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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:20 AM

[edit on 25/5/09 by alysha.angel]


[edit on 25/5/09 by alysha.angel]

[edit on 25/5/09 by alysha.angel]

[edit on 25/5/09 by alysha.angel]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

Wow, I checked out the daily seismos and they are all really shaking. The web cam is up and running...all the steam from the vents is going straight up, no signs of any kind of wind in this area.

Even the USGS is reporting several EQs in the last hour all clustered in the area where the seismographs have been off line since the end of March.

I don't see any other "big" quakes that could be affecting the YS area unless the testing over in N Korea is part of cause and effect???

I think it is interesting that these eqs are showing almost in live time on the USGS map of the region. Wonder if there is "holiday" help on this weekend and they are allowing data through?

Didn't know until checking around this morning that there were "swarms" in April. Been hard to tell with so many helicorders off line. April Update

During the month of April 2009, 242 earthquakes were located in the Yellowstone region. The largest event was a magnitude 2.7 on April 28 at 7:14 PM MDT, located about 6 miles north northeast of Old Faithful, YNP. A second M 2.7 was part of a swarm detailed below. There were three earthquake swarms during the month of April. The first, located 4 miles northwest of West Yellowstone, included 62 events spanning April 13-18 with magnitudes ranging from 1.3 to -0.6. The second, located 7 miles northwest of West Yellowstone, included 111 events from April 17-24 with magnitudes 2.3 to -0.8. The third swarm, located 11 miles northeast of Old Faithful, included 19 events all occurring on April 29th with magnitudes ranging from 2.7 to 0.5.

always wondering

[edit on 25-5-2009 by AlwaysWondering]

[edit on 25-5-2009 by AlwaysWondering]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:41 AM

She's burping this morning. All near the western end of the lake with little horizontal variation. Vertical separation appears to be between .5km to 6km in depth. Wow.

Alisha, you might be right. It could be rocks breaking... but the movement was from the surface to the deep subsurface, and now working back up again. Not typical. Darn. Well.... I guess I'll be eating my hamburger and hotdog in the office today. Given the location - looks like it might be hydrothermal in nature as it's not deep enough.... yet.

All I can say is wow. and cool.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 06:50 AM
While on a business trip last week, I finally got Gee loaded on my laptop. Anyone know what the numbers are to the helicorders for YMR and YML?

I would like to be watching these in live time instead of having to refresh from the Utah site every 15 mins or so.


Always wondering

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 07:42 AM
Very interesting... I did a Google search for Yellowstone and News and came across this... There was a small hydrothermal explosion in the park last week.

[edit on 25-5-2009 by pantangele]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:01 AM
And this is interesting too.

KFBB - Is an eruption brewing at Yellowstone

Story Published: May 24, 2009 at 6:23 PM MDT

Story Updated: May 24, 2009 at 11:09 PM MDT

A swarm of earthquakes is one sign that an eruption may be brewing and last winter Yellowstone National Park was rocked by a rash of tremors.

"There were over a thousand earthquakes in about one week," said Park Geologist Hank Heasler. "That isn't unprecedented in the parks history, but it is unusual."

"It was one of the largest swarms in the past 20 years," said USGS Volcanologist Dr. Jake Lowenstern. "It certainly got a lot of people's attention, including ours."

The entire park that exists today is the caldera of the last major eruption 640,000 years ago and experts say that eruption was destructive on a scale like we have never seen before.

"This put out about a thousand times more volcanic material than Mount St. Helens," said Heasler. "To put that in perspective, it's the difference between spending $1,000 and $1,000,000.

That eruption in 1980 in Washington was the deadliest and most destructive volcanic event in the nation's history. 57 people lost their lives in the eruption and volcanic ash was scattered across 12 surrounding states. But experts say another major eruption at Yellowstone would be much more deadly and destructive.

But how will we know if another big eruption is brewing? Dr. Jake Lowenstern is a member of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory which is in charge of monitoring the park's supervolcano. The partnership between Yellowstone National Park, the US Geological Survey, and the University of Utah uses seismograph and ground deformation sensors to keep an eye on what is happening deep underground. Based on their research of the Yellowstone hotspot, the Observatory says another eruption is likely and may even happen in our lifetime. But fortunately for tourists and those living nearby, they say it won't be the big one.

"In a worse case scenario, the big super eruption, is very destructive and would cause a world of hurt to anybody living in the region around Yellowstone and surrounding states," said Lowenstern. "However, the big eruption is not what's most likely to happen here if we do get a volcanic eruption. Much more likely is some localized lava flows that will have an affect within the park. People will need to move out of the way. There will be fires. But people living hundreds of miles away, or even tens of miles outside the park are very unlikely to be affected."

"We have a very sophisticated monitoring system that will give us advanced warning if anything does start to occur," said Heasler. "So the best thing to do is come to the park and enjoy the beauty."

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by pantangele

Thanks for this post! I did the Google search just as you wrote and also found this web site that has a photo of the hydrothermal unexpected explosion. Story

Let's see....we will know there is something coming because of earthquakes, ground uplift, hydrothermal events.....going to be worth watching, eh!

Always wondering

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by AlwaysWondering

Very cool picture. I bet that was a rush. And I would have thought, "how did he know?" as well.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by startx.jeff

Nothing new here. This is the kind of recycled drivel local news drudges up on slow news days.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by startx.jeff

The odds of seeing that were infinitely small. If there's only one of these every few years, imagine being geologists studying and talking about this and actually standing right there to see one! We're talking one in millions. Odds of being in that spot were one in thousands. Odds of being there that day, one in thousands. Odds of being there at that specific time, one in hundreds. Very cool!

[edit on 25-5-2009 by pantangele]

[edit on 25-5-2009 by pantangele]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:46 AM
This is really odd but a few hours ago i woke up at about 5 AM with the work caldera in my head - it continued to pop into my mind rather invasively so I had to check in with the news. I haven't had many precognitive experiences but this one is almost close.
I hope we're just going through another adjustment period. This thread was my first introduction to ATS and for a long while it's all I read here.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:39 AM

Someone managed to take a picture of the hydrothermal explosion on May 17th.

The water table is recharging from the spring thaw. This explosion could be as a result of the recent swarms. If a flow is rectricted by collapse or shifting faults, the trapped water will heat until it explodes.

I was going to respond to the rat out here. Suggesting that he was hiding behind a computer screen. I was going to ask him if he'd make the same comments if we were face to face. I'm no coward. Been in the army, hockey and lacrosse were my rites of passage, so when somone mocks me, them's fighting words. But then I realized it's probably a twelve year old boy. And I felt silly for even being upset by their immature comments.
Puterman made the mistake of encouraging him. This only validated the rat's existence. My son is six, I know you don't reward bad behaviour.

Frankly I wanted to end my writing here with the story of Sodom and Gomarrah. I was using the disdain of the rat to motivate me. But it's hard to ignore Yellowstone when it's obvious that the changes from the swarm will be manifesting themselves when the aquifer is fully charged.

And there is nothing normal about the swarms over the last five months despite Jake Lowenstern's reassurances. The swarms of 1985,1995, and 2004 were localized just outside the caldera rim in the west. Near where the April swarm was recorded. The other swarms did not migrate. Over the last five months, we now have had many different swarm events. Sorry for the crude analogy, but it would seem the pot's lid is rattling as the resorviour reaches boiling point.

The subject of the video link I will provide is irrelevant. But listen to what the archeologist with the wild hair and beard says. Listen at the 9:44 minute mark. If you question my sanity, or you just think I'm a fool in my pyjamas, I want you to know that I agree whole heartedly with the archeologist. And his statement sums up my motivation for writing here.

I only once believed I could convince the experts. That was before I tried and when I was naive. Now I know. I don't expect you to believe. But it's my duty to try. In the end, we all believe what we want to believe.

[edit on 25-5-2009 by Robin Marks]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:57 AM
"Listen to what the archeologist with the wild hair and beard says..."

Doesn't invalidate your argument by any means, just reads as funny. I guess my advice to you would be to learn to temper what you hear from the guys with the wild hair and crazy beards. Don't ignore it. Just temper it.

Incidentally, read "The Black Swan." It deals with what the guy says. The idea of a black swan is that conventional wisdom said no black swans exist. But there are black swans in Australia. So no matter how many white swans you see, it doesn't mean that black swans don't exist. We get used to our experience and form expectations accordingly. We tend to discount the existence of events that do not conform with our expectations, which can be quite narrow. I'm open to there being something "brewing" at Yellowstone. It's why I'm here. But I don't think the scientists at Yellowstone have ulterior motives. I think they are quite genuine in their conservative views and they are probably correct in those views. The key word is "probably."

[edit on 25-5-2009 by pantangele]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:27 AM
On May 17th there was a hydro-thermal explosion in the Biscuit Basin. And today there has been a series of quakes to the north of Old Faithful. Biscuit Basin is downstream from Old Faithful. Maybe someone with more computer savy can locate the site of the hydro-thermal explosion and show on a map how close it is to today's events. To me, it seems that the two events are in the same area. But I got the flu and my head isn't clear; maybe I can't see straight.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Robin Marks

I looked this up right after I found the article. Quakes today were north, but on the same side of the park. A few miles north of Biscuit Basin. Here are the maps:


Biscuit Basin can be seen on this map, south of the quakes:

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:54 AM
So if the hydrotherma burp and the earthquakes are somehow linked what could this mean?

Earthquakes just a after result of rock moving into open space from the explosion?

Or is it a result of magma moving perhaps?

Or nothing at all?

What are some peoples thoughts.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by pantangele

I temper the hell out of everything. Including men with wild beards. I think the man looks like Merlin. I heat every idea and beat it to death. I am a skeptic. But when I hear the truth, I know it. It's always somewhere in the middle. Somewhere between the history and the myth, science can find the fact. The truth in the archeologist's statement, is that people do not want to change the established view. History shows this time and time again on every front of human development. One medical researcher infected himself in order to develop an ulcer. He went to this desperate length because the medical community refused to accept that ulcers were caused by a bacteria. He injest the bacteria, documented the illness on video, and then took a cocktail of anti-biotics with bismyth to cure it. It took years for the medical community to admit the truth and change their practise of treating ulcers. After I read some early research, and then saw a documentary on this researcher, I insisted my mother go to the doctor and get the treatment. To make a long story short, neither her doctor, nor a specialitst had heard of this research. The specialists was reluctant to try the treatment. But it worked. A few years later I read a pamphlet in a drug store which had brand new information that ulcers were caused by bacteria. BRAND NEW. oh brother...

Jake Lowenstern's conservative view is based on the Plume Theory. A theory which is having trouble finding evidence to confirm it. I don't question Jake Lowenstern's motives. I believe he sincerely believes what he is saying. And in many respects I've agreed with his assessments. What I don't understand, and can't accept, is that we are not taking the possibility of an eruption seriously. There is no plan. The geologists have got us lulled into a false sense of security. I am arguing that the science has been politicize. Jake Lowenstern objectivity can be questioned because he has become a bureaucrat. This causes a conflict of interest. Jake Lowenstern has tempered his message in the videos he produced. Both the motive and the presentation have been manipulated to sustain a public perception. "Yes, Yellowstone is a volcano." Implying that public perception is unaware that Yellowstone is an active volcano which could erupt. And that's not the way the government wants us to see it. They want us to see it as the first national park. A wilderness paradise. They are not hiding the fact it's a volcano, but they are not advertising the fact of it's possible world wide consequences if it erupts. Instead they downplay any threat and lull us back to sleep. I would have been placated by Jake Lowenstern's videos, except it was obviously scripted in contrast to the claims otherwise.

And trust me, I temper the hell out of my own ideas. I would drop anything like a hot potato if it doesn't stand up to reason. I am still defending my hypothesis because no one has found a flaw to prove it's not possible. And as hard as I've tried, I have not found anyone to investigate it seriously. I know why my ideas are being rejected. It's human nature. Innovation vs tradition is at the heart of humanity. It's what makes us great. But it always takes years and a supreme trial before we accept an innovation. Until then it's business as usual.

The Black Swan also shows the danger of not going far enough back in history to make a model. In my judgement, many of Jake Lowenstern's arguments have this same flaw. Like describing the partial meltzones as evidence that since the chamber is not fully molten, it is ulikely to erupt. What is he basing this on? Do they have tomographic models of any past magma chambers to compare it with? No.

Maybe it's just me. But I am always skeptical when the government controls the scientic message. Governments by their nature, are never objective.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:07 PM
Anyone think that the North Korea nuke test had any influence on fault lines? The test produced a 4.7 mag quake.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Trayen11

I am not good a deciphering the causes of the quakes. But if you look at the depths of the quakes, it should give you an idea of what may have happend. The first couple were shallow. Then the subsequent quakes were lower. The last, were again near the surface. It would seem they were hydro-thermal in origin. A blocked dyke could have exploded through a wall and enter another part of aquifer. Like the 1985 swarm which may have been hydro-thermal. The lower quakes were aftershocks and then the last few could be from the retuning energy as it rebounded back from below.

There is no way to tell for sure if today's quakes had anything to do with the May 17 hydro-thermal explosion. But if today's quakes were hydro-thermal in orgin, then there has been definate and major changes in the gesyer networks as has been witnessed. I'm not predicting more explosions or anything. But there may be other changes to the network. Like Steamboat returning, or some mud volcanoes. With the spring thaw, geologists can finally look for changes that may have been obsured by the snow. It didn't take long, and Robert Smith found one. It's just like scene out of a movie.

And I don't think anything in Korea is affecting Yellowstone.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:42 PM
can i point out something that ya all are missing.

the quakes that happened today were not near any known fault lines as the red lines on the map are all the known fault lines i n and near the park.

and these look s imilor to the quakes piror to Redoubt going off . or im seeing things that just arent there.

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