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And as for rape or incest? Using extreme examples to defend the practice is why the practice is so wide spread in the first place.
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Originally posted by Rentor
Personally i am against abortion and don't say your abortion doesn't affect anyone, because it actually does.
Let's say your son our daughter in the future saw someone being raped and they could had stop it...but sadly that girl who is being raped and probably brutally murder afterwords. Had nobody to rescue her because you decided to go with abortion.
This can be applied to anything also like your kid good had been great scientist and cure aids,cancer,heart problems...etc you understand
Originally posted by seb2882
I don't understand this: why could I kill an unborn child (which is a different entity than me) and I can't kill him/her afterwards, or rape him/her or make it my slave? Why is that not OK?
Originally posted by Heike
The "pro-abortion" people will never try to force anyone to have an abortion.
The "pro-life" people try to force people to have babies they don't want, all the time.
Pro-abortion is pro freedom, pro privacy, pro choice. Let each family be responsible for your own.
Have you read the stories of the government taking peoples' children away because they "weren't raising them right"?
This is where the idea that we have a right to control other people and make them do what we think is right has taken us.
This has always been a problem for humanity, and humanity has always chosen in favor of the mother.
Before we had birth control and medical procedures, families took their newborn babies out to the "wilderness" to die of exposure or be taken by predators and scavengers.
If you don't approve of that,
then you don't have to do it. No one is asking you to
But where do you get the right to tell me that I have to behave according to your standards?
If you're going to oppose abortion like this, better be careful and think it through. Because the flip side of taking away the right to choose from other people is that other people may get to make rules about how you can raise your children.
Don't want your kids in public school? Too bad, it's the law.
Think a swat on the rear is good discipline?
No, it's abuse.
Watch your kids get raised by strangers while you fight to stay out of jail.
Is hamburger or pizza a good kids' meal? Not any more, you better feed them according to our nutritional plan or we'll take them away from you.
I watched your video. Doesn't change a thing.
Originally posted by jasonjnelson
Maybe my argument IS the video of a fetus trying to save it's own life. Do I really need more to show barberacy?
Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky
Pro Choise politics is a remnant of the ever selfish baby boomer generation who changed our culture from one of family, work and sacrifice...into a culture of a personal pursuit of happiness at the expense of anyone.
2600 BC –First recorded recipe for an abortion producing drug.
1850 BC –Egyptians record recipe for contraceptive pessaries, one made from crocodile dung.
4th Century AD –St.Augustine lays down Catholic dogma sanctioning abortion up to 80 days for female fetus and up to 40 days for male fetus.
13th Century AD -St.Thomas Aquinas states Catholic dogma justifying sexual intercourse only for procreation.
1564 AD -Italian anatomist, Fallopius, discoverer of Fallopian tubes, publicizes condoms as anti-venereal disease devices.
1588 – Pope Sixtus forbids all abortions.
1591 – Pope Gregory XIV rescinds Pope Sixtus’ edict against abortion.
1803 – Great Britain makes abortion a misdemeanor.
1821 – Connecticut outlaws abortion after quickening, early abortions are legal.
1860’s – All states pass comprehensive, criminal abortion laws. Most remain until 1973.
1869 – Pope Pius IX forbids all abortions in exchange for France’s Napoleon III acknowledging papal infallibility. France’s population experienced a sharp decrease over the previous 60 years.
1873 – Federal Comstock laws enacted prohibiting mailing or distribution of information on birth control and abortion.
1879 – Margaret Higgins Sanger is born. She led the movement for birth control in the U.S.
1882 – First “modern” birth control clinic in the world opens in Holland, sponsored by trade unions.
1913 – Margaret Sanger arrested for violation of Comstock laws because of feminist birth control columns in, The Woman Rebel.
1916 - Margaret Sanger & her sister, Ethel Byrne jailed for dispensing contraceptive information at first American birth control clinic in Brooklyn, NY.
1924 – First scientific confirmation of women’s ovulatory and fertility cycle.
1930 – Pope Pius XI affirms Catholic dogma that every act of sexual intercourse is a sin unless performed with a reproductive intent.
1942 – Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Federation of America becomes Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
1956 – Dr. John Rock (a Catholic) and others developed the birth control pill. Their research was funded by two women.
1960’s – FBI crime reports showed organized crime rings made enormous profits performing dangerous abortions. Any doctors caught performing a safe abortion were sent to prison, fined, and had their medical license taken away.
1963 – Pope Paul IV issues encyclical Humanae Vitae condemning artificial birth control.
1965 – In Griswold v. Connecticut, U.S. Supreme Court rules Connecticut’s law prohibiting birth control for married couples violates a newly defined right of marital privacy.
1967 – Then-Governor Ronald Reagan of California signs the most liberal abortion law of the times allowing freedom of choice during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.
1970 – Hawaii, Alaska, and New York repeal criminal abortion laws allowing abortion in the first trimester.
1970 – Belotti v Baird II decision allows states to require parental consent for abortion so long as there is a confidential judicial bypass.
1972 – Supreme Court finds the right to privacy of unmarried persons violated by Massachusetts law against distribution of contraceptives in Eisenstadt v Baird. Justice Brennan in the majority opinion states that all Americans have a right to bear and beget children free from government interference.
1973 – On January 22, 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court in a 7-2 decision, hands down Roe v Wade making a 1st trimester abortion a private decision between a woman & her physician. In the 2nd trimester states
can put limitations on abortion with regard to the health of the pregnant woman. In the 3rd trimester states can make abortion illegal except to save the life of the woman.
1973 – Indiana passes first call for a Constitutional Convention to ban abortion.
1974 - Hope Clinic for Women in Granite City, IL, opens as one of the first abortion providers.
1976 – Hyde Amendment is passed barring the use of federal Medicaid funds to provide abortions to poor women.
1977 – A revised Hyde Amendment is passed which allows states to deny Medicaid funding except in cases of rape, incest, or severe and long lasting damage to the woman’s physical health. Rosise Jimenez, a 27- year-old mother on welfare, died of an illegal abortion as she could not afford to get a legal abortion due to the Hyde Amendment.
1977 – First reported arson at an abortion clinic (in St. Paul, MN) and first know bombing of an abortion clinic (in Cincinnati, OH).
1980 – 19 of the 34 states required have passed calls for a Constitutional Convention.
dont want a baby, don't have sex-seems really easy to me. I have never understood why people don't get that little rule.
Originally posted by 27jd
Soooo, you believe that a fetus in the womb has the mental faculties to recognize that a vacuum is a threat to it's life and makes the decision to try evasive maneuvers?? You're argument is severely flawed, since not only is it making an assumption, it's making an assumption that is quite frankly impossible. Babies are born helpless, we are some of the only creatures born this way. They are not able to recognize threats as it is not even possible for them to defend themselves against them. Humans are not sharks, our babies don't come out fighting and hunting, the fact that ANYTHING is a threat is learned. Abortions are horrible and if I were a woman I would want to do anything in my power to avoid one, but it's not my choice to make for somebody else. I do agree with late term bans except for cases of danger to the mother.
The term "pro-abortion" is stupid, since there are VERY few people who enjoy and recommend them to others. And it is also stupid to think a fetus knows that it needs to save it's own life. That'd make it alot easier to raise children though, too bad it's not that way or else there would be alot less child drownings, children being hit by cars, etc.