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Originally posted by elevatedone
Back on topic please, we're not discussing each other, banned members or spell checkers.
Thank You.
I now know why I don't fit in and what is wrong with the world. Simply put it is drama. We are obsessed with it. We cannot live a happy life without something to gossip about.
Originally posted by MajorDisaster
Alas, I tried my absolute best to steer Peter and Tink down the right path, and I'm sure lots of others did too - but it was just not meant to be. Back to never-never-land for them!
Great thread though!
Back on topic - how do you fight (or passively resist) an enemy that has far superior technology and that's fully prepared to wipe out 90% of humanity? With ninjas? Or Hemp? Or both.......?
Originally posted by rjmelter
reply to post by Draves 2.0
so basically this is what has happened. Draves has gotten to the "step carefully topic"; many people either disagree fully, neutral, agree partially, or agree fully. Some dont understand the points. As far as how I see it Draves, is that you have made many good points and many of the people that would disagree with you (had you gone and did a verbal communication on this) have "attacked you". Yet they have not... I see that you are getting worked up over what you see as attacks... But it was expected was it not? The topic on hand leans more toward a spiritual awareness, and spiritual needs vs those of physical needs -Thoughts!- and wants.
Regardless of what anyone says there are a few things I know
We do have within ourselves a deeper being, eiter it is energy/spirit or just deeper awareness deeply rooted into our biological structure due to the key elements of creation Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen... then - electrons, protons, neurons- and the smaller things that scientists are only now discovering.
What we do with this being is up to all of us.
We come from different lives, we live for different reasons... to make a difference, or just to live a simple life.
YOU feel you have been created to make change, you see suffering and you wish to end it, thus you are a protector... of sorts. BUT simple WANTING to stop something does not authoritate the power to do so. You have to discipline yourself, you have to become more than you are ( a complex human form that can be taken advantage of, a form that is flawed by conception and creation, yet these flaws make us strong and you have to figure yours out and master them).
I agree Drama does need stopping, but the topic of this thread is so entirely complex that you should possibly rethink how you approach generalizing vague ideas, go deeper... Look for the roots, seperate the roots, analyze the roots, but most important understand them.
This is a very good post, dont go awol because your emotional about the subject. I for one agree with many of your points, but I see that your letting feedback get to you. Don't. Take it in, understand their perspective... They will be right in some aspects just as you are on some.
but i seriously would hate to see a good thread go away because of intolerance of other peoples perspectives. WE are like magnets. We go thru life picking up tidbits of everything, sometimes things we dont want to pickup and if we were to compare what we collect... The material is similar yet none is the same, none is composed of the same... It all dependes on where each magnet came from. Thank Goodness We arent just magnets tho, we can reject what we want to
Originally posted by rjmelter
Just so yo know... The founders of the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence were breaking the law. The Monetary System isnt owned by the Government.
One very interesting fact that we learned in our Criminal Justice class...
well two now that i think of it.
History is written by the winners...
And The Criminal Justice system in place is in place to protect the powerful that established it, not protect the justice that is supposed to be ensured.
Rising to the occasional truth means doing what you know is right vs what is told to you is right. Discerning truth is not an easy task, and it is not meant for the weak minded.
We need to change our ways, in an individual way. Any change begins with the self.
Originally posted by Sevard
I am sure the OP expected something like this. I also bet he tried to defend his position.
I feel the OP had a good reason to start this and also had his own reasons to become emotional.
Originally posted by Sevard
how do you fight the enemy? Our own citizens will be the ones using that technology on ourselves in the end wont it? We need to convince them not to do it. There would be no fight then. It doesn't matter that some poeple have power now. The mass public is what gives them that power and we work for them. We can stop. We could. I think we may just be able to one day....
Originally posted by tinker_j
who cares who is who? we all just want out voices heard.
how do we get more people aware that this is not what our founding fathers had in mind? it's hard to even keep people in this forum on topic. no wonder its so frickin difficult to get the general population to listen. stop thinking of your own opinion and agenda. what can we do to help our country, our communities?
how do we get more people aware that this is not what our founding fathers had in mind?
"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
Originally posted by Lasheic
reply to post by tinker_j
how do we get more people aware that this is not what our founding fathers had in mind?
Who are you to speak for the founding fathers? Who are you to say that the founding fathers all shared the same common vision, rather than agreeing upon an amalgamation of concessions between multiple different visions of America? People talk about the founding fathers as if they were one person with one voice and one vision. Sometimes I wonder if the founding fathers that people claim to speak for have more in common with figures such as Heracles and Jesus Christ - rather than of the actual men who drafted, heatedly debated, and eventually ratified it.
While there were sentiments and warnings against spurious and frequent changes to the Constitution - the Constitution was given a clear avenue for it's change. I see the Constitution as a Living Document which must represent living people - not representing the government of a world 200 years dead and gone. There is a balance struck between change, and establishment by the obtuse and extremely harsh requirements of the amendment process meant to weed out those weak and spurious changes that would only weaken the credibility of the social contract - while yet allowing necessary and strongly desired changes to occur - so as to adapt to the changes of the culture, the times, and the world.
The founding fathers were not soothsayers. They were not oracles. They were not astrologers reading the future from the positions of the stars. They had no idea what sort of a world their descendants would be living in. How could they possibly draft a document or forge a government capable of meeting the demands of all it's people for all of time? Such a feat is reserved to gods, and even then shows it's limitations. The nation was founded of the people, by the people, and for the people. The people who live now are whom the Constitution is there to govern and protect do not live in the same world their anscetors did, and I have severe reservations regarding the suggestion that the founding fathers would have so blindly shackled the future nation to a government built for the world of of 1778 for perpetuity.
To quote Jefferson:
"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
I may not agree with all of the laws and regulations under which I am governed... but I consider it to be the height of foolishness to suggest that the hands of time can be turned back on government and world politics. That we can, in any way, scrap the whole system and go back to square one. Like it or not, the world is moving forward, and America must have a government which can keep pace. Elsewise, we'll be left behind and marginalized - stagnating while simply be waiting for some other Matthew Perry from some other nation to blow open our harbors and force us to rejoin the world.
Would the founding fathers approve? It's hard to say on an individual basis, and impossible to suggest what a group consensus may be. Depending on whether or not you consider Thomas Paine a founding father (generally, he's only considered one until the usefulness of his patriotic amero-fellatio cherry picked statements become less an asset and more a burden in light of his actual views and proposals) - I know he would not approve of the American government today. But, then again, he wasn't entirely happy with the way the US Constitution turned out and went on to advocate and inspire social revolutions in England and France. His works Rights of Man and Agrarian Justice are at rather striking odds with most people's view as the intention of the founders.
Certainly, however, no founding father who advocated rebellion against tyranny taking root in America had a great love for the Constitution. At least, before it was ratified. Clearly the suggestion that the citizens have a right to revolt against the government, and even attempts at protections of that right in the Constitution itself, imply that the Constitution is worthless when it no longer represents the people to such a point that they decide to rebel against the Government.
Originally posted by formernewager
reply to post by Draves
To OP Draves,
I have to say that even though I'm typically a negative person (some are, some aren't, needed for balance, eh?) ... I have to applaud your post. It was very clear, very direct, very honest, and quite assertive while being compassionate at the same time.
If only we had world mediators like yourself, we'd be in a better place.
Yes there is some idealism to what you said, but I think it was tempered with realism as well, because you're right. We have all become a bunch of children and our culture is seriously lacking in the fortitude of our truly adult ancestors.
I'm not sure what I can do to act on what you said, and I think many of us will always choose the easier way which ends up being the harder way in the long run, but I feel that your intention is good and important and really worth pondering for everyone here.
Kudos to you, and to your honesty!
you don't need to be rude.
I am allowed to have my own opinion.
However, they wanted to create a form of government that was for the people and ours is not anymore.
It's overran by a bunch of elitists
that never end up doing what they "promise" or propose they are going to.
politicians of today all talk a good talk, but when it comes down to it, we are stuck in the same rut we have been for years, only digging the hole deeper.
Laws are in place typically for a good reason
but why do they apply to us, the common people, and not the elite?
I'm not asking you to agree, but respect my fight.
we will each have followers
our government is not progressing with the general population.
it is going the way one particular group wants it to.