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Sen. Bunning blocks unemployment benefits extension

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posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by Carseller4

ANd the job market is going to be like this for years. Despite what people keep are extremely scarce.

I really hope you become one of the unemployed. I'm sure you'll quit taking it after a few months on principle alone.

You are very right. There are no jobs to be had if the checks stop so does America and your job will mean nothing get it?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Carseller4

yes dear, but, how much will this job be paying? are they gonna get kicked off the unemployment line just to wind up on the welfare line?
and what about those unemployed homeowners out there that are barely keeping up with their mortgages who's spouse make a buck too much an hour to get the welfare. are we pushing more people into the bankruptcy courts here? and by doing this are we pushing more banks onto that "problem banks" list? no matter which way you go, it's gonna cost us money. are you sure this will cost us less money in the long run?

they've bailed out the "too big to fail", they've bestowed millions to their buddies through the stimulus bills, heck they are planning to blow close to a billion on a new embassy in London...moat included!! with all the money that they've wasted to date, heck, extending some measly unemployment benefits and gonna matter one iota!

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:26 PM
During good times, it would be good to reform unemployment benefits, to incorporate a means test. Only those needy would be given such benefits, so to ensure taxpayers funds may last to help more.

Unfortunately, we do not live in good times today. The good time will come later when confidence and political partisan bickering ends with needed actions taking place.

Many are hurt now, and it would be prudent to spend more, to help with survival, not luxury, so that humans whom are retrenched can survive in the meantime, for they are the productive ones and had contributed to the nation while employed too.

1. The help can come in the form of cash handouts for basic necessities, and more govt spending on creating and protecting jobs.

2. Send back the illegals and foreign job seekers, for those jobs can be filled by Americans. In bad times, no person with brains, arms and legs can be choosy, or he will starve.

The Corporation’s claim that Americans are choosy and are selective about jobs is a devious and hideous lie/propaganda spread throughout the world. The reality is that no one will turn down a job if paid wages can keep pace with a modest standard of living, as is the right of a progressive society.

Some claim a dishwasher should not earn $20/hr, but a bank executive can earn millions, and support such claims with sophisticated propaganda. The basics of wages had and will always be one based on needs – market supply and demand.

Those illegals and foreigners are stealing American jobs and depressing wages, helping only the selfish rich to profit, hoard more money, and pay wages that would only keep American as slaves. These illegals and foreigners have NO right to be in the country in the first place, for they and their forefathers had never built up America, nor shed toil and blood for it the way present Americans had and new citizen Americans would.

3. The middle class is the hardest hit in the present times. The burden of sharing should not be coming from them, except if they volunteer. The bulk of the funds to give cash outs and create jobs will have to come from taxing the rich to make them conscionably open up their hoards to share. They have the most of it.

Bailouts are not charity, but loans with interest payments back to the people. Such returned money can and should be used for the less privileged today. It is not only the right thing to do; it is only human to do so. No one needs to starve in our bountiful world today…..

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

Absolutely correct.

This is what happens when those of us who are hurting come here to talk about the current situation.. These people come and post that we are lazy bums and it cant go on forever.

BUT somehow it doesnt bother you and never did about the gross government spending, the made up wars, the bail outs, the extreme expenditures to bail out other countries, big government, policing the world, THAT doesnt bother you.

I have never taken welfare, but i may have to. I hope to run into you in line.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Carseller4

Unemployment benefits are suppose to be a temporary safety net...not an unending source of income.

I think of it this way to tell you the truth. If there going to engineer the complete shut down of the economy and give bailout money to the already stupendously rich. They better figure some early retirement
in there. Why should only the fat cats get there share?

How do you like me now?

[edit on 26-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

How can we treat our own citizens this way but send billions to other countries? Endless bailouts, corporate welfare, etc.

Do you see the road we are on yet? You've claimed I've been using propaganda a few times.

Do you think that is what I'm about?

It's not. I just care. I see the middle class falling apart and I see no one fighting for the middle class...I see no one fighting for those on unemployment. I see no one fighting for those losing their homes.

ATS is full of people who are full of hatred for their fellow countrymen.

It's true.

Corporations continue to get kickbacks...with incredible sway in our government...yet a simple extension in unemployment benefits will destroy the economy?

It's probably the only thing holding it up. It's the only thing preventing riots and the only thing preventing those from going hungry. It's the only thing preventing businesses from having their stores looted...yet we have people in that stature complaining about this.

Like i's about damn time Americans come together and fight the tyranny that has being pushed upon them.

Small businesses will soon be crushed...and it sure as hell won't be because people are getting unemployment benefits.

I hope it's not to late to turn things around.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:33 PM
I cannot believe there are still people in this country that think it's funny to joke about everyone else being "lazy", and therefor, their families are unworthy of food/warmth/LIFE.

Before the economy problems.... Yeah, it was kinda ok to joke about people "CHOOSING" to be on welfare. You know, those welfare recipients are living a lavish life after all.

Though to be honest, welfare recipients must meet MANY requirements and jump through MANY humiliating hoops.

Anyway, I find it sick at this point in time that people can think it's acceptable for a laid-off worker and his family to STARVE and DIE. Is this a funny thought? Am I just missing the meaning/point of a joke?

As someone else pointed out, after all the $$ banks, Military Industrial Complex, and the car industries received..... How is CORPORATE welfare more humane than letting laid off workers keep their families alive??

I used to have a lot less compassion. Eversince learning about how the banks and "economy" really work, I only have compassion for my fellow humans. Those filthy world bankers do this crap like it's a game, starting Depressions and Wars for Profit.... They play the world like it's a Monopoly game, then laughing at how much death and destruction they leave in their wake.

We need to stop FEEDING THE BEAST. We must peacefully protest by immediately stopping the worship of their "money". THEY created it, THEY control it, let THEM keep it!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by David9176

David, you get a standing ovation from me.

Thank you for being a Patriot and a Human.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

David, you get a standing ovation from me. Thank you for being a Patriot and a Human.

Thanks dg.

Very kind of you to state. Hang in there and ignore the selfish arrogant ()#(#)(# on this website...and anywhere else for that matter.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

they end after all the crap spending that they are doing ends!!!
how much money did they spend on stupid signs that serve only to tell us how they are wasting our money!!!
bridges to nowhere, highways to nowhere, grammies, neat little puppet programs to teach children fire safety, foreign aide to god only knows how many countries, cash for clunkers, body scanners in airports, million dollar bonuses for wall street big wigs!!
when they end all that, and still find they need to cut more, then they may have some justification. till then, well, no, they don't! and any attempt to justify it will sound rediculous when one considers how much money they have spent and will spend on needless, unwanted crap that only serves a tiny fraction of the american population!

oh, here's another useless thing your taxmoney is going for. we got a call from a telemarketing firm hired by BOA wanting to know if we were satisfied with the service we are receiving from them....
it seems like BOA isn't alone in spending insane amounts of money trying to improve their image after their bailout!! we've bailed them(not talking specifially about BOA here) out, they've hiked their fees, notified us of their right to refuse our request to withdray our money, they've foreclosed on people who's homes have been paid in full for, they're upper management has recieved more money in bonuses compliments of taxpayers than many of their taxpayers will earn in their lifetime! gee....I gotta feeling they are gonna need a few more billion dollar bailouts to fund their pr program if they want a better image!

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:41 PM
God damnit, I didn't think I was gonna do it.... But this NEEDS to be said!!!!

Why in the world are you "Conservatives" so damn jealous of people that are allowed to barely scrape by, with public programs they paid into all their life, until unfortunate circumstances hit them?

Why in the world do you "Conservatives" feel so much RESENTMENT toward welfare recipients? Do you think they are living the life YOU always wanted, and you are missing out?

Get a clue, we are ALL miserable. Stop pointing at THAT guy, and realize he is just as miserable as you are.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

Not arguing your point, at all. For the most part, I agree.

I'll just say that my point was strictly meant to address the bureaucratic red tape and rules the employment dept. has in place for who can do what and how, in order to get unemployment. My point was to help people, help themselves. This is currently NOT procedure.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:44 PM
I just read some more about this here:

This is going to start happening this Monday and this includes COBRA too (I don't have much knowledge about COBRA) but it sounds like this is also going to add another 1.2 million people to those without health insurance too.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by LostNemesis

LostNemesis, you need to quit painting with such a broad stroke...I'm a conservative and I'm all for the benefits being maintained. Don't make this out to be a totally partisan issue....

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:46 PM
Seriously, when there was work out there do you think people were hoping for something like this to happen? Maybe the american worker is part of the conspiracy? I tell you what man you almost had me goin.
carseller guy. I hope things don't get so bad they affect you. Cause that would probly spell everyones doom.

Thank you for the thread OP.

[edit on 26-2-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by PhoenixDemon

Hey, I am all for the fiscal Conservative. What I am NOT ok with is this Fascism, pretending to pass itself off as a "Democracy" - or a FOR THE PEOPLE "Republic".

They have screwed the working class over enough, at THEIR expense!

When they are suddenly finding themselves in a foreign Corporate Fascism unable to survive, is NOT the time to suddenly declare that it isn't in line with "Conservative" values.

Well, duh. Neither does Corporate Welfare. And feeding the Military Industrial Complex until it's bloated beyond belief.... Then telling those who paid for it, "Tough S***." and to "Go Starve" cause we "can't afford it".

Sorry whoever I replied this to... Nothing against you. But just about everyone representing us is a Neocon - Republican AND Democrat.

We are no longer living in a "free market". This is clear. Eversince we left the free market, the manipulation and blatant corruption killed off all the honest businesses.

EDIT: Yeah, sorry PheonixDemon, this is not a partisan issue. This is corruption coming at the working class from BOTH sides. Sorry about my rant.... Not aimed at you.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:53 PM
I am sick and tired of people trying to blame the VICTIMS of this entire economic mess.

Wall street put us in this let's demonize those who have lost their jobs because of it?

Seriously....what the hell is wrong with some of you?

And by the way....where are all the people on ATS...which seems to be a huge portion....that are against helping people?

Come on. There are countless threads bashing the unemployed.



posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by Carseller4

ANd the job market is going to be like this for years. Despite what people keep are extremely scarce.

I really hope you become one of the unemployed. I'm sure you'll quit taking it after a few months on principle alone.

Actually, I noted in the tinyass backwoods brokeass community I live in that crappy jobs are starting to become more available now. Still incredibly bad, but better than say, 6 months ago.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:02 PM
by the way....
I bet for the amount of money they've spent so far bailing out the too big to fails and "stimulating" the economy, they could have paid every mortgage owned in the country to begin with and we'd be on our road to recovery for real!!!

but to teach the little guy "responsibility"....even if it bankrupts the whole country!!!!!

[edit on 26-2-2010 by dawnstar]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
by the way....
I bet for the amount of money they've spent so far bailing out the too big to fails and "stimulating" the economy, they could have paid every mortgage owned in the country to begin with and we'd be on our road to recovery for real!!!

but to teach the little guy "responsibility"!!!!!

true that,

I would have taken that socialism

If they would have given us that money, with the stipulation we spend it in X amount of time... Well we would be good and VERY HAPPY!

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