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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:45 PM
Good to see everyone back at work eh :-)

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:21 PM
A-OOOGA! A-OOOGA! Man your "what's going on at Yellowstone" battlestations!

[ ] later

[x] now

would be a good time to panic.

Just kidding- good to see Ole Yeller show some signs of life.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by AlwaysWondering

I saw that new Yellowstone History Channel show made very recently since it mentions the 500 quake swarm end of 08- beginning of of 09 or thereabouts that got this thread steaming.

The boat rising was eerie but even more foreboding was the big red blotches showing the explosions thru the millennia - at first, scientists were wondering if the chamber had jumped but then they recognized that the earth plates had moved slightly which is why the big red blobs were in a row not all in the same place.

But here's the kicker - they mentioned that these main events happened apx. every 600,000 years, and we have not seen one for 640,000 years and then the announcer says it may be 10,000 or 100,000 years... or tomorrow.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by EarthShine

I'll save you from having to read this entire thread... But the 600,000 year intervals have been visited. There's no significant predictive value to the fact that the last three events were spaced approximately that far apart. Yes, the next one could be tomorrow. Or the next one could be a million years from now. Or it could never come. I've read plenty to suggest that the hot spot is dying. Then again, that could be wrong. Remember we're on geologic time so the chances of our seeing an eruption this millennium is very low. There are allot more explanations for the recent activity that are not related to eruption than the one that means it's coming... We could be in for nothing or hydrothermal explosions or more. It's something to keep an eye on, but there is no scientific reason to feel that it's imminent.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by pantangele

I read most of this thread and then left it for a few weeks until I saw the recent Yellowstone updated info on History Channel referenced above. Then I decided to visit this thread again.

From what I gleaned from the flick, it did seem to bring up enough clues that some activity has increased but I think you are right in your analysis - what me worry?
Geologic time is so immense. Yet, I had pals visit there about 7 years ago and they said that new areas had been roped off and some people's tennies had melted. Then there was the buffalo methinks i recall being burned.

There is so much more to be concerned about right now! No use getting stressed out. I was around the NW when Mt. St. Helens blew, luckily I was a bit south of the
event but my car visited and I had to change my air filter a lot.

A geologist friend has looked into YS and said that the last times it went kapow
that the fallout did not hit Oregon, that is something that was a big concern to me.

I would like to see the History Channel show again though, at first I thought it was the several year old one but once I realized it was an 09 piece, I paid attention.

The scarier thing was that it was on right next to a 2012 show that really does
look like it is something historical. It did seem like someone was trying to tell us something! I heard John Major Jenkins who was one of the persons interviewed in the 2012 piece when he was in Oregon. This once in a 26,000 year event seems

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 09:50 PM
Discovery Channel has been running a show right now about Yellowstone. It is about the nature there, but they have just mentioned over the last couple of year there are sometimes more than 100 quakes a day. They also said there are other signs of it waking up.

Trees have been dying due to being burned at the roots up, as the soil is getting hotter. They said 5 bison had died from the fumes being released from the volcano.

The show is really all the nature, but wanted to post this other information, as I have that very interesting and something I did not know. I had no idea trees had been dying from being burned etc.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 07:04 AM
Well most all the seismos are down now........Strange that the most important seismos IN THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE are so poorly maintained......IMHO,the data is no doubt being censured......

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 08:25 AM
Yellowstone webicorders may be down, but data feed from seismometers is live and functioning, or so it appears to be on GEE. Maybe there's some internal server problem which prevents webicorder images generation.

[edit on 2009/5/4 by Shirakawa]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:36 AM
I'm not really enthusiastic about writing this at the moment. Unlike Yellowstone, I'm running out of steam. But I said I'd argue the "facts" in Jake Lowenstern's video. (refer back a couple pages, my computer is acting up, so I just want to get it over with.)

I've already provided tomographic evidence which contradicts The Plume Theory. And Puterman pointed out that Mr. Lowenstern's projections are based on this presumption. So I won't go into too much detail on that LARGE problem in logic. So far, there is no conclusive evidence to support a plume under Iceland and under Yellowstone. And I've futher investigated and there is a valid argument that counters a plume under Hawaii.

Mr. Lowenstern suggested that since Yellowstone's magma chamber is not one large homogenous molten body, then it is unlikely to have a "Super Eruption". But what is this based on? Geologists have no tomographic evidence for any previous chambers in the caldera chain. So what is he comparing it to?

And he said that ground deformation has been demostrated greater extremes. And in Yellowstone's past, back only 10 000 years there has been greater flux. But who's to say it was pulsing before that? It's been 64000 years since the last eruption. That's not a large enough timeframe to suggest anything. Remember Mr. Lowstern argued that the 600 000 year interval is based on too few intervals, as well as being mathematically incorrect. So he's making the same mistake.

And swarms. There is no evidence that there have been swarms before we started observing Yellowstone. Who can say there were swarms before the first trappers arrived. I'm assuming there were swarms. But so are the geologists.

Mr. Lowenstern reassurances are based on a theory. And he compares apples to oranges. How can you really compare Yellowstone to any other volcano, really? And even most of the other "HOT SPOTS" are located under islands. Yellowstone is the only giagantic volcano located under the middle of a continent. African hotspots are most likely related to the rift through the continent and smaller.

In all honesty, I can say my hypothesis is based on some assumptions. And given that that is true, my ideas are at least as valid as those taken as authority. One major difference is that my model of eruption is not dependant on what exactly causes the uplift. It's the doming caused by volcanoes everywhere. Like Redoubt for example. And water. Which is present as evidence by the geyers. My only real leap of faith is my linkage to Santorini (Atlantis, look it up, it's not a kooky idea) and Kratatau. They were oblierated by an induction of water into the volcano by the doming. Actually, compared to the "theory" about plumes, my ideas are based on given volcanic dynamics which are expected by all geologists. Water is the only ingredient I bring to the mix. That and it's explosive reaction. So you can believe Mr. Lowenstern's logic and be reassured. But I will remain skeptical. Even with respect to my own ideas. But after this little excercise, I say my ideas aren't so wild when laid out side by side with The Plume Theory.

I'm shrugging my shoulders, I think I'm done.

In Mr. Lowenstern's defence: He qualifies all his assertions by reminding us that no one really knows. Shrug.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:42 PM
I see that rulers of the world are preparing a new war, a big one. I see that the future is not bringing us any good. Could Yellowstone explosion stop all that? Will people not go to war if they have a natural calamity of big proportions?

I hope it would not be an eruption that would cause the end of the world, but I catch myself hoping that it would change everything, maybe stop some evil forces on this planet?

Anyone had similar contemplations, or am I the only weird one?

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by huntergatherer

Can you say "Good bye mid-west"? long there have been predictions of the whole center of this nation being under water due to some calamity – earth quake or eruption.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 11:44 PM
I read some of the Mr. Robin rantings above. There are quite a few. The last one he talks about Mr. Lowenstern. I googled Lowenstern and it's clear that he's in fact Dr. Lownstern and has been crawling about on volcanoes for quite some time. It looks as though he studies them as well and hangs out with other volcano doctors. Who ya gonna believe people the ranting guy in his PJ's posting humorous bathroom experiment videos or the actual scientist?

My point to you all is that there's a time and place to recognize when you've fooled yourselves. The facts are clear. The Yellowstone place functions on a much different time-scale than we do. If you google Yellowstone swarm it brings up similar false hysteria surrounding the Jim Berkland guy back in 2003. That guy stated then that all signs were that a supereruption was immanent. I guess he missed that one huh.

Also, learn the difference between the words "collaborate" and "corroborate". I'll post again in 2013 after the 2012 silliness has died down. Seacrest Out.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:55 AM
"Who ya gonna believe people the ranting guy in his PJ's posting humorous bathroom experiment videos or the actual scientist?"

Frankly, the way the system works...I will trust the guy in his PJ's, much much more than the "scientist" who needs to keep his job....

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:34 AM


posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:38 AM


posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by FeedingTheRat

"My point to you all is that there's a time and place to recognize when you've fooled yourselves. The facts are clear."

Who is the one that has been fooled? Lighten up please. Mr. Robin (and everybody else that posts) is what ATS is all about, right?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 01:27 PM
hold u p folks and lets have some clear head logic added !

The guys who run the YVO have stated themselvs that YS could blow in a 100,000 years or it could blow tomorrow .

the bottom line here is that they have ONLY BEEN MONITORING YS VERY CLOSELY FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS OR SO. and for the past 50 years or longer . they do not have enough back date to go on , on a scale of YS etc etc .

every volcano has its own geophysical time scale of when they erupt . and sometimes they blow lets say like MT Redoubt every 20 odd years. but YS is different l. very different .
we can not go by the physical signs leading up to an Super eruption . we have to go be differtent signs .
what those signs are nobody knows . since there has not been a compairison in the recent human history.... ( the past 3,000 years or longer . ) all geophysical signs leading up to an eruption have been an everyday occurance at YS .

thats all for now......

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by SGTChas
reply to post by huntergatherer

Can you say "Good bye mid-west"? long there have been predictions of the whole center of this nation being under water due to some calamity – earth quake or eruption.

There have also been predictions of the flying spaghetti monster swooping down and showering all of us with his bolognese of love...

Generally people who make predictions of this kind have dubious credentials at best.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 10:50 PM

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 11:01 PM


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