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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by smirkley

Does anyone have an idea where it is located? Or a linky to a map or google earth coordinates?

LKWY is located here.
It's not one of the most isolated or quietest spots in the park.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:54 PM
Reason for concern:, From a mid January posting on another site: "Allegedly, a grad student working onsite at YNP has let it slip that some of the quakes have shown a double coupled signature which only occurs when rock slide on rock in the absence of fluids, so the EQs weren't caused by hydrothermal activity...Most of the 900+ EQs since Dec 15 08 have occurred in a two mile radius column from very near the surface down to the magma chamber at five miles deep...The vertical signature is at the North end of Yellowstone Lake where the magma is closest to the surface and the lake bottom is hottest....
Unlike previous EQ swarms which have been over known fault lines usually near the edge of the caldera, these EQs have been over the magma chamber at it's shallowest point in an area of no known fault lines...The cause for concern is that the EQs are happening in a preexisting zone of weakness, according to a Uof Utah siesmologist.( Dr Smith)..
The vertical nature of the EQs, virtually atop one another and extending from the surface down to a depth of 7.2 km seems to define a single vertical chimney opening up under great pressure with hydraulic fracturing occurring along it's entire length"...
Then I read here that people monitoring the outflow from YS lake reported it to be much higher then historical levels.......and then they were no longer able to gather data...
I've been watching the seismos since Dec and the most important one, LKW at the N end of YS lake, produces bizarre meaningless pipecleaner like symbols which have been described as being evidence that the seismo has been "detuned" to prevent outsiders from reading it accurately...I also read that the water temps in YS lake were suspiously high..
The second most important seismo, IMHO, is YNR located at Norris Geyser basin...It has been off over the last week or ten days...Is it a coincidence that the two most important seismos at Yellowstone are the ones having problems staying on line.??
Me thinks they might be censuring data....Why??

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 11:21 PM
Um... yeah, I tried to do some looking into that. [Failed]


Oh well, whatever helps to make ya feel more involved. 10 Minutes of Fame and what-not.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by WorkinStiff

Interesting stuff. And just when I was being contented by Yellowstone's return to a more rountine level of seismisty. But I think you've helped cyrstalize some of my recent thinking.

Yellowstone's crust is at it's thinnest five miles thick. The swarm reached depths of roughly 4.32 miles down. That's right ontop of the molten chamber.

I've spent my time out here wailing about water. And getting sidetracked by the pipecleaner/caterpillers and the antiquated monitoring system in the park. I don't want to believe in a conspiracy, but... let's not go there.

I have stated that I believe that a major eruption will happen due to the hydrothermal movement under the lake and provide an experiment to demonstrate dynamic. I also believe the fault which ruptured was along the Huckleberry Ridge Caldera Fault as apparently approximated on the maps which show previous calderas. I have tried to get those involved here to put the magma on the back burner and think about the water movement as it pertains to the geyser system in the crust. But to test any idea you have to play the devil's advocate and agrue with yourself. And I've been thinking recently that there was indeed a movement of magma which caused the intial swarm. My counter hypothesis, which I have no proof for, and it flies in the convention that tetonic plate ruptures create vulcanism locally, is that magma pressure and the flow is world-wide and intimately connected. During the months of December and January, pressure was increasing everywhere, looking for a weak point. Yellowstone rumbled. Redoubt rumbled. And Indonesia never stops. Luckily for humanity, Redoubt and Indonesia were the weakest links.

But my ideas are just a thought experiment. Let's put aside my pet theory. And look to the experts. According to Dr. Wu-lung Lang, there has been a giant injection of magma into the chamber the size of Los Angeles over the last years. This hotter material may have risen under the lake and caused the swarm. This injection has added a different, hotter, thermal mix to the equation. It would obviously cause the chamber to reconform due to thermal flux. It's pretty elementary. The intial swarm could have been caused by the impact of the rising material butting up against the chamber roof.

But I cannot dismiss the hydro-thermal compontent. According to Dr. Robert Smith, the largest swarm in 1985 was mostly likely due to hydrothermal movement. A super-heated dyke of water probably ruptured through a separating wall and entered another section of the aquifer. I believe this happened when the quakes migrated to the north during the Yellowstone Lake swarm.

So what happened? Both. First, a plume of hotter magma from the injection plane rose, collided with magma chamber roof, expanded the crust, which caused a rupture in the HuckleBerry Ridge fault. This hotter material then super-heated ground water which in turn expanded, and exploded through separating walls and entered the larger aquifer in a northward direction. This swarm was different, complex, and multi-dimensional.

So what does all this mean? It means Yellowstone will blow within the next five years. Enjoy.

P.S. I'm glad Shirakawa has visited us, and I knew they would have the location of LKWY. And I concur with all the suggestions for photographs, thanks for the offer.

Sorry, prattling on in thy own head. Just to illustrate my words here, in an attempt to clarify it for myself, it's a pot boiling on the stove. Heated material has bumped the lid and gas has escaped. It's just in different states of matter.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Robin Marks]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 03:40 PM
More trucks drove by the siesmometer and 400 pages were produced here. You guys are funny. One must examine the purity of data before expounding on its meaning.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by earthman4
More trucks drove by the siesmometer and 400 pages were produced here. You guys are funny. One must examine the purity of data before expounding on its meaning.

Ignorant much? With -1755 I'd think so. And it's obvious that you haven't read more then 2 pages of this entire thread. Save your negative attitude for other people of that nature on another board somewhere.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:18 PM
I read an article about a 6 year old Indigo child, named Boriska. He talked
like a highly educated adult, and made some startling predictions. He said
that humanity will have to face two major catastrophes in the future. The
first one will occur in 2009, and the second one, which will be even worse,
will occur in 2013.

Maybe the 2009 catastrophe could be linked to Yellowstone. It seems very
likely to me. Yellowstone has been experiencing hundreds of earthquakes
in the past months I heard, and it is much more active than what the public
are being told.

[edit on (15/4/09) by Wehali]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by earthman4

The data available simply assists in the formulation of a hypothetical sequence of events and so far that is the best that can be summoned from the current technology in use today. If you have access to or knowledge of any concrete i.e. purified data to share than please attempt to disprove the theories of these “funny” people by your absolutism.
No one here is reaching for 10 minutes of fame – how ridiculous, on ATS no less! Just simply trying to solve the unsolvable which is a magnificent pass time for the intellectually capable (yes, you know who you are). If you don’t enjoy and appreciate the trouble of these good folks than carry on elsewhere and save your petty jabs.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

I gotta admit, I love your rants. lol To you it might seem like prattling, but it's also like watching an idea unfold unto this whole new thing. And you make really good points. I still think you were right with your first consensus that, IF there were to be an eruption; it would be hydrothermal related. I don't know how much I believe it would be within the next 5 years.

And Akjen, I wasn't being literal when I said that. But, I shouldn't be so surprised. Oh well. :Shrug:

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Got it. Now, if I run away to Europe, and there is a new volcano there (say in Italy), will you give me my money back? said the world shares the same, if there is a blow (a big one) somewhere in Europe, or elsewhere, will it reduce pressure on Yellowstone?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by ekhodust

Thank you. And to clarify, I was talking about this most recent swarm. I still believe the ulimate eruption will happen when the lake bottom inundates the aquifer. My description was to express the events that took place, and to show how they were unique, because I believe it was not just one type of fluid movement. Often it's a question of either-or. Geologists try to determine if it was magma or hydro-thermal. In this case it's both. The reason I stated five years is that with respect to that dynamic, the system is primed. It's a hair trigger and with the crust so thin under the lake, it's a weak link. This creates the Underground Geyers which will undermine the crust's integrity and allow the lake to drain. (Pulling the plug) It's all one process really. It's a chain of events.
I too misinterpreted your comments toward Working Stiff. It's a matter of tone which is hard to guage at times out here. I think you implied lightheartness with your "and what not" expression, but it was hard to tell.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Robin Marks]

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Robin Marks]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by greshnik

As for moving, my timeline is just my opinion. Based on my hypothesis and expertiment. I hope I'm wrong. And it's up to you to determine if there is a flaw in my logic and my calculations. There are times, like now, when it seems like a bad dream. I don't want to believe a word of it myself.

And you caught me flat-footed. I really don't want to talk much about global connections because it's just an idea. I don't have any evidence. Unlike my Hudson Bay hypothesis. But if the pressure finds a release in one region, it relieves stress in another. The fluctuations of the core due to tides and other factors can cause increased internal pressures. I posted an article about tides and the core a few pages back. Everything is connected to one degree or another, and it only takes a small change in one level to effect a great change in a related system. Like one pebble creating an avalanche.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Robin Marks]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Kudos to Robin, big time. Spoken like a true thinker. lol I like how you said, "It's just my opinion." Cause, sometimes that makes for a stronger argument than anything cause it shows your not easily swayed. I personally don't agree with the 5 year timeline, but I do agree with the either/or. It could possibly be building up to where it will be perfect for detonation, or it could just be another sequence of events that it always does. Either way, it's interesting!

And yeah, I was trying to be light hearted. Sorry to everyone I offended if I sounded like a jerk. Wasn't meaning it like that. Heck, I'm not one to talk at all. Look at my previous posts. lol I rarely post, so I'm not even as involved as people like HX, Puter, Robin, etc.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by ekhodust

Please forgive me but I must add to your lack of surprise! I admire and enjoy ATS because it is an abstract and evolved symposium of thought from many directions and backgrounds expressing ‘uncontrolled’ ideas that have not been manipulated nor harassed by the general standards of ordinary thinking, of which I despise. I see NO reason why anyone should be put on the defensive for their own ideas even if they are outside of the realm of normality – whatever that may be. Believe me Einstein was criticized constantly for his ideas before he split the atom. I find a comfort coming to a place that you are free to express thought without the negative invocation that comes with sharing ideas with the public.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by WorkinStiff

Glad you posted this! I never would of got away with it with my name!
Especially not and get stars too! hee hee!
I've wondered about this lack of info from the begining!
Especially with THE most important stations currently? (as you said)
This doesnt strike anyone else as odd, besides you and me
and a few others? Oh well back to the speculations.....

Stars for you Robin! (I may be the only one, which also strikes me as odd)
At least you are trying things and denying ignorance!
Thanks for your input.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Thanks for honesty, and good analytic skills.

I look at all this in connection to the theory of "expanding Earth" - I strongly believe that volcanic activity builds Earth, so to is just a normal process. How long will Earth grow, I don't know...but every now and then there may be eruptions on a bigger scale.

Of course, this theory of "expanding Earth" is just a theory, but most of our geologic knowledge is based on theories, since we do not know why these things happen, and we mostly don't even know how.

It is logical to assume that Yellowstone erupted before on a bigger scale, as European explorers found intact nature here, which is often the case with the land after huge eruptions - no people around to build roads and cities and cultivate the land. Some of the examples along Yellowstone could be Toba lake and Hawaii. It seems that volcanoes are good cleansers of nature.

The biggest question in my mind is - if it erupts, will Yellowstone blow at full force, or could it be just limited eruption, at smaller scale? What is the evidence for either of possibilities?

[edit on 16-4-2009 by greshnik]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Robin Marks

I, without doubt believe in the idea of global connection so please feel free to share your ideas. The physical planet is entirely connected in every way so tectonics can’t differ much in the spectrum of our physical environment.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by dodadoom

I agree as well, for what it's worth! Everytime there is action the webicorder at LKWY goes down etc.. WhAtS uP wItH tHaT??

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by greshnik

I'll throw in my 2 cents here because I remember from some information
I posted here for the evidence that some type of major
hydrothermal explosion happens on average from 1500 to every
3000 years.
It is back in these jillions of pages! I'll see if I can find it again.

On this page about halfway down it talks about these explosions:
It seems these are fairly common!

Also about halfway down on this page there is a graph with
a timeline of different "happenings"

In the Yellowstone region, damaging hydrothermal explosions and earthquakes can occur several times a century. Lava flows and small volcanic eruptions occur only rarely—none in the past 70,000 years. Massive caldera-forming eruptions, though the most potentially devastating of Yellowstone’s hazards, are extremely rare—only three have occurred in the past several million years.

reply to post by akjen

All I can say is what I've said before in this thread. Until we have proof,
it does us no good. We are only getting what we're told. I am sure this is
very frustrating to not just us!
I so wish someone would come on here and provide that proof and the REAL data!
(hint, hint.......

Thank you for the reply and posts!

[edit on 16-4-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 02:25 AM
Ok i know its been a good long while since i posted anything,but ihave been reading everbody else two cents or theories.

since i found out that YS is in fact a huge volcano, ( that was 6 or 7 months ago>) iv had this simlor almost a recurring dream of YS blowing her top . and i dreamt again last night that she blew her top.

now im not sure if you people and i say this respectfully to everyone whos added to this thread , believe in psychic dreams that can predict a futureristic event . but i for one do.

since iv had dreams before that did , in great detail.

now from the time of my futuristic dreams to the time that they come true is hazy to say the least ,but im almost sure that it cant be more then a decade sometimes more often less then 5 years .

so in this respect i must agree with Robin here on his timeline of 5 years or less.

but alas i also pray that its goning to be longer then 5 years . but we must wait and see , just like everyone else, including the employeee of YVO

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