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Sen. Bunning blocks unemployment benefits extension

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posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:06 PM
A large number of Americans are unemployed and too many are surviving on extended benefits, for the majority of them there are no jobs so this is it for them.

As sad as that is, millions more Americans are losing pay and benefits and/or are underemployed... Countless families barely living paycheck to paycheck, millions are one maybe two lost paychecks away from losing everything.

Don't be so quick to judge the unemployed... evaluate your personal situation and see how many paychecks you are away from being homeless.

I haven't known one unemployed person who wanted to be, nor any who were happy to be surviving on government checks.

It is bad, and getting worse... And it can happen to anyone.

There but for the grace of God go I.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Actually, I noted in the tinyass backwoods brokeass community I live in that crappy jobs are starting to become more available now. Still incredibly bad, but better than say, 6 months ago.


I live in Michigan which has the highest unemployment rate in the country. I'm VERY fortunate to still have a job...but even then...I've had my wage frozen 2 years in row....which really is a pay decrease because it doesn't keep up with inflation.

I haven't had a full week off work in 3 years. I get one lousy week of vacation and have had to split up the days due to family emergencies and sickness.

It's horrible out there. People need to stick together and stop fighting for those who work against them.

Quite frankly, this thread should have had a 100 flags by now. This shows the state of this country. Attack the victims.

I should remind everyone that Wall street is flying high...making billions.


YET THEY DO NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why I'm so sick and tired of people wanting corporate tax cuts. It's insane. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:25 PM
I think that some in this thread have shown a sickening mentality. What it is I believe is a detachment from the reality of the situation. What I want these people to do is, if they feel it's so damn easy to get a job, try it. Go out and put your resume in at various businesses and see how far you get. Imagine that your fortunate enough to get an unemployment check, (live off of 60-70%) of your income during this period. And look for a job. Pretend that you are unemployed and you want off of the government dole.

Tell us how fast you pick up a new job.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

As sad as that is, millions more Americans are losing pay and benefits and/or are underemployed... Countless families barely living paycheck to paycheck, millions are one maybe two lost paychecks away from losing everything.

Don't be so quick to judge the unemployed... evaluate your personal situation and see how many paychecks you are away from being homeless.

I agree....yet too many are too quick to judge. Sometimes I wonder who these people really are posting on ATS. They don't seem like the common man to me. All i see are rehashed talking points that ignore those who are hurting.

The lack of attention this thread should be getting is a microcosm of what is wrong with this country.

Our jobs have been outsourced, our money has been inflated, freedoms have been infringed on...yet somehow...SOMEWAY...

We blame the victims. For God's sake...what is wrong with people.


THIS COULD BE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

[edit on 26-2-2010 by David9176]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by whatukno

I think that some in this thread have shown a sickening mentality. What it is I believe is a detachment from the reality of the situation. What I want these people to do is, if they feel it's so damn easy to get a job, try it. Go out and put your resume in at various businesses and see how far you get. Imagine that your fortunate enough to get an unemployment check, (live off of 60-70%) of your income during this period. And look for a job. Pretend that you are unemployed and you want off of the government dole.


I've been on unemployment. It's enough to eat. It's not enough to pay your mortgage though...and it's not enough to pay bills for an extended period of time.

People don't want to be unemployed...yes...there are few that are going to soak it all up because they can...but most don't want to.

THEY CAN'T AFFORD TO..yet they have no choice.

I feel for everyone hurting right now.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by ChrisCrikey
Or is this the new damage control the GOP is instituting in their attempts to derail everything?

No, it isn't dude. I realize you're upset and angry, but you need to get somthing thru your head so you'll be a lot more effective in directing your feelings. The GOP alone cannot "derail" anything. The Pres and the Congres are controlled by ONE party. If they vote in unison, there is nothing the GOP can do. Redirect.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by whatukno

Tell us how fast you pick up a new job.

It is easy to talk smack because there is nothing to it, you don't need a brain and don't even have to walk your own talk. This argument really highlights all the arguments, people are not worth the skin they're in and its not my problem.

There will always be self absorbed people here,



go figure

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

It is easy to talk smack because there is nothing to it, you don't need a brain and don't even have to walk your own talk. This argument really highlights all the arguments, people are not worth the skin they're in and its not my problem.

I have been unemployed before, and had to go out looking for a job. To me, looking for a job was my full time job and my unemployment check was my compensation for that job.

I found a job, not one that I wanted, but a job. Because when you are unemployed, you don't have the luxury to be picky about a job, especially when rent and bills are due.

So yes, I walked the walk.



Uh no, it's not about letting people starve to death, it's not about eliminating the minimum wage, it's about making sure that our population makes it through what is the second great depression.

Sure you might not like people who are forced to take unemployment. Of course if you actually were a business owner you would have paid unemployment insurance, and would know that not all that money actually came straight from your pocket, but from a general fund that unfortunately thanks to a depressing economy has not improved much.

Of course your idea about letting people starve to death doesn't help much either. Are you willing to look into their eyes as they die? I am not. But would you? Would you look into a starving Americans eyes as he died and then tell him to his face that he was a leech on society?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:49 PM

by the way....
I bet for the amount of money they've spent so far bailing out the too big to fails and "stimulating" the economy, they could have paid every mortgage owned in the country to begin with and we'd be on our road to recovery for real!!!

Ehh, does saying "I bet" before something give people a license to make things up? You don't need to bet. You just need to only open your mouth when you have something to contribute. I.E. a truthful fact based analysis rather than fantastical disinfo. The total outstanding mortgage debt in the U.S. is 9-10 trillion. This is nowhere near the corporate bailout amount.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 10:52 PM
A job a woman can do became available in lower Cape Cod! I applied 3 weeks ago and they told me when i called, the response has been so overwhelming that they have 3000 applicants FOR THAT ONE JOB FOR ONE PERSON.

What are my chances??!!

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

You just aren't trying hard enough! Quit being lazy!!!

I know exactly what you are talking about though.

Earlier this year a Meijiers (equivalent of Walmart) opened near my area. They advertised on the news that they would be taking applications.

1000's showed up and this was in April.

People want to work it's just not out there....yet there are billions of dollars sitting on computer screens that could be used to increase wages and create jobs but it just sits there.

People need to realize who the real enemy is and it's definitely not the unemployed.

People want to work!!!!! They want to provide for their families. What good parent doesn't want to provide for their kids?

yet we have jerks trashing good natured, hard working people who have been a casualty of an economic meltdown they did not create.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:16 PM
Why can't I get attention to this thread?


Where are you AMERICA?????????


Just keep on ignoring's what you do best.

[edit on 26-2-2010 by David9176]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:34 PM
Another embarrassment for Kentucky.
Sometimes I feel like I have to apologize for him and Mitch McConnell.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:35 PM
Ya, from what I heard on local news that people called in to try and convince him to change his mind. How he replied was no, it's not my problem. He said that everyone needs to get a job and quite whining about the economy.

I already heard some people are looking for him. Some say will give him a wake up call.

He also said in response to people asking him to change his mind. He said also too bad.

I mean wow... just wow. I know alot of people who will lose their unemployment this weekend. Some will become homless because they depend on that unemployment for rent and other expenses. They don't have alot in the bank right now.

right now I just heard that our local fire department will be closed. there is still fire stations but closed about 7 in our area so now response time will be about 4 hours. It is due to budget cuts.

I would love to see this senator take a huge pay cut and no medical insurance and see how he likes it. If he whines about it then I would say too bad go get a job and stop whining about the economy.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by David9176

Jeez David, I heard you screaming from all the way over here in Wisconsin!

Everyone here whining about the unemployment running out, I have been unemployed for 18 months(wink wink) now. Never got one dime of UC.

Of course I come from a family where we help each other. I did work for all of my family and in return received room and board. Also did cash work, frell the government.

As for that, I just received the determination on my IRS trial case. You know, I always thought to be found guilty of something, you got to have a jury trial. NOPE, not for the IRS thieves. Let me see, for failing to pay $300, I owe $30,000. Sounds about right.

I am in the new free market people. Find them and start using them. Hell, I even did some cash work for a cop about a month ago.

It is time to say the same as the old endisnighe "LEAVE ME THE FRELL ALONE!".

As for the OP. Unemployment Insurance is exactly that, Insurance. Just a question for everyone.

Where did all the funds go from the last 30 years of prosperity? Oh, that got spent just like the excess SS funds by EVERY CONGRESS AND PRESIDENT FOR THE LAST 40 years!

You all know what comes next don't you? Taxes, that is what Cap and Trade and the Health Care debacle is all about. NEW REVENUE STREAMS FOR THE GOV!

Still researching the Individual Sovereignty. I will be telling them I am taking back my rights and my labor.

Frell them, we do not need them any longer folks.

It is time ALL of us pull out and tell them they no longer matter.

Life is a play and I will no longer listen to the writers of this tragedy. I think I am going to write my own comedy/adventure play. We live in interesting times, NO?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:54 PM
David, it's Friday night so a lot of people may have other things to do.

Did you read the whole article? If you did, you would have seen that The Senate is expected to consider a longer-term extension of the programs Monday, with passage likely next week. That's from the Yahoo article you posted.

Likewise, unemployment benefits could be delayed -- but if Congress acts next week, they will probably be minor, according to a Labor Department analyst who spoke to CNN. That's because Congress will likely approve the funds retroactively to make up for the missing days. An aide to Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus confirmed the Senate will try to pass the funds retroactively. This from the CNN article here

Unemployment benefits aren't going to stop completely.

Now, that doesn't mean I don't think Bunning isn't a jackass. He is, as are most of the rest of them. But, I do agree that the government needs to stop the willy nilly spending, start cutting some of the wasteful spending and use those funds for unemployment benefits. This should have been discussed, debated and decided in the Senate BEFORE this late date. They should have had a plan in place so that there wouldn't have been a delay, even if the delay is just a minor one.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by David9176

I agree with you 100% on this one when is it enough? They have no problem sending our money everywhere but when it comes to giving it back to us they flinch. It makes sick

[edit on 26-2-2010 by Subjective Truth]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:57 PM
This is what kind of people you get in government when you don't think critically.
America is dumbing down with a quickness, and this schmoe is a symptom, but not the cause.

The cause is willful ignorance.

And while I hope the folks that will soon be losing their benefits will be okay, I can't help but wonder how many of them voted for him and other GOP candidates.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:08 AM
It appears that this guy is a big warmonger as he has pushed for war spending, and thinks he has the right to cut off benefits to those that need it, shows where his priorities are: =

Also the Lexington Herald Leader reported that Sen. Bunning's non-profit foundation, the Jim Bunning Foundation, has given less than 25 percent of its proceeds to charity. The charity has taken in $504,000 since 1996, according to Senate and tax records; during that period, Senator Bunning was paid $180,000 in salary by the foundation while working a reported one hour per week. What a selfish S.O.B.

This guy is a snake, he is a crook like the rest of the scum in Washington. Ron Paul is the only Congressman I like, this guy needs to get the boot.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

That is a great is it that years of prosperity took a toll on unemployment benefit funds? I can actually answer that question for you. Unemployment benefit contributions are calculated on a per employer basis adjusted by some formula of how often an particular employer has an employee that qualifies. Because in times of prosperity people pick up jobs quickly they do not generally apply for unemployment benefits. Therefor the employer does not pay a higher contribution to the account. Additionally, employers are finding ways to fire workers without having to lay them off. We have all seen this in corporations where someone that isn't wanted in the company is targeted, watched, and subsequently fired for reasons that seem a little shaky. Well as long as an employer can prove through documentation that the employee was talked to enough then the employer wins and the employee gets no benefit.

When there are no jobs people fight their unemployment claims. I myself am receiving unemployment benefits even after being fired. How? The company had nothing on me, they made it up, exaggerated it as a way to constructively discharge instead of lay me off.

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