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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:01 AM
Well thus far today the bulk of the YS seismic sensors seem to be picking up weather related noise.

The YMR area seems to be active, but there are only two potential quakes that are mirrored on the YHB (Horse Butte) sensor. 13:21 UTC & 14:33 UTC. The only notable World quake is in Australia at 14:31 UTC, which I think slowed up as a telesiesm 8-10 minutes later.

I am not sure what to make of the events starting at 12:21(ish) UTC at YMR. I 'think' that they are possibly quakes that are less than 1.0 and could be a small swarm that includes the the 13:21 and 14:33 quakes that registered at YHB.

Rain is forecasted for later in the day at YS, and radar shows a possible storm at the northern third of the park. Unfortunately the web cams are down through out the park (atm) so seeing the weather live is not possible.
So the the noise on the bulk of the park sensors could be attributed to that I think.

Anther day of nothing drastic I think



The big splash across the sensors in YS @ 21:45+ UTC is likely from the 5.7 Revilla Gigedo Island quake at 21:37 UTC

Nothing to see there.
Move along.


[edit on 3-6-2009 by Moshpet]

[edit on 3-6-2009 by Moshpet]

[edit on 3-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:20 PM
Thus far at YS, of noticeable activity:

The YMR sensor is filled with telsiesm events from distant quakes.

The weather looks calm but overcast, so there may be a potential for weather affecting the sensors later in the day.


Some distant heavy quakes have occurred this afternoon and most of the YMR sensor seems to reflect that. The Prince Edwards Quake @ 17:25 UTC having the longest travel time of the lot showing up at 17:45 (ish) UTC time. (At least that is what I think it to be. )

[edit on 4-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 11:23 AM
Hi all,

Well the big event on YMR at 09:12 UTC is likely related to the 09:08 UTC Quake in Pakistan. At 11:08 UTC a possible quake that is maybe a .8 - 1.0 registered on the sensor, though in Victoria Canada where was a 2.1 quake at 11:00 UTC so we'll have to await confirmation on that one.

The Alaska Peninsula is shaking today from about 12:00 UTC onward, the 13:29 mess & telesiesms on the YMR Sensor is likely from that or the 2.0 Borrego Springs, CA quake.

YSB (Soda Butte) is showing teliseisms but not much else.

I'll update this post later on.


Possible 1.+ quake, @ 17:59 UTC. The 19:58-59 UTC event looks like it is related to the one at Cali at 19:58, which seems a bit fast for travel time. *shrug*

[edit on 6-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:26 PM

At 07:02 (ish) UTC the YMR sensor looked like it got a recalibration pulse. Then an hour later it seems to have got a -funky- recalibration pulse every 2 minutes until 08:15 UTC. After which it settled down.

Then on the YDC (Denny Creek) Sensor (08:00-09:20ish UTC) we have some interesting events that have no distant events that might account for it. So if the sensor is not screwy we had some sort of activity.

YHB (Horse Butte) (08:00-09:20 UTC) mirrors YDC to some extent.

YSB (Soda Butte) is either filled with noise or something. @ 13:26 UTC there was a 1.4 in Cali, so the teliseism at 13:28 UTC might be that. Though it seems a bit strong.

On YPK (Parker Peak) the event at 08:50 UTC may be related to the 3.2 Dominican Republic at 08:37, though as usual we have to wait for UU to flip a coin there.

The LKWY sensor is off line evidently.

YLA (Lake Butte) Got a calibration pulse, but the sensor seems to have noise in it today.

The Yellowstone Web cam shows snow at Old Faithful, so the weather is odd there today.


Nothing hugely notable apart from a 1.0 that has no outside influences at 00:29 UTC multiple sensors. Apart from the morning oddness on a few of the sensors, it's all teliseisms to me, (The rest of the days events that is.)

[edit on 7-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 12:03 PM
Hi all.

YFT (Old Faithful) Possible quake at 09:26 UTC, but there was an event in Cali 2.3 @ 09:24 UTC so it's likely going to be a coin flip by UoU.

However, the fun quake like bits starting at 12:32 UTC are without any listed external causes. Though Like Usual we have to wait on UoU to get through their weekend back log before we get any useful reports

YMR (Madison River) only gets interesting at 13:36 UTC (ish) Until 14:00 & later there are no external event that would account for the activity. (That I can see) Later events I tentatively will label as external stuff, though I will look again later on to see if something gets posted.)

YMC (Maple Creek) at 01:04 UTC is a small event, and a check of the quake lists shows a quake in Cali... at 01:05 UTC, meaning that it was likely a local event.

YMV (Mammoth Hot Spring) 09:07 UTC is an event with no externals to account for it. 09:58UTC may be related to a prior quake in AK @ 09:46 but the travel time doesn't add up (IMO). The bits at 11:40 UTC don't have any externals either, but they don't show the normal quake waveform (on the webicorder version, UoU's recorders might have a better trace.) There is enough external events from 12:00 UTC onward to make picking out local events difficult, so we'll have to wait on UoU to sort out stuff.

I'll check back later on to see if there is any other fun stuff going on.

Weather wise the park is overcast, and a look at the Old Faithful Web Cam it seems like they have had rain. Expect possible weather related noise on the sensors.

If these sort of evaluations are useful you can let me know lol.


Other bits

YTP (The Promontory)
21:07 UTC across multiple sensors we have events from California.
22:22 UCT Another California event.
23:59 UTC Yet another event from Cali, San Fransisco Bay 2.7

LKWY - Still mostly useless though it did pick up the 23:59 event from Cali.

Lots of noise on the sensors today.

[edit on 8-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:10 PM
I personally love your updates. It's interesting to see updates and how they read. Like, I often tend forget pretty often about how outside earthquakes, even really distant ones can read. Keep up the awesome work Moshpet.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Moshpet

Check out this video. It may help you decipher the graphs.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 12:22 PM
Hi all,

OK, if you have Google Earth and the USGS Wigit, (and maybe the faults KML) you will note the quakes finally posted by UoU (from this weekend) are near the western edge of the caldera; not far from a know fault group.

YPP (Pitchstone Plateau) 12:22 UTC the event is not external to the park, and shows across multiple sensors
The smaller event also shows on other sensors but it may be from an AK quake a few minutes prior.

YLT (Little West Thumb) 08:34 UTC is possibly external to the park AK 08:33UTC 2.5

YML (Mary Lake) 09:26 UTC is likely from California, 09:25 UTC.

YMR (Madison River) 13:00 UTC - onward, I'm fairly certain is external stuff. It could be me, but YMR seems to get more sensitive from 12:00UTC onward every day for 5-6 hours then 'taming down.' The only possible thing that might account for it is, is that if it is solar powered it might not be getting full power until then. ( Can you say Weak Battery anyone?)

YDC (Denny Creek) That nice event at 09:45 comes from Cali a few minutes prior.

LKWY (Lake Way) Down again. I -seriously- hope with the millions the USGS got in April that is supposedly slated for YS that they fix this #$%^^ing sensor.

YHB (Horse Butte) Mirrors the YDC 09:45 event from Cali.

YMC (Maple Creek) reflects event already mentioned.

YMV (Mammoth Hot Springs) much like YMC, add in extra noise.

MCID (Moose Creek) more of the same.

It looks cloudy and wet at Old Faithful, not that it stops folks from visiting, expect weather related noise on the sensors.

Thanks for the link Robin. I sorta remember seeing that when it aired, but they didn't put -all of it- up on UTube.

Hi Ekodust, nice seeing that someone is reading


YPP 12:22 Actually got listed as a 1.8

YPP 20:02 There was a quake in Cali as the -same- time. There was a quake in Cali prior @ 19:52, A 10 minute travel time seems a bit long to travel from Cali though. The 20:04 event is likely from a Cali quake at 20:02 which seems like a more reasonable travel time.

YTP 20:02 same event

YLT 20:02 same event

YFT 20:02 same event. The more I look at this event the more I think someone got lazy. There is a small telesiesm at 19:59 on this sensor. Looking back at other sensors 19:57-19:59 many have a small signal that may be noise or not. But I'm not an expert.

YMV lot of noise and it kinda looks like it is out of sync with the others clock wise 45min-1hour.

It is 03:45 UTC and the helicorders seem off line.

[edit on 9-6-2009 by Moshpet]

[edit on 9-6-2009 by Moshpet]

[edit on 9-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Moshpet

Sorry, I posted part 4. The whole program is posted on You Tube.
Here's part 1.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Hi Robin,

The long period signal looks a lot like many of telsiesms I've seen in YS. I suppose if it registered with enough amplitude I could likely recognize it as as long period signal, if there wasn't a crap load of noise on top of it. Though I would likely have to have a lot of 4.0+ quakes going on and I would need look at the GPS data for ground changes, and air quality data before I would get panicky about it.

One of the reasons I am checking the park regulatory is to learn more about it and to keep my anxiety in check.

I seriously hope they use some of the millions they got in April to add new and better sensors.


[edit on 9-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:43 AM
The majority of signals over the WY network that look like teleseisms on some webicorders (YMR especially) are not teleseisms at all and are not of long period frequency either. They sound totally weird (they are probably related to underground fluid/water movement of geysers, of which Yellowstone park is rich, but I don't know much about them) when converted into audio, but they're not (directly) of seismic nature.

Note that LP signals are also more commonly known as volcanic tremors (*), which mt. Redoubt (Alaska), before the start of its currently ongoing eruption, showed often.
When there will be volcanic tremors (LP earthquakes) under Yellowstone caldera you'll know, because most if not all seismic stations around the park will record them.

(*) To tell the truth, there is a difference, though for most people it's not very significant as they can look very similar: LP signals are short and discrete events of regular apperance and low frequency (1-5 Hz); volcanic tremors are signals of the same character that are more prolonged in time and may be smooth and uniform (harmonic tremors) or also slowly pulsate irregularly (spasmodic tremor). Redoubt has had both LPs and volcanic tremors in early 2009.

[edit on 2009/6/10 by Shirakawa]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Shirakawa
The majority of signals over the WY network that look like teleseisms on some webicorders (YMR especially) are not teleseisms at all and are not of long period frequency either. They sound totally weird (they are probably related to underground fluid/water movement of geysers, of which Yellowstone park is rich, but I don't know much about them) when converted into audio, but they're not (directly) of seismic nature.

Note that LP signals are also more commonly known as volcanic tremors (*), which mt. Redoubt (Alaska), before the start of its currently ongoing eruption, showed often.
When there will be volcanic tremors (LP earthquakes) under Yellowstone caldera you'll know, because most if not all seismic stations around the park will record them.

(*) To tell the truth, there is a difference, though for most people it's not very significant as they can look very similar: LP signals are short and discrete events of regular apperance and low frequency (1-5 Hz); volcanic tremors are signals of the same character that are more prolonged in time and may be smooth and uniform (harmonic tremors) or also slowly pulsate irregularly (spasmodic tremor). Redoubt has had both LPs and volcanic tremors in early 2009.

[edit on 2009/6/10 by Shirakawa]

Shirakawa long time etc

*Sheepish* I had not considered that the water/steam etc would show up that much. If you have some of those odd samples up someplace I'd be happy to give them a listen, ditto for the Long Period Signals. Also did you happen to take a stab at making a sample for the Hydrothermal Explosion (before during after)?

I kind of like the YMR sensor oddly enough, I just wish the heliocorders had better detail.

(I'll take a look at the sensors after a bit.)

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 12:40 PM
Hi all,

YMR (Maddison River) 07:22 UTC has no external event associated with it, but I doubt its above a .6-.8. 12:06 UTC has no eternal events associated with it, but it's not likely to get listed as it too looks like .6-.8 . Followed by Telesiesms/Water events (I think) until 13:28 UTC where we have another small quake. Followed by more Teleseisms/Water Noise until a possible 13:52UTC which might break the 1.0 barrier.
Until 14:39UTC we have more of the T/WN signals but it too is not likely to break 1.0. Noise+ T/WN signals until 14:47 then we have 2 events, one 2 minutes after the first. Again they likely won't break 1.0. Until 15:22 UTC we have more of the same, then we have a likely event that may hit 1.3-1.5 quake wise. More of the same until 16:11UTC and we get a possible 1.2

I am seeing a bit of a pattern to when these micro quakes/quakes are occurring today on YMR. (Oddly diagonal if you look at the recording and approximately at the same interval). While if they had been present from 07:00UTC (the start of the days recording) I could easily be convinced they are geyser activity. However, unless the YMR sensor really isn't getting enough juice, we won't know for certain that the events do or do not have a pattern that continues at night as well.

(EG: It'd be really damned odd if there was a geyser that only occurred during the Day....)

LKWY- *grumble* it's a yo-yo.. its up, its down, its online, its offline.

YMV (Mammoth Springs) looks like noise and T/WN. I think it might have picked up on the 13:41UTC 3.3 Quake in AK, at 13:50 UTC. But nearly 10 minutes seems a bit long travel time.

I am surprised that the 5.0 Kuril Islands (not far from Japan) didn't flicker on the sensors. Though it might have been evident in the YMR 16:09UTC stuff but with a local event going on, I can't really pick it out. (It might have hit in the shadow zone... *shrug*)

Minor edits for clarity.

YMR on the 15:00UTC line, the DC value changed 12 points from +1 to -11, then back downward -5, then 2, back to -1... Not sure if folks are tweaking it or if it is an automatic thing to make the signals more discernible or not. Though I notice a similar bit on a quake that got counted a few days ago.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by Moshpet] (Found by my better half)

Like I needed to worry about another super volcano lol.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Moshpet
*Sheepish* I had not considered that the water/steam etc would show up that much. If you have some of those odd samples up someplace I'd be happy to give them a listen, ditto for the Long Period Signals. Also did you happen to take a stab at making a sample for the Hydrothermal Explosion (before during after)?

This is a sample at 80x speed of RSO seismic station from Redoubt volcano, Alaska, during January 27 2009, that's medium intensity volcanic tremor (the low frequency background hum you hear at the beginning) + LP event (low frequency high intensity constant sound) with ongoing debris flow (the "swooosh" noise you can hear at times during the LP event):

Volcanic event from Redoubt, WAV file

This is a sample of "water noises" from today at YMR, Yellowstone, 80x speed:

Unknown noises from YMR

EDIT: I forgot to add that seismic signals that occur mostly during working hours are probably of human nature (cars, etc). This seems to be the case of YMR seismic station (try checking out past days).

[edit on 2009/6/10 by Shirakawa]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Shirakawa

This is a sample at 80x speed of RSO seismic station from Redoubt volcano, Alaska, during January 27 2009, that's medium intensity volcanic tremor (the low frequency background hum you hear at the beginning) + LP event (low frequency high intensity constant sound) with ongoing debris flow (the "swooosh" noise you can hear at times during the LP event):

Volcanic event from Redoubt, WAV file

This is a sample of "water noises" from today at YMR, Yellowstone, 80x speed:

Unknown noises from YMR

[Pretty odd indeed

EDIT: I forgot to add that seismic signals that occur mostly during working hours are probably of human nature (cars, etc). This seems to be the case of YMR seismic station (try checking out past days).

[edit on 2009/6/10 by Shirakawa]

Taking your suggestion that the YMR sensor could be influenced by cultural noises I went and plugged in the sensor location 44.6687 -110.965 into Google Earth. (The information for the sensor positions is given on the UoU site, but it's not the exact locations.) Then I roamed around the map looking for built up areas and places where industrial sanitation traffic, etc might arise.

To the West, is West Yellowstone at 10-15 miles.
Park features wise it is North-West of Biscuit Basin but then it is 10 about 15 miles away again. (Not much impact I think)

Given the location that (in theory) it is located, there is a road and a river with in 3000 meters of it.

Evidently there is road construction that could account for some of the activity. If the road crew started at 6am (park time) and worked all the way till dusk, 8-9pm (park time) that is one heck of a lot of hours, 6 days a week.

If they are resurfacing rather then total replacement of the road (in segments) the machine that levels the road for retarring (big grinder thing) I would expect to see continual 'noise' lasting an 20 minutes- hour, then several possible bits of possible jack hammer use.

Total remove and a repour (cement) I would still expect to see long periods of high frequency sound (5-10 minutes )with some possible spikes that look like quakes (braking rock/cement) mixed in the signal. Then jackhammer bits (high intensity staccato like patterns) add in some bulldozer scrapes and leveling activities.

Depending on how aggressive the construction crew is, weather and the like, I would think we'd see long periods of high intensity noise.

Which we have several periods of each day.

Map of Yellowstone showing where road construction will take place.

Norris–Madison: Gibbon Canyon

April 16—May 22: Expect 30-minute delays. May 26–August 16: Open 8 am–10 pm: expect 30-minute delays
Closed nightly.

So we have an explanation for some of the activity on YMR



I also checked to see where the closest ground deformation sensor was
(44.635565, -110.861066) in relation to the YMR sensor. (With luck they have better information as to where the YMR sensor is than is listed on the UoU site
) There is a Round Tank like structure near that location on the Google Earth Map, which may have the GPS attached or not.

I'll do a check of the sensors for events later on.

(Minor edits for clarity)

[edit on 10-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 11:33 AM
Hi all, got distracted by stuff last night.

Briefly catching up:
YML (Mary Lake) 00:10UTC possible .8-1.0 no externals.
YMR (Madison River) 06:25 UTC happens before the 06:26UTC event near Adak, AK. Lots of activity in the Adak, AK region btw.

YJC (Joseph's Coat) / YMP (Mirror Lake Plateau) / YHH (Holmes Hill)/ YMV (Mammoth Springs) & MCID (Moose Creek) 17:58UTC looks like one of those strange signals, as there is no distant event that would account for it. Not sure how I missed this one but it's there on multiple sensors.

June 11

YTP (The Promontory) 13:58UTC that small signal is likely related to the 4.6 in AK at 13:49

YLT (Little West Thumb) Ditto.
YFT (Old Faithful) Noise + T/WN/ Cultural Noise?
YLA (Lake Butte) 10:27 UTC is likely a micro quake, as the only external events remotely close is 10:01UTC 3.4 Quake in PR. Since the travel time does not add up, I'll peg it as such.
LKWY (Lake Way) Same old, same old.
YML (Mary Lake) 11:33UTC micro quake, lot of noise.

YMR (Madison River) I am going to start ignoring stuff from 12:00 UTC - 21:00 UTC unless it is fairly obvious there is a quake there. Given that there is road construction possibly getting picked up.

Prior to 12:00 UTC there are some minor (micro) events and T/WN signals. Since the road is closed before and after 12:00UTC-21:00 UTC Cultural Noise should be non existent.

YDC (Denny Creek) 07:43UTC looks like a 1.0-1.4 quake to me, like usual we have to wait on UoU to decide.

YMP (Mirror Lake Plateau) lot of noise & a half dozen possible micro events.

YHB (Horse Butte) 09:16 UTC the odd blip there likes comes from a Cali event at 09:12 UTC. 15:37UTC is local to the park, but it's one of those odd signals that isn't well defined enough to sort out what it is.

YJC (Joseph's Coat) noise

YMC (Maple Creek) 12:39 UTC another odd blip with nothing to account for it outside of the park. Minor noise otherwise.

YHH (Holmes Hill) Possible micro quake 13:57UTC.

YSB (Soda Butte) 15:00 UTC onward. Its too far from YMR for the signals there to be from construction there. There is road work 50+ miles (park entrance) on Bear Tooth Highway US 212. I doubt its close enough to register though. For the moment I'll tentatively call it Cultural Noise.

YMV (Mammoth Springs) 08:29 UTC teliseisms from Cali. 09:28 UTC local to the park WN/CN? 11:10UTC WN/CN? From 11:15 UTC onward there is a lot of activity, though until 16:08 UTC (1.2-1.4 quake) most of it looks like it is under 1.0 with a few exceptions. Given that it is at the north end of the Park, it is not likely to be from the construction near Madison River.

Given that the area seems fairly busy today we might be seeing the start of a mini swarm there. However, time will tell as to if my guess is right.

MCID (Moose Creek) More than likely just noise more than anything else.


I am guessing that YMV will be the sensor to watch today if you have GEE

As always more later.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by Moshpet]

[edit on 11-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:54 PM
Hi all slow day

Well the most significant bit I see thus far today; hits the park at 16:22 UTC. It's on enough sensors to be fairly obvious too.
There is nothing external that can account for the signal thus far in the USGS reports either.

YMR (Madison River) More of the odd signals before 11:00 UTC. I doubt construction would have started at 4am park time soooo. *shrug* (I'm ignoring the other bits until 10pm park time, 04:00 UTC. )

YFT (Old Faithful) 13:45 onward, there are enough external events in Cali etc, to make any signal in the next hour suspect. So for the moment I'll say it falls in the T/WS/CN department. Lot of noise in the traces too.

YMC (Maple Creek) 13:19UTC this event shows up on a couple of sensors, finding nothing external, I think this one is probably a .6-.8 micro quake.
13:34 UTC is another probable micro quake.

YHH (Holmes Hill) There are a few of what look like micro quakes after 09:00UTC. Since there isn't too much noise on that sensor they are fairly easy to pick out.

YSB (Soda Butte) You can see the same signals that are in YHB a bit more clearer, despite the noise. Also the 16:22UTC event I mentioned at the start of today's bit.

YMV (Mammoth Springs) Looks pretty active today, plenty of those odd signals and a good handful or more of micro quakes. There isn't a lot of noise in the signals either (which is always nice IMO.) Nothing big enough to get reports though.

MCID (Moose Creek) noise with the 16:22UTC event too.


Looks cloudy & wet on the Old Faithful Cam.
But the interesting cam is the Mammoth springs cam (new) & old as there actually seem to be people in them for a change.


posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 02:50 PM
What causes earthquakes?

Well perhaps it is humans drilling for oil and gas. A story out of Texas where they had some rare earthquakes this month.

Drilling might be culprit behind Texas earthquakes

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 05:29 PM
HI all,

YMP (Mirror Lake Plateau)
16:22UTC Nothing eternal to the park... call it a .8 maybe.
18:04UTC & 18:08(ish) two more events, 1.4 at the most.
20:05 UTC while there was two quake in Cali, 20:03UTC , 20:05 UTC one or the other could have been it... but if one showed you would think the other would. UoU will have to decide again.
20:19UTC No external events, put this one as a solid 1.2-.14.

These show up on a few sensors, YSB and so on.

More later

[edit on 12-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:02 PM
HI all

YPP (Pitchstone Palteau) The three events 12:14.50 UTC, 13:14 UTC 14:13 UTC, having such a pattern make me think these may be man made events.
18:03 UTC another odd signal.

YTP (The Promontory) 18:03 UTC same signal better defined.

YLT (Little West Thumb) 18:03 UTC same signal weaker.

YFT (Old Faithful) 14:17 UTC odd signal, no external signals. Noisy sensor.
18:03 UTC same signal + noise.

YLA (Lake Butte) 18:03 UTC You guessed, it same signal.

LKWY (Lake Way) Suprisingly enough it was online in time to catch the 18:03 UTC signal and some odd noise afterwards. Given how flaky LKWY is, it's probably nothing.

YML (Mary Lake) Lot of noise on this sensor. 18:03UTC Signal repeats.

YML (Madison River) 08:02 UTC odd signal, with nothing to account for it. 18:03 UTC signal is present but garbled likely due to road construction.

YDC (Denny Creek) 15:35 an odd signal, with not externals to account for it.
14:18-14:20 UTC happens before quakes in Cali. But they are not strong enough to be counted really. 18:03UTC present but weak.

YPK (Parker Peak) 18:03 UTC nice clean signal a bit stronger than many of the sensors.

YMP (Mirror Lake Plateau) 18:03 UTC again pretty much a mirror for YPK. 18:40UTC-18:50UTC low level continuous odd signal.

YHB (Horse Butte) 18:31 UTC Local event, no externals. 19:03UTC the signal there comes after a one a few minutes prior in Cali (coin flip). The one at 19:08 UTC hits -before- the one at 19:09 UTC in Cali (coin flip).

YJC (Josephs Coat) NOISE! and the 18:03UTC event.

YMC (Maple Creek) Fairly quiet + 18:03UTC event, odd noise / micro quakes at 19:02UTC, 19:12UTC with nothing outside the park to account for them.

YHH (Homes Hill) noise, maybe a micro quake or two + 18:03UTC Natch.

YSB (Soda Butte) lot of noise and the 18:03UTC event, larger. Minor noise.

YMV (Mammoth Springs) Lot of small micro events on this sensor. Possible quake at 14:08UTC 15:44UTC ditto. There's been a lot of odd signals such on this sensor the past few days, I would not be surprised if we see a clump of quakes in this sensor's region in a week - 2 weeks if not sooner. 18:03UTC small signal.

MCID 17:31UTC likely from a Cali quake a few minutes prior. 18:03UTC is present as well, small and thick.

Looking at the stations map, I think the area of the event is north east of YSB and probably not far from Cooke City. Given that YSB has the larger signal and that YMP and YPK sem to have similar signal sizes & that they, while not quite parallel to each other, its close enough for government work.


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