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I beg of you read this. Stop the drama...

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posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:29 PM
I wonder why everyone keeps refering to the quit paying taxes deal? Maybe everyone wants to do it but knows they shouldn't

I agree it is impossible at this point to just quit doing this. Those that are in power have been at it for many years, they know how the game works, they are the creators of the game they can "cheat" whenever they want to. Simply having a belief and enforcing it is not enough.

You wish to destroy the Government? What is Government?
You wish to end suffering? Where is suffering not at?
You wish to live a normal life? What is Normal?

For every action there will be a reaction. Just because one wishes for change does not mean they get it. You can be the most intelligent person in the world, but with the support of nobody (in this material world) you are nobody as equally as it is said.

If you really wish for change, study the things you wish to change, understand what they are, why they are... and make others aware of it.

For a tree to grow it starts from a seed and then from the bottom grows roots, and such is change. For the seen to grow the roots it created must grow, its knowledge spread throughout the ground, throughout all that is must be strong for the growth of what is to become.

If you wish to fight fire, you must understand fire, and in essence become fire. Ironic how fire fighters fight fire with water, its natural opposite. Both composed or thereof Oxygen and Hydrogen or thus needing it. Both supported by the same thing. Oxygen-Life or Hydrogen... The smallest element, but yet far more powerful than most of them all.

I can speak random nonsense all I want, but my point is there is a balance to everything... and root meanings to all of it.

Many wish to abandon material goods, but yet we cannot. We are material, we need them to thrive.

The common thread of relevance for everyone is being on the same page, not being divded. That is one of the things I agree with the OP on. Some things I am DIVIDED with him on
but... all in all. Very good points have been made in this thread. If you fail to see them, maybe this thread is not for you. Move on, have a nice day.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

and again. You wish to Disscredit (oops typo) me. By simply proving one thing wrong does it provide you a means to prove the entire theory or relevance as wrong?

I know how to spell assassination... and I wish i could say i typed it wrong on purpose but seeing as I am a student and i've only had a few hours of sleep in the past days. Ill blame it on sleep, or ill blame it on my inferiority of your know all english grammar. Personally I do not really care how its spelt (can i say that? Please counsel me- did i spell that right?). I know what I stand for, I know what I believe in. I choose to live a peaceful life and to protect others that cannot protect themselves. From people like you... who think your view is the only view, that you have the right to dominate a situation. Well the truth is you dont. The only thing you have power over is your own life. When you try to control another's is where things get interesting. Thus why people go to war. "Damn him he doens't think like me, what should I do?" "Well if hes dead then what he thinks doesnt matter" "Ok"

Ass Ass Ination- I love the spelling

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Draves
What ever happened to live and let live? Truly, this whole country needs to grow up. Grow up and then things will change.
Accept responsibility. You will never change this world with a child’s mindset. How do you change. Become a MAN, become a WOMAN.
[edit on Sun Nov 8 2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

Jeeeze. What an enlightened, omniscient, arrogant view. Thanks for the high-minded moral pontificating. I never knew it was just that easy until someone like you told me so. Of course, I’m not so enlightened and am stuck in a primitive mind-set – so you have to forgive. But thanks for pointing out the way from your mountain top of self-righteousness and self-anointed holiness.

Meanwhile, I’ll still tend to believe in the world that is imposed upon me. I’ll still acknowledge the reality of what surrounds me. And that reality ain’t pretty. Matter of fact, it’s sort of cold and brutish. I can live with that though.

Vague aphorisms, platitudes and bubble-gum philosophies don’t make for a deep thinker. And foggy thoughts don’t change the rock of reality. If your intended effect was to enlighten and elevate people, know that in this case it had the exact opposite effect: it depressed me even more about the state of humanity.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by rjmelter

I know how to spell assassination... and I wish i could say i typed it wrong on purpose but seeing as I am a student and i've only had a few hours of sleep in the past days. Ill blame it on sleep, or ill blame it on my inferiority of your know all english grammar. Personally I do not really care how its spelt (can i say that? Please counsel me- did i spell that right?). I know what I stand for, I know what I believe in. I choose to live a peaceful life and to protect others that cannot protect themselves. From people like you... who think your view is the only view, that you have the right to dominate a situation. Well the truth is you dont. The only thing you have power over is your own life. When you try to control another's is where things get interesting. Thus why people go to war. "Damn him he doens't think like me, what should I do?" "Well if hes dead then what he thinks doesnt matter" "Ok"

You do know that ATS has a spell check, don't you? In fact, when you reply, it automatically places a red line under words it does not recognize. All you need to do, is right click and it will show you possible correct spellings. Am I saying that my opinion is the only opinion? No, all I am trying to do is educate you, as to the wonderful facilities that ATS has.
As for your other comments, you seem to have a big chip on your shoulder. Perhaps if you could lose it, people might take you seriously. As it is, your rant above shows nothing but insecurity, anger, and a complete lack of logic. Perhaps you need to spend more time in school learning, and less time on a forum, unless you really know enough about issues to make an intelligent statement. In addition, you will find in life that people will not take you seriously, if you cannot write without excessive spelling and grammatical mistakes.
I'm actually trying to help you, but I am afraid that my attempt will not make it through the coat of anger which you have placed around yourself.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Oh does it? I thought that was Firefox that did that?

Wish I could find that function here on in Internet Explorer

edit to add

I take every experience as a new learning experience. I'll also take your words into consideration. I spell check important documents, not forum posts. When my posts are being read by important people I might reconsider, but a few typos, or a few illiterate grammar issues are ok for me. Thats just my opinion for ATS Forum posts. Altho, I sometimes do find it annoying to read posts where people cannot write, and I classify them as ignorant or irrational. Althought there words do not express the depths of their mind... not really. Also, I know that you are unaware of how big the chip is on my shoulder, the anger that resides in me (seriously do you think that nobody has anger inside of them)? My only advice is pick wiser battles. As I SHOULD be doing right now, but I am not

I figured since i edited I might as well fix a few of my errors

[edit on 10-11-2009 by rjmelter]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:09 AM
dont turn this thread into a pissing contest about a misspelled word please. Rj has made some nice incites, just sucks you can't look past your own pride to realize his genuine motive as i do yours, but meh keep doing what you do who am i to change ya. but like many have said peace and change start within so keep on seeking knowledge OP you'll be one of the ones the masses needs in the end once they realize how frivolous drama is.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:55 AM
Oh joy. Battle of the self rightous. The only way to stop the "drama" is to stop the crap and live and let live. NOT try to tell people how they should live their lives.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:05 AM
Human contact.

I think this is the most important thing that we as a people need right now.

I've noticed a trend in the last couple of years and I think it's a result of us isolating ourselves (tv, computer, text msg, shopping from home, etc). Despite what we see on TV and what we are told I believe human beings are desparate for human contact.

Regardless of your background, race, monetary status, reliegon there seems to be a need for people to get together. More strangers are talking to strangers. Engage with someone a stranger and I'll think you'll be surprised at the results.

Maybe this is the beginning of a mass awakeing. Seek out like-minded individuals and get to know your neighbors. Start eating around the dinner table and turn off the TV when no one is watching it. No background TV.

thanks for playin'

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:19 AM
Please listen to him and stop the drama please.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:42 AM


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by peponastick


Yes, we need to talk to each other, big time. We need to change our ways, in an individual way. Any change begins with the self. We need to say no to the system of values that is imposed on us by the so called elites. We need to stand up and realize that there are other ways to live our lives, without the need for a monetary system that is controlled by the bankster that manipulate the way we live and think. We need to awaken to higher levels of understandings in order to see through all the deceptions we encounter in our daily lives.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Draves 2.0

You are no martyr.

You have lost sight of your goals for a petty squabble



posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 07:00 AM


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 07:04 AM


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Draves 2.0

No, i would sit back and take it like a man.

I would spend the 3 days learning the T&C, so i know them inside out.

I would spend the 3 days constructively DOING SOMETHING to do with this topic so that after the ban was lifted i could come back with something positive to share.

Then again, that's just me.


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
reply to post by Draves 2.0

No, i would sit back and take it like a man.

I would spend the 3 days learning the T&C, so i know them inside out.

I would spend the 3 days constructively DOING SOMETHING to do with this topic so that after the ban was lifted i could come back with something positive to share.

Then again, that's just me.


I did review the T&C's. It is just an account after all. After I started doing what I still could I had a massive attack on all my posts. At the same time I was asking the staff to talk with me.

I really have been doing something these last two days. I typed for about 12 hours until I fell asleep. I started with this thread. I then had that right taken away. So I had to fight the battle at hand. There are always road bumps....

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Draves 2.0

Talk is cheap......

I'm sorry, but a thread on a conspiracy website is going to do nothing.

Like you have said, we had a discussion, and that's great. But you above quote sums it all up.

This thread will die (if you let it) and be forgotten. What next?

Why don't you start practicing what you preach and go outside and do something. Actively do something.

Drop this silly little vendetta, it does nothing for your cause but make you look childish.

Considering the substance of your OP, you certainly seem to like drama. Do you want change or attention? I'm not too sure.

Let it go.


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 08:00 AM

Back on topic please, we're not discussing each other, banned members or spell checkers.

Thank You.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Draves 2.0

so basically this is what has happened. Draves has gotten to the "step carefully topic"; many people either disagree fully, neutral, agree partially, or agree fully. Some dont understand the points. As far as how I see it Draves, is that you have made many good points and many of the people that would disagree with you (had you gone and did a verbal communication on this) have "attacked you". Yet they have not... I see that you are getting worked up over what you see as attacks... But it was expected was it not? The topic on hand leans more toward a spiritual awareness, and spiritual needs vs those of physical needs -Thoughts!- and wants.

Regardless of what anyone says there are a few things I know

We do have within ourselves a deeper being, eiter it is energy/spirit or just deeper awareness deeply rooted into our biological structure due to the key elements of creation Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen... then - electrons, protons, neurons- and the smaller things that scientists are only now discovering.

What we do with this being is up to all of us.

We come from different lives, we live for different reasons... to make a difference, or just to live a simple life.

YOU feel you have been created to make change, you see suffering and you wish to end it, thus you are a protector... of sorts. BUT simple WANTING to stop something does not authoritate the power to do so. You have to discipline yourself, you have to become more than you are ( a complex human form that can be taken advantage of, a form that is flawed by conception and creation, yet these flaws make us strong and you have to figure yours out and master them).

I agree Drama does need stopping, but the topic of this thread is so entirely complex that you should possibly rethink how you approach generalizing vague ideas, go deeper... Look for the roots, seperate the roots, analyze the roots, but most important understand them.

This is a very good post, dont go awol because your emotional about the subject. I for one agree with many of your points, but I see that your letting feedback get to you. Don't. Take it in, understand their perspective... They will be right in some aspects just as you are on some.

but i seriously would hate to see a good thread go away because of intolerance of other peoples perspectives. WE are like magnets. We go thru life picking up tidbits of everything, sometimes things we dont want to pickup and if we were to compare what we collect... The material is similar yet none is the same, none is composed of the same... It all dependes on where each magnet came from. Thank Goodness We arent just magnets tho, we can reject what we want to

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 08:52 AM
Alas, I tried my absolute best to steer Peter and Tink down the right path, and I'm sure lots of others did too - but it was just not meant to be. Back to never-never-land for them!

Great thread though!

Back on topic - how do you fight (or passively resist) an enemy that has far superior technology and that's fully prepared to wipe out 90% of humanity? With ninjas? Or Hemp? Or both.......?

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