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Sen. Bunning blocks unemployment benefits extension

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:38 AM
I have a couple problems with some of these so-called responses. First off the dems have a majority in both the house and doesn't take much to buy off a republican or two so a bill can be passed. So blaming one guy is ridiculous (I will admit the guy is a jerk)...This whole issue isn't about the American people, it is just political games so one of the parties can appear as if they are "trying" to do something and blame the other side for not doing anything.

As far as actually extending unemployment benefits...I am not for this, so kill me for caring enough for people to force them to look and maybe take a job they see as under them...How do I know this happens? Because it has happened in my own family. I have a family member who I am very close to who hasn't really "tried" to find work, other than what is required to get his unemployment check...Guess what after 18 months his benefits are running out...magically he has a job. This person is in his mid 50's, worked his entire adult life, is not the typical "lazy bum", and only has a high school education...if he can do it anyone can. It became a matter of desire. Now I'm not saying out of the 1.4 million that may be affected by this will all find work, but we have to remember this money is coming from taxes. Taxes we pay...sooner or later the gov. will spend so much money that there isn't enough for anything and we're all screwed. So, for any idiot who thinks deficit spending helps in poor economic times should read a couple of history books...this is a myth created by statists who want CONTROL, not unlike the corporations and/or NWO crowd. Deficit spending has never actually created anything. The only way out of this mess is for us the American people to demand more from our representatives and if they can’t get their act together we need to vote their azz out and put somebody else in there. I still have hope, but only because a grand conspiracy cannot take into account the will of millions of people...Sooner or later we just need to do it ourselves!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:10 AM
1. For every one lazy guy living on social welfare, there will be plenty others more who are hardworking but lack the opportunity to get a job. More so in these difficult times. Do end the Corporate propaganda.

2. Till date, no machine can write a book, construct a building from ground up, drive a garbage truck, check on quality in the machine line, etc, etc. Machines taking over are a myth.

When the printing press was invented in the 15th century, it did not create unemployment, but only release labor to pursue other productive efforts and jobs. Machines and technologies raise productivity, and like the printing press, other spin offs jobs are created from it.

The human being did not lost jobs due to machines. They lost due to cheap labor. Capitalism dictates that it would be stupid and makes no economic sense to hire someone for $20/hr if you can have one at $1/hr.

Today, you saw capitalism's 'economic sense' through globalization and how it had created a nightmare for 'social sense'. Cheap foreign labor WILL NOT contribute to the host nation, for their money will be siphon back to home.

Worse still when the capitalists expect Americans to buy their supposedly cheap products. Stupidity at best as where are the common Americans gonna find the dough to buy when they had been fire and replaced?

3. Social welfare is unsustainable in the long run, and more jobs should instead be created. Technology, productivity and improved marketing hype in necessities will raise exports with a lower US dollar. US had always been an innovative nation, and will be even better as education improves.

Importers of American goods do not buy out of loyalty for necessary goods. They buy it because there are no ones else capable of such technology and productivity, as well as the muscle to protect patents for such tech. The fat cats made hoards of cash, its time to share it more equitably with fellow Americans who made it possible.

In the meantime, social welfare MUST continue. Even if the parents can skip meals, children cannot.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red
What a patriot!!!

At least he said no to the socialisms.

People need to go and create jobs and the business's that are the future of tomorrow.
Wealthfare just makes lazy people lazier which is why they are unemployed in the first place. Thank god this man stands for freedoms, my hates off to him!

good bles America!

Edited for spelling

[edit on 26-2-2010 by Janky Red]

I starred your reply.


Well, your reply reminds me so much of Bastille Day Elite thought.

Remember the famous cake quote by that beautiful blond/e princess? echoed that long forgotten line!

Hats off to ya!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:18 AM
As i see it, this is a "scam" to force people into 1$/h jobs, making them "slaves" who work for scraps, only to be working.

Thus the companies pay WAY less and get the same job done.

Basicly no better than a convict who manufactures license plates

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:19 AM
No matter who I talk to in Michigan, the sentiment is the same. WTF is this guy thinking!

Sorry for those of you who aren't living in Michigan and don't know what kind of economic nightmare this state is in, but there really aren't enough jobs to go around here.

I don't care how hard of a worker you are, if you are unemployed, you are having a hard time getting a job here, and this guy wants to make it harder.

It's bad enough. Sorry about those that hate social programs, but this is not the time to cut back on these. Especially for people out of work through no fault of their own!

This guy may hate the American people and may want to serve the interests of his corporate masters. But this does not fly for those people who are voters that need this help right now.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:05 AM
OK, so this Kentucky senator, calling himself a member of the Republican club, (like there is a difference
) makes the move to prevent the extension.

Now the Fed just told us they will not print any more money (ostensibly to 'deal' with national debt) so I think I see the point.

The politicians will not allow a redirection of corporate-earmarked money to go to the 'human resource' 'use eaters.' They are happy to see us on the street and desperate because it creates more motivated employees and a pool of prospective employees who will work for much lower wages.

The corporates can also benefit from the incoming 'security' contract job that the Federal government WILL help pay for though....

I think these 'leaders' and 'representatives' of ours, while trying to 'dumb us down' and convince us 'we are content' have begun to believe their own propaganda and actually operate on the assumption that we are as stupid as they want us to believe we are.


Violence will only beget more violence.

Frankly, I think these career politicians should be shunned. No contact, no recognition, no 'invitations;' we should be behave as if they are as dead to us as our welfare has become to them.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:17 AM
Unbelieveable, I cant believe you expect me to pay for your inefficiency and inability to represent yourself either as a prospect to an employer or as producer on your own. Who and for how long should all of us pay for you to stay home? Do you realize there is no 'gov't money, it's ours that has been extorted from us and away from our families? If we must accept the printing more worthless money to support you, my money loses value to keep you as you were, doing nothing of value.
There is no need to convert the US into europe, for europe already exists and you can go there. Why do we need to recreate that failed model everywhere?
You either dont care or dont know that one cannot create wealth from nothing. Wealth is what allows one to live and breath, and if you are not prepared to support yourself you need to seriously reevaluate what responsibility you place on the rest of us to provide for your upkeep when they are already having troubles of their own. IF you are the slow wildebeest on the savanna, why exactly to we as the rest of the herd have to get between you and the lions you chose to not outrun?
Man up or move.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:19 AM
It's about time the house of cards starts collapsing upon itself! Time for the people to see the real crimes this farce of an administration committed upon the U.S. Blaming this on one Senator standing up for his conservative beliefs is simply a farce and blame redirection. This has been coming along ever since Obama/Reid/Pelosi and the rest of their Totalitarian buddies started raping the American public last year for their own enjoyment and political agenda.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by thatredpill
Who and for how long should all of us pay for you to stay home? Do you realize there is no 'gov't money, it's ours that has been extorted from us and away from our families?

Blah blah, listen up mate....people whom are getting unemployment are getting that because they were employeed and lost their job...

When they were employeed, they paid taxes that went into unemployment comp should a day come where they need to collect it back.

So, what your saying is that people are not entitled to getting the money they set aside for a rainy day?

dont be such a government stooge and put a little bit of critical thinking. Sorry of your beloved government spent all of the cash on bombs and bank bailouts, how bout time one of these supercorps need a bailout, tell them to go shove it and let the people whom paid for unempoyment get their money.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:25 AM
Social justice is not the answer. Government is not the answer. Social Justice is simply an excuse for state control over our lives as it was in Latin America and the unending murders in its name.

Liberty is the answer.

Free yourselves from government, from Big Brother. Use your time on the dole (i.e., money taken at gun point from those of us that still work and pay taxes) to castrate and reduce the government to its original mandate -- to coordinate trade and defense of the sovereign states.

Washington DC is not the solution. Washington DC is the problem.

Originally posted by ChrisCrikey
Hungry people are going to make fearsome fighters for social justice....I hope. Some of these republicans need to skip a week or so of eating and see how it feels.

Hang in there guys. Guys like Bunning are not going to last in this new economy. He's living in another time.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by joeofthemountain]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:51 AM
It may have been stated already, but I just want to point out that this has NOTHING to do with Republicans.

The Republican party does not support this guy and they have asked him to step down because of his words/actions.

Just because he is a Republican Senator does not mean that he speaks for ALL Republicans.

The Republicans are not trying to destroy America just to make Obama look bad.

Come people, WE'RE better than this. We = ATS.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Detailed Perfection

The argument you produce would be more convincing if there wasnt already a precidence to stop every and all legislation by that party.

Senate republicans are doing some serious damage and abuse of minority party...its why there is serious talk by the biggest wussys on earth to change the filibuster law.

I just figured out how to continue funding unemployment benefits...lets fire congress

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by thatredpill
Who and for how long should all of us pay for you to stay home? Do you realize there is no 'gov't money, it's ours that has been extorted from us and away from our families?

Blah blah, listen up mate....people whom are getting unemployment are getting that because they were employeed and lost their job...

When they were employeed, they paid taxes that went into unemployment comp should a day come where they need to collect it back.

So, what your saying is that people are not entitled to getting the money they set aside for a rainy day?

The govt has stolen and squandered the money it took, and the money it now takes is to support the corruptocrats. There is no more than what can be honestly stolen right now. We owe more than the new worth of the population, there is no way to repay it, even if we give everything up to the banks and the govt that works for them.
Some whiney beeotch wants to stay home with the gameboy and get supported for naught. That doesnt fit into any naturaly functional model. Time for a new paradigm my friend, one of reality and letting failed promises go but accepting no further losses. Dont punish the people for the actions of the officers of the court, who intentionally lead all astray. The only funds forthcoming are printed on the loss of value of the rest of our posessions and everyones future. The answer is to retain what's left of your value, not degrade it further or further support your enemy. Time to accept that if you have failed, make those that promoted your failure pay significantly, not screw your neighbors that are following in your footsteps.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by David9176

I don't know who this guy thinks he is...but he is playing with fire.
[edit on 26-2-2010 by David9176]

Keep in mind ----
$150 Billion in Wall Street bonuses
$1200 a month added income for 10 MILLION NEEDY FAMILIES
(40 Million people)

[edit on 27-2-2010 by havanaja]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:14 AM
See if there's a C-SPAN clip from him saying how he was upset over missing some local sports thing, and how he was late for it.

The current reasoning in UI circles is that he's the scapegoat for the repubs in the senate held to filibuster UI/COBRA until the dems agree with some Tax Credit expansion/extension.

Tax Credits are already crippling and making unemployment worse in this country. It's pretty much a #, no-win situation. Once the dems agree the repubs will pull Bunning off and the UI/COBRA extension will pass. The down side immediately is the paperwork involved for some states, and as stated: tax credits are ruining employment for our country.

We live in a country were if you're unemployed, not a criminal, and not a minority you are less desirable to hire for many positions. Being unemployed for 10 months myself, and being reduced to applying for even fast food and sacking jobs is bad, but imagine you're the company doing the hiring: would you rather hire someone whom you'd pay an estimated $20K/year, or hire someone that would grant you a tax credit of $10K so that you're only 'out of pocket" $10K? It's not a hard choice to make.

It just galls me: ex-convicts are entitled to give a $10,000/year tax credit to a company.

Tax Credit abuse is insanely rampant where I am- there are no controls, no auditing (and I've barked up every tree I could find, up to the Ombudsman for the EEOC). A credit that was meant to help those most in need is being abused so that they're the only ones getting lower-end and entry level positions.

Walk into any grocery store, any fast food place, any doctors office in Houston TX. Spot the Tax Credits working there.

I've started asking employers for specific reasons why my applications are ignored, or what skills I could improve upon should I desire to seek future employment with their organization. So far only 1 has responded. Only 1.

I submit over 100 applications in a 2 week period. It's a full time job. I have glowing references, great work history in management, and have lowered my requirements to just enough to marginally live on. Nothing.


Oh, some of you folks seem to think the unemployed are somehow welfare recipients- that we're happy to be on the dole, or that we're all lazy and milking it?

I don't qualify for any form of government assistance. I have a 21 year work history. I spend 5-8 hours Mon-Friday, and frequently Sunday night as guilt sets in for taking a day off, looking for *any* job. Anything.

I'm paid $273/week- a recent reduction by the state of Texas which they're investigating (for 2 months). Do you think this is fun? Do you think I'm mooching because I want to?

I paid taxes for a long, long time. We'll spend more in 1 week in Iraq or Afghanistan than we would to extend UI benefits and COBRA healthcare benefits for American citizens. You think I want to pay $580/month for COBRA? You think I can even afford it after the reduction? haha no. But many try to because they have no choice. Me? I don't care if I die at this point- I have type 2 diabetes and hemochromatosis, and lord I hope I die soon. I really do.

You people act like there's some magic trick we can do? You act exactly like the government has trained you: It's all OK, unemployment isn't that bad, or that high (despite the fact the government knowingly doesn't talk about their published U4 and U6 unemployed, because those numbers would blow you away).

Texas goes from 9.2% one month, published on the TWC website front page, down to 8.3% in December. Yet the claim it never went down, only got higher? They can't even get their story straight.

Do you know what 8.3% of 24million is? hah, that's over a million unemployed Texans with an estimated 50,000 new jobs in our state in the last quarter.

Some of you really are disgusting human beings. Really.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Meesterjojo]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:21 AM
The point is that there is no money sitting anywhere, NONE, just IOU's from us to us.
Make no mistake, we are all dead men walking here, financially, every one.
You can either send in all of what value you have left and then die, or make them pay when they come to take it from you by force, but the bill is coming due and they are coming for it, undeterred. There is no alternative, they want their money by any means necessary. The end point for most will be the same regardless. You have to figure out how you represent and when you chose to say 'no more'.
No matter how subservient and polite you chose to be, you will never be allowed in their exclusive club, and never be invited to dinner at their house, other than as the main course...

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:22 AM
Most of you just don't see it. You must not live in a city where unemployment rates are %10+!! There are not enough jobs if any at all in these cities you idiots!! Consider that most of these people who have lost their jobs have now spent everything just trying to live this depression out!! So they can't up and move to go mow your yard for scraps!!

Get your heads out of a$$es!!

[edit on 2/27/2010 by Chaos Lord]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Meesterjojo
See if there's a C-SPAN clip from him saying how he was upset over missing some local sports thing, and how he was late for it.

The current reasoning in UI circles is that he's the scapegoat for the repubs in the senate held to filibuster UI/COBRA until the dems agree with some Tax Credit expansion/extension.

Tax Credits are already crippling and making unemployment worse in this country. It's pretty much a #, no-win situation. Once the dems agree the repubs will pull Bunning off and the UI/COBRA extension will pass. The down side immediately is the paperwork involved for some states, and as stated: tax credits are ruining employment for our country.

We live in a country were if you're unemployed, not a criminal, and not a minority you are less desirable to hire for many positions. Being unemployed for 10 months myself, and being reduced to applying for even fast food and sacking jobs is bad, but imagine you're the company doing the hiring: would you rather hire someone whom you'd pay an estimated $20K/year, or hire someone that would grant you a tax credit of $10K so that you're only 'out of pocket" $10K? It's not a hard choice to make.

It just galls me: ex-convicts are entitled to give a $10,000/year tax credit to a company.

Tax Credit abuse is insanely rampant where I am- there are no controls, no auditing (and I've barked up every tree I could find, up to the Ombudsman for the EEOC). A credit that was meant to help those most in need is being abused so that they're the only ones getting lower-end and entry level positions.

Walk into any grocery store, any fast food place, any doctors office in Houston TX. Spot the Tax Credits working there.

I've started asking employers for specific reasons why my applications are ignored, or what skills I could improve upon should I desire to seek future employment with their organization. So far only 1 has responded. Only 1.

I submit over 100 applications in a 2 week period. It's a full time job. I have glowing references, great work history in management, and have lowered my requirements to just enough to marginally live on. Nothing.


You keep focusing on the lie. They dont WANT you to survive. You should have provided for yourself instead of living off cashflow and spending on entertainments. Are you amused now? There is no money to get back. It is all spent and all used as collateral with your signature forged on the loan document. Any more, youre just in the way, once you have no value to be appropriated, you are sucked dry and thrown away. On purpose. At best you act as a bag-man demanding theft from your neighbors to support yourself after giving it to your enablers. You are screwed, man, get used to it, and they want you gone. To paraphrase; you(we) trusted them, you(we) f$ked up. Unless you start creating value on your own, your're dead, it's just a matter of which side you die for, and who you punish on the way out...

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:41 AM
its fine, Cheney told us Debts dont matter

Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill was told "deficits don't matter" when he warned of a looming fiscal crisis.
O'Neill, fired in a shakeup of Bush's economic team in December 2002, raised objections to a new round of tax cuts and said the president balked at his more aggressive plan to combat corporate crime after a string of accounting scandals because of opposition from "the corporate crowd," a key constituency.

O'Neill said he tried to warn Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits-expected to top $500 billion this fiscal year alone-posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. "You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he said, according to excerpts. Cheney continued: "We won the midterms (congressional elections). This is our due." A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.

See, the republicans taught us that corporate greed is good and will always look out for the little people and debts dont there ya go, Why would the republicans lie to us...
Surely the republicans are not considering going back on their concept of economy now...come on, you can squeeze a bit more debt in there...pretend these unemployed people are actually CEOs wanting money for cigars if you have a big problem with giving people their it a corporate bailout on a small scale.

Sometimes I look at this world and get occasional "wtf, you cant be serious" moments. like living in a damned southpark episode.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:44 AM
I'm hearing reports that this senator is receiving threats at his offices and he has committed that regardless, he will not vote for anything the government doesn't have money for. I wonder if he knows we already have a 12 Trillion dollar deficit and if he can't vote on spending for the people, then maybe he shouldn't have his paycheck.

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