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AWACS crew member says Flight 93 shot down

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by JJay55
The truth is that WMD were used against our country and they will be used again.

Weapons of Mass Destruction were NOT used against your country.

In fact your country is the only country in history to use them against others!

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:13 PM
Deleted double post.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by Stanton Dowd]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Stanton Dowd
Deleted double post.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by Stanton Dowd]

Well, now wait a minute here. Yes, the US used WMD's (specifically two nuclear devices during WWII) however, Germany did use poison gas in WWI. So we were not the first and not the only.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Stanton Dowd

yeah your right it woulda been better to let the nazis win just think there would be no ATS only SS Proly a bad thing freind.

america doesnt just blow up cities for fun?????

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:30 PM
The 911 attack was a diversionary operation to camouflage 70 trillion dollars worth of catastrophe bonds & derivative carbon credit trading at the Chicago Merc through KPMG's hedge funds to UN's environmental trust banker Zug (Al Gore & Maurice Strong Generation Investments) during a 30 hr standown of American and Canadian military forces.
The failed attempt of the flight that exploded over Pennsylvania, most likely headed to the Capitol forced Chinese Naval and Russian Air Forces to standown their war games occurring at the same time in the Straights of Formosa and the arctic above Canada.
Operation Mockingbird

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Heritical Monkey

Again, so what?

[Mod Edit - replace quote with Reply To: tab]

[edit on 30/1/2010 by Sauron]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by [davinci]
I wish I had a VCR running that day.

I remember when word hit the news about this flight. It was broadcast on CNN about how a passenger was on a cell phone...the passenger started talking about fighter jets visible out his window and then a 'puff of white smoke' coming from the airliners wing.

This was a major story for a few hours, then it just stopped. A couple days later the story was about how passengers called home to say they'd been hijacked but were going to rush the terrorists.

There was never any further mention of the original report, not even a retraction.

Anyone else?


I have always found it interesting tht CNN has never once mentioned anything that contradicts the OS on this matter. Funny that a Cable News Network has total amnesia concerning their own story.

I have always expected that SOMEONE working that day would try to get the word out.

I wonder what they got in return.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by [davinci]]

I'm telling you I was working at MSNBC on 911. I was on the roof of 400 N. Capitol St. I was on the camera crew waiting for another jet to crash into the Capitol building across the street. I could see the Pentagon burning in the distance and scores of panicked people rushing out of the city.
Stories were flooding in. Some were rumors. Some fact, some were disinfo. We had the woman whose husband called from the plane. She was irate.

Then the disinfo agents got to her and to our network. I saw it first hand. It was disgusting how people like rumsfeld treat us like fools.

What is more disgusting is Jay55 is in our midst and is trying to stir up hatred against muslims.

Hey jay, just how are those 10,000 muslims supposed to get here? Oh yea, with the help of the CIA. That's how we keep scumbags like you in a job.

I've decided I love iranians and iraqis. I would rather not kill them. What do you say about that, Jay?

God help you when judgement comes. You will be yourown harshest critic. I still love you Jay.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:08 PM

Third NSA Source Confirms: Flight 93 Shot Down By Air Force Jet

By Wayne Madsen

For OpEdNews:

WMR has received another confirmation, bringing the total number to three, that United Flight 93, hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001, was shot down over rural Pennsylvania by U.S. Air Force jets scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. There are also reports that one F-16 scrambled from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia returned to base minus one air-to-air missile but the National Security Agency CRITIC report specified the interceptors that downed United 93 took off from Andrews.

Mod Edit: New External Source Tags – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 30/1/2010 by Sauron]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
First Dom Rumsfeld said it and now this. I believe it is now clear (at least in my opinion) that this re-confirms what I have been saying all along that flight 93 was shot down.

No other on ATS will stand in my opinion, as to the fate of flight 93.

AWAC crew video w/ BBC

[edit on 28-1-2010 by mikelee]

Prove it. I want to see the data. Every one likes a nice plot because the truth is usually rather boring.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by JJay55

Originally posted by JJay55
reply to post by pianopraze

But the public will never know. Like the grassy knoll. Like Castro's exploding cigar. Like the Russian oligarch murders. Like who shot JR. Like if Tupac is really dead... etc.
But the interesting parts of these mysteries isn't finding out the exact details, which we never will, but the implications. I'm sure you will agree.
All of these instances involve political moves that in the long run would benefit the most amount of people according to the ones who carried them out. Utilitarianism, a principle that good people go by.
If 93 was shot down it was to save a city and population from destruction with the least amount of casualties.

As for 911 being allowed to happen to pull us into the Middle East and secure oil... well... that's really complicated and there are 1000 threads on it already.
I can assure you that there are thousands of muslims who are ready and willing to carry out more 911s in mass quantity and will begin 2010-2013. Why is that?

We know a lot more about the Gulf of Tonkin and how we were tricked into Vietnam. Your argument again does not hold water. It is forums and threads like this that eventually lead to the truth you proclaim we can never find. If we listen to those of you trying to stop public dialog we will never know.

reply to post by JJay55

Originally posted by JJay55
Yeah but we are too busy bickering about if 93 was shot down or whatever. WTF?
I am a she and I work in counter-terrorism education and I'm quite frustrated with how ignorant the American public is. Who gives a sheet if 93 was shot down or was some heroic move, we were attacked by Islam and we will be attacked again soon. Very soon.
911x12. No one learned a damnn thing on 911 except to be confused and anti-American. It's sickening.

I find that this fear mongering which aims to squelch public dialog actually promotes ignorance, not threads like this one.

The public on here are probably much more educated than those who blindly follow the news agencies which are SUBSIDIARIES of defense contractors.

Irregardless whether we shot down the plane... A very consistent policy of subverting our Constitution has been systematically implemented beginning with the "Patriot Act."

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Stanton Dowd

Originally posted by JJay55
The truth is that WMD were used against our country and they will be used again.

Weapons of Mass Destruction were NOT used against your country.

In fact your country is the only country in history to use them against others!

My my my, how we forget world history.

You forget France and Germany with the chlorine and mustard gas shells during WWI, Japan used chemical and biological weapons in China during WWII, Iraq and Iran with the chem weapons during the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq using chem weapons agianst its own people.

The US was the only one that used two nuclear devices in combat, but we are far from the first to ever use "WMD" agianst others.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by arbiture

Well if you would watch the video instead of being so dammed quick to yell the "prove it" neocon cry then perhaps you could derive the same opinion I did by watching it. or not.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:50 PM
It's possible that they were shot down. They're probably covering it up because they shot down only that plane and not the rest. But it raises the quesiton - if the govnt controlled the events of 9/11, why did they shoot down the plane? One reason I heard was that the passengers "knew too much" and that's why they had to shoot it down. Personally, I have no idea what couldve happened

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:03 PM

did you determine where your 'shot down' 757 ended up crashing unpredictably yet?

wayne madsen....thats a funny little guy. was all interested in my shanksville work, so i exchanged a few emails with him and now he got a bunch of ANONYMOUS people proving flight 93 was shot down.......

none of my witnesses are ANONYMOUS...........

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:34 PM
hi my name is donald rumsfeld.

flight 93 was shot down over pennsylvania.

saddam has weapons of mass destruction.

ties to al qaeda.

we know where the weapons are.

they're in baghdad and area north, south, east, and west there of.

i never said we knew where the weapons were.

he snuck them into syria.

mushroom cloud mushroom cloud.

bin laden.

al qaeda is real.


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Kryties

The reason that WMDS WEREN'T FOUnd in IRAQ was becoz they r used on 9/11 TRUE FACT!!!11

SEAN HANNity TOld ME SO!!!!!! and then he SHOWED ME HIS GREAT americna!!!!

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by JJay55

Originally posted by Heritical Monkey
The 911 attack was a diversionary operation. Operation Mockingbird

Again, so what?

I think it is true that the passengers of Flight 97 tried to take back the plane, and the terrorist pilot subsequently crashed that plane. I even think it is true that the final words ever heard from any passenger on that doomed flight were "let's roll."

These passengers, faced with certain death, were heroes. I think that is true.

However, for a short time, I also believed President Clinton that he "did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky". I defended him to my conservative friends –- the president wouldn't stake the reputation of the Presidency by telling a complete lie, just to avoid a sex scandal, especially if there were other ways of handling the situation. Would he?

So history has proved me gullible on that one point. And when I learned the truth about Bill Clinton I felt utter betrayal and anger. Twelve years later, I still hate the guy completely. It was a very big deal to me, and I wish he had been removed from office, and further punished. Not for the sex scandal, but for the lie.

So if the government is lying about this -- if they have completely fabricated this, including backstory and all -- when there were other ways to handle this -- if they have fabricated this story to manipulate the people -- then our government will have demonstrated it is capable of any imaginable atrocity, and any deception, and they have zero respect for us.

I don't think a secret like this, if it exists, can be held forever. If this has been a big lie, the truth will eventually be revealed, and there will be hugely negative consequences. It is the kind of revelation that causes revolution.

Edit: But anyway, for right now, I'm going to continue thinking the official story is true.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by Axial Leader]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Axial Leader
I don't think a secret like this, if it exists, can be held forever. If this has been a big lie, the truth will eventually be revealed, and there will be hugely negative consequences. It is the kind of revelation that causes revolution.

Edit: But anyway, for right now, I'm going to continue thinking the official story is true.

It's history. What really matters is that it will happen again.
Not a damn thing that all you complainers can do about it. Betrayal isn't a crime. War is all about deceit.

What's important to understand that the anarchists on this forum like to stir up anti-Americanism. That only opens the door for the enemy. So how many threads will be started about how the US government betrayed the whole world. How the US government is evil. How the US government is deceitful without considering how deceitful the enemy is?

Conspiracy sites attract those who are curious to find the truth and we are bombarded with anarchists on this forum that seem to me to be agents of the enemy. Looks like a recruiting opportunity to me.

We are under attack. It won't be long until another plane goes down. And the anarchists (enemy) will try to deceive us that it was our government that made it happen.

[edit on 30-1-2010 by JJay55]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by JJay55

Originally posted by Axial Leader
I don't think a secret like this, if it exists, can be held forever. If this has been a big lie, the truth will eventually be revealed, and there will be hugely negative consequences. It is the kind of revelation that causes revolution.

Edit: But anyway, for right now, I'm going to continue thinking the official story is true.

It's history. What really matters is that it will happen again.
Not a damn thing that all you complainers can do about it. Betrayal isn't a crime. War is all about deceit.

What's important to understand that the anarchists on this forum like to stir up anti-Americanism. That only opens the door for the enemy. So how many threads will be started about how the US government betrayed the whole world. How the US government is evil. How the US government is deceitful without considering how deceitful the enemy is?

Conspiracy sites attract those who are curious to find the truth and we are bombarded with anarchists on this forum that seem to me to be agents of the enemy. Looks like a recruiting opportunity to me.

We are under attack. It won't be long until another plane goes down. And the anarchists (enemy) will try to deceive us that it was our government that made it happen.

[edit on 30-1-2010 by JJay55]

[edit on 30-1-2010 by Skyline666]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by GenRadek

Sorry, I meant WMD as in MASS destruction.

The Americans are the only peoples to ever nuke anyone and think it's ok.

If you want to talk about Saddam gassing his own people you should als not forget history...

For instance, when Saddam doing his 'nasties', that the west now outwardly despise, he was in fact one of our allies - we gave him the knowledge and capabilities to get the job done because it was in the interests of western leaders.

But not to derail this very important thread.

It is only with threads like this that keep peoples' investagative minds interested will the truth ever be exposed.

And as far as I can see flight 93 was either shot down or didn't exist in the first place - there was, afterall, no wreckage.

When a plane crashes there's wreckage - when a plane is blown up (like over Lockerbie) there is wreckage - lots of it.

So why no wreckage for flight 93?

Well this is a very big question isn't it.

Edit to add:

Sorry, sorry, my mistake - the plane must have disintegrated!!!

Turned to vapour!

That must be it.


[edit on 30-1-2010 by Stanton Dowd]

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