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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 11:35 AM
You guys really shouldn't encourage me...

I haven't stopped thinking about my conclusion about what caused the swarms. (Plural, there was two, one under the lake and one on the northern rim of the Yellowstone Caldera.)

If I am correct, and there was indeed a complex movement of fluids, then my experiment and hypothesis are valid and the swarms to be precursors. Folks, this thing is an engine and the rising magma is a piston. The heated water is the combustion escaping.

I firmly believe that there were two distinct events. A vertical exchange which happened when the magma rose fractured the Huckleberry fault, and horizontal movement, as heated and pressurized water discharged into the aquifer. And to my own surprise, this is exactly what my hypothesis describes. I don't even know why I hadn't put one and one together, and it's my idea. Or maybe I did, I don't know, my head's not clear. I guess I was just waiting to hear from the YVO's offical explaination before I resolve this event(s). So it's not over... I have not read anything conclusive. I believe they're still analyzing the data. If anyone knows anything, please share it with me. Thier site has nothing new. It only lists possbile reasons for swarm.

In my mind, (and maybe only in my mind) I am convinced this will ulitimately prove to be a dual event, and my experiment and hypothesis will have collabtrating evidence. My model predicts a complex system. Magma heating the aquifer and undermining the crust under the lake. My model demonstrates this exact dynamic and scenario.

In my crappy videos, I explain how the magma and the expansion increase the temperature and pressure of the aquifer. Increasing the fracturing of the crust due to multiple uplift events. Examples, Sour Creek Dome and the Elephant back ridge. And along the deep fault of the Huckleberry Ridge Caldera. Frankly, this is why I give a five year time-line. The system is overdue.

If anyone can find evidence from the YVO or any other source which has information about the cause of the swarms please provide it for me. I would love nothing better to have an explaination which disproves my hypothesis and states it was just a regular fault or something. As of this moment, I have no information telling me what is was or wasn't. Information and data are the keys and frankly I'm at a loss and don't know where to find it.

I'll provide my crappy videos link, not because I want to blow my own horn, but because I believe that I've really described what has happened at Yellowstone during the Yellowstone Lake swarm. The experiment was made well before the swarm. And my recent video were to explain the future process which will undermine the crust. I am certain this swarm was a dual event and I certatin I am correct. (And I know why I've been dimissed by the expert's, it's completely natural. If you let me digress for a second, I've developed a substainal hypothesis which explains the link between Autism/Asperger's and gluten and evolutionary factors. Anyone know of a thread about that. I feel so safe within my parentheses) Please except my apologies for ranting further, in my defence, you encouraged me and I believe it's valid.

As for global links and a unified theory, I'll leave that for the other threads on this site. My obsession and my quarry dwells here, and under the ground at Yellowstone. That's my target. And I try to remain true.

If my dynamic is evident to you and you think it's valid, I suggest you pick up the torch in some way and pass on the information I've provided. And if, when the YVO releases an official explaination, and it turns out to be a complex event, then I hope you see the validity of my arguments and predictions. My hypothesis is based on simple physics and geology. There's nothing far-out about it. (imagine my Canadian accent) No doubt about it.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 12:07 PM
Sorry, so sorry. It's just that I think it's a good idea for somone. If there's any aspiring filmakers out there. It would be a good idea for a documentary film that captures the YVO team as they deal with a swarm. A filmaker could arrange contacts and be ready to shoot at a moments notice, and rushes to locations when it is evident that a swarm begins. The movie was fine, the other docs are fine but static. An on the fly documentary would be like the tornado chasing shows. I think it would be really cool to get an inside view of the process of consultation amongst the team, and watch how the levels of government interact with each other and the YVO. It's all public domain stuff. An on-site real-time camera crew could asks questions like, what's up with the LKWY and go off an check it out after the event and give context. An independent filmaker could contract through PBS to get widespread realease and good production values. So do it, or give the idea to a young aspiring filmaker. It would make for interesting viewing and would provide a public service. We would get a real view of the decision making and it would dispell a lot of misconceptions.
Cut and paste this idea and send it off to PBS or somewhere if you think it's a good idea. I've said enough already.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:02 PM


just thought to add this as i feel its may be imporant.

[edit on 16/4/09 by alysha.angel]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:09 PM
I had no idea that yellowstone was...a giant volcano....basically.
It seems alarming that there has been a change in activity.
I know that before my computer crashed, I kept this global earthquake map thing on my homepage (I haven't bothered to put it back yet but I think I will now) for years. There was a noticeable increase in a matter or 4 years, of earthquakes, globally. I got rather compulsive and would count the measurements daily lol
But....oddly enough..I NEVER once saw activity marked around Yellowstone.
I don't disbelieve, or anything, but I think that is a bit weird.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by alysha.angel


just thought to add this as i feel its may be imporant.

[edit on 16/4/09 by alysha.angel]


posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:33 PM
link e5444466.ece

I dunno if that helps anyone. It's from Jan 9. I'm still having trouble getting into anything through any search engine so I couldn't read it, just copied the link....but it's entitled "Fears over earthquake swarm at Yellowstone National Park"....
This has been happening since January?

[edit on 16-4-2009 by phoebeflakes]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by steve95988

Fault line near Hebgen Lake - possible.. Location of 1959 Mag 7.5 earthquake, they even call it the Hebgen Earthquake..

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by phoebeflakes

I just spent nearly an hour writing a reply to this, and lost it - grr I hate computers

Basically yes and no. The swarm in Dec/Jan was a swarm. Many small eqs 257 of which were 1.0+ in an area

WTF!! and believe me I don't use that ever. Now it truncated the next reply!!

..which were 1.0+ in an area

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

ahhhhhh , nice to know that im half of an idiot . thank you puterman for clearing that up for me.....

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:52 AM
I have been meaning to post this "food for thought" for a while now.....but just never had the link at the same time I was in front of a computer, until now.

How many times do we all look at the helicorder readings and KNOW there was some kind of earthquake at YS and yet we wait days for it to appear on the USGS earthquake site, if it appears at all????

Well, here is some "food for thought" : I have been following Mt Redoubt's eruption (as I am sure many of you here are doing, too) One evening I was reading the helicorder info about Redoubt and stumbled upon this:

" Question --see lots of activity on the helicorder for volcano _______. Why don't I see any earthquakes?
• Answer-- There are several possibilities: (1) the helicorder is showing wind or electronic noise and not earthquakes; (2) the review of these earthquakes has not yet been completed by an AVO seismologist so they are not yet in the catalog; (3) There are many types of seismic activity at volcanoes other than earthquakes. It is possible that the seismic activity consists of volcanic tremor, explosions or rock falls; or (4) the earthquakes are large enough to be detected, but too small to be located"

We have all learned while watching YS over the winter about the wind noise and we have learned about electronic noise while watching the recorder at the fishing bridge (and all the pipe cleaners that appeared)..but the one that I found interesting was reason is possible that sismic activity consists of volcanic tremors....and those are reported as earthquakes.......wonder if any of our missing earthquakes that we have seen in YS are really of a volcanic tremor nature and therefore are rightfully not listed in the EQ page at the USGS???

There is the link for this volcanic seismic link

always wondering

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 04:02 PM
There is indeed some activity in and around the park.

On a lighter note, someone out here wrote about an absurd plan to stop global warming by nuking Yellowstone. You wouldn't need a nuke. There is a new, powerful force of nature on earth. Susan Boyle could unhinge every fault in the park with one sustained note. Some singers can shatter crystal. Susan Boyle has shaken the world. Let's hope her repeated play, in every part of the world, doesn't start a siesmic cascade. orNG0BkXGly3OvFPOLdY0pnrqwwtQC2JGtgPWGPo-Rcib7pudiyMO1ZMeb0i52x64lM_IqVXYGmvt-V7TJIP8JXLJAsGJaSjhkABeZ6S7Aud6z24qXD6KzJ9oA-SJ7bZHWQfTyjvwSID5kMowOU25f RIMhMUxzwJ_IeqRYJbVt__45T4chN81PdZ6CPu_hVdzPt7VyO1RoO-wRIt-wT2riwKntlilNZ3sWNEBYgQq6QMXzt2IOqJzw3W8AzeOw_

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 05:53 PM
Yes, and of course LKWY is not displaying correctly, once again. Any verifiable patterns with activity and malfunction?

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks


Biggest wake up call ever!
Dont be fooled by the packaging!
Thanks for the vid! That was awesome! She nailed it!
While not perfect, she floored them, but it was their own fault
for being too critical! Serves the naysayers right!
Lets hear them sing! LOL!
No, on second thought, lets dont!
Anyway staying on topic, this is the stuff I will miss if YS blows!
Good Music and friends, pretty birds, smelly flowers, a warm fire
on a cold night with a hot toddy in a cup!
Its not about fancy cars and houses that blow or break down.
Its about being content with life and all the good and bad it has to offer.
Lifes real, show biz obviously aint! People have preconceived notions
and when their reality changes their mind quickly follows!
Dont know what the heck that supposed to mean, but thank you
all for your work on this thread anyway. I have learned a ton!
If something ever did happen(God forbid)I would go in good company!
Peace to this planet and all of you!

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by akjen
Yes, and of course LKWY is not displaying correctly, once again. Any verifiable patterns with activity and malfunction?

Seems to me I remember reading something about this in this thread. The consensus leaned toward that being speculation on the paranoid side of center. I, on the other hand lean toward the "anything is possible" side of that consensus.
The pattern found (if we look for one) may wind up being the affect of the faulty equipment when activity stimulates it. A logical opinion mentioned by Robin.
With that said, I would like to find time to look at the patterns.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 12:05 AM
Has anybody already seen these new videos on Yellowstone from USGS?
They're unscripted interviews with YVO Scientist-in-Charge, Jake Lowenstern. HD versions available if you click on them.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 02:03 PM
Thanks for that Shirakawa! Thank you as always!
And Puterman, I know how frustrating it is sometimes!
I feel for ya! Whats going on at YS?
Looks like their gearing up for another busy tourist season!

Some Yellowstone roads set to reopen Friday
Good stuff everyone! Thanks for your posts!

[edit on 18-4-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by dodadoom
Thanks for that Shirakawa! Thank you as always!
And Puterman, I know how frustrating it is sometimes!
I feel for ya! Whats going on at YS?

well they may be small quakes or those sesmos may be picking up a 6.6 that hit i think in the fuji area . but im not sure .

for we imao are witnessing at YS now i hope this will help us interpeat it

[edit on 18/4/09 by alysha.angel]

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by alysha.angel

Thats cute! Thanks for the reply and info!

I was just answering the title of the thread, finally!
I appologize! I am a strange one!

If someone wants to SEE whats going on at YS, now
they can drive there and see it in real life, is kinda what I meant!
Some of the roads are opening! Wheeewho!
I bet there is still alot of snow there!
Sorry for the miscommunication!
All I need to know is when to grab my boogie board and be ready
to ride the hydrothermic wave!

Have a wonderfull lahar everyone!

(I'm just being silly here so go easy!)

[edit on 18-4-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by alysha.angel

The activity you brought up the other day has continued. They shut down counting the quakes on the weekend on the most recent map. Up Until that point there were about 20 small quakes. By my crude guessedimations, there has been another 20. That makes about 40 quakes. At what point do they start calling it a swarm. I noticed the quakes at Salton Lake were called a swarm and I think it was labelled that around 30 or 40. Oh I just found an article which gives a definition, " "A swarm of earthquakes has been defined as "a series of minor earthquakes, none of which may be identified as the main shock, occurring in a limited area and time." "

So we have a swarm at Hebgen Lake folks. The whole Snake River Valley is influence by the magma chamber. In fact the whole system was created by the chain of caldera. If you notice there has also been several additional quakes in the greater northwest region outside the park. I'm not going to even speculate at a cause at this moment. It may be totally unrelated to the chamber and may be tectonic stress. But I always take the view that this approach is myopic considering everything is interconnected and interdependant, so that should tell you what statement was worth. I don't know really what to expect. Geologist will only tell you that a swarm is a precursory event after the fact. There is no way to tell if a swarm will lead to an event. In fact it has been shown to relieve stresses. But if you look at the Vancouver research, then the 14 month model shows that swarms are part of a series, which a part of the process, which leads to a "big one". So it's splitting hairs again. I was trying to reassure myself there is nothing to concern myself about with this activity. I failed. It's something to watch folks.

And just an observation regarding webicorders. There has been one siesmograph station that has now gone offline completely. I forget the station's code. LKWY and Old Faithful have bad records of performance. YUF, that's it, I really liked that graph. It was easy to read and there was very little noise or garbage. And it's position help when trying to narrow down a location. I hope the spend that stimulus money soon. warma.asp

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Robin Marks

I really like your analysis...and I think that they are getting tired of guys like you who are able to put two and two together and provide real summary of events...what can they do? Say that probability of eruption is 25%. What can official do? Announce that maybe we will have the end of the world as we know it? Evacuate? Who? Which area? It could be just a small eruption, or it could be a mega one. What would you do? Go on TV and say what? Create panic and people get killed - and nothing happens?

So, keep up the good work, it is more interesting than mystery novels...and it is live, real! It is the best "reality" show, and I do not have to subscribe to a cable tv, only to cable internet

Our lives are not dull - we are living an amazing adventure, and YS is just one of the unknowns.

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