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See, even the Chilean are suspecting HAARP!

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:11 PM
Not sure what we could want from Chile but the are the largest producers of copper. I look at possible HAARP involvement in Haiti as a strategic chess move.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:25 PM
Well let them...they seems a bit paranoid these days...

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
I would just like to point out that this area was the site of the largest earthquake ever recorded at 9.5 back in 1960. More than 30 years before HAARP was even established. It's clear that this area is prone to large quakes and to assume there is some insidious cause behind the quake would suggest that you haven't looked at the area's history in terms of quakes.

you did your homework

thats it

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by ventian
HAARP was not on at the time this quake happened. Russian navy is probably trying to provoke war on us.

Stop hating the russians, i guess you dont see it at the Olympics how the russians and natives cared for each other? you american pro war lover?

So now its HAARP it was the russians yes blame the russians

Now wonder why everyone hates america.

That guy in the video is an idiot, so whats his saying is that the russians are using HAARP to provoke a war?

Doesn't the jack idiot no offence, mean america?

[edit on 28-2-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by ventian

What do you mean HAARP was not on when it happened?

IF HAARP is a clandestine environmental weapon, and they are engaged in causing death and destruction around the world, for whatever reason best known to themselves, do you think they are going to say, "Why yes, HAARP was turned on and pointed at Chile/Haiti/ where ever?

Do you imagine, if this technology is as effective a weapon as is being theorised around the world, they would only have one transmitting station around the world?

Blimey, smell the coffee mate.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Walkswithfish
I find it rather amusing that anyone believes that mankind has the ability to cause an earthquake.

I think Tesla if alive would not be amused

Nikola Tesla's earthquake machine, vibration, natural frequencies and building demolition

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:26 AM
HAARP is an Ionosphere research site.

HAARP bounces HF radio off the ionosphere. Basically the same thing that ham radio operators do.

HAARP is located in Alaska, so it is difficult to believe (to anyone that understands RADIO and has more than 2 brain cells) that an experiment in Alaska can cause an earthquake in Haiti or rain in San Diego.

Perhaps someone might point to Chavez as being technologically impaired.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

He prolly reads the forum,

Isn't there enough anti Americanism in the world without fairy tales?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Pocky
Damn right, I'm glad they're open minded enough to question this on TV. Watch the following video of a guest on a Chilean show explaining why America used HAARP to cause this catastrophe!

It's in spanish, but the subtitles are in English. Enjoy! I'm glad people all over the world are wakin up!

Nice post-We all know the Haiti earthquake were made by the us haarp program. This was proven allready in 2001. Rockefeller informed aaron an politician\movie producer that they wanted Cheves out of the picture, and they were going to use a new high tech weapon,pretty much what isreal got. =Haarp-- but if they did it in chile i have no evidence of,but it is VERY possible

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by dashar

The reason for haiti might be because they found tons of oil.

Oh? Please explain.

[edit on 28-2-2010 by ghr54321]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:18 PM
i was trying my hardest to avoid this thread, but im gonna say what i think and let it be.

The reason some chilieans are starting to bring up the HAARP name is the EXACT same reason the iranians have been trying to use the HAARP name to say the amerians are using it for bad.

and its VERY simple.

HAARP, unjustifibly , is one of the top conspiricys on the web, people in power are not stupid and simply use peoples own theorys and fears against them by bringing up the name HAARP ,and because people have been thinking, commenting, blaming HAARP for everything already, as soon as Anyone in any sort of power mentions it they believe it in wholesale amounts!

i dont know where this phrase comes from, but its dam true
"the more people are told a lie the more they believe it, till one day the lie becomes fact" ... this is all thats haappened with HAARP.

btw whats up with the color tags on this forum?

[edit on 28-2-2010 by boaby_phet]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:27 PM
We can tell if it's harrp only if an eathquake happened in a place wee it isn't prone to fault lines

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Archirvion

Maybe I'm just being dense.. How would Rockefeller know of anything so secret?

And if he did know, why tell a movie producer?

And if he did know and he did tell the producer, what does Chavez, the Venezuelan President, have anything to do with Haiti?

I don't claim to know much about HAARP, but, logic I do know. And your logic doesn't add up. .

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by boaby_phet
The reason some chilieans are starting to bring up the HAARP name is the EXACT same reason the iranians have been trying to use the HAARP name to say the amerians are using it for bad.

You are wrong.

The "chilean" from the video is a tv entertainer who earn his money telling conspiracy tales in some low entertainment shows. Nothing else, , nobody takes it more seriously than what it is

I tell you , 99% of chileans KNOW FOR A FACT that we are a seismic country and this earthquake was something we were expecting from years.

No Haarp bs

Haarp could be a reality or not, but in this event, the explanation exist already and is on our seismic history

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Archirvion

Nice post-We all know the Haiti earthquake were made by the us haarp program. This was proven allready in 2001. Rockefeller informed aaron an politician\movie producer that they wanted Cheves out of the picture, and they were going to use a new high tech weapon,pretty much what isreal got. =Haarp-- but if they did it in chile i have no evidence of,but it is VERY possible

The recent earthquake was in Chile. Chavez is the President of Venezuela. So there is no way that this recent quake was an attack on Chavez.

That's just for starters. There's also the fact that HAARP has never been show to be able to cause or effect earthquakes or plate tectonics. No one can KNOW that the Haiti quake was caused by HAARP, they can only believe that and they do so falsely because it is KNOWN that Haiti sits on a fault line and that earthquakes, including the recent one, are naturally caused by tectonic plates shifting and sliding against each other.

HAARP is not a weapon, I suggest you do a little research into what HAARP actually is before you make any of these claims. If the world governments had some sort of earthquake inducing weapon it would likely be discernible from a normal earthquake, such a weapon would likely be detectable as it would have to employ huge amounts of energy. Furthermore there is no scientific principal I can think of for creating artificial earthquakes particularly from miles and miles away from the epicenter.

So, we can see it is not VERY possible as you claim. In fact is so extremely remotely improbable that it has no merit whatsoever.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull

Originally posted by Archirvion

Nice post-We all know the Haiti earthquake were made by the us haarp program. This was proven allready in 2001. Rockefeller informed aaron an politician\movie producer that they wanted Cheves out of the picture, and they were going to use a new high tech weapon,pretty much what isreal got. =Haarp-- but if they did it in chile i have no evidence of,but it is VERY possible

The recent earthquake was in Chile. Chavez is the President of Venezuela. So there is no way that this recent quake was an attack on Chavez.

That's just for starters. There's also the fact that HAARP has never been show to be able to cause or effect earthquakes or plate tectonics. No one can KNOW that the Haiti quake was caused by HAARP, they can only believe that and they do so falsely because it is KNOWN that Haiti sits on a fault line and that earthquakes, including the recent one, are naturally caused by tectonic plates shifting and sliding against each other.

HAARP is not a weapon, I suggest you do a little research into what HAARP actually is before you make any of these claims. If the world governments had some sort of earthquake inducing weapon it would likely be discernible from a normal earthquake, such a weapon would likely be detectable as it would have to employ huge amounts of energy. Furthermore there is no scientific principal I can think of for creating artificial earthquakes particularly from miles and miles away from the epicenter.

Are really serious? Dude do more research and you'll found that there are times HARRP are used in warfare And how are going to explain earthquakes in places that don't have fault lines

So, we can see it is not VERY possible as you claim. In fact is so extremely remotely improbable that it has no merit whatsoever.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by ozzraven

??? you mean i was right LMAO... you confuse me..

you say im wrong, and they say people believe it cos of some conspiricy show that noone thinks is credible!... is that not basicly what i was saying? (theorys + poor sources = bullsh*t)

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by ozzraven

Lol! Thank you so much for pointing that out. The guy is clearly an entertainer. It would be the social equivalent to Conan O'Brien telling Americans the same news.

Really? lol The guy in the Darth Vader tee has insider information from the Russians about how the evil America is attacking third world countries? And by America sending more money than any other country to Haiti for relief somehow benefits us during such a well-publicized national debt?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by neo5842

I haven't been through the rest of the thread but this caught my attention.
I was just wondering about this myself.
I just put a post up on one of the other threads where I think mining, drilling for oil and water, excessive and huge weight exerted on the crust by the building of metropolises should have some effect on recent quake activity. The after shock deal is very interesting. Not quite normal is it?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by boaby_phet
reply to post by ozzraven

??? you mean i was right LMAO... you confuse me..

you say im wrong, and they say people believe it cos of some conspiricy show that noone thinks is credible!... is that not basicly what i was saying? (theorys + poor sources = bullsh*t)

I undestood from your statement that we had some kind of antiamerican feeling that bring us to name the haarp thing... if you said something like that, youre not right... in chile we know why we have earthquakes, and it cant be any kind of media manipulation on that subject...

we were living on quakes all our lives

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