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See, even the Chilean are suspecting HAARP!

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Essan
If recent big earthquakes were all caused by HAARP, it raises the very big and serious question: why have there been no major natural earthquakes for years? !!!!!!!!!
What has caused them to stop?

And why does HAARP only cause major earthquakes in regions that are historically susceptible to major earthquakes and where we would normally expect such earthquakes to occur - like Chile?

I have never said HAARP has caused an earth quake.
It seems like you are???
Any way-- wouldn't you think that if you wanted to trigger a earth quake--- You would collect data from places that exhibit tendencies towards a quake. Places that were teetering like a balanced rock on the edge of a cliff. You would use Quarry like techniques and plant your charge or point of energy as close to that chink in the rock or fault as you could. Quarry engineers sluff that MASS of rock off towards an area of little resistance.
A fault near a coastline with deep water offshore fits both Haiti and Chile. Certainly better than trying to get a quake to occur in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
Kinda scary if you think about it like I just did. Yikes

[edit on 1-3-2010 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:57 PM
I would not be surprised if HAARP is real and can trigger earthquakes...but there are some facts I am sure of.

1. The lights in the sky are naturally acuring. They were first recorded in the 50s and there is no way HAARP was invented yet

2. The Russians would not contact a random spanish conspiracy show with this info.

3. We would not use it on Haiti. What is the point? So we can waste billions trying to help them?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 06:15 PM
I'm getting tired of all the conspiracy theories around every single event that happens. There just can't be that much corruption in the world. Conspiracies about earthquakes now?? Come on. Mother Nature doesn't exist anymore? Seriously, not everything is a conspiracy.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

So am I shadowfaxx

98% of the New conspiracies on ATS are merely ploys for attention, points or just plain old ignorance.

The old dying motto of ATS is "Deny Ignorance". did I say's the klukla Fran and Ollie show of Conspiracies now friend.

Ignorance is welcomed in it's majestic glory here now.

Despite the wisdom of a few beleaguered stalwarts,
ATS has been nearly relegated to mediocrity now.

The mime and puppet show of the net for all the world.
A few of us still try to maintain and even enlighten the unwitting. But alas, by the minute, you will see now older faces demure to the casual glance that will never lead them to read beyond the first page of this thread.

And that brings us too.... where is the OP now?

Basking in the knowledge that the mere mention of HAARP
as the blame for ANY natural occurrence will garner 8 pages of ......revelation for only the left click challenged.

No indeed....HAARP could never possibly have caused this tragic earthquake. It is a natural force of nature.

The shame is upon the purveyors of vitriolic deceit as we witnessed in the opening video. And upon Pocky(the OP) for his/her prevenance of this acidic nonsense.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by Zeptepi

Very well put indeed. It's disgusting that such abject nonsense garners such high levels of support. It's not just ignorance that is being welcomed on ATS, but baseless conjecture too, conveniently elevated to the level of "evidence". Pathetic.

The cynical side of me thinks if ATS didn't get so much money from serving adverts, the staff might be inclined to do something about it. But that would drive the thousands of fevered demon-believing, HAARP-decrying, Tesla-worshipping crackpots out, making the site unprofitable.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:23 AM
seöf delete

[edit on 4-3-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:31 PM
I can't stand all this nonsense... just today we had another earthquake, a 6.2º quake, not an aftershock, in Calama. You know why? BECAUSE THE TECTONIC PLATES ARE IN FREAKING MOVEMENT!

Sometimes I recall that phrase "common sense is the less common of the senses" when reading threads like this. Just go and secure your tin foil hats tight, but stop spreading this nonsense.

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