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Sen. Bunning blocks unemployment benefits extension

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by thatredpill

Dude, In all honesty I do need serious money badly, as I'm really in a pickle. Should I send you my addy? I need my tax money back, to save my a$$, but it seems you want it too and have been living off it for a while now. I'm not your enemy, I'm in your very shoes, but don't expect you to save my a$$, I know where the fault lies, and you should do what will do the most good, not ask for a frikken handout from those in as bad or worse shape than you. You're panhandling while others are preparing. Man up and take care of your own, let the rest of us take care of our own too. Only a child looks at others and assumes they're all happy, and flush with cash. Dude, were all screwed. We;re all in debt. You cant give what you dont have. We all man woman and child owe the govt over 300k each and believe you they're coming for it and will strip you naked and sell your bones and whatever you got left, and they're gonna do the same to everyone.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

Am I suppose to pity you then with your post? I am not in debt, for I had been careful not to overspend. Nor is the nation's debt gonna kill me today, simply because it is only a debt with repayment over time.

Quit your Corporate BS. You aint one of us.

By your words do you dig your own grave through your revelations. There is no such thing as 'no money' for the unemployed today. Try telling it to soldiers in Afghanistan.

Try telling it to your banking masters. Try telling it to the financial aid it sends out to other nations. Try telling it to the foreigners and illegals living off this country.

And please dont insult my intelligence or anyone else's here any further with your pathetic schoolyard excuses.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Originally posted by thatredpill

How about ice cream rain with sprinkles and twin hot strippers for all? Dude, get with reality. Understand what humans are and what they're capable of. There is no end to war, even the antiwar people wage war on their opponents. It's in the blood, in your DNA. Conflict is the essense of life on the planet, there is no end to competition. The most expensive war is right here, the self sufficient, productive vs the nonproductive or defective. Nature is conservative, it rewards based on results, not artificial constructs intended to circumvent success. In nature, there's no disability, social security or retirement. Everyone works and succeeds or dies trying. That's the system, that's evolution. If you cant play and stay, youre dead, fred, and no law, no act of congress or proclamation will delay that reality for long enough to matter. We had a party, squandered our wealth on supporting the inefficient and unproductive, cause we thought we should, but reality has come back to reclaim the field and what can;t provide for ones own will serve to provide for those who chose to feast on your failure. No good or bad in it as far as the planets concerned, that's the way it is and will be, and you should have figured that out by now and worked around it the best you could. IT's a childs/tyrants game to say that reality should be changed. All tyrants pass that off as possible and millions die trying to change nature instead of simply accepting what is and working with it responsibly in a sustainable fashion. In all honesty you and those like you just want to change reality to comfortably make up for your own failure...

You are saying we should live in caves or jungles? Lol! Wouldnt you love that -survival of the fittest. When your mother gets old, will you dump her outside and let nature take its course?

You make me sick. Go on, Have fun. It's your freedom of speech. Only may you wake up one day to its responsiblities. No cheers from me to you. I don't give cheers to wild beasts, espacially from the corporate jungles.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]

I'm going to imagine that someday you'll mature and understand that the planet exists for purposes other than your pleasure. Youve been given a kindness in an honest explanation of how things work and why what you want (a persistant vegetative state) never works. It's the province of indulged youth to believe that if they complain and whine and create enough turmoil the adults will relent and grant every immature wish. No point in fussing over interpretations and complaints. Chose to work or die as a man, on your own merits, or as a parasite and thief. That's all you got, either way you have maybe two years at best, at which time a cave will not seem like such a bad idea if youre still here...

Somehow, when I read your schizophrenic musings it keeps reminding me of the southpark episode about corporations. Funny, and so appropriate to the current discussions. Sadly it took corporations to gett you out of a cave, out of the forest and ni front of you computer with your videogames, but lets forget about that.
Youth is so wasted on the young..

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:37 PM


A year and a half ago....the majority on this website was angry at the bailouts...and now look at you.

You attack the very victims of it.


I hope many of you lose it all.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by thatredpill

I'm going to imagine that someday you'll mature and understand that the planet exists for purposes other than your pleasure. Youve been given a kindness in an honest explanation of how things work and why what you want (a persistant vegetative state) never works. It's the province of indulged youth to believe that if they complain and whine and create enough turmoil the adults will relent and grant every immature wish. No point in fussing over interpretations and complaints. Chose to work or die as a man, on your own merits, or as a parasite and thief. That's all you got, either way you have maybe two years at best, at which time a cave will not seem like such a bad idea if youre still here...

We are extremely lucky you joined today, welcome sir.

We had no idea how the real world worked.

Now we can read and learn , and be enlightened.

Cont please .

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Janky Red
Hey, if nobody is going to stand up for the American way I will be the stand in until the
the real Americans show up. Until then I know all the moves, professional here and will fill the void. Silence tends to be the way to kill OP's threads, ignore and pretend it does not exist. So I will do the job of devil advocate my friends. The dance is not hard and it has the same steps regardless of the tune.

We are in tremendous debt people, we cannot afford to give people something for doing nothing. If people are hungry they better start moving their butts because this isn't the USSR. We could fix this in a week, how???


just think of all these unemployed people that could be working because the boss has more money to hire more people. If we eliminated minimum wage these people could get multiple jobs and things would improve. Or they can go out there and start a small business, but the nanny state does not want free people like that so they offer you wealthfare to keep you lazy!

[edit on 26-2-2010 by Janky Red]

There's a word for that. I think its called SLAVERY.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by thatredpill

I'm going to imagine that someday you'll mature and understand that the planet exists for purposes other than your pleasure. Youve been given a kindness in an honest explanation of how things work and why what you want (a persistant vegetative state) never works. It's the province of indulged youth to believe that if they complain and whine and create enough turmoil the adults will relent and grant every immature wish. No point in fussing over interpretations and complaints. Chose to work or die as a man, on your own merits, or as a parasite and thief. That's all you got, either way you have maybe two years at best, at which time a cave will not seem like such a bad idea if youre still here...

Good imagination. Keep that up. And remember to tell that to your corporate masters too. It's not only in the province of 'indulged youth' as you presumed, but also to 'over-indulged fat cat masters such as yours.

'Tough sh#t' will always be remembered for your masters and your parasitical bootlicking kind.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:41 PM
I am also one of the many unemployed in Michigan. I tried to use the no worker left behind to help me pay for schooling. After I spent countless hours jumping through their hoops, they told me that they wouldn't pay for the school I wanted to go to, even though it was on their list of accepted schools. Shortly after that, I was hearing about how they didn't even have the funds for no worker left behind anyway. All of those people were wasting their time, just like me. Instead of sulking about it, I decided to scrape together what little I could save and put it towards going to school. I'm currently attending school and trying to find something out there. The problem with the jobs that ARE available is that they want you to have 3-4 years of professional experience, but they only want to pay you minimum wage. Or if you're in the creative field, they want you to work for free (screen credits/adding to resume). Its a complete lunacy to think that someone trying to feed their family would work for free just so they can add to their resume in hopes that in the future they can find work that actually pays good money. We have fallen upon desperate, hard times.

All of the unemployed know very well how much money the government has been needlessly spending and they will not be happy at all if their benefits are cut off. Desperate people can be very dangerous.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by David9176


A year and a half ago....the majority on this website was angry at the bailouts...and now look at you.

You attack the very victims of it.


I hope many of you lose it all.

Ahh youth and inexperience, the bankers and officers of the court are the same, lawyers run the govt and lawyers run the insurances and lawyers make and interpret the rules and sit on the boards of all the corps. The laws are intended to prevent self sufficiency and curry dependence upon an abusive system. IF you wouldnt send it your money, it wouldnt exist. So YOU pay for it, so learn to love it and stfu, cause youre just frontin. You can't get help from govt becasue they're the ones that have caused the pickle and set things up to ac this way in perpetuity. You don't have the capacity to provide for yourself so you look to the gov't to be your mommy and daddy and big playground bully to take everyones marbles and give them to you because youre extraspecial, YOU are the corporate machine, wanting profit for a faulty product (yourself). Your palaver is only to divert attention away from this truth.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
It's about time the house of cards starts collapsing upon itself! Time for the people to see the real crimes this farce of an administration committed upon the U.S. Blaming this on one Senator standing up for his conservative beliefs is simply a farce and blame redirection. This has been coming along ever since Obama/Reid/Pelosi and the rest of their Totalitarian buddies started raping the American public last year for their own enjoyment and political agenda.

This is Gold ,lol

Kinda like a Monty Python Political Speech.

This thread does remind me of a Monty Python sketch somewhat. Doesn't it to you? Blame the one, but not the other 40 or 50. Then complain about being entitled to something that doesn't exist. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Originally posted by thatredpill

I'm going to imagine that someday you'll mature and understand that the planet exists for purposes other than your pleasure. Youve been given a kindness in an honest explanation of how things work and why what you want (a persistant vegetative state) never works. It's the province of indulged youth to believe that if they complain and whine and create enough turmoil the adults will relent and grant every immature wish. No point in fussing over interpretations and complaints. Chose to work or die as a man, on your own merits, or as a parasite and thief. That's all you got, either way you have maybe two years at best, at which time a cave will not seem like such a bad idea if youre still here...

Good imagination. Keep that up. And remember to tell that to your corporate masters too. It's not only in the province of 'indulged youth' as you presumed, but also to 'over-indulged fat cat masters such as yours.

'Tough sh#t' will always be remembered for your masters and your parasitical bootlicking kind.

I think you should go into the straw man business, as you demonstrate such proficiency in creating them.
Just sayin...

And if I'm in error in thinking that youre about 17 and have a plausable reason for your immaturity, well no wonder we're f$%ked. Oh well, 'nuther zero voter accounted for.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by thatredpill

If we are giving out future job Listings ..

I hear they need someone to write Mad Max 3

think it over

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:50 PM
Hey, when yer finished hammering this nobody senator from Kentucky, why not spew some of that vitriol at Barry Obama who promised he'd NEVER tax the Middle Class.

The crap those gullible fools swallowed in electing him. HA!

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Hopefully you were looking in a mirror when saying that.

Dude...I own my own business, I have a job, why would I say that. I seen the s^%$ hit the fan and immediately started a small business to cash in on people tightening their belt.

So I would bet I am far more stable than even you are at this point, My stance is philosophical...and as a added benefit, once the economy improves, my business will improve a bit also...(arguably). So, your personal assumptions mean absolutely nothing when faced with the facts.

Facts are simple, you pay for rainy day crap, you need to get it back. You can side with thieves all you want and say people that dont agree with that stance are idiots...Your choice, and its clear what you truely are...a simple thief or thief sympathiser...the apex of flawed thinking in the world that needs to be washed away.

I can look in the mirror with my philosophies and stands, can you?

Good for you! Always glad to meet another entrepreneur. I can definitely look myself in the mirror with my philosophies and values. I have been down quite a few times and have never asked the government for assistance. I have always pre-planned and stood on my own until I was able to rise again.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by thatredpill

You don't have the capacity to provide for yourself so you look to the gov't to be your mommy and daddy and big playground bully to take everyones marbles and give them to you because youre extraspecial, YOU are the corporate machine, wanting profit for a faulty product (yourself). Your palaver is only to divert attention away from this truth.

I work. I provide for myself. I provide for my daughter.

The only difference between you and I is that you are an *ahole....but thanks for letting yourself be known.

Divert attention away from the truth? What truth?

WHO do you work for?

Seriously, do you have any other motives besides being a prick?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

why not spew some of that vitriol at Barry Obama who promised he'd NEVER tax the Middle Class. The crap those gullible fools swallowed in electing him. HA!


I wouldn't expect anything less from you least you are consistent.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by David9176


A year and a half ago....the majority on this website was angry at the bailouts...and now look at you.

You attack the very victims of it.


I hope many of you lose it all.

A very mature attitude, sir, dude, Ms or whatever. What about your offering to help a brutha out, now that you've admitted youre in better shape than I am?
just as I though, puerile Poser...

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
Hey, when yer finished hammering this nobody senator from Kentucky, why not spew some of that vitriol at Barry Obama who promised he'd NEVER tax the Middle Class.

The crap those gullible fools swallowed in electing him. HA!

— Doc Velocity

Remember, whenever there is a issue with anything, ignore the issue and instead start a nice nonsense partisan discussion.

btw, belowtopsecret has your area now...politics on abovetopsecret is about facts and conspiracys, not general blind political nonsense.

There has been no tax hikes for the middle, there has been now, off to belowtopsecret with you.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by thatredpill

You don't have the capacity to provide for yourself so you look to the gov't to be your mommy and daddy and big playground bully to take everyones marbles and give them to you because youre extraspecial, YOU are the corporate machine, wanting profit for a faulty product (yourself). Your palaver is only to divert attention away from this truth.

I work. I provide for myself. I provide for my daughter.

The only difference between you and I is that you are an *ahole....but thanks for letting yourself be known.

Divert attention away from the truth? What truth?

WHO do you work for?

Seriously, do you have any other motives besides being a prick?

Perhaps I misunderstood and we are getting off on the wrong foot, Are you or are you not promoting confiscation of the value of others for your own purposes? Do you or do you not support the govt in extorting the wealth of the public for whatever reason it deems necessary? Do you or do you not have special dispensation to be first in line for requests for aid? Do you or do you not think that anyone is entitled to perpetual support by the 'community' for any reason that makes sense to you?
Did you or did you not vote for zero as opposed to any reasonably viable alternative, no matter how less than perfect they may have been.
I think a clarification would be helpful, so there are no misunderstandings
My pointing out the inconsistencies and ill-logic in your thought process doenst make ME a prick, it make YOU the prick. Think about it...

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by thatredpill

Are you or are you not promoting confiscation of the value of others for your own purposes? Do you or do you not support the govt in extorting the wealth of the public for whatever reason it deems necessary?

Confiscation of wealth? These people have been paying taxes their entire lives. As far as I'm concerned they are getting it back.

And please...go on about how corporate welfare, BS wars, and bailouts angers you as well.

Please....Mr. Righteous. Where were you the last umpteen years people have been drawing unemployment?

You are as shallow as mud puddle....and your argument has about as much depth.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by David9176

Where do you come up with that idiotic nonsense? Are you teaching your kids to leap to wild conclusions, also?

My point is, there are bigger things to worry about than your unemployment benefits. This hood-ornament president and his band of merry thieves is digging a hole so deep that your great grandchildren will have bleeding fingers trying to crawl out of it.

Wise up. Get a job. You shouldn't be so "proud" that you can't wash a dish, my boy.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/27/2010 by Doc Velocity]

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