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AWACS crew member says Flight 93 shot down

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posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by bagari
Why is it that truthers are angry that this plane may have been shot down and simultaneously angry that the others weren't (because the entire military was off doing drills apparently).

I'm no "Truther", but it seems to me you're being extremely disingenuous. The anger comes from the FACT that they LIED to us! There was no reason to do so other than to cover their own incompetence (if not outright collusion).

And don't say "National Security" because that's utter snip. If our government said "Yeah, we shot it down because we don't snip around when it comes to terrorism!" the public would have cheered and Al Qaeda would have feared.

Incompetence or collusion. Those are the only reasons to keep this knowledge secret.

Edit to add: What the Snip Are we children? Why are "dirty" words censored on this of all sites? How lame!

[edit on 30-1-2010 by Ragu23]

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 30/1/2010 by Sauron]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
The truth is that WMD were used against our country and they will be used again. If you have security clearance you would know the truth. However, since you don't have what it takes to be in that position there things that you will just have to guess about in your lifetime.
Scream all you want, you will never know the truth or find it with a bad attitude of blame and anti-Americanism.
How many freeking threads are you people going to start with conspiracies about 911? Over and over, that's insanity. Try a different approach, maybe that will help you.
Good luck.

So mr Majestic, what does someone using WMD against the country have to do with flight 93 getting shot down?.
I think you will find the only WMD's used in the USA was the Anthrax mailed through the postal system.
Thoses spores were stolen from a .mil research facility and used against the populace to help ensure the patriot act went through.
NO outside terrorist involvement.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Ragu23
I'm no "Truther", but it seems to me you're being extremely disingenuous. The anger comes from the FACT that they LIED to us! There was no reason to do so other than to cover their own incompetence (if not outright collusion).

Everyone lies. You lie all the time. Everyone knows the government lies. You feel deceived and betrayed. Sorry but... that's life. There is no such thing as honesty and openness.
So as a result you have trust issues. (don't we all)
You want to trust the government. Then you should. They do good things, take a look at what they do that is positive. America is still by far the best nation on earth. Take a look at what Islam would want you to have as a government and it's scary.
Speaking of truthers, where do the decision makers stand on allowing Islam to walk all over us? Barakah Hussain Obama was born a muslim and considered by Islam to be an apostate... but that's a topic for another thread. Can we trust our administration to protect us against a plan to hit a dozen of our cities 2010-2013? Will they shoot down a hijacked plane headed toward a major city, or more? Will we defend ourselves against the enemy again?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by The X

Originally posted by JJay55
The truth is that WMD were used against our country and they will be used again. If you have security clearance you would know the truth. However, since you don't have what it takes to be in that position there things that you will just have to guess about in your lifetime.
Scream all you want, you will never know the truth or find it with a bad attitude of blame and anti-Americanism.
How many freeking threads are you people going to start with conspiracies about 911? Over and over, that's insanity. Try a different approach, maybe that will help you.
Good luck.

So mr Majestic, what does someone using WMD against the country have to do with flight 93 getting shot down?.
I think you will find the only WMD's used in the USA was the Anthrax mailed through the postal system.
Thoses spores were stolen from a .mil research facility and used against the populace to help ensure the patriot act went through.
NO outside terrorist involvement.

You may address me as Ms.
The US isn't attacking itself. There are plenty of enemies out there that will do it without our help if you would take a look.
Stolen spores don't tell you who stole them, eh?
All governments have biologicals and chemicals. I'm sure you don't know exactly what is in all the arsonals around the world, do you?
Mexico released H1N1 that was a government biological, just sayin.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by JJay55

You may address me as Ms.
The US isn't attacking itself. There are plenty of enemies out there that will do it without our help if you would take a look.
Stolen spores don't tell you who stole them, eh?
All governments have biologicals and chemicals. I'm sure you don't know exactly what is in all the arsonals around the world, do you?
Mexico released H1N1 that was a government biological, just sayin.

Except the US Gov DID attack itself.

After the US Took down the Towers on 911, the Patriot Act was going through

Congress, It was being held up by 2 Senators, Tom Leahy, Tom Dashle,

Both recieved Anthrax Letters, Anthrax of Military grade from Fort Detrick.

The Gov admitted this , and a Patsy Dr Bruce Ivin's was delivered

as the culprit. Don't worry JJ , he has committed "suicide".

So lets see, US responsible for 911, US responsible for Anthrax attacks.

I don't think the US has had ANY Muslim attacks on it.

WHO should we fear Again ?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by pianopraze

There are too many "firsts" about 9/11... where are the black boxes for instance. I am looking at all sides of this issue but there is enough suspicious here that we need another (or a first) REAL investigation.

See my thread regarding new investigation/enquiry here

9/11 Conspiracies » A New Enquiry into 9,11 would it work ?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by JJay55

Originally posted by The X

Originally posted by JJay55
The truth is that WMD were used against our country and they will be used again. If you have security clearance you would know the truth. However, since you don't have what it takes to be in that position there things that you will just have to guess about in your lifetime.
Scream all you want, you will never know the truth or find it with a bad attitude of blame and anti-Americanism.
How many freeking threads are you people going to start with conspiracies about 911? Over and over, that's insanity. Try a different approach, maybe that will help you.
Good luck.

So mr Majestic, what does someone using WMD against the country have to do with flight 93 getting shot down?.
I think you will find the only WMD's used in the USA was the Anthrax mailed through the postal system.
Thoses spores were stolen from a .mil research facility and used against the populace to help ensure the patriot act went through.
NO outside terrorist involvement.

You may address me as Ms.
The US isn't attacking itself. There are plenty of enemies out there that will do it without our help if you would take a look.
Stolen spores don't tell you who stole them, eh?
All governments have biologicals and chemicals. I'm sure you don't know exactly what is in all the arsonals around the world, do you?
Mexico released H1N1 that was a government biological, just sayin.

The US isn't attacking itself but Mexico is. Hmmm seems like you are believing in whatever conspiracy suits your belief system.

It boils down to evidence and credibility. People make mistakes (source of 99% of conspiracies which are really screw-ups!) and it's those mistakes that let us know what the evidence is e.g. the denied shooting of flight 93 but accidental admittance they did. An example of credibility indicating cover up is the passport!!!!! Fricking plane blows up half way up a tower and just by chance the terrorists passport made it to street level practically intact. Theoretically possible yes, likely no way in hell!

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 11:38 AM
something may have been shot down but it wasn`t commercial airliner,where was all the wreckage,bodies seats,turbines...not buying it,besides what is an awac doing tracking civilian air traffic?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by freeradical1

Trawl the threads the answers to your questions are answered in many threads here on ATS !

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by JJay55

Originally posted by The X

Originally posted by JJay55
The truth is that WMD were used against our country and they will be used again. If you have security clearance you would know the truth. However, since you don't have what it takes to be in that position there things that you will just have to guess about in your lifetime.
Scream all you want, you will never know the truth or find it with a bad attitude of blame and anti-Americanism.
How many freeking threads are you people going to start with conspiracies about 911? Over and over, that's insanity. Try a different approach, maybe that will help you.
Good luck.

So mr Majestic, what does someone using WMD against the country have to do with flight 93 getting shot down?.
I think you will find the only WMD's used in the USA was the Anthrax mailed through the postal system.
Thoses spores were stolen from a .mil research facility and used against the populace to help ensure the patriot act went through.
NO outside terrorist involvement.

You may address me as Ms.
The US isn't attacking itself. There are plenty of enemies out there that will do it without our help if you would take a look.
Stolen spores don't tell you who stole them, eh?
All governments have biologicals and chemicals. I'm sure you don't know exactly what is in all the arsonals around the world, do you?
Mexico released H1N1 that was a government biological, just sayin.
Mexico released H1N1? just a coincidence that Baxter's labs are very close to the original outbreak in Mexico then. In the meantime you complain about Anti-Americanism, and all the while you make anti-Islam remarks, now your having a dodgy go at the Mexicans, they are mostly Catholics aren't they? is this a religious thing you have? maybe you're from Alabama, that's where they stoned the Top Gear presenters, and waved guns at them

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by JJay55
The truth is that WMD were used against our country and they will be used again. If you have security clearance you would know the truth. However, since you don't have what it takes to be in that position there things that you will just have to guess about in your lifetime.
Scream all you want, you will never know the truth or find it with a bad attitude of blame and anti-Americanism.
How many freeking threads are you people going to start with conspiracies about 911? Over and over, that's insanity. Try a different approach, maybe that will help you.
Good luck.

I didn't trust the OS from the beginning because my mother had been told to stay out of the city and keep us kids in town a week before 9/11 by my step-dad. He has a pretty high security clearance. I don't have to guess that the OS of 9/11 is almost entirely BS. This isn't blame and anti-Americanism, this is true patriotism. Sure, you can go on for the rest of your life without questioning what your government is up to; sadly there are too many people like you who disregard anything that they didn't get from their favorite cable news network. I believe in my country and the people who make it, not it's government.

What approach did you have in mind, What's your theory? You going to point me to the 9/11 commission report?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 07:58 PM
Hello all, I would like to add my eye-witness account - what I saw from my work location in Maryland 9/11/2001.

After the report of a hijacking over Pennsylvania I was outside of my building in Silver Spring Maryland when two jets screamed over me, maybe 500 feet and hauling fast.
I remembered the tail wings, two each, same planes and all. They had a V shape to them or not vertical bit at an angle.

Later I looked on google at all the different planes and here is what I saw: =325&w=550&sz=28&tbnid=4WxOkumwjI_LwM:&tbnh=79&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3Df%2B18&hl=en&usg=__hBb8Grbe1o1Kmmvno9cQ4ejcFc4=&ei=HN9kS57rHIGj8AbvsPCZAw&s a=X&oi=image_result&resnum=3&ct=image&ved=0CA0Q9QEwAg

These are F-18 Hornets and not f16s as reported. So, for whatever that's worth -- carry on...

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
First Dom Rumsfeld said it and now this. I believe it is now clear (at least in my opinion) that this re-confirms what I have been saying all along that flight 93 was shot down.

No other on ATS will stand in my opinion, as to the fate of flight 93.

AWAC crew video w/ BBC

[edit on 28-1-2010 by mikelee]

Sorry gang. This is more deep dark conspiracy theory. I don't buy it You want to convince me? What was the AWAC's plane flight number. That I can check out. This BS reeks to high heaven.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by arbiture

What was the AWAC's plane flight number.

Call BBC news since they did the video then ask to speak to the reporter who did the peice. Then ask him if he remembers that. If he does I'm sure then you'll be able to track'er down.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by JJay55
Everyone lies. You lie all the time. Everyone knows the government lies. You feel deceived and betrayed. Sorry but... that's life. There is no such thing as honesty and openness.
So as a result you have trust issues. (don't we all)
You want to trust the government. Then you should. They do good things, take a look at what they do that is positive. America is still by far the best nation on earth. Take a look at what Islam would want you to have as a government and it's scary.
Speaking of truthers, where do the decision makers stand on allowing Islam to walk all over us? Barakah Hussain Obama was born a muslim and considered by Islam to be an apostate... but that's a topic for another thread. Can we trust our administration to protect us against a plan to hit a dozen of our cities 2010-2013? Will they shoot down a hijacked plane headed toward a major city, or more? Will we defend ourselves against the enemy again?

Wow! What a convoluted irrational counterpoint! Are you SURE you're not a Truther? What does any of that have to do with my point?

I understand that the government lies. Every deaf, dumb, blind, and retarded five year old cripple understands that governments lie. My question, which you utterly failed to address in favor of some raving partisan nonsense, was why would our government lie about the events of 9-11 in particular?

Again. Either to cover up incompetence, to cover up collusion, or to cover up both.

Feel free to respond with information about how Obama is a Satanist Kenyan who wants to eat mah babie.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by mikelee

Could I just REPEAT what I iniiationally offered, back on page ONE pr TWO???

UNITED 93 WAS NOT!!!! "Shot down!!!!

I wish it HAD been ( in some regards) just so we wouldnt' all be having this stupid argument.

There is NOTING in the FDR, NORR the CVR to indicate a "Shoot-down"!!!

NOR is there any physical evidence onteh ground to support such a clai !!!

Get over it!!!!

It did NOT happen!!!!

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
There is NOTING in the FDR, NORR the CVR to indicate a "Shoot-down"!!!

NOR is there any physical evidence onteh ground to support such a clai !!!

Get over it!!!!

It did NOT happen!!!!

Too bad an NSA document states that at leaset 1 of the planes on 9/11 was intercepted (which contridicts the official report), probably either 93 or 1989.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by malcr

The US isn't attacking itself but Mexico is. Hmmm seems like you are believing in whatever conspiracy suits your belief system.

It boils down to evidence and credibility. People make mistakes (source of 99% of conspiracies which are really screw-ups!) and it's those mistakes that let us know what the evidence is e.g. the denied shooting of flight 93 but accidental admittance they did. An example of credibility indicating cover up is the passport!!!!! Fricking plane blows up half way up a tower and just by chance the terrorists passport made it to street level practically intact. Theoretically possible yes, likely no way in hell!

Not sure you are aware that H1N1 is a worldwide pandemic... not just Mexico. And yea, that was a mistake too.
I can see the passport being placed there like the tarot cards by the beltway snipers. It's a calling card. The 911 operation wasn't just 19 guys.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by JJay55]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE

Originally posted by weedwhacker
There is NOTING in the FDR, NORR the CVR to indicate a "Shoot-down"!!!

NOR is there any physical evidence onteh ground to support such a clai !!!

Get over it!!!!

It did NOT happen!!!!

Too bad an NSA document states that at leaset 1 of the planes on 9/11 was intercepted (which contridicts the official report), probably either 93 or 1989.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by REMISNE]

oh really?

care to share this nsa document with the rest of the class?

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by mikelee

Could I just REPEAT what I iniiationally offered, back on page ONE pr TWO???

UNITED 93 WAS NOT!!!! "Shot down!!!!

we agree on that. yay.

I wish it HAD been ( in some regards) just so we wouldnt' all be having this stupid argument.


There is NOTING in the FDR, NORR the CVR to indicate a "Shoot-down"!!!

you're right and since we know the plane flew over indian lake based on all the eyewitness accounts we can determine that this data is most likely fraudulent.

NOR is there any physical evidence onteh ground to support such a clai !!!

agreed. there is no evidence that indicates a massive 757 crashed or was shot down and ended up in that 10 foot deep hole.

Get over it!!!!

It did NOT happen!!!!


it wasn't shot down nor did it crash.

the evidence against that is overwhelming.

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