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Originally posted by thatredpill
Unbelieveable, I cant believe you expect me to pay for your inefficiency and inability to represent yourself either as a prospect to an employer or as producer on your own. Who and for how long should all of us pay for you to stay home? Do you realize there is no 'gov't money, it's ours that has been extorted from us and away from our families? If we must accept the printing more worthless money to support you, my money loses value to keep you as you were, doing nothing of value.
There is no need to convert the US into europe, for europe already exists and you can go there. Why do we need to recreate that failed model everywhere?
You either dont care or dont know that one cannot create wealth from nothing. Wealth is what allows one to live and breath, and if you are not prepared to support yourself you need to seriously reevaluate what responsibility you place on the rest of us to provide for your upkeep when they are already having troubles of their own. IF you are the slow wildebeest on the savanna, why exactly to we as the rest of the herd have to get between you and the lions you chose to not outrun?
Man up or move.
Originally posted by SaturnFX
its fine, Cheney told us Debts dont matter
Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill was told "deficits don't matter" when he warned of a looming fiscal crisis.
O'Neill, fired in a shakeup of Bush's economic team in December 2002, raised objections to a new round of tax cuts and said the president balked at his more aggressive plan to combat corporate crime after a string of accounting scandals because of opposition from "the corporate crowd," a key constituency.
O'Neill said he tried to warn Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits-expected to top $500 billion this fiscal year alone-posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. "You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he said, according to excerpts. Cheney continued: "We won the midterms (congressional elections). This is our due." A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.
See, the republicans taught us that corporate greed is good and will always look out for the little people and debts dont there ya go, Why would the republicans lie to us...
Surely the republicans are not considering going back on their concept of economy now...come on, you can squeeze a bit more debt in there...pretend these unemployed people are actually CEOs wanting money for cigars if you have a big problem with giving people their it a corporate bailout on a small scale.
Sometimes I look at this world and get occasional "wtf, you cant be serious" moments. like living in a damned southpark episode.
Originally posted by Chaos Lord
Most of you just don't see it. You must not live in a city where unemployment rates are %10+!! There are not enough jobs if any at all in these cities you idiots!! Consider that most of these people who have lost their jobs have now spent everything just trying to live this depression out!! So they can't up and move to go mow your yard for scraps!!
Get your heads out of a$$es!!
[edit on 2/27/2010 by Chaos Lord]
Originally posted by thatredpill
Tell me why you should feel entitled to steal from your neighbors by siccing the very instrument that killed you, on those who are marginally better off than you?
Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Sounds like bad planning to me. Calling us idiots for their (your?) lack of planning seems pretty funny. Expecting others to help support their (your?) stupidity indefinitely doesn't look to be a good bet.
Originally posted by thatredpill
Dude, politicians are all the same, they cant be trusted. Is this still news to you? History tells you that REPEATEDLY and any exceptions are statistically nonexistent. Dont over simplify, greed is not bad or good, it is a motivator and only one element in a complex and lengthy equation of life. But, if greed isn't good, exactly what is all this ENVY and ENTITLEMENT and COVETOUSNESS you repeatedly exhibit? Izzat good, or bad, or just dependent on if it's yours or mine? I suspect you expected to live forever? Your situation is of your making, in retrospect there's much you COULD have done not to be in this pickle. Tell me why you should feel entitled to steal from your neighbors by siccing the very instrument that killed you, on those who are marginally better off than you? Is this you interpretation of Hope and Change? Disease is defeated only by attacking the cause, and not the symptom. Dont become a tool and attack your neighbors, that's not where the problem originates...
Originally posted by SaturnFX
I do agree something needs to be done however.
Time to stop the wars...stop the $%#^$# wars, cut the military budget straight in half...we cant afford the wars anymore else this beast is going to fall down flat.
Close down all overseas military bases.
Originally posted by Rasputin13
reply to post by David9176
It's easy to sit here and vilify the guy for not wanting to extend unemployment benefits. However, it is a well-established fact that extending unemployment benefits actually increases the unemployment rate. A lot of people are less inclined to go out and look for work when they can just sit on their butts at home and get a free government check.
If the government hadn't spent all of our money like drunken sailors on shore leave, then this wouldn't even be an issue right now.
Originally posted by thatredpill
How about ice cream rain with sprinkles and twin hot strippers for all? Dude, get with reality. Understand what humans are and what they're capable of. There is no end to war, even the antiwar people wage war on their opponents. It's in the blood, in your DNA. Conflict is the essense of life on the planet, there is no end to competition. The most expensive war is right here, the self sufficient, productive vs the nonproductive or defective. Nature is conservative, it rewards based on results, not artificial constructs intended to circumvent success. In nature, there's no disability, social security or retirement. Everyone works and succeeds or dies trying. That's the system, that's evolution. If you cant play and stay, youre dead, fred, and no law, no act of congress or proclamation will delay that reality for long enough to matter. We had a party, squandered our wealth on supporting the inefficient and unproductive, cause we thought we should, but reality has come back to reclaim the field and what can;t provide for ones own will serve to provide for those who chose to feast on your failure. No good or bad in it as far as the planets concerned, that's the way it is and will be, and you should have figured that out by now and worked around it the best you could. IT's a childs/tyrants game to say that reality should be changed. All tyrants pass that off as possible and millions die trying to change nature instead of simply accepting what is and working with it responsibly in a sustainable fashion. In all honesty you and those like you just want to change reality to comfortably make up for your own failure...
Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
Originally posted by thatredpill
Dude, politicians are all the same, they cant be trusted. Is this still news to you? History tells you that REPEATEDLY and any exceptions are statistically nonexistent. Dont over simplify, greed is not bad or good, it is a motivator and only one element in a complex and lengthy equation of life. But, if greed isn't good, exactly what is all this ENVY and ENTITLEMENT and COVETOUSNESS you repeatedly exhibit? Izzat good, or bad, or just dependent on if it's yours or mine? I suspect you expected to live forever? Your situation is of your making, in retrospect there's much you COULD have done not to be in this pickle. Tell me why you should feel entitled to steal from your neighbors by siccing the very instrument that killed you, on those who are marginally better off than you? Is this you interpretation of Hope and Change? Disease is defeated only by attacking the cause, and not the symptom. Dont become a tool and attack your neighbors, that's not where the problem originates...
Divide and conquer now? Whom am I 'stealing' or is my 'neighbour'? If it was you, then I would certanily give you a break and ignore you. Corporate propagandists and the likes of me dont mix well. I doubt if you care about me, but rest assured, when you get your butt kicked by them, I will not shut my door, but invite you to a meal, of whatever that's life, simply because you are a human.
It's the selfish hoarding rich that must be taken to task today, or more will literally starve. One may not trust politicians, but at the end of the day, they do hold the keys to the treasury and policies.
There is no need to steal or rob. Only reasonable policies to help the unemployed today, for the mess created by your masters.
Originally posted by SaturnFX
Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Sounds like bad planning to me. Calling us idiots for their (your?) lack of planning seems pretty funny. Expecting others to help support their (your?) stupidity indefinitely doesn't look to be a good bet.
ok, you pay for insurance...say flood insurance.
a flood happens
well, the insurance company said...naa, we arent going to pay you because we overextended ourselves.
Sounds like you had some bad planning. Oh well, suck it up and stop complaining.
Originally posted by endisnighe
Time to become sovereign communities and individuals again and to tell gov to take a flying leap!
Originally posted by eventHorizon
There is money to bailout Goldman Sachs,
BUT no cash for American unemployed ????
Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
It's about time the house of cards starts collapsing upon itself! Time for the people to see the real crimes this farce of an administration committed upon the U.S. Blaming this on one Senator standing up for his conservative beliefs is simply a farce and blame redirection. This has been coming along ever since Obama/Reid/Pelosi and the rest of their Totalitarian buddies started raping the American public last year for their own enjoyment and political agenda.
Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Hopefully you were looking in a mirror when saying that.