCED to buy health insurance, what will you eliminate to afford it?

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by warpcrafter
Not paying it,
Not paying the fines.
Going to prison (Like that's much different than how we live now...)
Free health care for me! Government stuck with the bill.

Actually, the bill explicitly states that you will not go to prison for not paying the fine. It will be gotten from you just like other money that you owe the government - through wage garnishing and income tax returns.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:20 PM
It looks like B. Hussein O. has really stepped in it now.

I don't live in America, but I remember the election campaign. Why is it people who don't vote Democrat, or don't like Obama, seem to emphasise his middle name? I mean, sure, they did with "Dubya", but then I assumed that was to distinguish him from his father. Barack and Obama are two pretty distinctive, unmistakable names, and it is not generally common practise to nickname or abbreviate names to the middle name. So why the 'Hussein' thing?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Aggie Man

Originally posted by mkross1983

Originally posted by Aggie Man

Originally posted by mkross1983
So, just so I understand. You are ok with the government going against the majority of Americans who did not want this to pass but they passed it anyway. So you are ok with America being a dictatorship now?

I think "majority" is a bad term...depends on what your source is.

Dictatorship? Oh please....

Nonetheless, sometimes we must forego what is popular in order to do what is right.

Define majority for me then.

Do you deny that a government going against the will of it's people is a dictatorship?

The right thing to do is honor the rights and freedoms of the American people and the constitution.

The poll I'm looking at right now:

What is your reaction to the newly passed health care reform bill?

For it 43% 79889
Against it 41% 76945
Not sure 17% 31040

My rights and freedoms as an American were honored. And no parts of the constitution were dishonored. If you don't like it, then I suggest that you vote those people out of office.

We won't know if the Constitution has been dishonored until SCOTUS weighs in. And regarding doing what is "right" over the will of the majority? Central American nations did that for decades. It's called totalitarian dictatorship.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by belial259
I was talking to some American's on another site and they're all under the impression it's going to be free.

I can't wait to see the look on their faces.

I don't understand how not many people got how this bill would be terrible. Making the people that didn't have health insurance because they couldn't afford it get health insurance.

Lucky, where are you from??

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by harvib

Thanks for the reply harvib,

But i don't see how this is much different to the system we have.

Our 11% of income is a thought of as a tax, but it's actually called National Insurance. And it's compulsory. Even if you are on benefits, you pay a contribution. If you don't earn a wage, and don't claim a benefit, it's free.

Even a visitor to Britain, if they were injured, would receive treatment for free in our system, insurance or not.

There's not many countries where that happens, including i think, the US.
It's not perfect. But it works. And it takes the bulk of the burden from the state, or the income tax payers.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Oxize

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
You have to pay rent/mortgage and utilities. Can't stop that.
You have to pay for transportation and food. Can't stop that.

Now that you are FORCED to buy health insurance, how will you afford it?

We (Dutch people) using this system for ages. Works perfectly. If you didnt had this insurance, and you will get ill by some rare disease. The insurance says "sorry mate, your dont have any insurance or a insurance which not totally cover the payments", your the one screwed at that moment.

This system works perfectly for every citizen in america. Everyone gets health care when they need it.

Health is the most important thing in life!

How many citizens do you have in the Netherlands? How many illegal immigrants? What is your unemployment rate? What is your TAX rate?

Apples to oranges, Dutch.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by AwakeinNM]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by markyjayxyz

It's probably an unimaginative and far-reaching reference to Saddam. Or maybe it's to show one's flagrant dislike of Arab names? As we all know, someone with a name like Hussein is definitely orchestrating the downfall of America. Regardless, it's hard to take a person seriously when they resort to such tactics as name-calling.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:28 PM
With Obama in office this will NEVER get passed the states lawsuits or the souths guns. This is just another welfare bill for ACORN and the insurance companies think they will get more money because of this, but we know that millions of Americans will start refusing to pay their taxes in a mass protest and when the economy crashes its goodnight for all the socialist.

Can we pass a law that cancels all serving Senators and House members life and health insurance policies? Seems like high risk policies to me

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by FiatLux

But requiring the individual to pay into a 'National Insurance' scheme, would relieve the tax burden from the state. So there'd be more tax money in the system to pay for other programmes, and service the interest payments on the national debt.

I fully admit, i may be being naive regarding this new healthcare system you have (like it or not it seems), economics always bores the hell out of me.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by monty59
I do not intend on giving up anything for the health care scam being forced down our throats....This bill is nothing but a big wet kiss to big pharma and the insurance racket....Come and arrest me ..Put me in prison...Lock me away and throw away the key. I will not submit and I will not comply!

Dig deeper. Find who or what is really the big cheese behind big pharma and the insurance racket and you will have the answer.

I think our President is idealistic, compassionate and hopeful. The problem is...all he's got to work with is corrupt corporations. Maybe this bill will serve to emphasize that very corruption and will cause scrutinty of the corporations involved. Once we can shake out the dirt, maybe his plan would work.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by greatpiino

Regardless, it's hard to take a person seriously when they resort to such tactics as name-calling.

Ya boo sucks pinhead!

Only kidding, sorry couldn't resist it.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by Aggie Man

Source please!

Otherwise I could do this,

For 21%
Against 76%
Idiots 3%

Plus, I have not seen ONE poll where the for was higher than the against.

I think you are lying.

My thougths exactly. Look at the source. CNN will tell you that 60% are FOR it. Fox News will say that 60% are AGAINST it. That's because it can be assumed that more liberals gravitate toward CNN's website and voice their opinions, and more conservatives visit Fox News' website and do the same. Polls in general are nothing more than a propaganda device anymore, because they can manipulate them to say what they want them to say. Just be selective with the people you poll and you get your desired result. I don't put ANY credence in ANY of them anymore.

For example, I could tell you that last week I polled 1000 adults, and that 73% of them told me that they crap their britches at least once a day. So there you have it... 73% of adults crap their pants on a daily basis! Who knew?

What I conveniently forgot to tell you is that the "adults" that I polled are also all over 90 and live in nursing homes. Manipulated.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by AwakeinNM]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:36 PM
I am one person that doesn't have to worry about health insurance. I'm unemployed.

They can try and come after me for it, but what purpose will that server? They could throw me in jail, but then they'd be paying for me to stay in there. Not very cost effective is it. They could take me to court, and yet again they'd be paying those people to take me to court. Not very cost effective is it.

So the way I see it, it will cost them less money to just leave me alone.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:36 PM
Many people are already having their wages garnished and their income withheld from federal and state. My parents have been audited, several of my cousins are thousands behind in debt and can barely afford 3 days worth of groceries at any given time, and are basically forced to squat with their friends to make ends meet. Myself included, I am in debt and the US Treasury is breathing down my neck.

None of us can afford this, and I don't know what's going to happen when they start garnishing more wages from my cousin, or my parents. We might as well be sent to prison, because many people in America are going to being debtor slavery.

People deserve to be shot for this.

This is the United States of America. We have more than enough money to start a REAL universal heatlh system, that doesn't require the destruction of the lower and middle classes to work. We could start by consolidating wasted pork barrel spending and stop having WARS every 5 years.

This is a sad day for the US. I can't believe some of the people in here. "Aggie Man" for instance, says he doesn't care if people are pissed off, because "in the end, more people will be insured". Yet then moments later, he claims he doesn't care what happens to people who don't pay, or frankly, can't afford to. "Freeloaders" he calls them. Yeah Aggie Man, you're so genuine when you say you care about the uninsured, just like all the people who talk exactly like you. You're all scum, you lie to everyone with a smug grin on your face, honoring apathy at every turn.

I hope that this doesn't get really ugly.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:41 PM
Is this worse than Medicare?

While the bill doesn't come close to fulfilling the promise of the sort of universal, single-payer coverage favored by progressives, it will, according to the Congressional Budget Office, create access to health insurance to 32 million currently uninsured Americans.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:49 PM
Chicken Marriage

At least you didn't get socialisms!

Aren't yalls happy ?

You yelled, shouted and stopped the Communists, which resulted in a capitalist embrace!

I do not believe healthcare should be a commodity

Feels like a Trillion dollar + ---- + war don't it?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Office 4256

Originally posted by Aggie Man

Originally posted by mkross1983

Originally posted by Aggie Man

Originally posted by mkross1983
So, just so I understand. You are ok with the government going against the majority of Americans who did not want this to pass but they passed it anyway. So you are ok with America being a dictatorship now?

I think "majority" is a bad term...depends on what your source is.

Dictatorship? Oh please....

Nonetheless, sometimes we must forego what is popular in order to do what is right.

Define majority for me then.

Do you deny that a government going against the will of it's people is a dictatorship?

The right thing to do is honor the rights and freedoms of the American people and the constitution.

The poll I'm looking at right now:

What is your reaction to the newly passed health care reform bill?

For it 43% 79889
Against it 41% 76945
Not sure 17% 31040

My rights and freedoms as an American were honored. And no parts of the constitution were dishonored. If you don't like it, then I suggest that you vote those people out of office.

We won't know if the Constitution has been dishonored until SCOTUS weighs in. And regarding doing what is "right" over the will of the majority? Central American nations did that for decades. It's called totalitarian dictatorship.

Like a 1.5 Trillion dollar WAR???


I'm takin my chicken to Vegas!!!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Alethea

Originally posted by monty59
I do not intend on giving up anything for the health care scam being forced down our throats....This bill is nothing but a big wet kiss to big pharma and the insurance racket....Come and arrest me ..Put me in prison...Lock me away and throw away the key. I will not submit and I will not comply!

Dig deeper. Find who or what is really the big cheese behind big pharma and the insurance racket and you will have the answer.

I think our President is idealistic, compassionate and hopeful. The problem is...all he's got to work with is corrupt corporations. Maybe this bill will serve to emphasize that very corruption and will cause scrutinty of the corporations involved. Once we can shake out the dirt, maybe his plan would work.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Alethea]

Sure Obama is the great hope against the corporations. Man are you a sucker for propaganda. Kinda funny how that is pretty much the same premise every dictator is given power by the population isn't it? Because they normally don't take it do they? They are rewarded it with thunderous applause.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:52 PM
The immediate results of the Healthcare Law:

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
You have to pay rent/mortgage and utilities. Can't stop that.
You have to pay for transportation and food. Can't stop that.

Now that you are FORCED to buy health insurance, how will you afford it?

It looks like credit cards won't be paid. Instant default.
It looks like entertainment budget will be cut. Sorry Hollywood.
It looks like eating out will be cut. Sorry local restaurant owners.
It looks like any discretionary spending will be cut. Sorry small stores and giant corporations.
It looks like savings and investment will be cut. Sorry for you if you are trying to build a nest egg.

It looks like B. Hussein O. has really stepped in it now.

First post =)
Be proud and happy, you just got blessed with healthcare..... Imagine you have a disaese that requires tens of thousands of dollars of treatment, what if your family member such as your kids, wife, parents are suffering through a disease without health care, well now you dont have that worry. You may have to sacrifice some things, but you have something better to gain! And c'mon, thats a little to sarcasting thinking you would have to sacrifice all those things...

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