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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on May, 8 2009 @ 01:19 AM
A couple shakers at YS today!
PRELIM: M2.8 09:16 5/07 44.8N 111.5W 37 km WNW of West Yellowstone, MT WESTERN MONTANA Z=12km MB 9579424 33b24
PRELIM: M2.3 09:19 5/07 44.8N 111.5W 37 km WNW of West Yellowstone, MT WESTERN MONTANA Z=13km MB 9500188 33b24

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 03:38 AM
As a sidenote, water discharge from Yellowstone lake is slowly returning to normal (average) levels. It's not over 80th percentile anymore: USGS real-time water data

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 12:46 PM

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by FeedingTheRat

I absolutley agree that there just isn't much to talk aout at Yellowstone right now. Things will change before very long.
All of the theories, facts, and opinions in this thread are worth talking about if they allow us to better understand the subject. Conspiracies and all! Make fun if you like, that's ok. Your opinion is interesting too.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Starting today, a few hours ago.... multiple sensors all picking up .... something, looks like wind maybe.

What's the weather like today in Jellystone? Windy?

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by startx.jeff

Similar graphs in the past were wind. These look different. These graphs look like the Mt. Redoubt graphs when lava was moving. I know, it is probably wind. Ya gotta admit, these are some very intense indications though.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Theriteway

As usual, simple webicorder views don't tell the whole story.

The signals yesterday at Yellowstone (mainly YML) showed an irregularly changing broadband signal similar to white noise with filtered high frequencies. That was caused either by a storm or some hours of strong wind.

Tremors of volcanic origin have a distinct low frequency trace.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by startx.jeff

Starting today, a few hours ago.... multiple sensors all picking up .... something, looks like wind maybe.

What's the weather like today in Jellystone? Windy?

Partly Cloudy
Feels Like
Updated May 13 12:25 p.m. MT
Yellowstone Natl Park Live Webcams

UV Index: 7 High
Wind: From WSW at 4 mph
Humidity: 43%
Pressure: 30.14 in.
Dew Point: 13°F
Visibility: 5.0 miles
FREE Weather on Your Desktop

i dont think its the wind

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by alysha.angel

The weather conditions near Yellowstone on 5/12 had winds above 40 mph, with gusts around 60, occuring between 1 pm and 6 pm.

I'm sure we all wish there was something that could filter out the vicious winds they get up there. Ahhhh Spring is here.

[edit on 5/13/2009 by Theriteway]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:47 AM
I have really lost the desire to write here. I wonder, who the hell am I trying to convince? Maybe water never inundates the magma chamber and there has never been an eruption of the size I claim. Maybe I'm wrong and there are only roof collapses and pyroclastic surges and pyroclastic flows. Maybe the magma isn't ejected into the atmosphere like I insist. Maybe I'm wrong.
I agree, I'm just some guy in my pajamas playing with a tin can full of hot oil and out here making wild paranoid claims. But I do my best thinking when I am captured by thought upon waking. It starts spinning. On days with inclement weather I can't get outside to distract myself with good hard work, so I can become immersed in a subject and even forget to eat. Usually around bedtime I realize I'm hungry and tired so I pull myself from the whirlwind. Yesterday was one of those days. To amuse myself I tried to understand the Mayan calender. I then drifted to the 2012 prophecies, hoping to stay away from Yellowstone. I found nothing conclusive in a video trying to link phophets in a consensus about the date. And as I bounced from one seer to the next, one commentator said that the apostle John's revelations were code for something he thought would happen in his own time. This made me realized maybe he lifted the end of days story from an older biblical tale. Maybe he used the imagery in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah to illustrate what he believed would happen. Sometime ago, I watched a program which tried to link the erupiton on Santorini (Thera/Atlantis) to the events of exodus and to the story of Moses. But there is a problem with the dates. Moses lived around 1400 bc during the time of Jacob. And the eruption of Thera happened, according to radio carbon dating, around 1600 bc during the time of Abraham. So it is doubtful that eruption and destruction of Atlantis had anything to do with the exodus and the plaques. Well, no immediate causes. But I digress. If the eruption happened during the time of Abraham, any effects in the the Holy Land would relate to the disaster that befell Sodom and Gomorrah. But how? There is a very credible theory from geologists which states that a pyroclastic surge of super heated steam from Thera could have crossed the water and devestated the Minoan civilization on Crete. I concur with this conclusion.
So the events chronicalled in the tale of Atlantis have a basis in scientific fact. The eruption that destroyed the city of Thera devestated the Minoan civilization and lead to it's eventual downfall. Volcanoes have the ability to bring catastrophy to a region. But was the fallout limited to the islands around Santorini? No. Ash has been found in Turkey and Syria. Were there any other regions affected? Yes. The eruption destroyed the cities of Soddom and Gomorrah! Impossible! How could a pyroclastic surge travel nearly 1000 kms to the Dead Sea Valley? I mean it's reasonable to assume the surge could have reached Crete, which is about 100 kms away. Observerors of Kratatau say the pyroclastic surge travelled 80 kms. But come on Robin, get your head on straight, a pyroclastic surge can't travel 1000 kms across the Mediterranean Sea and reach the Holy Land!

Wait! That's right. A pyroclastic surge would have been unlikely to reach the Dead Sea region. And besides the history states that it was a rain of brimstone from the sky. Not a big superheated steam cloud. Right. And some geologists think that the event happened locally. A fault slipped, and bitumen, (ashphalt) oozed up and something sparked the gases, setting the whole region on fire. Other geologists state that the ground became liquified during an earthquake and swallowed up the cities. That's right. It has to be one of these well researched hypothesises. No. Wait! The story states that the cities of the plain were destroyed by a rain of fire. Brimstone. Sulfur. They could see it coming. Lot's wife wasn't supposed to look back.
What did she see?
Stay tuned...

[edit on 14-5-2009 by Robin Marks]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:57 PM
Hey Robin! I must say you have way better ideas than these clowns!

Two seasonal Yellowstone National Park concession workers have been fired after a live webcam caught them urinating into the Old Faithful geyser.
And you all wonder why I picked this name? hehe
How bout the idea to nuke YS? Ya, the end IS definately gettin' close!
If YS doesn't get us, we will hang ourselves given enough time and rope.
P.S. I'm so proud of our evolvement from the caveman days!

[edit on 14-5-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by FeedingTheRat

Well it is one good thread I am glad is dying down! Do not want that thing going off any time soon!

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Ok Robin, that's very interesting. So if I get your idea right, Sodom and Gomorrah could have been destroyed by fallout from the Santorini explosion.
Carbon dating is flawed, at best, so 200 years is within my error range (IMO only of course). A hydrothermic explosion on the scale you have described previous would be well in range to drop molten fallout 1000 km away (and beyond).
I like the story Robin. More to come, I hope. Staying tuned.....

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Theriteway

I'm glad somone is staying tuned. I don't have very much time to write at the moment. But I would like to revise one of my earlier statements. I stated that since the Hebrew history had them at different times, I figured the plagues happened after the events at Sodom and Gomorrah. I've changed my mind. They happened in the same period. I was assuming the Hebrew text to be fairly accurate. But I forgot that they believed Abraham was 175 years old when he died. So there is a good chance the Exodus and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah were caused by the same event.

And I've heard many people claim they don't aways have faith in the radio carbon dating. Which has the eruption happening in approx 1600-1640 bc. And this by itself would not be conclusive. But there is also tree ring evidence of climatic change, which would be obvious with the second largest eruption in history, which places the date of the Santorini/Thera eruption in precisely 1627/28 bc. This is strong evidence for the early 1600 bc date. In fact, if this is true, then it means that archeologists need to rethink the whole chronilogical order of the great civilizations of the time. The 1628 bc date becomes a Rosetta Stone and can be used to align all the written history in it's correct order and can help determine an accurate timeframe for the events recorded. This eruption is key to understand the Fall of Altantis, (the Minoans), The Egyptians, The Exodus, Moses and the Plaques, and this also gives credibility to the story of cities burned to the ground by brimstone. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah as told by Abraham. This was one immense eruption. Of biblical proportions. Epic really.
So why am I writing about Sodom and Gomorrah here? Why bring up the myth of Atlantis and the story of Moses? Because the events prove my hypothesis. I've been using Santorini and Krakatau to illustrate what happens when water inundates a magma chamber. Just like I believe will happen at Yellowstone. The events of 3636 years ago prove that a hydro-thermal eruption will ejected the entire contents of the magma chamber. There's a lot of detail in the explaination, which I will get to later, but let me just say that the Dead Sea region took a direct hit. It was a firestorm. A volcanic storm, full of lighting and it produce it's own weather and wind patterns. So what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Just what the bible said, it rained brimstone from the sky. It was a storm of sulfur. The storm's preciptation fell in the form of hail. Hailstones of almost of pure sulfur with a hint of magnesium. Hell reigned down. God rained hell down On Sodom and Gomorrah. Or should I say Thera rained down...

In this video, at the 4:38 minute mark, stop and look at the map with the ash fall zone. And if the elipse had an arrow pointing the direction of flow, it would point directly at the Dead Sea Valley. It's the end of the conveyor belt. Before the eruption, before the destuction of Sodom, Lot decided to take the plain because it was green, and well watered. Then after the destruction it was a barren waste land. Something made the Dead Sea dead. And it wasn't just it's geography and local geology.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:16 AM
Hello!!!'s baaackkk

Magnitude ML 3.9

Date time 2009-05-17 at 06:45:18.4 UTC
Location 42.54 N ; 108.13 W
Depth 5 km
Distances 337 km NW Fort collins (pop 129,252 ; local time 23:45 2009-05-16)
138 km NE Rock springs (pop 18,226 ; local time 23:45 2009-05-16)
55 km SE Arapahoe (pop 2,177 ; local time 23:45 2009-05-16)

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Hx3_1963
Hello!!!'s baaackkk

our are lives so dull that we want her to blow her top?

and its no where near YS

Magnitude ML 3.9

Date time 2009-05-17 at 06:45:18.4 UTC
Location 42.54 N ; 108.13 W
Depth 5 km
Distances 337 km NW Fort collins (pop 129,252 ; local time 23:45 2009-05-16)
138 km NE Rock springs (pop 18,226 ; local time 23:45 2009-05-16)
55 km SE Arapahoe (pop 2,177 ; local time 23:45 2009-05-16)

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel
It's either that, the NAU Flu or the collapse of .GOV civilization as we know it...

Take yer pick... don't think between the "rock-n-rollers" south of Alaska and this ~3.9M it'll "stir the pot"?


posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Hx3_1963
reply to post by alysha.angel
It's either that, the NAU Flu or the collapse of .GOV civilization as we know it...

Take yer pick... don't think between the "rock-n-rollers" south of Alaska and this ~3.9M it'll "stir the pot"?


i am probaly the only person in the world who is silantly praying for something huge to happen to the world since i hate it ..

and YS blowing her top is just what the world needs to wake up and make some major overall changes as to how the guy next store thinks as well as our messed up govs

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel
Ok...glad we got that settled

I actually didn't even expect any reply's from this thread this time of nite...

Must be we're the odd balls out tonite huh?

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 05:51 PM

i am probaly the only person in the world who is silantly praying for something huge to happen to the world since i hate it ..

Believe me you are not! There are many people out there who recognise that Gaia is struggling to cope withe the infestation from which she is suffering, regratably however some of those who think this appear to be the NWO.

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