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Why would aliens want to be kept a secret? Believers please read this.

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posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Thill

I can respect what you have said. And can understand it as well. But I am tired of words stating that they are real. Stories upon stories. This is actually something I would want nothing more than to be true but after years of reading these stories you notice trends in the stories and I came to the realization that I don't care to sit around wasting time reading stories that appear to be fictonal the more and more you read.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

I will believe it when I see a martian spacecraft in my peripherals.
We aren't so different. I just feel the need to treat the situation differently and maybe convince others we could be spending time doing something other than chasing nothing. I did the same in the 9/11 theory this morning to the arm chair activists who wine the country kills its own and how horrible it is but continue to happily live here and fund it. I am tired of coming to this website and seeing nothing worth reading anymore.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:21 PM
I can appreciate your opinion but I think it is off base. UfO enthusiasts have had to bear with the no smoking gun evidence argument for ever. Personally I think that this secret is not like some kind of petty theft or grape vine gossip that always gets out. These secrets have full time careers built around keeping them secure. You will never get the proof you seek because the risks are too great.

Having said that there is reams of evidence that supports the hypothesis. No bright shiny spacecraft but lots of little clues. To ignore them is being ignorant. You must put in the research time and build the case.

I respect researcher Stanton Friedman, I don't consider myself a disciple but he has put in the time and effort. Here's what he thinks:

As a nuclear physicist who has had a serious interest in flying saucers since 1958, I have reached four major conclusions:

1. The evidence is overwhelming that Planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft. In other words, SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft. Most are not.

2. The subject of flying saucers represents a kind of Cosmic Watergate, meaning that some few people in major governments have known since July, 1947, when two crashed saucers and several alien bodies were recovered in New Mexico, that indeed SOME UFOs are ET. As noted in 1950, it's the most classified U.S. topic.

3. None of the arguments made against conclusions One and Two by a small group of debunkers such as Carl Sagan, my University of Chicago classmate for three years, can stand up to careful scrutiny.

4. The Flying Saucer story is the biggest story of the millennium: visits to Planet Earth by aliens and the U.S. government's cover-up of the best data (the bodies and wreckage) for over fifty years.

And as for skeptics and debunkers he thinks:

The problem is NOT that there is not enough evidence to justify my conclusions; but that most people, especially the noisy negativists, are unaware of the real, non-tabloid evidence.

Debunkers seem to employ four major rules:

1. What the public doesn't know, we certainly won't tell them. The largest official USAF UFO study isn't even mentioned in twelve anti-UFO books, though every one of those books' authors was aware of it.

2. Don't bother me with the facts, my mind is made up.

3. If one can't attack the data, attack the people. It is easier.

4. Do one's research by proclamation rather than investigation. It is much easier, and nobody will know the difference anyway.

This sums it up nicely in my opinion and I suspect the OP fits into some of what he is saying about the noisy negativists:

It's clear that over 97% of the people have NOT read any of the five major scientific studies I discuss, and are unaware of the mountains of evidence that support my conclusions. They are also unaware of the scientific data, as opposed to tabloid nonsense. However, it is also clear from the Opinion Polls and from my own experience that indeed most people accept the notion that SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft. The greater the education, the MORE likely an individual is to accept this proposition. In an October 25, 1995, Oxford University Debate on the resolution "Planet Earth is being visited by intelligent extraterrestrial life", the affirmative side, of which I was a part, garnered 60% of Debate Union Member votes on the question. Ninety-two percent of 100,000 people calling during a TV Debate in London on June 27,1997, said Earth has been visited by aliens!

[edit on 13-2-2010 by sparrowstail]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:21 PM
IMHO The reason for their secrecy is because they are just as bad as the people who are shadowing their control. The more we are kept in the dark, the more we can be manipulated. This 'alien' topic goes deep, so deep its uncomprehensible if we are look at it on this level. Once we start to understand our (human beings) role in the universe then we can see exactly why they are keeping themselves a secret.

Through research and spiritual understanding, we are much more powerful than we realise, but by being kept in the dark our power is supressed. Now I am not talking about individual power, I mean a collective consciousness. Together we are extremely powerful.

The problem with all this secrecy is the fact that despite how many layers it has to it, human beings always make mistakes and information is leaked out of the network.obviously this is the reason why we are talking about it on this site.

To think that ET is here to save us is just completely off, it took me many meditations to understand that, people/ET remain secret not because of our position of understanding and universal laws of consciousness, but because they have something to hide period.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by franspeakfree]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by seangkt

Wow, I mean, I am skeptical, but even this argument by OPs is perhaps the most transparent string of silliness I have seen in awhile.

it all boils down to this. The OPs doesn't believe (or want to believe) in ET either as visiting earth or even the existance of, therefore any and all evidence, arguments, and philosophies are bunk and everyones a liar.

lets smash through some examples real quick to highlight the silliness of this
1) Why no contact from ET to earth.
ok, well, by this statement, I guess we are first tossing out the contact stories through the ages (hundreds of thousands, some ancient cultures built their entire civilization around it) and go with simple philosophy. ET is only interested in formal relations once we are in colonization phase...before that point, they are simply monitering our rate of progress

2) Nobody ever was abducted
Are we tossing out groups that passed polygraphs...not individual nuts, but entire groups all saying the same thing with no trace of deception? Surely your not just making a sweeping statement simply because you disbelieve peoples claim

3) Genetic testing. The sandwich example doesn't work here. Why? because your sandwich doesnt continue to mutate, grow, add things in, etc. We are changing and evolving almost year to year now, from foods we eat, quality of air we breathe, interracial relations, etc etc...this is not so much why do they keep checking up on the same thing, its more of a why does a scientist keep looking at mutating bacteria...because thats sort of his job.

4) Top Secret - Well, the logic here is that if indeed advanced tech is being supressed, then the mass public would not need to know about the Ets...they (ets) would simply inform the main body what the rules are..and for all we know, one of the rules of space may be that you can only venture out and start spreading once you are a united peaceful honestly think that space guys would want china to start filling some planets and the west to fill others, then war sparks off on earth, creating a flipping intergalactic war? sounds like pure logic here...keep your nonsense to your planet...once you can play nice in the sandbox, then you can venture out.

5) Some people think watching sci-fi and speculating is a waste of time also, yet its these traits that progress science to begin cannot say that thinking outside the box = waste of time unless you find anything after finding comfy caves to live into a waste. Progress in society is fueled by the creative nature of men with visions and desires to achieve something once considered silly.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:33 PM
Obviously a long time has passed since the days of crashed discs but please everyone (including skeptical people) look at the video below, I sometimes use this video in order to help people see just how real this subject is.

This was 1969 people take a look at this video and tell me why would the russian army be carrying out an excerise to retrieve a crashed saucer? if it was all in the heads of the psychopaths?

The event itself, according to the files, occurred in the state of Sverdlovsky

There are also several documents shown to verify the event itself, and an eyewitness to the event who swears that the recovery mission did occur. The footage of the autopsy film shows personnel without caps and gowns. This seemed odd to me at first, but after some research I found that this was commonplace for that era in Russia.


[edit on 13-2-2010 by franspeakfree]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 02:49 PM
No contact because of politics.

Treaty made between enlightened intelligence not to interfere with lower life-forms and their "development".

If everyone knew free energy is possible no one would work and refuse to be wage slaves and the religious would turn atheist knowing aliens can provide proof that counters biblical "truths" such as creation, human origin etc.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 02:50 PM
Why does it seem every time this same discussion take place on a forum somebody says the same thing.

"I want to see a picture.I won't believe it until I see a picture."

Do they thing everybody walks around all time with a camera strapped around their neck,like a Japanese tourist at Disneyland?

In real life normal people do not carry a camera at the ready.

The key word here is normal.

There have been so many reports through out history by people who are just normal average humans not influenced by media or religion,that have reported encounters with crafts and beings.

I here talk of Roswell constantly.

What about the Los Angeles incident?

It was witnessed by thousands of residents,was on the front page of the paper the next day,and then forgotten about.

Cape Giradeau,Missouri was another well documented incident that seems to have just been forgotten about.

There are pictures of evidence from both incidents.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by Oneolddude]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 03:02 PM
I have had an admittedly huge fascination with UFO's and the question of alien presence on Earth since childhood, therefore I have done quite a bit of reading, research and rationalizing (guess you could call those the three R's lol) and here is where I stand.....

At the beginning of the nuclear age there was MUCH more being tested and developed by our military as well as probably the Germans and Soviets...some sort of ultra top secret propulsion system was probably developed by Hitler's people or our own at the height of WWII. Of course, to make sure you didn't just waste a bunch of time, money and energy you have to test these things, and so began the era of sightings. This stuff was so top-secret that they would rather risk the life of a fighter pilot who attempted to chase or view one of their craft than reveal it to someone without proper clearance. This continues to this day, in the form of the huge silent black triangles that like to pop up late at night all over the world.

OK skeptics, here is where you will stop liking me lol. Enter the extra-dimensional theory....this is more based on gut feeling and research than anything else but anyway here it is.

Throughout history encounters have been reported with beings/energies/etc that are almost completely incomprehensible in nature but realer than real to all who have experienced them. I think that "abductions" are real experiences, encounters with an unseen world that only the most adept esoteric students can even begin to comprehend, and only slightly at that. There are too many "high strangeness" reports out there and it seems as if almost all encounters with ghosts, "aliens", Bigfoot, fairies, demons, and so on have very similar aspects. Many people reporting many seemingly different phenomena seem to have consistencies in their stories (when they are true that is....) ie pungent smells, blue/red/bright white lights, strange electrical feelings, missing time...these pop not just with abductees but ghost reports, religious experiences, Bigfoot/cryptid sightings and on and on.

I also believe aliens have visited and might perhaps have had a hand in our creation but have mostly moved on long since. I also believe that weird flying objects in old paintings and such are representations of what might be a true alien presence at that time. I just don't think aliens dropping by and staying is all that common in this huge universe though, and we are not being visited now.

The extra-dimensional theory needs more research and might in fact ending up being a way of investigation that yields more tangible evidence in the future. We will see...

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by seangkt

"First off I have read over and over that humans were possibly genetically created from an advanced alien race.
This idea alone makes me wonder why aliens would "abduct" people for studies if they created us. I know if I make a sandwich I know what's on it and don't need to double check."

-Did it ever occur to you that there may be a number of
different alien races out there who did not genetically
engineer humans, and would like to find out how we were
engineered by the so called alien race who did engineer us?

"Google Earth, WWT and all similar programs would never be allowed to leak pictures of something as crucial as alien ships."

-This one is easy. If TPTB were to erase, or not allow this
kind of technology to the public out of nowhere, than what
kind of questions do you think would be asked by the

"Abductions...... Just give it up already your either crazy or you want someone to listen to you way to much. Loneliness sucks, but guess what! There is a simple cure for it. DONT TELL A STORY AS DUMB AS THIS and people may want to be your friend."

-I agree to an extent, but your input is ridiculously arrogant
and closed minded. Just because YOU have not experienced this
so called procedure, does not mean it doesn't exist or happen
to a select number of human beings. You are 1 out of 7 billion
people on this planet. Arrogant, like I said.

"Mutliated animals found and considered to be caused by aliens. Have you guys never heard of psychopaths or maybe some random, not local, but close enough predator to have come and decided snack time was needed."

-Maybe you should dive deeper into this. As many proclaimed
"legitimate" crop circle sites, scientists and researchers have found
countless amounts of radioactive substances around and in the
mutilated animals as well as the crop circle sites.

Lighten up bro. Quit wasting your energy on trying to prove to
people ("believers") that aliens DON'T exist. You will lose your
argument everytime, and possibly make an a** out of yourself.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by Tek-Neek55]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 03:35 PM
If I were an alien, and I knew from observation and past experience that humans are prone to attack and kill my kind in a sort of 'shoot first--ask questions later' type scenario, I would not want humans knowing for a fact that I exist. If humans knew for a fact that ETs existed, not only would many humans panic, but like an earlier poster said, many would try to kill them on site. Maybe any ETs that might be here do not wish to be actively hunted. Humans thinking that aliens are fairy tales keeps them from looking up or actively searching. It would be in any alien's benefit to stay incognito so that they could keep doing whatever it is they want to do without the fear or bother of being ambushed. That's just my completely non-alien opinion.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 04:04 PM
It may be aliens are only limiting there open or mass contact with humans for, among other reasons: (1. They are not keeping them selves secret, but we may be so different, we can't detect them. For all any of us know they could be swarming over the planet. (2. They believe it would be to much of a cultural shock, at least at the level human beings are at now.

(3. A deal may have been made between one or more Earthly governments for who knows what. Technology? Cotinued use of humans, and other animals for abduction? Where an ordinary person can mention they were abducted by aliens, and lst face it; a large number of the population won't believe them, or just not care. People state why not land on the White House lawn. Are some people mad on this subject? They would run a high risk of being shot.

Last, who says aliens have to conduct themselves according to human standards?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by seangkt

Your view and perception of the whole problem is very very lost. I don't have the nerves to explain to you all the gaps you are missing unabling you to see the big picture. You have to find out yourself, but it makes sense. Many people have probably explained already anyway.

[edit on 13/2/10 by Cybernet]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 04:22 PM
Are aliens here to observe with a "hands-off" policy ?
Could they be here to deplete our resources ?
Does the alien agenda have a basis for eventual world domination ?
Do different species of aliens have different agenda's ?

Only a select few within our government know for sure...

[edit on 13-2-2010 by Lacenaire]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 04:31 PM
Personally, I think it is extremely ignorant to make such assumptions, especially when doing little or no research to back a claim. There are at least 2,000 cases (abductions included) that have not been explained.

For us to assume what or what not aliens would do is ambiguous at best, but to quickly and arbitrarily dismiss all cases without further consideration or evidence is just beyond ignorant IMHO.

Based on the available evidence available to ufologists today, it appears that we have, are, and will continue to be visited by something we can't explain, and given the size of the Universe I think the ET Hypothesis is quite possible.

Thanks for sharing...

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by seangkt

Many people here know me as an Alien Skeptic (even though I have been gone for WAY to, BUT even I have to say at times, "Hey I cannot explain that." At times the only reasonable conclusion is the unreasonable one. For instance I cannot explain this UFO case:

Yukon UFO "Mothership" Incident: December 11th, 1996

or half of these:

The ATS UFO/Alien Chronological Thread Directory

As a skeptic, I approach each UFO case as true (to prevent bias and ensure objectivity) and read the details then work my own conclusion to see if it is valid. To walk into a case and assume it is false you have already biased yourself toward that cause. Being a skeptic it is my job to provide evidence that is not only rational, but practical as well. I am not here to fight with UFO believers, but I am here to provide a different way of thinking for healthy debates all targeted to attaining the TRUTH!

-Is it possible that aliens exist? Yes.
-Do I believe they do? No.
-Do I think that people who believe in them are stupid? No.
-Do people think I am stupid for not believing in aliens? but its reasonable.
-Can Skeptics and Believers get along and debate in a healthy environment? Yes.

Rather then working against each other, we should work WITH each other. It really is not that difficult.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Grayelf2009


Good call, the proof is going to come out sooner than later.

It has all been predicted and is now the secret which holds us back!

History repeats, we all shall see. As in the days of Noah!

Star for you GrayElf


posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by seangkt

Hi Sean,
Without first hand experience you will never get what you seek from this thread. Demanding photographs as proof is simply not possible and not for the reasons you may state.

There is no "I win" scenario, unless one's ego is unbalanced.

No one is asking you to believe anyone's stories. Simply put, you do no have to, you can think and believe what you want and very few will EVER disrespect you for it in the way you have disrespected others with blanket statements of what you consider to be reality or what constitutes mental illness, etc.

As an experiencer my entire life, I have a pre-disposition to assisting those who have also had experience and are not coping well because of it. These people have come from all walks of life and surprisingly you may find, most have been very intelligent, normal and productive members of society. Many have been pillars of the community, some have been members of the Military Services including one Special Forces man I interviewed a few years back. In short, people with an unquestionable grasp on reality and no indicators of mental illness or the "wishfulness" you have proposed for explaining such events people have lived through.

The mutilations you spoke about are not done by nutters. Since you claim to have studied this information then you also "know" that these things are recorded as having Surgical Precision, with very precise incisions and the lack of spilled blood, etc. Something very few nutters could replicate.

Given the excellent recapitulations by former higher-ups in the military and government as they approach old age and death through illness, we would have to wonder why anyone would attempt to debunk their claims. They have nothing to lose at such times and therefore feel free to tell what they knew. Are we then to judge these people as nutters, wannabes and wishful-thinkers too?

In the end Sean, you cannot prove anyone's experiences are "wrong" as much as they cannot prove to you that they are "correct". So why then call them crazy if you simply do not know through your own first-hand experience and therefore have no right to judge them?

No insult was meant to you in any of my words here.

To Myth Lives;
Excellently said, thank you.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by Tayesin]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by seangkt

Vanity and arrogence are the only reason I can see for anyone NOT believing that there are E.T.'s somewhere in all the uncharted vastness of space.

I have never seen a U.F.O. or an alien or physical proof of either, but that, in and of itself, is not reason enough for me to say they don't exist or have never visited earth.


posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Blueracer

My people have been seeing them for hundreds of years in the sky all over this state... and gee since they saw the crafts and the old ones speak of dealings with them (aliens) .. personally I will trust my ancestors and their knowledge over the governments ignorance anyday of the week..

myth and legend man... for every myth and legend somewhere in the midst is a basis of truth and fact... just gotta figure out what it and is not..

And why should they reveal themselves to us in this day and age... we are arrogant, pompus and we are dangerous to ourselves and not only they themselves... in other words we are rather immature as a species and violent beyond belief when it comes to things we do not understand...

Ask yourself this question... What do humans do for the most part when they encounter something they are afraid of??

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