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Originally posted by Draves
We give them power. We can take it away. It isn’t as simple as voting. It requires more work on our part (god forbid I just want to gossip). When the people of this country become real men and women again, it will be controlled by the people. Until then, you will be treated like children.
Originally posted by tinker_jen
At least people like Draves can say they tried. They contributed because something big WILL happen. It may not end with us, but it will happen. I don't know if it will be violent or non-violent. We can all hope for the latter and the more people that contribute to this doctrine, the more hope there is that this is the path that will be followed in the future.
Originally posted by johnny2127
reply to post by Draves
I find it very telling that neither you or anyone that agrees with you will address the issues I have brought up why this cannot work in the US, and why it was possible in India at that time. Faced with facts, you just stay silent and pretend like nothing was brought to your attention.
Sorry, your wish of being America's Gandhi will not come true...
Originally posted by LiveForever8
reply to post by Draves
Would they do it again?
Need i list all of the pointless wars we have been involved in since WW2?
I think you are being naive. There would be bloodshed, no doubt, if a major change was to happen. Its inevitable.
Here is how i see it:
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free."
Make the masses aware.
Once awareness has been achieved, we must expose. Media. Banking. Politics. Etc etc......
They are corrupt, lets prove it.
That is just the beginning.
You are getting way ahead of yourself at the moment.
Originally posted by djusdjus
drama is favoured by teenagers who are unformed, and women, who are bored with their mundane lives, and of course men, who haven't developed their minds properly.
if you want to fix something. fix yourself. lead by example and have hope that others will also fix themselves.
no one has any place in trying to fix someone else without being asked to do so.
leave the drama to the storytellers. That's where it belongs.
Originally posted by daddio
Originally posted by djusdjus
drama is favoured by teenagers who are unformed, and women, who are bored with their mundane lives, and of course men, who haven't developed their minds properly.
if you want to fix something. fix yourself. lead by example and have hope that others will also fix themselves.
no one has any place in trying to fix someone else without being asked to do so.
leave the drama to the storytellers. That's where it belongs.
Many good responses here, and yes we all must "fix" ourselves and our perception or reality, whatever you want to call it. BUT... there are laws, NOT statutes, ordinances, regulations, BUT LAWS. They protect us IF we KNOW how to understand them and use them. We must use them to our advantage. WE must TAKE back what is rightfully ours and WE can do it in a peaceful manner.
Where it all went wrong was the comfort zone, people got so accustomed to the "good life", television, traveling, atari/nintendo, music, ball sports and the like, ALL distractions from reality. This was done on purpose to keep us slaves from learning the truth and see it coming. There once was a time when people paid attention to what went on in their city, and the state, not any more. And this is where it got away from us.
So, if you look into taking back your "STRAWMAN", and what is involved in the process, you will see HOW to take advantage of those laws and use them as they were meant to be used. 18 USC 241, 242 and so on.
There would be no more foreclosure and the mortgage fraud would end. Your house would be just that, YOUR house. Many, many people have written articles on this subject, why do not more people look into it? They just post nonsense here and no solution. This is a solution.
I can not emphasize it enough, pay attention to the actual LAW. "Thou shalt NEVER infringe on anothers property rights, life, liberty or individual rights, EVER!" That is the ONLY common law there is, everything else comes from that. Statutes are not enfocreable without an "enforcement clause" or "enforcement regulation" which there is NONE. i.e. the motor vehicle code in your state.
Sanchoearlyjones posted many times, JUST SAY NO. It's that simple.
Educate yourself!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by m khan
In theory this sounds well and good. If we follow Gandhi, with passive resistance, the government will have to acceed to our will.
When we were kids one of our favorite games was to discuss what would have happened if Hitler had won WWII. The first answer of course that we probably would all be dead. But it always would come up some where that if Gandhi had been up against Hitler rather than the British he would have gotten nowhere. Because Hitler didn't mind killing people, and he didn't much care what people thought about it. Now after all these years we find that #1 the Nazis didn't lose the war, they just shifted their base to the US, and guess who we are fighting? #2 that Hitler was only a front for even more evil people pushing their evil agenda. What people? Guess. Even with almost 2 generations past, we are up against maybe not the exact same people, but mean people with the same hideous agenda. Passive resistance will get us right where they want us. At their mercy, and they haven't got any.