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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:04 PM
I'm not looking forward to finding out. If it does blow...I'm with the guy who wants to go to Antarctica.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Theriteway

Hmmm..I don't give a rats arse what you think. I enjoy calling out the charlatan. That he performs in his PJ's on YouTube adds to the thrill. What's next?

Oh, and I also love reading the posts about how institutionalized science is an echo chamber....blah, blah, blah. What a bunch of bunk. People who make these statements are blind to the reality that science is a cumulative multi-generational endeavor. Bad ideas are discarded. Good ideas stick around.

Note: it's June 17, 2009 and Jellystone stilll....oh my god...has not erupted...burp.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by FeedingTheRat
Note: it's June 17, 2009 and Jellystone stilll....oh my god...has not erupted...burp.

Actually Yellowstone has erupted several times, some of that science stuff called geology. Welcome to ATS, you're off to a great start... burp.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by twitchy

Huh? What? Oh, right you mean in geologic time. Silly me. I was commenting on the time period since this thread began..remember? When the phony evac warnings were announced and the peanut gallery posers began theorizing on what was going on and how certain government science agency's were not being forthcoming? So far it looks like the real scientists hit the nail on the head. They basically said no it's not about to erupt be mellow and relax...if things look like they're becoming an issue we'll let ya know. Hmmm, yeah, they were right. But, that doesnt matter to the freeloaders who eagerly slurp up the data (even though they have no clue what they're looking at) and then stab the providers of that data in the back.

Note: It's June 17, 2009 and still Yellowstone hasn't erupted. Maybe it will by the year 22,000. Maybe. I'll be on the edge of my seat.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:12 PM
Party poopers!

Why do ya gotta be like that Rat?

No seriously, I hope y'all are right and we can party
like it's 1999 again, forever.
Let the sleeping giant sleep I say. Shhsssssshhh, quiet!

Man jumps off Yellowstone Falls
Dont be like that guy, have patience, our time will come soon enough.
We only have 80 years or so here anyway, thats a drop in the bucket.
Lets ride it out! Come for a ride:

Thanks to all of you!

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by dodadoom

Oh, any time. Thank you too. I love enlightening the masses. Just keep an eye on the bogus theorizing that seems to crop up so frequently here. Realize that whatever is being proposed here it's most likely wrong. It's just a bad source of knowledge and first hand info. Pajama man is a prime example. On the plus side though i do think this is a great way to steer folks to good information. Enjoy.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:34 AM
What's happening at Yellowstone?

I'm off to Yellowstone. Yes. I'll report on the supereruption upon my return. I pity y' you'll all have to go back to reading that Mosh guys utterly lame reports on daily seismicity.....ugggggh.

My understanding is that when American's go to a park like Yellowstone the most sought after venues are food providers, toilets for depositing the digested food and gift shops. I'll be reporting back to you all with details of these essential features of the Yellowstone experience.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Not to burst anyones bubble with the late coming on the news article, but this was not a hydrothermal explosion. Sorry it is late but I didn't see anyone make a correction of what happened. There was tons of inaccuracies regarding the article, including the statement that there are no geysers at Biscuit Basin which is not true.

It was an eruption of Black Diamond Geyser/Pool. Although infrequent, it is not a hydrothermal explosion. The geyser itself seems to be in an active phase as there has been significant erosion of the surrounding area, which implied a lot of activity over the winter months.

Additionally there has been records that the same pool has been having eruptions such as this since July 13, 2006.

The party was just in the right place at the right time for the event.

There is nothing to see here. Yellowstone geyser fields are dynamic and never the same from one day to the next. Geysers that erupted regularly for years can simply vanish, with new ones taking it's place. Pools that are peaceful for years can simply erupt suddenly to great heights. Even Old Faithful could simply stop erupting at any time for any reason. Nearly every pool in the park has had some type of activity in the past. Some times spectacular eruptions occur such as Sapphire Pool erupting 150+ feet for years after the 1959 7.5 earth quake.

If you are serious about research (especially those in the geyser basins) I highly recommend T. Scott Bryan's book "The Geysers of Yellowstone 4th Edition". It has detailed history of nearly all of Yellowstone geysers.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by Not Authorized

I looked again at the picture. It was a blast. If it was a 'geyser' it was a plugged one that reopened explosively. You do not get such a water & vapor pulse like the one in the picture, not to mention the debris cloud without significant explosive force. Call it what you want, it was an explosive hydro-thermal event.

You can duplicate the visual effect easy enough with explosives.


posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Moshpet

There are two types of geysers Moshpet.

One is a cone type geyser. A steady stream of water, much like a shook up soda bottle being released. It has to do with the internal plumbing. This is the one you are expecting when you look at pictures.

Old Faithful, Beehive, Giant, Steamboat, Castle, etc are all cone type. They shoot a large amount of water upwards like a firehose because the cone acts as a nozzle.

Picture Example of Old Faithful.:

The other one is a fountain type geyser. It explodes great quantities of water in bursts. This is the type that Black Diamond is. They can be quite explosive and reach very high as well. Imagine giant bursts over and over again while spreading out in the air. Grand, the largest predictable geyser in Yellowstone is a burst geyser, with some bursts reaching 250+ feet. It erupts from a pool, not a cone.

Other geysers that exhibit the same type of eruptions are Giantess, Grand, Great Fountain, Fountain, and Morning.

Here's Excelsior Geyser in the late 1800's (300+ feet):

Here is Great Fountain Geyser (200+ feet):

As for debris, even as regular as old faithful is, it still sends up gravel and sinter that are visible in eruptions and it is one of the more frequent geysers in yellowstone. Grand exhibits the same thing. Mainly from vandalism with people throwing in stones to the craters and natural erosion.

Geysers that ARE infrequent can accumulate debris in their pools either through vandalism, other geysers, or simply nature. If and when they erupt, this debris is dislodged, going up with the water. Black Diamond is named black diamond for a reason. Namely the water is a blackish hue from suspended mud in the water.

Study this picture closely:

Now how about a before picture?

Notice something? The twin trees next to it our dead in the recent photo. Hence my post saying that activity of this geyser HAS increased during the winter, as the twin trees next to the pool are now dead and they were not last summer.

Now look at the water in the before shot. Thats the normal color of the water with suspended mud. Now look at the surrounding area in the eruption shot. It is covered with that same black material in the eruption on what would be otherwise pale white or pink sinter as the before picture. Also look at the pool in front with the geyser run-off and notice the shape. That means there were more before they photographed as there is a new runoff channel into the pool infront.

As I've said it's infrequent but is indeed a geyser. The picture evidence alone minus recorded history drives the nail home before I even begin laying out the case.

It was not a hydrothermal explosion, and I implore you to research geysers before you make assumptions of what they do and how they operate. I've geyser gazed for over two decades now, and know what they are and how they operate.

If you want a true hydrothermal explosion, research what happened to Pork Chop Geyser located in the Norris Geyser Basin on September 5, 1989 in which chunks of sinter weighing almost a ton were sent hurling over 200 feet from the previous location of the geyser.

Here's the before and after picture of pork chop.

That is a real hydrothermal explosion. Black Diamond simply is acting as a fountain geyser at the moment. Nothing more, nothing less

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by FeedingTheRat


You are obnoxious and quite stupid. We do not want to hear from you anymore. If your Yellowstone reports of animals and vehicals are not mocking people that post on this thread, then they are drivel. I hope that is plain enough for you. Your opinion of people and their theories is based on intolerance. Intolerance comes from ignorance.
Open your mind to the endless possibilities available to those that have nice civilized conversations.
I could go on, but you get the idea. I cannot tolerate intolerance.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 02:25 AM
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries:. Again, I don't give a rats arse what you think. I'm here to help folks suffering through this thread to see that the Marks guy is a total charlatan with bad ideas and even worse movies. Wow, those are BAD with a capital B. Let's all pray (and i never pray) that he never pushes the record button again.

I urge all of you to ignore Marks and his bad ideas. His efforts to discredit the actual scientists focused on Yellowstone is a pathetic disgrace. What a disgusting little twit. He defines the word charlatan in so many ways.

When does this thread end? The Swarm is past. Chicken Little is back in the hen house. The Sky Is Not Falling. Yellowstone has been doing what its doing now for 10's of thousands of years. I think the thread title needs to be changed because it refers to the defunct swarm and therefore the answer to the thread question posed is ....... nothing.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 10:19 AM
This thread is winding down. There is no moderation. It's now Romper Room, or for those unaware of the that program, this is now a school yard name calling bout. Kindergarden. I accept my mistake in feeding the juvenile antagonist. But he hit a nerve. It wasn't his bile that got to me, it was his commonly held view, that a diploma makes you superior and infalliable, and without accreditation, your viewpoint is not valid. If this were a view held soley by the rat it wouldn't bug me, but it's a mainstrem conviction. Thalidomide. It was a drug developed by people with diplomas. It was prescribed by doctors with diplomas. It was prescribed to treat morning sickness in pregnant women. Thalidomide caused horrible birth defects. Those women didn't question their doctors or the drug company. They had faith in the institutions and in the diploma on the doctor's wall. This blind faith gave them children with no arms or legs.

I am not a charlatan. A chalatan decieves people in order to take their money. I am not a fraud. I used my real name. And I believe absolutely in my convictions. And I'm not selling anything.

Rat, you couldn't even argue against my hypothesis using facts and specific reasoned arguments. You just hurled abuse and insults. And you couldn't even get your insult terminology right. I'm glad your parents are taking you on a trip to Yellowstone on your Summer Vaction. Enjoy your youth.

Bye all, it's been real.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 11:57 AM

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by huntergatherer

I don't know if it has been mentioned , but there is only one open entrance to Yellowstone during the winter, and it is of all places the north entrance. And if you look at the map this is a super out of the way drive for anyone . Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Grayelf2009

We use snowmobiles and by car you can move through the North end of the park. The north roads open to get the school kids from Silvergate and Cooke City to school. From Gardner you can get to Livingston and Bozeman.

So, is your observation some sort of alarmist oh my god the people are going to be trapped in Yellowstone? Will that be in 50,000 years when it has its next small eruption?

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:39 PM
Hi all, its the weekend.
I suppose we just need to police ourselves rather than relying on external Moderation, and I remind you all there is an ignore button.

Onward to the monitoring etc. Note: many of the stations seem to be an hour off, they may have lost power in the night or something.

*** events worth noting (IMO)

(My report of events prior to 18:00 UTC)

YPP (Pitchstone Plateau) Nothing to write home about.

YTP (The Promontory) Noisy signals.

YLT (Little West Thumb) Minor noise.

YFT (Old Faithful) 09:38-09:45UTC, there were two quakes in AK to account for those events. At 12:32UTC there was a 4.4 in Cali and while the event at 12:31 UTC is before it, I suspect the YFT sensor may have picked up the signal or the precursors to that quake. Afterwords, most if not all of the following signals can be directly related to the aftershocks in Cali.

YLA (Lake Butte) shows the AK events after 09:40 UTC. Small event at 11:44UTC.

LKWY (Lake Way) is fairly useless though it did capture a quake from Cali around 15:25UTC

YML (Mary Lake) 12:05UTC there was a quake in Cali, more than likely this is from that. Lots of noise on that sensor.

YMR (Madison River) This sensor is an hour out of sync. The big splash at 13:20 UTC onward is from the Cali quake(s)

*** YDC (Denny Creek) 08:17UTC until 09:12UTC There is nothing to account for this long event in the USGS quake lists. It may be interesting to make into an audio signal as it is pretty darned odd. The big spike at 13:20 UTC is from Cali.

YPK (Parker Peak) shows the 09:20 UCT events already noted

YMP (Mirror Lake Plateau) Noise & it shows events already mentioned.

*** YHB (Horse Butte) 08:17UTC until 09:12UTC Has the same events as YDC (Denny Creek), though clearer.

YJC (Joseph's Coat) Noise.

YMC (Maple Creek) Cali quakes.

YHH (Holmes Hill) Noise and the events from Cali.

YSB (Soda Butte) Noise, probably the event at 17:14 UTC is Cali related.

YMV (Mammoth Springs) probably all related to Cali.

MCID (Moose Creek) noise & the Cali quakes.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:59 PM
Thanks for all your posts.
I am not detered. If I wanted to, I could go hang
out on USGS's website if I wanted to hear guys
with diplomas talk down to me some more.
Apparently, I can do that right here!

Thanks Mosh!
You can update every darn hour if you'd like. NO prob.
I dont mind and I like the updates.
People can choose to NOT read them if they're that anal
about it. My word, you're only trying to help.
This arrogance towards others is prevelant
on this thread and has been from the start.
It like a big contest to see whos got a bigger one. IMO

I enjoy looking at any and all info, even that which did
not come from a guy with a harvard diploma.....
As I've pretty much been ignored this whole time
with my posts, just do like that to others whose
posts you do not enjoy.

Also be sure to ignore any u2u's you may receive.

Dont resort to namecalling though, it really is so childish
and makes you sound like one.
We all have the right to post here, do we not?

I'm sure this will be ignored by most,so, wtf
am I even posting here for?
Maybe I should hang out on the "you might be an alien thread".
Apparently we got alot of 'em on here by the amount of stars it has.

Probably have alot of disinfo agents on here too......
telling us we're all crazy for not beleiving the ptb.
My bad for remaining skeptical of ANYONE.

I wanna hear from the guy that has seen a supervolcano blow!
Otherwise its all speculation and conjecture based on other happenings
that may or may not even be related.
Not very scientific of an approach if ya ask me. No matter whos it is....
It's especially scientific when putting down others instead of contributing
to the knowledge base that this thread has become. Whats wrong with me.
One day I will learn to toe the line they want me too also. Maybe.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 08:25 PM
Hi all,
The following is about events prior to 00:30 UTC. (June 20)
Both Cali & AK got 4.0+'s today and it's been sending signals into YS which could be stirring things up there.

**** Note Worthy events (IMO)

**** YPP (Pitchstone Plateau) A handful of local small stuff until 20:35 UTC then it gets interesting until 21:10 UTC. While Cali has been -jumping- in a big way today, YPP has not echoed much if anything from Cali. Though it seems to have picked up bits from the 4.1 in Adak, AK 21:49(ish.) The Events after 23:10 have no external causes.

YTP (The Promontory) 22:13 UTC even among the noise we find a good thump, checking the USGS there are no externals.

YLT (Little West Thumb) From 17:13 onward while noisy, it seems like something is happening. Could be rain but there are a few spikes in it that probably are small stuff.

YFT (Old Faithful) Noisy signal & it is raining if you look at the Old Faithful webcam. Though there is a nice thump at 23:06 UTC.

YLA (Lake Butte) 17:13 UTC Nice thump there. 20:30UTC onward looks like weather related stuff.

LKWY (Lake Way) Most likely weather related noise.

**** YML (Mary Lake) Noise and likely weather related stuff. However, the signals from YPP (Pitchstone Plateau) are buried in there. (20:30UTC - 21:10UTC)

YMR (Madison River) With all the construction noise, if there was a quake in it, it'd be scrambled.

**** YDC (Denny Creek) It seems the oddness from this morning returned, @ 23:17 UTC until 23:52 UTC Supposedly there is no road construction going on, so your guess is as good as mine.

**** YPK (Parker Peak) 21:10 UTC same signal & time frame as YPP (Pitchstone Plateau). Then at 21:40UTC it gets interesting again until approximately 21:50 UTC. Add in the 22:13 Thump that shows up on YTP.

**** YMP (Mirror Lake Plateau) 19:20 UTC onward. Possibly rain, however a lot of the earlier signals are there too.

**** YHB (Horse Butte) 23:17 UTC- 23:52 UTC Same as Denny Creek.

YJC (Joseph's Coat) Noise.

YMC (Maple Creek) 21:10 UTC Nice thump

YHH (Holmes Hill) Noise

YSB (Soda Butte) 22:13 UTC Noise with a moderate thump.

YMV (Mammoth Springs) 22:08 UTC hefty thump.

**** MCID (Moose Creek) 20:08 UTC - 20:20 UTC bunch of thumps.


I may or may not make it back in tonight.


posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 10:21 AM
I have followed this thread and the Swine Flu update thread since beginning. The Swine Flu Update thread pretty much had died due to one, maybe two individuals whose sole purpose for posting was to derail others opinions and research. I smell a rat here.

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