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Rape? It's the fault of the victims, say 50 per cent of women

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posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Tokio

I agree, no one really gets into why the guys do it.

They do it because they are scumbags...they either want sex or control. I don't think this is too much of a mystery.

I don't understand why people are so quick to defend the rapist. And that IS what people are doing when they put part of the blame on the victim. They are saying they don't believe the guy is totally at fault. still don't get it and unfortunately you never will. You can go through life believing you have no control over things...but that is a poor way to live. "Fault" isn't something that can only add up to 100% in a situation...the rapist is always 100% at fault...but in some cases the victim needs to take responsibility for their actions and realize that they put themselves in a dangerous situation.

They are saying that HER actions turned him into a rapist. If she didn't do ABC then he wouldn't have raped her.

No...that is not what any of us are saying. There is either low reading comprehension going on hear or just willful ignorance on the points we are making. We are saying that females can make themselves EASY TARGETS for rapists. We aren't saying if she did turns someone into a rapist....We are saying if she does ABC...she is turning HERSELF into a target. There is a huge difference...and you are missing it.

Victims don't turn rapists into rapists. It is the other way around. Rapists turn victims into victims. one is saying this...I have no idea where you are getting these ideas. We are not saying victims turn rapists into rapists...we are saying in SOME cases victims help turn themselves into victims.

I'm probably done with this discussion because I'm tired of you and riley trying so very hard trying to make it out that we are trying to defend the rapist. You aren't being honest about are just trying to make us into something we aren't in an attempt to strenghten your point. I find that cowardly and dis-honest. If you want to start being honest and stop pretending we live in a fantasy perfect world...then I will continue...otherwise this is my last response.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:57 PM
Rape is a subject that has drawn many people into controversy. Personally I don't want to get involved in that controversy on this post or in any other form of communicating.

I am here however to point out that the study clearly stated that it only surveyed 1,000 people.

A study of just 1,000 people is not enough to make any sort of generalized speculation or hypotheses on any large group, whether that group is Race, Sex, Religious or Politically based.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 09:50 PM
Came back to see two genuine HEROES, Rcjw and OutKast still attempting to lift the creaking, rusty lids that have stifled progress and truth within this thread

and then discovered another hero with a genuine, working brain: ReelView

Reelview deserves repeating:

This is a good example of where intellect fails to serve a person and a societies best interest.

It is easy to think that "a person has the right to dress and behave as they like". Yes, but nature is nature and what someone might think of as their freedom is not necessarily an attribute that is kind and responsible to others or healthy for the society

** People are often driven by breeding impulses and women, in particular, are endowed with natural understandings of what it takes to achieve reproduction.**

** The mind is a terrible, terrible liar and, unfortunately, driven by strong impulses, people actually do things they can't even remember they did

** Most women are also naturally endowed with a strong competitive breeding instinct.

They know how to apply themselves to maximize their chance of success. **

-- Now males are subject to the minds misdirection and breeding is a strong impulse for them as well. This results in a male that can be driven to believe or rationalize lies in his head just as well as a woman can.

Now you can add to this the brainwashing and social promotion of exhibitionism as a virtue and you should begin to see the real situation.

!!! Do you notice how war and lust are tools to get Alpha males managed or weeded out of the society (via death and prison)? !!!

!! * Alpha males, the doers have always been a threat to the NWO. *!!

While the Burka is a far extreme, the bottom line is that modesty and appropriate distance are not stupidities but responsible compassion that uphold purity.

Purity is another of those words ---like "Conspiracy", "UFO", "Satanic", "Family", etc. --- that the NWO has turned against humanity for one reason or another

AND AGAIN -- Now you can add to this the brainwashing and social promotion of exhibitionism as a virtue

This is scary truth for some

It mentions ALL those things that RIP the LID off the denial !

'Exhibitionism as a virtue ' - i.e., women who've hauled their side and chest fat into padded, push-up bras in order to giggle and squeal their way, in groups, into a male-heavy venue ....looking for men

They're nervous. Or men aren't interested in them. So these desperate women drink MORE and MORE, to loosen themselves up in order they can compete against other women for the prize. And that prize is men or 'a' man

They finally attract one or more men. It goes to their head. So these idiot women drink MORE. Their protective inhibitions get kicked to the kerb. Alcholol makes idiots of people. And it makes particular idiots of females (google it)

When shoes are being tossed out on sale, women rummage through the sale-bin, looking for something cheap

Men are the same. They see one or more women throwing themselves out for sale ... cheap, so cheap

The drunken female accepts the man/men's offer of a lift home ... or to another club

The woman (if she's able to think of anything at all) tells herself the man/men really like her. Wow. Someone's finally appreciated her. The alcohol has reduced her to a stumbling, vomiting slab of blubber, hobbling like a broken-backed cow into the parking lot

The man/men are revolted by her. She's a joke. A fool. If the man/men are misogynists, then she is confirming eveything they've always despised in females

She isn't raped. She believes the man is attracted to her. OR ... sometimes these tragic females are fully aware of the reality. They know quick sex with a stranger is all they're going to get. They went out looking for Romance and Mr.Right. They got the back seat of a car

She doesn't say 'No'. Not once. Maybe she remains there to sleep it off after the man has zipped up and disappeared into the night

Or maybe she takes him back to her place in the hope he'll stay

The night began with such high hopes. It ended in tawdriness

The MORE the woman liked and wanted the guy, the greater her disappointment and anger when she sobers up to find he's gone (sometimes with her purse)

She has to face her friends

Maybe she has to face her family

Maybe she has to face people from work who witnessed her drunken desperation

She has to redeem herself

* in her own eyes
* in other's eyes
* in her friends' eyes
* in other club-goers' eyes
* perhaps in her workmates' eyes

maybe the guy she thought was SO HOT while she was drunk is actually the office sleeze, or another 'non prize' such as the old married guy from accounts -- or even (shock, horror) the janitor

So she claims she was raped

Maybe she only tells a 'trusted friend'

Two hours later, it's all over the workshop or factory or office

' What are you going to DO about it, Marlene ? You're going to have to report it '

So she does

- because by blaming the man she's able to deny responsibility and feel 'virtuous' again

- because for once, claiming to be a 'rape victim' grabs for her some of that attention she craves in her tragic, boring life

Once she's claimed rape -- she can't risk losing-face in front of everyone by backing down

and most of all --- because crying rape make all her self-loathing go away. She's a 'victim' now. She's the 'innocent one'. People are being nice to her. She's the centre of attention. She gets a day off work to go down the police station. Everyone HAS to be NICE to her. She likes that. And it becomes SO easy to rewrite the events of the night before. Yes. It was rape. That man RAPED her ! The pig ! She starts to cry. She was raped. Yes. She was raped

No. She wasn't

But she now believes she was. Feels better than knowing she's a slut

These tawdry couplings are not 'rape'


[edit on 15-2-2010 by Dock9]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by Tokio

I'm probably done with this discussion because I'm tired of you and riley trying so very hard trying to make it out that we are trying to defend the rapist. You aren't being honest about are just trying to make us into something we aren't in an attempt to strenghten your point. I find that cowardly and dis-honest. If you want to start being honest and stop pretending we live in a fantasy perfect world...then I will continue...otherwise this is my last response.

Incorrect. You and others seem to believe that a woman wearing a skimpy/sexy dress will make her an easier target for rape. That is nonsense and yes to us that claim IS blaming the victim and IS defending the rapist's behaviour. The truth is rapists would most likely choose victims that appear weak and vulnerable first and foremost.. they would not target women who they think might put up a big fight. You guys can talk about women not wearing skimpy dresses all you want but thats going to be fa help to a woman jogger getting dragged off into the bushes in broad daylight. What do you say to her? She should buy a treadmill and avoid going to parks altogether?

Speaking of reality.. could you also please ease up on the "you're living in fantasy land" and "cowardly" ""poor reading comprehension" insults please? You say it in nearly every post and it's annoying. Just because we do not agree with YOUR point of view does not mean we are delusional.

[edit on 15-2-2010 by riley]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Dock9

dock seriously.. only 1% of rapes end in conviction. You've written this whole hypothetical story of a woman being used for sex and crying rape the day after yet this "evidence" you've presented is just a story you made up (?). If you are going to use examples to bolster your arguments that is fair enough but could you please use real ones for objectivity?

The alcohol has reduced her to a stumbling, vomiting slab of blubber, hobbling like a broken-backed cow into the parking lot

A woman in such a condition where she is actually vomiting and hobbling would not be in the condition to be having consentual sex and men would know that. So she doesn't say no? Absence of no does not mean yes.. (neither does absence of conciousness for that matter).

Btw. Calling them "heroes" because you agree with them? yeah ok.. you should give them a parade or something.

[edit on 15-2-2010 by riley]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by riley

A woman in such a condition where she is actually vomiting and hobbling would not be in the condition to be having consentual sex and men would know that. So she doesn't say no? Absence of no does not mean yes.. (neither does absence of conciousness for that matter).

And what if the man is just as drunk as the woman? They have drunken sex...neither say no...and I guess neither have the ability to consent (according to you).

So who is raped? The drunken woman...or the drunken man?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:41 PM
Wow. I'm a guy and even I can't believe that 54% of women would say it was the victim's fault. How? Unbelievable.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by riley

You are not telling anyone anything new !

Guess what ? We all know about 'genuine' rapes !

'Genuine rapes' of joggers being pulled into bushes by deviates is NOT what this thread attempts to address

Others are capable of accomodating the many rape and pseudo-rape scenarios


Why not ask yourself that question ?

Why not ask yourself why you continue to deny that many alleged rapes are not rape at all. They would be described as 'consensual sex' .... if the woman in question were capable of doing more than drunkenly mumble

Go into any city or town. See the desperate women vying with each other for males' attention

These are not virtuous women. But some of them are your daughters, ex-wives, sisters, workmates and neighbours

The mere fact that a person is female does not automatically bestow upon her the mantle of virtue

Our next door neighbour has driven a city cab for almost 20 years. He said that he doesn't tell his wife and daughter about the women he has to ferry around. He wouldn't sully his wife and daughter's ears

These 'women' loll in the back of the cab, frantically texting and flying to meet a man or girlfriends. These female passengers are 'looking for action'. They believe their weekend or night is 'wasted' if they don't find a man with whom to couple, or at least who might promise them a 'future'

Meanwhile, alone or in the company of some man they've just picked-up, they vomit ... in the back of the cab. Sometimes there's time to pull over to the kerb and throw the door open so they can vomit in the street

They make a play for cabbies old enough to be their fathers. They offer sex when they have no money to pay for their fare

Most cab drivers refuse to pick them up. Often they're rewarded by a scream of rage and profanity or a tossed shoe

Cabbies drive past unconscious females lying in the street. Those cabbies have learned their lessons the hard way. The drunken, drugged, semi-coherent, semi-conscious women they have taken pity on the past have accused them of stealing their purses ... of overcharging them .. of propositioning them ... and of raping them

So the cabbies drive past these female lumps of flotsam lying in the streets. And they go home to their families ... to women they know who DO have self-respect and who are NOT lying in a sodden heap in a filthy city footpath or trawling drunkenly from club to club

Ask any police officer about these 'women'. Ask those who go about at night caring for the homeless. Ask those who work in the clubs. Ask me. Yes, ask me. For several weeks, every Saturday night at around 3 am, a drunken, whining female chose the park outside to live her idiot fantasy -- which consisted of making numerous cell-phone calls to other people whom she begged and demanded come to collect her. She was so drunk she couldn't enunciate. Whined like a brat. Swore like a trooper. Threatened and begged the unfortunate recipients of her calls until finally, a car would screech to a halt at the end of the road and the stupid, drunken female would hobble towards it, one shoe off, falling all over the road

In the end, we reported it to police and they came and removed her. That was the last we saw of her. She was an idiot. Why was she lurching and swearing her drunken path around a private park area at three in the morning ?

Was she an 'innocent victim' ? Whose victim ? The breweries victim ? Her drug-supplier's victim ? No. Her own victim. She put herself in that position. Just as the drunken women hobbling home from a night-out at dawn are their own victims

Women have most to lose from their own lack of caution. It's the responsibility of women to protect themselves, to use discretion

So there most certainly are females who repeatedly put themselves at danger of rape attack. And in doing so, they contribute to those attacks

Not all rape victims are blameless. And that's a truth that demands to be acknowledged, in the same way that not all who're involved in traffic accidents are blameless

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by riley

The truth is rapists would most likely choose victims that appear weak and vulnerable first and foremost

Do you have proof of this? You have a cop here telling you that he has interrogated rapist that have told him that part of the reason was because how they were dressed...but you are ignoring that and coming up with these fake facts.

You guys can talk about women not wearing skimpy dresses all you want but thats going to be fa help to a woman jogger getting dragged off into the bushes in broad daylight. What do you say to her? She should buy a treadmill and avoid going to parks altogether?

I know this may be shocking...but maybe jogging in a park all by yourself isn't the best idea. Is it fair? No...but it is reality. need to take responsibility for your actions. If you want to job in a park all by yourself then you better take precauions to protect yourself...or else be an EASY TARGET.

I don't know what it is with you...why are you so against the idea that some things women do make them easy targets for predators??? You would think you would support that idea and make other women aware of it. But instead you seem to want to just pretend that this isn't what happens...and that you can't take steps to protect yourself.

Speaking of reality.. could you also please ease up on the "you're living in fantasy land" and "cowardly" ""poor reading comprehension" insults please? You say it in nearly every post and it's annoying. Just because we do not agree with YOUR point of view does not mean we are delusional.

I've said "poor reading comprehension" exactly one time. use the word "cowardly" twice. and have only said "you're living in fantasy land" when people make claims that show they are living in a fantasy "women should be able to wear whatever they want with no consequences".

How many times have you called us "rapist defenders"??? There is a quote about people living in glass houses...have you heard it?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by riley

A woman in such a condition where she is actually vomiting and hobbling would not be in the condition to be having consentual sex and men would know that. So she doesn't say no? Absence of no does not mean yes.. (neither does absence of conciousness for that matter).

And what if the man is just as drunk as the woman? They have drunken sex...neither say no...and I guess neither have the ability to consent (according to you).

So who is raped? The drunken woman...or the drunken man?

THIS IS NOT ABOUT ONE NIGHT STANDS. He gave an example of a woman throwing up in a carpark and being screwed by a gang of men. Thats not a one night stand.. that is sick.

If it was genuinely a one night stand police would NOT bother as there would be no bruises, evidence of force or evidence of drink spiking. What do you think women who have one night stands would cry rape just so they feel better about sexual regret? Yep that sounds like a GREAT idea!:

Go report a one night stand as a rape so EVERYONE (including family and friends) finds out! Choose to testify and get called a slut in an open courtroom and maybe end up in papers and then get shown to be a liar. Do you honestly think that a woman would feel less ashamed after putting herself through public shaming as well?

..and you say I live in fantasy land.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by Dock9

Women have most to lose from their own lack of caution. It's the responsibility of women to protect themselves, to use discretion

And that about sums up this entire discussion.

There are those that see this...and those that don't. Unfortunately...the ones that don't are all females.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by riley

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by riley

A woman in such a condition where she is actually vomiting and hobbling would not be in the condition to be having consentual sex and men would know that. So she doesn't say no? Absence of no does not mean yes.. (neither does absence of conciousness for that matter).

And what if the man is just as drunk as the woman? They have drunken sex...neither say no...and I guess neither have the ability to consent (according to you).

So who is raped? The drunken woman...or the drunken man?

THIS IS NOT ABOUT ONE NIGHT STANDS. He gave an example of a woman throwing up in a carpark and being screwed by a gang of men. Thats not a one night stand.. that is sick.

If it was genuinely a one night stand police would NOT bother as there would be no bruises, evidence of force or evidence of drink spiking. What do you think women who have one night stands would cry rape just so they feel better about sexual regret? Yep that sounds like a GREAT idea!:

Go report a one night stand as a rape so EVERYONE (including family and friends) finds out! Choose to testify and get called a slut in an open courtroom and maybe end up in papers and then get shown to be a liar. Do you honestly think that a woman would feel less ashamed after putting herself through public shaming as well?

..and you say I live in fantasy land.

First of all...these are your OWN words:

"A woman in such a condition where she is actually vomiting and hobbling would not be in the condition to be having consentual sex....Absence of no does not mean yes"

So you are implying sex with a drunk women is rape. And you have failed to answer my question. What about when they are both drunk? Still rape? Or is it only rape when the women is drunk?

And does happen. How about that Duke Lacross case? The whole nation knows what she did now because she falsely claimed rape. It happens often...not sure why you are trying to claim it doesn't. And so are still living in fantasy land.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by riley

If it was genuinely a one night stand police would NOT bother as there would be no bruises, evidence of force or evidence of drink spiking. What do you think women who have one night stands would cry rape just so they feel better about sexual regret? Yep that sounds like a GREAT idea!:

Go report a one night stand as a rape so EVERYONE (including family and friends) finds out! Choose to testify and get called a slut in an open courtroom and maybe end up in papers and then get shown to be a liar. Do you honestly think that a woman would feel less ashamed after putting herself through public shaming as well?

..and you say I live in fantasy land.

Actually Riley it happens quite a bit. As I posted way back, I gave ACTUAL FACTUAL stats from the last quarter here at my agency. If the MSM actually aired EVERY rape alligation that was PROVEN false, the concequences to REAL victims would be worse then anyone could imagine. Why do they lie about it? Again I have heard so many reasons from women who have falsy accused that its just like trying to figure out why men rape....but I can say this...a woman CAN rebound after lying about rape MUCH better then a man can bounce back after being falsly accused.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 11:30 PM
Rape is always and will always be the fault of the rapist, and there will always be instances where rape occurred that could not be prevented regardless of proper care and caution, such as home invasions, child abuse rape, and rape that happens by threat of deadly force.

With that said, with the exception of child abuse, the home invasion type scenarios are rare.

I think it can be said that "most" rapes could be avoided by not placing oneself into dangerous or questionable situations, meaning don't run around with the wrong crowd, don't walk around at night in dark low traffic areas, don't put yourself into a situation where you could lose the ability to control your actions such as doing drugs or drinking alcohol. If you work late, have a friend walk you to your car at night.

If you make ignorant and careless choices regarding you life and safety then you do bare some responsibility for what happens to you. I strongly believe and always have that each and every individual is responsible for his or her own fate and you should do everything within your power to ensure that that fate is a good one...

[edit on 15-2-2010 by C0le]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
So, in essence, you are saying MEN are the problem.

Women need to MODIFY their style, because we all KNOW MEN cannot control their lustful beastly urges.

Women need to CONFORM to a MODEST style, because MEN are vicious animals who have no control over their urges when faced with female flesh.

Should women dress in BURQUAS? I am ASSuming there is no rape in countries where women are forced by culture to wear MODEST clothing (burqua)?

Since you posit this theory, can you show some statistics which state modestly dressed women do not get raped?

Comments like these were to be expected. If you read my post fully you would have seen that I stated men have a responsibility to educate their youth that women should always be treated with respect and dignity. Being physically stronger should NOT be used for negative reasons to control or manipulate women.

Let me make it crystal clear that I am NOT advocating women should wear burquas. I am NOT suggesting that only scantily clad women are victims of rape. What I am suggesting is, given the knowledge we have at our disposal, women should be diligent and take precautions to ensure their safety. If they can greatly reduce the chance of suffering harm and still be free and dignified, why shouldn't this be encouraged?

Dressing in scantily-clad clothing leads men to think about sex. Alcohol and drugs make both men and women lower their defences. Men are generally physically stronger than women. In these situations women are much more vulnerable. Can you see what a dangerous combination this is?

Women who dress in revealing clothes do NOT deserve to be raped. But they ARE drawing more attention to themselves by dressing in this way and are increasing the chance for rape to occur. It's not rocket science: cover up the T&A and bad blokes will stay away. (Please don't use the "so I should have to cover up my hair, face and arms too!" argument. Your face, hair or arms do NOT draw the same attention.)

It is unrealistic in today's PC-driven society for a survey to honestly address the question of whether "dressing scantily results in a higher chance of being raped". Whenever the question is posed, we have radical Feminists derailing the question and trying to insinuate that the surveyor thinks men have the right to rape women. So it is always changed into something like "are women somewhat responsible for rape?" which actually DERAILS the intent and substance behind the claim. I bet the survey this thread was based on was not originally worded how it is now. I wonder why?

[edit on 16/2/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by rcwj1975

I have to agree with your statement entirely. The definition of "rape" has become skewed and become just another cog of corrupted humanity.

I would be happy to tell you that some of the time the victims are to blame. I can't give a percentage because every case deserves to be looked at an investigated the same.

Rape to me is when someone is threatened or physically forced. Rape is NOT someone who is taken advantage of based on physical flirtation or drunken mishaps. Rape is constituted when blatantly told NO but done anyway, not out of regret for an action you conceded to.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
Actually Riley it happens quite a bit. As I posted way back, I gave ACTUAL FACTUAL stats from the last quarter here at my agency. If the MSM actually aired EVERY rape alligation that was PROVEN false, the concequences to REAL victims would be worse then anyone could imagine. Why do they lie about it? Again I have heard so many reasons from women who have falsy accused that its just like trying to figure out why men rape....but I can say this...a woman CAN rebound after lying about rape MUCH better then a man can bounce back after being falsly accused.

How many of those accusations end up in court, how many end up in conviction and (for my own curiousity) are the women charged with making false claims? How do (suspected) false accusers react when faced with a rape kit and the photos etc? I do agree that there should be criminal charges, jail term and slander compensation when a rape claim is proven to be false.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
First of all...these are your OWN words:

"A woman in such a condition where she is actually vomiting and hobbling would not be in the condition to be having consentual sex....Absence of no does not mean yes"

So you are implying sex with a drunk women is rape. And you have failed to answer my question. What about when they are both drunk? Still rape? Or is it only rape when the women is drunk?

In my own words was it? Nice try. What I said was in response to Dock's hypothetical scanario where a lone woman was throwing up and staggering around a carpark and has sex. You decided to CHANGE what I said to suit yourself into just being drunk sex. There is a huge difference between just being drunk and having alcohol poisoning where a woman is throwing up and can't walk properly. Most people would find throwing up during sex to be a bit of a turn off and would not be capable of consenting.. or even taking their pants down. Vomiting would kind of distract a person so I do not believe the scenario he gave was realistic. If a woman is in that kind of state she would not be wanting sex so that is called taking advantage.

And does happen. How about that Duke Lacross case? The whole nation knows what she did now because she falsely claimed rape. It happens often...not sure why you are trying to claim it doesn't. And so are still living in fantasy land.

No I do not know about that case.. there ARE more countries besides the USA on the planet.. (fantasy land lol) and I did NOT say it doesn't happen. Docks gave about twenty hearsay stories about women being "slutty" and crying rape yet they aren't really relevent are they?

This subject has gone from being aout if rape victims are to blame for rape.. to being about whether or not rape victims are just liars and didn't get raped at all.. to being a vague mixture of both.

May as well change the subject title to "Do slutty clothes equal sexual consent?"

[edit on 16-2-2010 by riley]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by riley

The truth is rapists would most likely choose victims that appear weak and vulnerable first and foremost

Do you have proof of this? You have a cop here telling you that he has interrogated rapist that have told him that part of the reason was because how they were dressed...but you are ignoring that and coming up with these fake facts.

Face facts? Oh I see so all that drink spiking that goes on is not designed to weaken a person.. they do it to make the drink taste nice!

I did not know a weak or vulnerable looking woman couldn't look sexy either. I'm wondering.. how "not sexy" does a woman have to be before she is no longer considered responsible for her own rape? How much flesh must she hide before she is considered to not be provoking sexual assault? I'd like to know exactly what clothing articles are of "asking to be raped" quality. Are there hem lengths I should adhere to that are "safe"? Is a little cleavage okay or no cleavage? You should really post some market studies so we know exactly what clothing to wear to repel rapists.

You guys can talk about women not wearing skimpy dresses all you want but thats going to be fa help to a woman jogger getting dragged off into the bushes in broad daylight. What do you say to her? She should buy a treadmill and avoid going to parks altogether?

I know this may be shocking...but maybe jogging in a park all by yourself isn't the best idea. Is it fair? No...but it is reality. need to take responsibility for your actions. If you want to job in a park all by yourself then you better take precauions to protect yourself...or else be an EASY TARGET.

So.. a woman going for a jog is partially responsible for her own rape.
What about carrying the shopping to the car? Can I do that or should I walk with a male escort at all times?

I don't know what it is with you...why are you so against the idea that some things women do make them easy targets for predators??? You would think you would support that idea and make other women aware of it. But instead you seem to want to just pretend that this isn't what happens...and that you can't take steps to protect yourself.

What is "with me" is people completely igniring the responsibilty of the rapists, why they rape etc. and.. well you are even telling me I should not jog in the park now? If there are so many rapists around that it is too much of a risk for me to go to the park.. why are we not talking about what is creating sexual predators? You ONLY want to talk about the role of women have in "provoking" rapes which means you think it is THEIR fault.

Speaking of reality.. could you also please ease up on the "you're living in fantasy land" and "cowardly" ""poor reading comprehension" insults please? You say it in nearly every post and it's annoying. Just because we do not agree with YOUR point of view does not mean we are delusional.

I've said "poor reading comprehension" exactly one time. use the word "cowardly" twice. and have only said "you're living in fantasy land" when people make claims that show they are living in a fantasy "women should be able to wear whatever they want with no consequences".

You say "consequences" as though you mean "punnishment" like women who get whipped in Saudi-arabia. Yes women should be able to wear whatever they want without being raped. Fantasy land? So you think I am living in fantasy land because I believe our culture should make males more accountable for their sexual behaviour? Telling women to put more clothes on will not make them unpretty either so do you think they should not wear make up as well?

How many times have you called us "rapist defenders"??? There is a quote about people living in glass houses...have you heard it?

I'm not sure if I have said that exactly.. perhaps I have. Would you prefer "rapist advocates"?

[edit on 16-2-2010 by riley]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by riley
How many of those accusations end up in court, how many end up in conviction and (for my own curiousity) are the women charged with making false claims? How do (suspected) false accusers react when faced with a rape kit and the photos etc? I do agree that there should be criminal charges, jail term and slander compensation when a rape claim is proven to be false.

I have had 2 court cases go through this year on trials for rapes that occured last year. Both men convicted and sentenced. Some are pending as we speak. Understand very, VERY, few rape cases get media attention, unless your a well to do person or have some ties that the gossip machine wants to exploit.

Yes we DO charge for false claims, BUT the kick in the nuts to the men is its only a misdemeanor charge to the women. That means USUALLY a fine, court costs, and a year probation. Laws need changing IMO!!!

Some have followed through with rape kits and then it was found to be a false claim. Obviously when the nurse/doc come tell use there are NO signs of force that is when the heat is turned up on her. I will say asking some of the fakes to submit to a rape kit is funny because they will sit there and come up with UNBELIEVABLE reasons as to why they can't have it done or go through with it. Then of course the truth comes out and thats that.

After a few years deaing with it, you learn to see the signs of women who truly have been raped or abused, to those who are looking to use it as a way to cover up. Trust me, a REAL rape victim has indicators that CANNOT be faked...

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