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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 11:47 AM
Hi all,
Report for 21 June 09 (before 17:00UTC)

YPP (Pitchstone Plateau) Quiet.
YTP (The Promontory) Noise.
YLT (Little West Thumb) 08:50-51 UTC From Cali most likely. + Noise.
YFT (Old Faithful) Noise & the web cam shows rain.
YLA (Lake Butte) Noise.
LKWY (Lake Way) It's up, but it's Lake Way with noise.
YML (Mary Lake) Minor shake at 15:21 UTC.
YMR (Madison River) Evidently they are working today, construction. It could be they are behind schedule due to weather, which means they likely will not finish by the 26th.
YDC (Denny Creek) Noise.
YPK (Parker Peak) 16:20UTC comes after the a quake in AK.
YMP (Mirror Lake Plateau) Noise & some small events.
YHB (Horse Butte) Minor noise.
YJC (Joseph's Coat) Noise
YMC (Maple Creek) Minor Noise.
YHH (Holmes Hill) Minor Noise.
YSB (Soda Butte) Noise, the bit from AK 16:20UTC is clearer.
YMV (Mammoth Springs) 16:22 UTC Good event. Lots of smaller stuff before and after. YMV is interesting of late.
MCID (Moose Creek) Minor noise, possibly a lot of small events.


posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 12:23 PM
You all just keep on posting as you see fit. I check in every day just for the heck of it. I have particular people on ignore. The rat is on the top of my ignore list.
I HATE RATS! Why don't you go away, you are ruining a good thread.

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 08:58 PM
Hi all,

21 June update prior to 02:00 UTC

**** YPP (Pitchstone Plateau) 01:01 UTC - 01:19 UTC If you look you can see that start of the sequence at :01 then it seems to peak at 01:19 then dies down several minutes later.

Given it's odd behavior yesterday... I'd watch this sensor.

**** YLA (Lake Butte) The signals at 01:16(ish) UTC & 01:19UTC are likely the same from YPP at that time frame.

YDC (Denny Creek) I think may be weather related.

YHB (Horse Butte) Related to events in Cali which oddly enough seemed spaced out 10-15 minutes apart from 18:12UTC - 19:29 UTC if you subtract a travel of 2-3 minutes.

YMC (Mammoth Creek) Still shows a lot of small activity & weather related noise.


posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Moshpet

This was interesting between 18:00 and 18:30-

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by winotka
reply to post by Moshpet

This was interesting between 18:00 and 18:30-

I agree, YPP (Pitchstone Plateau) while normally a quiet sensor, has had some interesting activity Sat & Sun. The Yellow Stone region has had a lot of rain the past few days, which makes me wonder if that was a fault popping loose or a new one forming due to the rain. Also it is quite possible that enough water seeped down to where it got hot, and then started working its way up to a release point, breaking rock etcetera free as it did so, until it had a clear channel to vent out of.

I've not looked today just yet, but UoU is still working on events from the 20th.


Just looking at the wrapper today, while some of the really active sensors do have noise, (ignoring YMR) I think the signals on some of them have more amplitude than weather would account for. While it is raining at Old Faithful, the Mammoth web cam (where YMC is located) is dry....

[edit on 22-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 11:36 AM
Yay! New sensors! (Well new to me likely!

YUF (Upper Falls)
YNR (Norris Junction)

I suspect it will take a day or or to get the physical locations so I can plug them into Google Earth though. I am happy to see the put either old sensors back on line or new ones added, though I suspect they need to calibrate them slightly....


posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 12:43 PM
Those seismometers were already in the database (at least from GEE) but they were not functional. It looks they have activated them recently.
There still are a few more other non functional seismometers in Yellowstone Park, such as:

YCJ: Canyon Junction
YIT: Gravel Pit
YPBR: Bridge Bay
YBE: Bechler
YMS: Mount Sheridan
YPTC: Trail Creek

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 02:13 PM

What do you think of Indian Meadows Jun23,2009 8:05/8:15MST?

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Lanaforge

What do you think of Indian Meadows Jun23,2009 8:05/8:15MST?

That's a fairly common wave form there. The saw tooth bit comes from a distant quake where the signal echoes off the various mantles of the Earth. It is nothing to worry over, though it does grab your attention. We saw quite a bit of this type of wave form in Yellowstone as a result of the Indonesia quakes earlier this year. It is -not- a Harmonic Tremor if you were wondering if it was or wasn't.

More than likely this is the distant quake that caused it.


[edit on 24-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 06:48 PM
Those waves are called L waves (Love waves) and were probably caused by the distant 6.7 magnitude Papua New Guinea earthquake (notice the webicorder date). A local 3.2 earthquake couldn't make them so clear and of so long period (0.03 Hz).

[edit on 2009/6/24 by Shirakawa]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Shirakawa
Those waves are called L waves (Love waves) and were probably caused by the distant 6.7 magnitude Papua New Guinea earthquake (notice the webicorder date). A local 3.2 earthquake couldn't make them so clear and of so long period (0.03 Hz).

[edit on 2009/6/24 by Shirakawa]

Doh, yeah sorry, I tend to focus on the current day of the week. Partly because I can open 4 tabs and have the days events up and flip back and forth cross checking. Sometimes it works good, other times I make mistakes

Speaking of current days events, did you see the (five division tall) sharp spikes at 10:37 UTC and elsewhere that register on a majority of the parks sensors? They are really evident on the YDC (Denny Creek) Sensor. My initial thought was weather related noise, but a look at the web cams shows the park to be under clear skies.


[edit on 25-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 01:08 PM
Ok, I know its not the weekend just yet.

However, there is a lot of -sharply- intense activity in the park today. Since the signals cut off at 5 divisions... that it one heck of a spike. At first I considered the spikes to possibly be calibration pulses, how ever one of the sensors had one a few minutes -after- such a spike. Not to mention the calibration pulses tend to go up and down on both sides of a time line, not just up/down.

YML (Mary Lake) 13:48 UTC -14:15UTC For example.
YTP (The Promontory) 16:22 UTC & 17:23 UTC
YLT (Little West Thumb) 11:26 UTC & 16:22UTC & 17:23UTC (echoes YTP) 17:36UTC
YDC (Denny Creek) 09:41UTC
YHB (Horse Butte) is picking up events from Cali I think.
YSB (Soda Butte) Has an number of those intense sharp signals.
YMV (Mammoth Springs) Has a number as well after 15:00 UTc


[edit on 26-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 01:41 PM
Without even trying to download seimic data and analyse it more accurately, I'd say that monodirectional short spikes are probably electromagnetic interference due to lightning (from storms for example) or any other kind of disturbance to the radio feed of seismometer data (if I remember well the data feed of seismometers in Yellowstone is not cabled). Also any signal which shows strongly on one station but not at all on nearby ones is most probably of local origin (animals, humans, cars, etc) and not related to seismic activity.

[edit on 2009/6/26 by Shirakawa]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 06:49 AM
Here's Pitchstone Plateau again-

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Shirakawa

@ Shirakawa That makes sense, as there was rain yesterday. Truthfully I have no idea on how to pull a previous days data and run it on GEE, I suppose I'll have to sort it out one of these days.

Its Saturday Jun 27, time for a look through the sensors. (Prior to 16:00 UTC)

As it was mentioned already, YPP (Pitchstone Plateau) is being odd again. 09:50 UTC until 10:32 UTC.

YTP (The Promontory) Noisy signals.

YLT (Little West Thumb) has a signal at 12:30UTC - 12:37 UTC that is odd, and it has the odd signals from YPP @ 09:50 UTC-10:32 UTC. Also there is a small bout of the same sort of oddness at 15:43UTC - 15:48 UTC. (Which is too soon for it to be the Mid Atlantic Ridge quake at 15:45UTC.)

YFT (Old Faithful) seems to be picking up stuff from AK 12:30 UTC

YLA (Lake Butte) Got a calibration pulse at 08:32 UTC. Then it picked up some AK events after 12:32 UTC.

LKWY (Lakeway) It's Lakeway.

YML (Mary Lake) 13:41UTC - 14:22UTC long period of activity with two-four possible quakes in all of it.

YMR (Madison River) The update on the construction, on the YS web page, states that construction will continue until around Aug 26, 2009. Also that the road will be closed when they start work on replacing a bridge.

YDC (Denny Creek) If you look at the prior days activity and today's its fairly busy.

YUF (Upper Falls) Needs to be adjusted IMO, hopefully the UoU people can read it better than we can.
YNR (Norris Ridge) same as YUF
YPK (Parker Peak) Nada
YMP (Mirror Lake Plateau) Noise

YHB (Horse Butte) has the same signals as YDC. Could be weather related, could be something else. Looks interesting either way.

YJC (Joseph's Coat) Noise.
YMC (Maple Creek) Minor noise, probable distant event at 08:02UTC
YHH (Holmes Hill) Minor noise.
YSB (Soda Butte) Noise & possible weather related spikes.
YMV (Mammoth Springs) Noise, 14:41-2 UTC is from AK.
MCID (Moose Creek) Noise.

Back Later

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 08:51 PM
Wow i just watched a history channel show on Yellowstone. Glad to see someones paying attention to the threat. When do they think it will erupt? I thought the documentary said 2012 was a possible trigger. Is this for real? I understand west coast is better than east coast. I'm in Needles California so i think maybe that's good. I've got to cover my chicken coop before then. Where's best real info on this stuff.????????

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by RavenLogic
Wow i just watched a history channel show on Yellowstone. Glad to see someones paying attention to the threat. When do they think it will erupt? I thought the documentary said 2012 was a possible trigger. Is this for real? I understand west coast is better than east coast. I'm in Needles California so i think maybe that's good. I've got to cover my chicken coop before then. Where's best real info on this stuff.????????

Welcome and relax

There are a number of warning signs that have not occurred yet. Nor is there enough activity (ATM) to even have the University of Utah to even bother to staff their monitors during the weekend. (Unlike the swarm in Dec08-Jan09.)

Ironically enough, there is a ton of good links in this thread to form your own conclusions. It may take you a few days to wade through the thread and click /read on all the external links, but it'd be faster than web searching on your own .


posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 12:20 PM
Hi all,
Didn't make it back last night and I looked through yesterday evenings events and saw nothing super spectacular.

29 Jun 09 (Events prior 17:00UTC)
A glance at the cams shows no visible weather apart from a few small clouds.

YPP (Parker Peak) Nada
YTP (The Promontory) Noise
YLT (Little West Thumb) 12:21UTC Cali Quake
YFT (Old Faithful) Noise, 13:09(ish) Local event.
YLA (Lake Butte) 12:20UTC Likely from Cali.
LKWY (Lakeway) Normal behavior.
YML (Mary Lake) Noise.
YMR (Madison River) Construction continues through Aug.
YDC (Denny Creek) Noise.
YUF (Upper Falls) Normal.
YNR (Norris Ridge) Normal.
YPK (Parker Peak) Small local stuff.
YMP (Mirror Lake Plateau) Noise & small local stuff.
YHB (Horse Butte) Minor noise.
YJC (Joseph's Coat) Noise.
YMC (Maple Creek) Minor noise, small local stuff.
YHH (Holmes Hill) Minor noise, small local stuff.
YSB (Soda Butte) Noise, small local stuff.
YMV (Mammoth Springs) Minor noise & moderate / small local events.
MCID (Moose Creek) Minor noise.


A look at the YFT Shows some heavy odd activity around 22:00 UTC. The rest of the sensors have nothing major on them that's not related to external stuff.

YPK (Parker Peak) 01:49(Ish) UTC Nice big splash. 02:02UTC Another nice big splash.

[edit on 28-6-2009 by Moshpet]

[edit on 28-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 11:04 PM
Hi all,

Well YPP (Pitchstone Plateau) Major signal after 23:27 UTC, took an hour off and then started a slow build up from 01:30 onward only to wind down again by 02:00UTC.

This is the second or third time this signal pattern has shown up in the past few weeks for YPP.

This is Not normal behavior for YPP. Normal is little tiny bits and rare noise, YPP is generally the calmer of all the sensors.

[edit on 29-6-2009 by Moshpet]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by Moshpet

The signal was most probably caused by a group of bisons passing by, going from YPP to MCID (see how the signal slowly fades in and out first at YPP and then at MCID).

[edit on 2009/6/30 by Shirakawa]

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