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See, even the Chilean are suspecting HAARP!

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by andy1972

Originally posted by Pocky
reply to post by ventian

Everybody watch. Fantastic, lol, even the guest are astounded by this information, they're starting to wake up.

This is pure propaganda....every 30 secnds he insults the US...he says the Russian navy are FORCING him ti go public...he´s a freak. Just look at his darth vader t-shirt.

Pure CRAP.

He's indeed a freak. When he looked that selling Chilean kids japanese animation wasn't profitable anymore, he started with this crap. He's a good movie critic anyway (Please Salfate, If you're reading this... stop the conspiracy BS and come back to anime and videogames. Please... You'll make us a favor)

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by andy1972

Ok Andy...Now I have to clean the coffee off of my computer screen. That was the funniest thing I've read all day. Bigfoot....I cant get that picture out of my mind! Oh man your funny!

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by sowtruth

1) HAARP does not transmit ELF waves. It can stimulate the ionosphere into producing ELF waves. Very weak ones. Much more powerful ELF waves are produced naturally.

2) Please provide a source.

3) Can you tell me where to look in the videos for the claimed proof of ELF waves triggering earthquakes. The History Channel provides little history and even less science and I lose patience with it very quickly.

4) HAARP cannot "displace" parts of the ionosphere. It can heat a small portion of it and affect its density slightly. This occurs many miles above the jetstreams which are not "water channels", they are bands of very high speed wind.

5) HAARP's transmitters produce 3.6Mw. From the source you provide:

The HF transmitter now consists of 180 antenna elements having a net radiated power capability of 3,600 kW, thus completing its development as originally planned. Although the HF transmitter is complete, the program continues to improve and develop the suite of scientific instruments at the facility to enhance its scientific product.

6) Weather modification has nothing to do with HAARP, it is about cloud seeding.

WEATHER MODIFICATION.—The term ‘‘weather modification’’ means changing or controlling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial methods the natural development of atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the troposphere.
HAARP cannot affect the troposphere or clouds.

7) EISCAT is located in Norway. It does the same sort of ionospheric research as HAARP but has 1/3 the power.

[edit on 3/1/2010 by Phage]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:07 AM


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by sowtruth

1) HAARP does not transmit ELF waves. It can stimulate the ionosphere into producing ELF waves. Very weak ones. Much more powerful ELF waves are produced naturally.

Ok so HAARP can produce amplified ELF/VLF waves as a result of HF heater-induced ELF/VLF generation.

2) Please provide a source.

Effects of 6-10 Hz ELF on Brain Waves

3) Can you tell me where to look in the videos for the claimed proof of ELF waves triggering earthquakes. The History Channel provides little history and even less science and I lose patience with it very quickly.

Part 3 @ 2:06 shows the ELF experiment.

If you watch part 3 from the start it explains that in 2001, scientists in NASA's AIMS research centre studied 100 earthquakes with magnitudes of 5.0 or greater and discovered that almost all of them are preceded by electrical disturbances in the ionosphere.

4) HAARP cannot "displace" parts of the ionosphere. It can heat a small portion of it and affect its density slightly. This occurs many miles above the jetstreams which are not "water channels", they are bands of very high speed wind.

The history channel doco does say the the ionosphere is modified/manipulated, and as a result of the heating effects it does in fact raise the ionosphere, which does in turn displace the jetstreams. Sorry I was reciting from memory, couldn't remember whether they were water vapour or just air.

5) HAARP's transmitters produce 3.6Mw. From the source you provide:

The HF transmitter now consists of 180 antenna elements having a net radiated power capability of 3,600 kW, thus completing its development as originally planned. Although the HF transmitter is complete, the program continues to improve and develop the suite of scientific instruments at the facility to enhance its scientific product.

You missed the 2006 update further down the page.

Following completion of this work in 2006, the HAARP Research Station now has an installed power generation capability of approximately 12.5 MW.

6) Weather modification has nothing to do with HAARP, it is about cloud seeding.

WEATHER MODIFICATION.—The term ‘‘weather modification’’ means changing or controlling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial methods the natural development of atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the troposphere.
HAARP cannot affect the troposphere or clouds.

That bill may not be directly related to HAARP, but it's still interesting to note that they are modifying the weather.

They just use Chemtrails to create fake clouds

7) EISCAT is located in Norway. It does the same sort of ionospheric research as HAARP but has 1/3 the power.

Yep, says it has 12x100kW HF heaters, which if can be combined would be 1/10th of the 12.5MW of HAARP

Hope that helps.


[edit on 1-3-2010 by sowtruth]

[edit on 1-3-2010 by sowtruth]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by sowtruth

The Crystal Palace Park Television transmitters
In London Transmit on 4 Channels at 1000kw each.(ie:1MW)
Not much less power than HAARP.
By this reasoning. the Crystal Palace could have done it.

Just illustrating familiar power levels for comparison.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Zeptepi
reply to post by sowtruth

The Crystal Palace Park Television transmitters
In London Transmit on 4 Channels at 1000kw each.(ie:1MW)
Not much less power than HAARP.
By this reasoning. the Crystal Palace could have done it.

Just illustrating familiar power levels for comparison.

Thanks for that, good to know how much power TV stations churn out as opposed to radio stations.

Though the 1MW power is ERP not TPO (transmitter power output) which is typically 10% of ERP depending on the gain being used. So the 1MW ERP may have a 100kW TPO.. The quote below refers to FM signals, so not sure how scalable TV power outputs are in comparison.

For example, an FM radio station which advertises that it has 100,000 watts of power actually has 100,000 watts ERP, and probably not an actual 100,000-watt transmitter. The TPO of such a station typically may be 10,000 to 20,000 watts, with a gain factor of 5 to 10 (5× to 10×, or 7 to 10dB).

There would be no TV signals being broadcast on those channels if they did use them for alternate purposes.. and they'd have to point them to the sky and whether they actually travel and bounce off the ionosphere is another story

I also wonder if they can transmit ELF or just VLF/UHF frequencies?

Yep well you're half right. TV's induce your brain into an alpha wave state making your more susceptible to accepting the advertising and other garbage they show on air. It's probably fair to say TV has caused more damage to humans than HAARP has at this stage anyhow :p

[edit on 1-3-2010 by sowtruth]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

No, it isn't. It's a research project investigating the use of the ionosphere for communications, surveillance, and disrupting enemy communication.

Anyone who says differently is not doing so through objective research, but paranoia and ignorance.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Zeptepi
reply to post by Donny 4 million

No Don, Just another propaganda website that spits out drivel that is designed to promulgate fear. I found this quote especially amusing. A million kilometer long "magnetic filament" is not at all unusual. In fact, Hams
look forward to increased Sun spot activity. It enhances HF propagation by increasing the reflectivity of the ionosphere. Further, to even suppose that ANY manmade "firing" could even remotely cause a Solar flare to "collapse" is utterly beyond ridiculous! Thus is the fodder for the gullible.

Funny name for a website that doesn't have a clue "what it means"

"Especially worrying to the US and their EU counterparts prior to this new earthquake weapons test, these reports continue, was the appearance on the sun this past week of the estimated 1 million kilometer long magnetic filament extending from its surface which another HAARP “firing” is feared could cause its collapse resulting in a massive Hydra Flare that could affect our entire Earth."

You have got to be kidding me.

I have absolutly no idea what you are talking about here.
If you are refering to something I have typed please quote it.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Donny 4 million

He's probably referring to that "news source" you said had a good link. The article in question was complete nonsense. Pure, unabashed conjecture. It is claiming things as fact without any evidence. It's rather clear they don't have any scientists on staff, as I've seen more scientifically-coherent statements from 3-year-olds.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:22 AM
I am an OUTTA BOX thinker so I have a thought for some to ponder not saying its a fact or even close to being true. If the people on here really think a HAARP type machine was used, would it be too strange to consider the NEW WORLD ORDER IS REALLY BEING REORDERED WITH SUCH MACHINES. You know like 3rd world located now lets relocate them, how? lets give them a reason to relocate or to even better be financially supported globally bringing a once 3rd world country into a developed country. UM JUST SAYEN

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by jumpingbeanz
HAARP is an Ionosphere research site.

HAARP bounces HF radio off the ionosphere. Basically the same thing that ham radio operators do.

HAARP is located in Alaska, so it is difficult to believe (to anyone that understands RADIO and has more than 2 brain cells) that an experiment in Alaska can cause an earthquake in Haiti or rain in San Diego.

Perhaps someone might point to Chavez as being technologically impaired.

It is far easier to simply follow the herd than look at real facts. A herd is a herd and people that believe HAARP did this or any other quake simply do not understand some of the technology and methods behind it. Radio is not something everyone has experience with so it does not surprise me that so many would think that this HAARP nonsense is reality. Its kinda like the witch trials. You do not understand something so you immediately think ill of it. Less time should be spent discussing scientifically impossible things!

But I guess while the less intelligent play with foolish theories, real conversation can take place elsewhere. On to REAL issues.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by A-E-I-Owned-You]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Phage

Phage when I speak of the first time HAARP bounced HF off the moon I never quoted a web site or ATS url.
I think that is where the miss understanding is.
Here is what I am referring to since you claim HAARP is not directional and only able to function within 30 degrees of the facility. Any way HAMS are limited in the power they can use. HAARP is unlimited as far as I can tell.
So any HAM nonsense is not required in the discussion.

There are many other official sites on this... fairly new stuff.

HAARP - LWA Moon Bounce Experiment
Jan 19, 2008 ... Information About the HAARP - LWA Moon Bounce Experiment ... The HF Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska, ... -

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by davesidious
reply to post by Donny 4 million

He's probably referring to that "news source" you said had a good link. The article in question was complete nonsense. Pure, unabashed conjecture. It is claiming things as fact without any evidence. It's rather clear they don't have any scientists on staff, as I've seen more scientifically-coherent statements from 3-year-olds.

Yeah I had to go back and figure that out. I was doing that while you were typing this I guess.
You got to admit that the link the other member provided is interesting although.
see my post to Phage.
Thanks for pointing that out.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
Any way HAMS are limited in the power they can use. HAARP is unlimited as far as I can tell.
So any HAM nonsense is not required in the discussion.

Sorry, but that is just a way to dismiss real facts. While ham operators cannot operate with the same power, the science behind radio is STILL THE SAME.

Deny ignorance, do not embrace it with a wave of your hand because it does not fit into your baseless theory.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by A-E-I-Owned-You]

[edit on 1-3-2010 by A-E-I-Owned-You]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by A-E-I-Owned-You

Originally posted by jumpingbeanz
HAARP is an Ionosphere research site.

HAARP bounces HF radio off the ionosphere. Basically the same thing that ham radio operators do.

HAARP is located in Alaska, so it is difficult to believe (to anyone that understands RADIO and has more than 2 brain cells) that an experiment in Alaska can cause an earthquake in Haiti or rain in San Diego.

Perhaps someone might point to Chavez as being technologically impaired.

It is far easier to simply follow the herd than look at real facts. A herd is a herd and people that believe HAARP did this or any other quake simply do not understand some of the technology and methods behind it. Radio is not something everyone has experience with so it does not surprise me that so many would think that this HAARP nonsense is reality. Its kinda like the witch trials. You do not understand something so you immediately think ill of it. Less time should be spent discussing scientifically impossible things!

But I guess while the less intelligent play with foolish theories, real conversation can take place elsewhere. On to REAL issues.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by A-E-I-Owned-You]

This is simple pot calling the kettle HERD.
Try posting facts that prove HAARP cannot do what other members claim it can do. Prove William Cohen wrong.
Prove Harvard scientists wrong.
Most of all prove what all the massive power generation is for.
Prove the space between the ionosphere and the core of the earth is not a GIANT capacitor that can store more power than you and I can only imagine.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by A-E-I-Owned-You

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
Any way HAMS are limited in the power they can use. HAARP is unlimited as far as I can tell.
So any HAM nonsense is not required in the discussion.

Sorry, but that is just a way to dismiss real facts. While ham operators cannot operate with the same power, the science behind radio is STILL THE SAME.

Deny ignorance, do not embrace it with a wave of your hand because it does not fit into your baseless theory.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by A-E-I-Owned-You]

[edit on 1-3-2010 by A-E-I-Owned-You]

I must have been reading your mind.
See my post above.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Donny 4 million

It's not interesting if it reads like it was spewed out by a semi-literate baboon suffering from caffeine withdrawal, which is the case here

We've been over the William Cohen quote many times. It's clear to all (except you) that he was talking about people claiming to be engaging in research into such weapons, not that actual weapons exist. And even if he did say that, why do you suddenly trust a government official, when you don't believe what they say about HAARP. Either you believe all they say, or nothing. Don't pick and choose to believe what fits in with your assumption that HAARP is a weapon.

HAARP does have to abide by the same ham radio rules as everyone else. It is not allowed to interfere with anything else, and has to warn everyone of what it will be doing (and when). It also is limited in the power it can transmit at by the antennas themselves, and the power available to the site. The upgrades to the equipment are public knowledge.

It is incumbent on you to show how a research station, with complete transparency, is somehow engaging in a hitherto-unknown field of physics known only to HAARP and Donny 4 million.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by sowtruth

You make a lot of sense when it comes to this subject.
A belated welcome to ATS

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by davesidious

It is not important to me what you think about what W.S.C. says. I mention his statement so that other members have access to it. Then they can make up their own mind about what he said. I will post his exact words later.

Interesting how you say that HAARP is only restricted by it's antennas.
Is that why they keep increasing the number of them. More power un-restricted.

The Smithsonian Museum would be transparent IMO. It must be open to the public 360 or so days a year.
HAARP is open one day.
I can walk in the museum without a security clearance.
Can you walk into HAARP without a guide even on the one day it is open.
Tell me what security clearance is required to work at HAARP?
Transparency crap.

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