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HAARP Is Out Of Control, You be the judge!!!

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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by DPQ007

IMHO why you don’t see much activity at the U.S. HAARP facility in Alaska prior to the Chile earthquake is because it was triggered by the U.S. HAARP facility near the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico that is less publicized but is operational. That facility is trying to operate “under the radar” of most who are now very much aware of HAARP and its recent worldwide impact.

For instance, unlike the Alaska HAARP facility, I have not been able to locate any data for the HAARP facility at Arecibo.

In the excerpt of an article cited below, a geoscientist makes a statement of fact that the Haiti earthquake was caused by activity at the HAARP facility at Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

“Military, scientific and legal experts worldwide question whether 200,000 Haitians were sacrificed for gold and oil”

Mary Ratcliff
Feb 2, 2010

An Excerpt:

In a Jan. 28 email to the Bay View, geoscientist Leuren Moret writes: “The Soviet Union and the U.S. co-developed HAARP during the Cold War,” supposedly “to prevent development of weapons to use against the environment or to use the environment as a weapon.”

“On Jan. 12 Haiti was hit with tectonic warfare by the U.S. from our HAARP facility at Arecibo, Puerto Rico,” Moret asserts. r-gold-and-oil_printer.shtml

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

The only reason people ever pointed to the pineal gland as the "third eye" is because it is the only structure in the brain that there isn't two of. Everything else has a separate structure in the right and left hemispheres. Also, to call the pineal gland mysterious discounts tons of research. To those who have studied neuroanatomy it's not mysterious at all.

You now what alway strikes me as funny as when people make the observation about the pineal gland that you cited? The idea behind it stems from René Descartes " Passions of the soul" - a book published in 1649. It always strikes me as kind of curious that New Age Philosphy is totally dependent on quote mining classic philosophy. I say if you dedicate your life to making # up, at least be original about it. If you're going to accept the pineal gland as some kind of mysterious unknown structure like René did, you might as well also mistreat animals like he did or believe that the soul is etheral like he did.

Anyway. Just a curious connotation. Anyone who believes that HAARP influences his decisions or his pineal gland should consider reading this thread of mine...

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

The rest of an article I posted earlier today (on page 22):
Is there an ongoing government "cataclysm cover-up?" by Deb Simon

The USGS's own records show that earthquakes have increased in frequency since 1977, with more damaging earthquakes predicted until 2014.


--------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------
1863 to 1900 incl 38 yrs 12
1901 to 1938 incl 38 yrs 53
1939 to 1976 incl 38 yrs 71
1977 to 2014 incl * 38 yrs 144 (to Sept. 2009) predict >180 in total

WMR has learned from sources close to the USGS that the agency, part of the Department of Interior, is "cooking" magnitude figures on earthquakes with a tendency toward downgrading them in strength. For example, WMR recently cited the following case: Two seismographic stations, one in Switzerland and the other in Romania, reported an 8.6 magnitude quake in Sichuan on 27 January 2010. There was a 5.2 quake in Sichuan on 30 January 2010 and it was reported by USGS. But nothing was reported by USGS on the 27 January quake reported by stations in Romania and Switzerland.

There are also reports that geo-thermal projects are being abandoned around the world because drilling has been connected with creating earthquakes. The Swiss closed down a project near Basel. The project was abandoned after three years of deep drilling into the ground was found to have caused a series of earthquakes. California also suspended its geothermal project." The firm conducting the drilling north of San Francisco, AltaRock, quickly removed its drill from super-hot bedrock and told the federal government the project had been scrapped. Last year, geo-thermal projects in Germany were abandoned after cracks appeared in homes in Kamen, near Dortmund and the village of Staufen began sinking from a nearby geo-thermal project.

In the months prior to and after the 2001 bio-terror anthrax attacks on the U.S.Congress, media, and U.S. Postal Service, there were a number of suspicious deaths of medical researchers, the most notable being that of Harvard virologist Dr. Don Wiley. An extensive investigation by this editor of Wiley's suspicious death in Memphis, ruled a suicide by the Shelby County Medical Examiner and the FBI, discovered that the Harvard scientists had not died from jumping into the Mississippi River from the I-40 bridge connecting Memphis to Arkansas, but was a murder, likely the result of Wiley asking too many questions about the source of the anthrax attacks.

After U.S. government agencies were caught lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, details about the hurricane Katrina disaster on the Gulf coast, and a number of other issues, the question can now be asked: Is the U.S. government engaged in a cataclysm cover-up?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by biochemky

The article is wrong.
Here is the USGS data for earthquakes of 7.0 and greater since 1900

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Phage
Below we have listed those earthquakes counted with greater than 6.99 magnitude from 1977 to the present. Earlier earthquakes are listed elsewhere on website. The count here is based upon U.S. Geological Survey, at this link
Sorry, but the dates for earthquakes listed here are in reverse order to accepted international usage (ie they are in US format which is YYYY-MM-DD).
List of earthquakes from Jan 2008 to the present which are counted in this report

2009 09 29 - Western Samoa - M 8.3 (tbc)
2009 09 02 - Java, Indonesia - M 7.0 Fatalities 72
2009 08 10 - Andaman Islands, India region - M 7.5
2009 08 09 - Near the South Coast of Honshu, Japan - M 7.1
2009 07 15 - Off West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand - M 7.8
2009 05 28 - Offshore Honduras - M 7.3 Fatalities 7
2009 03 19 - Tonga region - M 7.6
2009 02 11 - Kepulauan Talaud, Indonesia - M 7.2
2009 01 15 - East of the Kuril Islands - M 7.4
2009 01 03 - Near the North Coast of Papua, Indonesia - M 7.6 Fatalities 5

2008 11 24 - Sea of Okhotsk - M 7.3
2008 11 16 - Minahasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia - M 7.3 Fatalities 6
2008 09 29 - Kermadec Islands, New Zealand - M 7.0
2008 07 19 - East coast of Honshu, Japan - M 7.0 Fatalities 30
2008 07 05 - Sea of Okhotsk - M 7.7
2008 06 30 - East of the South Sandwich Islands - M 7.0
2008 05 12 - Eastern Sichuan, China - M 7.9 Fatalities 87,000+
2008 04 12 - Macquaried Island region - M 7.1
2008 04 09 - Loyalty Islands - M 7.3
2008 03 20 - Xinjiang-Xizang border region - M 7.2
2008 02 20 - Simeulue, Indonesia - M 7.4 Fatalities 3

List of earthquakes from Jan 1997 to Dec 2007 which are counted in this report

2007 12 19 - Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska - M 7.2
2007 12 09 - South of the Fiji Islands - M 7.8
2007 11 29 - Martinique Region, Windward Islands - M 7.4 Fatalities 1
2007 11 14 - Antofagasta, Chile - M 7.7 Fatalities 2
2007 10 31 - Pagan Region, Northern Mariana Islands - M 7.2
2007 09 30 - Auckland Islands, New Zealand region - M 7.4
2007 09 28 - Mariana Islands region (Japan) - M 7.4
2007 09 12 - Southern Sumatra, Indonesia - M 8.4 Fatalities 25
2007 09 02 - Santa Cruz Islands - M 7.2
2007 08 15 - Near the Coast of Central Peru - M 8.0 Fatalities 450
2007 08 08 - Java, Indonesia - M 7.5
2007 08 01 - Vanuatu - M 7.2
2007 04 01 - Solomon Islands - M 8.1 Fatalities 40
2007 03 25 - Vanuatu - M 7.1
2007 01 21 - Molucca Sea - M 7.5 Fatalities 4
2007 01 13 - East of the Kuril Islands - M 8.1

2006 12 26 - Taiwan Region - M 7.1
2006 11 15 - Kuril Islands - M 8.3
2006 08 20 - Scotia Sea - M 7.0
2006 07 17 - South of Java, Indonesia - M 7.7
2006 05 16 - Kermadec Islands Region - M 7.4
2006 05 03 - Tonga - M 8.0
2006 04 20 - Koryakia, Russia - M 7.6
2006 02 22 - Mozambique - M 7.0
2006 01 27 - Banda Sea - M 7.6
2006 01 02 - East of South Sandwich Islands - M 7.4

2005 11 14 - Off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan - M 7.0
2005 10 08 - Pakistan - M 7.6 Fatalities 80,361
2005 09 26 - Northern Peru - M 7.5
2005 09 09 - New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea - M 7.6
2005 08 16 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan - M 7.2
2005 07 24 - Nicobar Islands, India Region - M 7.3
2005 07 13 - Tarapaca, Chile - M 7.8
2005 06 15 - Off the Coast of Northern California - M 7.2
2005 06 13 - Tarapaca, Chile - M 7.8
2005 03 28 - Northern Sumatra, Indonesia - M 8.6 Fatalities 1,313
2005 03 02 - Banda Sea - M 7.1

2004 12 26 - Sumatra-Andaman Islands - M 9.1 Fatalities 283,106
2004 12 23 - North of Macquarie Island - M 8.1
2004 11 28 - Hokkaido, Japan Region - M 7.0
2004 11 26 - Papua, Indonesia - M 7.1
2004 11 22 - Off West Coast of South Island, N.Z. - M 7.1
2004 11 15 - Near the West Coast of Colombia - M 7.2
2004 11 11 - Kepulauan Alor, Indonesia - M 7.5
2004 09 05 - Near the South Coast of Honshu, Japan - M 7.4
2004 07 25 - Southern Sumatra, Indonesia - M 7.3
2004 02 07 - Irian Jaya, Indonesia - M 7.3

2003 12 27 - Southeast of the Loyalty Islands - M 7.3
2003 11 17 - Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska - M 7.8
2003 10 31 - Off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan - M 7.0
2003 09 27 - Russia-Kazakhstan-Xinjiang Border Region - M 7.3
2003 09 25 - Hokkaido, Japan Region - M 8.3
2003 08 21 - South Island of New Zealand - M 7.2
2003 08 04 - Scotia Sea - M 7.5
2003 07 15 - Carlsberg Ridge - M 7.6
2003 06 20 - Amazonas, Brazil - M 7.1
2003 05 26 - Halmahera, Indonesia - M 7.0
2003 05 26 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan - M 7.0
2003 03 17 - Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska - M 7.0
2003 01 22 - Tecoman, Colima, Mexico - M 7.8
2003 01 20 - Solomon Islands - M 7.3

2002 11 16 - Kuril Islands, Russia - M 7.5
2002 11 03 - Denali Fault, Alaska - M 7.9
2002 11 02 - Northern Sumatera, Indonesia - M 7.5
2002 10 10 - Irian Jaya, Indonesia - M 7.6
2002 09 08 - New Guinea, Papua New Guinea - M 7.6
2002 08 19 - Fiji Islands - M 7.7
2002 06 28 - Priamurye-Northeastern China border region - M 7.2
2002 04 26 - Mariana Islands - M 7.1
2002 03 31 - Northern Taiwan - M 7.1
2002 03 05 - Mindanao, Philippines - M 7.5
2002 03 03 - Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan - M 7.4
2002 01 02 - Vanuatu Islands - M 7.3

2001 07 07 - Near the Coast of Peru - M 7.6
2001 06 23 - Near the Coast of Peru - M 8.4 Fatalities 75
2001 01 26 - Gujarat, India - M 7.7
2001 01 13 - El Salvador - M 7.7 Fatalities 844
2001 01 01 - Mindanao, Philippines - M 7.5

2000 11 16 - New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea - M 8.0
2000 06 18 - South Indian Ocean - M 7.9
2000 06 04 - Southern Sumatera, Indonesia - M 7.9

1999 11 12 - Duzce, Turkey - M 7.2 Fatalities 894
1999 10 16 - Hector Mine, California - M 7.1
1999 09 30 - Oaxaca, Mexico - M 7.5
1999 09 20 - Taiwan - M 7.6 Fatalities 2,400
1999 08 17 - Izmit, Turkey - M 7.6 Fatalities 17,118
1999 06 15 - Central Mexico - M 7.0
1999 05 16 - New Britain region, Papua New Guinea - M 7.1
1999 02 06 - Santa Cruz Islands - M 7.3

1998 08 04 - Near Coast of Ecuador - M 7.2
1998 07 17 - Near North Coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea - M 7.0 Fatalities 2,183
1998 05 03 - Southeast of Taiwan - M 7.5
1998 04 25 - Balleny Islands Region - M 8.1
1998 01 30 - Near Coast of Northern Chile - M 7.1
1998 01 04 - Loyalty Islands Region - M 7.5

1997 12 05 - Near East Coast of Kamchatka - M 7.8
1997 10 14 - South of Fiji Islands - M 7.8
1997 07 09 - Near Coast of Venezuela - M 7.0
1997 05 10 - Northern Iran - M 7.3 Fatalities 1,560

List of earthquakes from Jan 1986 to Dec 1996 which are counted in this report.

1996 06 10 - Andreanof Islands, Alaska - M 7.9

1995 05 27 - Sakhalin Island - M 7.5 Fatalities 1,989

1994 06 09 - Bolivia - M 8.2 Fatalities 5

1993 08 08 - South of the Mariana Islands - M 7.8

1992 12 12 - Flores Region, Indonesia - M 7.5 Fatalities 2,500
1992 09 02 - Nicaragua - M 7.6 Fatalities 116
1992 06 28 - Landers, California - M 7.3 Fatalities 3
1992 04 25 - Cape Mendocino, California - M 7.2

1991 10 19 - Northern India - M 7.0 Fatalities 2,000

1990 07 16 - Luzon, Philippine Islands - M 7.8 Fatalities 1,621
1990 06 20 - Western Iran - M 7.7 Fatalities 50,000

1988 03 06 - Gulf of Alaska - M 7.7

1987 11 30 - Gulf of Alaska - M 7.8
1987 03 06 - Colombia-Ecuador - M 7.0 Fatalities 1,000

1986 05 07 - Andreanof Islands, Alaska - M 7.9

List of earthquakes from Jan 1977 to Dec 1985

1985 09 19 - Michoacan, Mexico - M 8.0 Fatalities 9,500

1981 07 28 - southern Iran - M 7.3 Fatalities 1,500

1980 11 08 - Humboldt County, California - M 7.2
1980 10 10 - El Asnam (formerly Orleansville), Algeria - M 7.7 Fatalities 3,500

1979 05 20 - Alaska Peninsula - M 7.0
1979 02 28 - Mt. St. Elias, Alaska - M 7.6

1978 09 16 - Iran - M 7.8 Fatalities 15,000

1977 11 23 - San Juan, Argentina - M 7.4
1977 03 04 - Romania - M 7.2 Fatalities 1,500

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by biochemky

You didn't have to post the whole list but if you go to the source you will find this statement.

Selected earthquakes of general historic interest.

It is not a list of all earthquakes. Just those of "general historical interest", whatever that means. There is no indication of the selection criteria, it includes earthquake of less than 4.0. It is a statistically meaningless list.

The data I showed includes all recorded earthquakes of 7.0 and greater. That list does not. When all the data is considered it is clear there is no trend.

[edit on 3/16/2010 by Phage]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 02:30 PM
I'm sorry but saying HAARP is the cause of the world's recent environmental upheaval is pure paranoia.

People have been trying to blame it and other facilities since their inception, but have yet to be able to provide any -real- evidence to back their claims.

The nature of these facilities cannot cause the kind of reactions you're trying to relate. It violates a lot of physical laws and generally just doesn't make sense.

I'd almost be willing to give some credence to hurricane occurances, but there's certainly no way it can cause earthquakes, volcanic erruptions, or any kind of tectonic reactions.

That's my stance until someone can prove, or at -least- provide sound logical theory as to how interacting with the ionosphere can create the massive results you and others are claiming. And I mean actual, sound reasoning, not speculation or random linking of events.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by biochemky

...if you go to the source you will find this statement.

Selected earthquakes of general historic interest.

It is not a list of all earthquakes. Just those of "general historical interest", whatever that means. There is no indication of the selection criteria, it includes earthquake of less than 4.0. It is a statistically meaningless list.

The data I showed includes all recorded earthquakes of 7.0 and greater. That list does not. When all the data is considered it is clear there is no trend.


NOWHERE on the website I cited in my original post on this subject does the statement below occur:

Selected earthquakes of general historic interest.

This statement does not occur ANYWHERE on the website I provided in my original post:

Therefore, when you cited this statement back to me in your most recent post you either (a) were looking at a different website or (b) made the statement up.

The data I cited/listed does include ALL of the earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 in the USGS record from 1863 through 2009. There was NO SELECTION CRITERIA employed in compiling the list other than to limit the list to those earthquakes of 7.0 magnitude or higher.


NONE of the earthquakes in the data I cited in my original post nor ANY of the earthquakes I actually separately listed in my second post on this subject registered less than 7.0 on the Richter scale, i.e. the data I cited/listed DID NOT include earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 (or 5.0 or 6.0) as you stated was true. The data I cited/listed only included earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or greater which was the scope of our discussion.


The data I cited/listed was compiled and published by the USGS, a highly recognized reliable source.


The list I cited is NOT as you described "a statistically meaningless list".
The list I cited which I cite again below IS a statistically significant list.

--------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------
1863 to 1900 incl 38 yrs 12
1901 to 1938 incl 38 yrs 53
1939 to 1976 incl 38 yrs 71
1977 to 2014 incl 38 yrs 144 (to Sept. 2009) predict >180 in total.


In contrast to what you claimed in your most recent post ("When all the data is considered it is clear there is no trend"), when ALL the data is considered, there is INDEED a trend.

12 earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or higher in the 38-year period 1863-1900 increased to 53 earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or higher in the 38-year period 1901-1939 which increased to 71 earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or higher in the 38-year period 1939-1976 which increased to 144 earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or higher in the period 1977-Sept. 2009 with that number predicted to increase to approximately 180 earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or higher by the end of 2014.


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by biochemky

NOWHERE on the website I cited in my original post on this subject does the statement below occur:

Selected earthquakes of general historic interest.

This statement does not occur ANYWHERE on the website I provided in my original post:

If you scroll all the way down on the website you linked to, you will find a list of references. Reference number 1 says:

The number and energy intensity of earthquakes in any given period are based upon records from USGS and other sources, including those recorded at

If you click this link, you will find this at the top of the site:

Historic World Earthquakes
Sorted by Date
Selected earthquakes of general historic interest.

Hope this helps.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by ziggystar60

Actually you don't have to scroll down.
Here is the the link in the post I replied to:

The source is provided at the top of the page.

The count here is based upon U.S. Geological Survey, at this link

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by UnmitigatedDisaster

No need to apologize. However, just remember, just because you believe that its pure paranoia to believe that HAARP can do some of the things that have been speculated on, doesn't mean that it isn't pure truth. Your version of the truth is merely just perception, and sometimes perceptions can be deceiving.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by biochemky

Thank you for the information that you've posted. Much appreciated.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by notknowing
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

I AGREE WITH YOU OP... something is not right. I have been hearing THE HUM since Sept. 2008 and I have a feeling this is not a natural phenomenom. I had been posting about my experiences and had said I would stop wasting my time with this site. But, just for you, I'm posting this note...May God give us the strength to survive what is coming...

I guess I'm slightly addicted to this site and I wish someone would finally come out with the truth about what is going on.

Excellent. Its good that you're using your instincts and feelings. Trust me when I say that often, trusting your instincts goes way further than any sort of research could ever provide.

And trust me...God is giving that strength out. Its up to us to receive it.

Thank you so much for your thoughts. Keep looking for the truth. There is tons of deception out there, and many of us keep posting so that the truth can be made available.

You are on the right track. That's a promise.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Stedlinn
is the US at war with another HAARP, and the entire world is the battlefield, it would explain all the events

Very true. Just keep your wits about you. You are definitely on the right track here.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by jumpingbeanz
reply to post by Stedlinn

could haarp affect our moods/thinking??? via haarp also

[edit on 15-3-2010 by jumpingbeanz]

Thank you for your well thought out post. The answer is...very likely. The brain operates on a variety of frequencies that range from the .5-20 hertz level, give or take a few hertz, here or there. So, is highly conceivable.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

That's really an unrelated attack when it comes to the content of this thread.

The Pineal Gland is a very REAL gland that exists in the crown of the forehead. It secretes Dimethyltryptamine, and deals with a number of powerful naturally occurring psychoactive and psychotropic drugs such as melatonin and serotonin. Instead of making baseless attacks against other people on these forums and disagreeing with them for the sake of an ego boost, you might want to read up on it to advance your own understanding of brain chemistry and frequencies.

You downgraded the last poster for lack of originality, however, most research is based on very unoriginal principles. Technically, almost every concept in the human psyche has been thought of before making original thought almost non-existent. A lack of originality, in my opinion, is agreeing with every mainstream story and ideal just because the media presents it as truth. In my opinion, it is VERY unoriginal to believe that HAARP is just a research facility just because that is what HAARP claims. HAARP is a military owned, government facility. The military does not put money behind something that does not have military applications.

You claim that its paranoid to believe that HAARP could control the weather or act as a defense system, when the designer and builder of HAARP created it for those very purposes. So, do you know something that the designer didn't? Are you smarter than he is? If so, build a facility just like HAARP, and then you can claim superior knowledge. Otherwise you're just spouting off nonsense.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

The Pineal Gland is a very REAL gland that exists in the crown of the forehead.

Really? In the forehead? Yours maybe but not most people.

[edit on 3/16/2010 by Phage]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:27 PM
I did some quick kicking around and found:
Most tornados 2004, 1,819, most deaths 1908, 324deaths ( might be less but might be more), second deadliest, 1840, 317 deaths (again +-), 2008, 1,694, 125 dead. It was the most expensive.

The sky changing before an earthquake has been known for years. It was discussed in geology class when I went to school. Google it and go to about page 15 or so to get by the Chile info. The unfortunate thing is that when you see it, it’s too late, you’re toast!

We have maybe 300 years of so-so records of hurricanes, fair records for 200 years, good records for 50 years. 2004-2005 were the worst ‘we know about’.

The strongest wind measured use to be Mt. Washington (1934) but now it is held by the Aussies (1996)! granted this was not a ‘hurricane’ but that is just the local name. All of them are tropical cyclones. So Rita and company were the strongest to hit the US. Also note how slow the season was last year but check out Asia. The Philippines were hit one after another and there were a total of 41 Typhoons that year. 2005 saw 28 storms in the Atlantic basin. That number includes tropical storms.

Doppler measured a tornado at 318MPH (doesn’t count, not measured by an anemometer.)

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:19 PM
I could tell you what is responsible for many of the disturbances. I didn't just get the highest grade in earth-space science, but I actually got something like a 99% out of 100% in this subject--people were angry with me because that's what set the curve, but you have to promise that you'll continue to research this....because there's alot that I don't know and there's alot of people simply on the wrong track.

The key is looking at physics books, I'm no physics expert but I've read enough to know that there's something going on in the atmosphere that shouldn't be going on--as far as the Earth is concerned. It's "absorption" of radiation by a chemical in the atmosphere (an important component called O2/oxygen). It's this constant absorption caused by the hundreds of thousands cellular (microwave) based towers that everyone needs just to speak to one another that is doing this. The earth is dealing with that assault on the natural chemicals in the air all of the time.

The history of cell phone towers coincide with the freakish weather. Last 2 to 3 decades.

"Atmospheric Absorption"
Electromagnetic waves are absorbed in the atmosphere according to wavelength. Two compounds are responsible for the majority of signal absorption: oxygen (O2) and water vapor (H2O).......

"The microwave absorption spectrum of oxygen"

"Physics of microwave discharges: artificially ionized regions in the atmosphere" 8u52UQ&hl=en&ei=M0-HS7XtAtCVtgfGzoycDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CAYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=&f=false

You can't just go around altering components in the air we breathe on that kind of scale and think that it would not affect the earth. The earth strives to maintain a balance in the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, anyone who's been alive for awhile has noticed.

Read about absorption/attenuation...

PS If you need links from websites showing that atmospheric oxygen has dropped just reply there are many links on the internet.


[edit on 17-3-2010 by indiana4jones]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

i have been saying this for a while! i am glad that some else is in agreeance!

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