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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 07:40 PM
Hi all.

Got an odd signal on YSB (Soda Butte) that is on several other sensors as well. It starts (looking at the other sensors) at 23:43UTC and continues until 00:05UTC. (Ongoing yet)

I checked the weather at YS, Not raining at Old Faithful, Raining at Mammoth.

The Signal shows on:
YSB (Fairly Clearly)
YLA (Fairly clearly)
YLT (Fairly strongly)
YTP (to a lesser extent)

These sensors are not close enough to any road construction to make it show up, so I think we can discount that.

If its rain it's damned noisy rain


[edit on 13-6-2009 by Moshpet]

[edit on 13-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:10 PM
We just witnessed two wolves chasing a heard of bison across the road by Soda Butte.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:12 PM
And then several, maybe four Winnabago 's and some Harley riders went past and then three elk came out into the opening to the east of Soda Butte. They were just grazing but seemed to notice the Harley guys. Harleys are ridiculously loud and shouldnt be permitted in national parks. I love Yellowstone.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 05:23 AM
Moshpet, I appreciate your dedication but I personally don't think there's the need to comment every single day of Yellowstone seismic activity making this already big thread even bigger. There's really nothing anomalous going on at Yellowstone right now - a few small earthquakes now and then are normal, in fact about 1400 occur each year in the park on average. It's almost summer and there will be a lot of visitors and tourists: that's added noise from human source. Also virtually any earthquake of magnitude greater than 5.5 occurred anywhere in the world (less if closer) will show on seismometers in a way or another, this is normal too.

I think you can safely switch to weekly or monthly updates unless something "big" happens.

[edit on 2009/6/14 by Shirakawa]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Shirakawa
Moshpet, I appreciate your dedication but I personally don't think there's the need to comment every single day of Yellowstone seismic activity making this already big thread even bigger. There's really nothing anomalous going on at Yellowstone right now - a few small earthquakes now and then are normal, in fact about 1400 occur each year in the park on average. It's almost summer and there will be a lot of visitors and tourists: that's added noise from human source. Also virtually any earthquake of magnitude greater than 5.5 occurred anywhere in the world (less if closer) will show on seismometers in a way or another, this is normal too.

I think you can safely switch to weekly or monthly updates unless something "big" happens.

[edit on 2009/6/14 by Shirakawa]

i agree ....

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 08:26 PM
A moose just crossed the road by pebble creek campground. Nine cars stopped to photo it. One tourist bus. At least 20 Japanese toting video and still cameras recorded the moose depositing a large pile of moose excrement at the confluence of Pebble and Soda Butte Creeks. These images may appear soon on YouTube. Cool.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 08:47 PM
Oh right if you go to YVO's website they post a monthly update on seismicity in Jellystone. They extract all of the meaningless crap and condense it into a clear story. Try it....

I kinda wish they would talk a little about all of the animal sightings in the park. They've been going on for sooooooo many years. I also heard that it hasn't erupted at all for seventy thousand years. Wow. But, that eruption was like some sort of lava flow that didnt have any more impact than your typical Hawaiian eruption. Boring. Better to discuss the very rare and infrequent events that occur every 730,000 years on average. But, then, that average is only based on two intervals so it's sort of crappy statisticology ... if you know what I mean. Perhaps the real average is 900,000 years. That is a bunch of human lifetimes....I wonder how many pages this thread will be when that rolls around?

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Robin Marks
reply to post by pantangele

Robin Marks "I temper the hell out of everything..... Jake Lowenstern has tempered his message in the videos he produced. Both the motive and the presentation have been manipulated to sustain a public perception. "Yes, Yellowstone is a volcano." Implying that public perception is unaware that Yellowstone is an active volcano which could erupt. And that's not the way the government wants us to see it......And trust me, I temper the hell out of my own ideas. I would drop anything like a hot potato if it doesn't stand up to reason."

There's a lot of supposed tempering going on here.....The Marks guy is quite the scientist eh?. He should post his diplomas on the shower wall behind his "experiments". Here's the Lowenstern link....I just tracked it down again to view with the above ideas in mind.

Go view it yourself.

Conclusion: The above critique by Marks is CACA. It doesnt make any sense. Read what this guy has written. I just scratch my head when i read it. My question: Why title the movie "Yes Yellostone is a Volcano" unless you wanted to communicate that very point?

The criticism of the Lowenstern guys motives is also complete CACA. Why would the geological survey warn about St. Helens, or Redoubt or Pinnatubo and not Yellowstone? You fools who believe the pajama bathroom experiment guy are missing the jewel that is a govt science agency that bothers to put out seismometers that you can read on the web. Personally I hope they shut them down and force you to wonder at an entirely deeper level. From what i see in the Lowenstern youtube movies he is delivering a Joe Friday "Just the Facts Ma'am" story. If you'll notice he frequently looks away from the camera. Teleprompter readers don't do this. I think the sillyness about "unscripted" is the Marks guys pathetic attempt to grasp for some credibility. He has none. Follow that link to those movies. It's a much better source of info than anything I've read in this thread.

Note: Its June 13, 2009 and Jellyston has not erupted. Rats

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by FeedingTheRat

Originally posted by Robin Marks
reply to post by pantangele

Robin Marks "I temper the hell out of everything..... Jake Lowenstern has tempered his message in the videos he produced. Both the motive and the presentation have been manipulated to sustain a public perception. "Yes, Yellowstone is a volcano." Implying that public perception is unaware that Yellowstone is an active volcano which could erupt. And that's not the way the government wants us to see it......And trust me, I temper the hell out of my own ideas. I would drop anything like a hot potato if it doesn't stand up to reason."

There's a lot of supposed tempering going on here.....The Marks guy is quite the scientist eh?. He should post his diplomas on the shower wall behind his "experiments". Here's the Lowenstern link....I just tracked it down again to view with the above ideas in mind.

Go view it yourself.

Conclusion: The above critique by Marks is CACA. It doesnt make any sense. Read what this guy has written. I just scratch my head when i read it. My question: Why title the movie "Yes Yellostone is a Volcano" unless you wanted to communicate that very point?

The criticism of the Lowenstern guys motives is also complete CACA. Why would the geological survey warn about St. Helens, or Redoubt or Pinnatubo and not Yellowstone? You fools who believe the pajama bathroom experiment guy are missing the jewel that is a govt science agency that bothers to put out seismometers that you can read on the web. Personally I hope they shut them down and force you to wonder at an entirely deeper level. From what i see in the Lowenstern youtube movies he is delivering a Joe Friday "Just the Facts Ma'am" story. If you'll notice he frequently looks away from the camera. Teleprompter readers don't do this. I think the sillyness about "unscripted" is the Marks guys pathetic attempt to grasp for some credibility. He has none. Follow that link to those movies. It's a much better source of info than anything I've read in this thread.

Note: Its June 13, 2009 and Jellyston has not erupted. Rats

for the record since i found out what yellowstone is and since a few of my profic dreams have come true in shockingly detail i might add . i have had about 70 odd dreams about yellowstone blowing her top in OUR LIFE TIME . to the exact dates i have no clue . it could be a year or 10 years . but ill know by my gut feeling which i might add is never wrong .
what we are waiting for is a series of quakes in the center of the park of a mag. of at least 7.9 if not higher.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:08 PM
Tne New Scientist has just published an article suggesting their may be a supervolcano under Mt. St Helens. Here is the link

Supervolcano may be brewing beneath Mount St Helens

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:57 PM
St Helens is not a supervolcano and theres no geologic evidence suggesting this. This is total BS and the fools who uttered the word supervolcano with St Helens belong in jail.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:57 AM
Stanley Williams has a diploma. Stanley Williams led a group of vulcanologist and tourists into the mouth of an active volcano. He assured everyone that it was not going to erupt, afterall, he was an expert. It erupted while they were in the volcano. Several people were killed. Williams managed to survive.

In this modern era we've elevated scientist to the position of demi-gods. Priests with the only authority. The keepers of absolute truth.

Science is truth. But the institutionalization of the word has created an echo-chamber that stifles dissent and alternative approaches. Just like the church, the scientific community shapes perception and mandates supreme authority.

Damn. I should have ignored the deliberate disdain of an ignorant soul. Troll is such an appropriate term. Hides under a bridge and eats children. But I'm not a child, and I'm not afraid of fairy tales. I had to respond. Because I'm so tired of diplomas trumping all. Stanley William's diploma is not holy scripture, it's a piece of paper, and it will not bring those killed at Galeras.

It's really to bad rat, that we can't meet face to face, I'd like to see if you'd say those things eyeball to eyeball.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Robin Marks]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 06:10 PM
Tsk Robin! You did what you told me off for!

FTR said:

St Helens is not a supervolcano and theres no geologic evidence suggesting this. This is total BS and the fools who uttered the word supervolcano with St Helens belong in jail.

I take it FTR knows better than the scientists who set up the observations, which to me have a certain amount of credance, especially since there could be interconnections with Yellowstone I would have thought.

Moshpet: Thank you for your updates. I at least enjoyed them and am amazed that you found the time to go into such detail. Please do give us a weekly one if you feel that daily ones are not appropriate after the comments.

Alysha: Question

i have had about 70 odd dreams about yellowstone blowing her top in OUR LIFE TIME . to the exact dates i have no clue . it could be a year or 10 years . but ill know by my gut feeling which i might add is never wrong .
These dreams, were they before of after you found out about Yellowstone, or a bit of both?

Shirakawa: 80X ?? Try 40 or 20, makes much better listening and much more identifiable.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

Ditto PuterMan! What you said. Rite on.

You are rite too though Robin. Absolutely

FTR. Quite stimulating really. Can not agree though. Looking for a rise? Keep trying, you may hit a nerve yet.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Science is an elegant machine driven by humans constantly tweaking the accepted paradigm. It relies on a formal system including publishing and peer review in order to document theory and methods and to avoid becoming a disheveled hodge podge of scattered ideas much like this thread. Posers who fancy their ideas as worthy of consideration ought to publish a paper detailing their findings. For all I know the pajama man marks may have an idea with merit. The problem is he's known for his PJ-Rube Goldberg-bathroom demonstrations on YouTube. Those are funny. He ought to invest in a lab coat and some goggles. Perhaps lighten it up with some better crafted humor or hire a sexy sidekick. As for the diploma guy who wound up pied-pipering some lay people to their volcanic demise, well that's a sad story. I don't see how it supports giving lunatics a voice in the scientific process.

As for the eye-ball to eye=ball challenge...bring it on. You are a lunatic and I'll say it to your face. But, uh, hold on, will you be in or out of your shackles?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by PuterMan
Shirakawa: 80X ?? Try 40 or 20, makes much better listening and much more identifiable.

Hi PuterMan, there are various reasons why I chose 80x:

- 24 hours of seismic data can be heard in about 17 minutes. At 40x it takes 34 minutes. It can get boring after a while.
- Volcanic tremors, which are usually in the 2-4 Hz range, are more audible since at 80x they become 160-320 Hz instead of 80-160 Hz (at 40x). Frequencies this low are already hard to hear since most of the time there's a lot of high frequency noise which tend to cover them. Also, most audio gear (not my case though) cannot correctly/efficiently play very low frequencies.
- 8000 Hz is a standard and widely used sampling rate format, and it's compatible with most hardware/software configurations. 4000 Hz is not.
- After many months of Redoubt monitoring, I feel that 80x (for 100 Hz seismic stations) / 8000 Hz is the best compromise between playing speed and audibility. I've also become accustomed to it so I can quickly catch anomalies If I hear any.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:10 PM
I apologise

I know this takes up space...had to get to end of thread.. to see wotsa happenin. Its been a while...

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 03:35 PM
Take look at the Mammoth web cam.

I think that the Yellow tripod is supporting portable seismic/GPS gear. Of which I might point out that the YMV (Mammoth Springs) sensor has been rather busy of late.

I may try for a weekly synopsis. Or just do it on the weekends since UoU can't seemingly afford to keep staff to do it on the weekends.


posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by FeedingTheRat

All, or most, of your posts are attacks, in one way or another, on everyday people, talking and learning about technical subjects. I think you should lighten up. Your attacks are becoming very annoying.
Please stop attacking, or making fun of people's ideas and come up with some original ideas of your own.
Your assesment of R. Marks is way off buddy. Who made you Lord of the Volcano anyway? FeedingTheRat Almighty.

Check out this video.

[edit on 6/17/2009 by Theriteway]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 08:57 PM
now all of the greedy peoples on earth go to a volcano and do us all a favor and jump in.
i wonder if this all has something to do with the end and then the beginning of the myan calendar and the bible. we will be not in water but in fire this time. the allinement of our planet in center with our universe, the world will wabble. causing earthquakes, erruptions and the water to do sunamies. think about it. our own moons gravity causes tides to rise and fall. what will the allinement do in terms of gravity.hopefully the world will stay intact untill we earthlings know how to save the planet or know how to get off of it and go somewhere else. peace be with you brother.

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