A little story time is in order:-
Once, a man stood upon the summit of a large mountain and in his hands was a magnificent gem. It was perfect in every way you could imagine, yet the
man had no thoughts of "value or riches". As he walked on the summit he stumbled, the gem fell down the mountain side and smashed into tiny pieces.
Other people picked up those little gems and exclaimed, "Look at the beautiful gem I have, it is perfect." Another would yell, "But my gem is more
perfect than that one."
Yet none of those people realised how they only held one tiny fragment of that real Perfection.
Here ends story time.
And the moral of the story is; those who picked up the fragments believed only they held the perfect gem. They proclaimed it to the world as such a
Don't religions do the same thing over the history of mankind? Isn't it possible that like the gem in the parable above, Truth could be the Perfect
Gem that was fragmented into so many pieces?
Before Christianity arrived in many parts of the world there existed a Love and Reverence for the Creator of Earth and its Bounty. The people made
representations of it in such a way as they could explain and understand those "Bigger Pictures". And this was how things were for many millenia.
When Christianity did arrive into those same countries, it usually did so at the point of a Roman Sword. "Convert or Die" was the saying no matter
the language. So many died for the Creator of their world instead of Believing what was being forced upon them by the Soldiers.
In Celtic cultures it was understood that "All Gods Are One". And so the people were happy to accept the story of Jesus, although they did not like
the way it was being forced upon them as if LAW. Of course it was part of Roman Law in those countries.
One of the "Winning the Hearts and Minds" routines used was to take over what had been considered to be Sacred to the Creator in these cultures. And
so we see small churches/chapels and the like built on Water Springs, hilltops, etc. What this was intended to do was take advantage of the native
people going to these sites to commune with the Creator, and, Indoctrinate them into the New Way, Christianity, and the Laws that Supported the
Then of course, because people where still communing with the Creator on their own in a very personal way, the Church then banned so many things that
were known to assist a person to commune directly, and knowingly.. no hint of doubt, with the Creator/God.
And so all of it was made Taboo, aligned with Evil, and therefore Satan. In a sense what it did was try to remove every single other fractured piece
of Gem from the world so that its piece of fractured gem would be seen as Perfect, and thus the Only Truth.
Well, humans do have free will, and we need to realise that humans used it freely for their benefit.
The thing that is being represented in the Garden of Eden, or E.Din (The First Place/Time), by The Snake has come down to us as being Satan, the Evil
Yet strangley, when you go to the original sources for Genesis it is not an "evil one" being represented by the Symbol of the Snake. Instead, it is
the one who Created us and Loved us. The Symbol of the Snake was part of the insignia for the "House of Life".
In the Sumerian tales, which are the original Source of Genesis, the One who Created us was hated by his brother. He was also the one who informed the
Bible's Noah (Sumerian:- Utnapishtim) of the impending flood and how to build a cylinder-shaped Su-Le-Le (Underwater Boat) or Ark as it has been
translated in the Bible.
Because the One who Created us and Loved us was ordered not to tell the human beings of the Water that would come, his Brother who hated him made sure
he was punished severely for breaking the oath he made. He then was seen as the Bad One for breaking this Oath.
And as has happened so very often after this, the Brother who hated the Creator of Man ensured that all those who came after would remember the One
Who Loved Us as the Evil One. Even to the extent of taking the snake symbol from the Caduceus (Our modern Health/Doctor symbol and symbol of The House
of Life) and using it to represent his "naughty" brother for all time to come.
Hence why the Snake in the Garden of Eden says what he does to Adam; that is The Adamma model created for the purpose intended.
So after all my ranting it should be possible to see a few things that are quite important to this discussion....
One, is that Christianity is a Victor Religion in that using superior firepower and manpower it converted a large portion of the world's population
and continued over the following millenia to Indoctrinate all those born to the Followers, which insures the survival of the Belief-System.
Two, is the thing that Christianity calls Satan, is a misnomer. And it is very much misunderstood due to the manipulation of someone powerful in the
early church. Instead of being this thing called Satan who is supposedly an Evil One, it was really the God who Created us. Our Creator that we call
Three, is the usurping of ancient Concepts, Beliefs, Festivals and Sites as a way to remove the old ways from the people, and still have them come
along to pay Lip-Service anyway. This is nearly the same thing China did in Tibet.
Fourth, is the making Taboo of all the ancient ways people could commune with the real God, the Real Creator, in the Creator's Creation. This made it
very easy to Indoctrinate and Enforce what had become Law
Fifth, is simply that all these things put together show a pattern of abuse, free-will powered abuse used by those who took it upon themselves to tell
the Plebs what God Wants from them. This was easy to do also because the Plebs were not educated enough in Latin to read it for themselves and
understand it for themselves.. as they had been doing for Millenia before the Laws came with the Swords.
Lastly, phew, bet you're looking forward to the end of this post
You are entitled to your Beliefs and Opinions, and I will not judge you
adversely for them. I only post to share some information so that people can make a slightly more informed decision about what they Choose to
PS, edited for spelling
[edit on 3-3-2010 by Tayesin]