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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by sueloujo

Actually, HAARP could certainly be used to trigger earthquakes. Do your homework.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:22 PM
Keep in mind when comparing year-to-year water charts that Yellowstone has been having a drought that's killing the frogs and salamanders.

The amphibians need the ponds for their young to hatch, but high temperatures and drought are drying up the water.

Tonight on the first hour of Coast-to-Coast they will be discussing the activity in Yellowstone.

Mitch Battros on Coast to Coast w/ George Noory Tonight Sunday 4th to Discuss Yellowstone I will be George Noory's guest tonight during the first hour beginning at 10 PM (Pacific). We will be discussing the latest news concerning Yellowstone super-volcano. We will attempt to separate fact from rumors hopefully giving the most accurate analysis of what is, what isn't, and what may come. Jan 4, 2009 -

He is not a geologist, but it might be interesting.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:22 PM
But look at the lake outflow on the 60 day scale. The flow should be dropping rapidly now with the below zero weather but is is well above the 79 year median if not trending up.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

I have no idea for sure, but it has finally been snowing quite a bit in Wyoming and I'd think that with all of the hot springs and hydrothermal activity in the area - Wouldn't that initiate quite a bit of meltoff locally?

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:27 PM
I promise to stop posting these links.... after this one. : )
This is from 2006 specific to Magma and movement at Yellowstone.
It's a good and simple explanation of movement from Scientific America.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by sageturkey

I wouldn't have any idea for sure either, but I would think that whatever is melted off by the hotsprings would factor into what is considered normal. I could be wrong though...

Hey, anybody have any thoughts on the fact that right now the earth is in its perihelion in relation to the seeming increase in EQ activity right now? I know I keep coming back to a solar connection, but they ARE connected.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

Was just thinking that myself. We were closest to the sun on the 4th, so i'd like to think that this recent activity that's sprung up is very likely connected. The plates were just agitated by the gravitational pull?

Well, you can be sure that Yellowstone is being monitored "minute-by-minute" so states this article. (Dated 1/5/09) And someone wrote another something somewhere about Chris' Chicken Little You Tube escapade.

You do have to consider, if you were working there at YS, think you might stop answering your phones with how many people are calling in hysterics?

Also, Coast to Coast AM...*groan* If you do tune it, take Alex Jones with a grain of salt. He does discuss real facts, but he has the tendency to hype things up and froth at the mouth....

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:39 PM
Another idea on increased waterflow taken from the other thread. Good stuff, I thought.

"Apparently gusher activity has seen dramatic increases over the last week - can the guy with the buddies get them to confirm? This would suggest increased subterranean temperature consistent with magma rising." - Dutty Rag

I hadn't thought of it that way.

[edit on 4-1-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by spinkyboo

Keep posting them. Either here or post them in the data thread. Then post a link to the thread here. It's only 2 pages long and is a great way to get many of our questions answered in a quick read.

And, let me know when our magma gets there

I think that as long as there's all of this global activity that we may soon be talking about the new set of swarms at Yellowstone. I'm hoping that it's done for at least a few 100 or a few 1,000 years but I think there's enough people out there looking at a bigger picture that think that there's much more to come.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:45 PM
Hi, all! I've been following this thread from day one - lots of good info. Personally this seems to be the place to get the skinny on the activity at Yellowstone since the media certainly isn't covering it. SO thanks for all the hard work.

A thought occurred to me during the discussion of possible HAARP involvement. On page 198, RealTruth (I believe it was) mentioned a video he had seen regarding the use of HAARP to accurately locate gas reserves, but if the intensity was increased, it would trigger earthquakes. Now my thought was perhaps that Chris guy who called for the evacuation knows something we don't know. Didn't he say that he was a geologist that works for a company in the area of Yellowstone locating gas? Just a thought. I would link to his YouTube video, but I lost the link pages ago.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:47 PM
Didn't someone say something earlier about the US.LKWY sites showing no data on GEE? It stopped working for me a few hours ago. (Yes, i'm following it like everyone else. ;p )

Oh, and also continuing along with the thought of earth being at the perihelion, also don't forget about the current Jupiter/Saturn arrangement - they are closest they get to our planet during the year right now. That also changes the gravitational/magnetic flux.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:47 PM
Are those signatures showing up on YTP harmonic?

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

Absolutely. Magma movment has definitely been on the list of suspects.
The large majority of the quakes were pretty shallow, which was indicating hydrothermal activity but there was this one that bugged me. I made mention of it but never got much feedback. Compare some of the depths from the ast and you'll see one stand out:
M 2.4, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Thursday, January 1, 2009 10:12:57 UTC
Thursday, January 1, 2009 03:12:57 AM at epicenter
37.00 km (22.99 mi)
I'm diggin for a link to a summary of quakes but can't find it yet.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:55 PM
Hi, all! I've been following this thread from day one - lots of good info. Personally this seems to be the place to get the skinny on the activity at Yellowstone since the media certainly isn't covering it. SO thanks for all the hard work.

A thought occurred to me during the discussion of possible HAARP involvement. On page 198, RealTruth (I believe it was) mentioned a video he had seen regarding the use of HAARP to accurately locate gas reserves, but if the intensity was increased, it would trigger earthquakes. Now my thought was perhaps that Chris guy who called for the evacuation knows something we don't know. Didn't he say that he was a geologist that works for a company in the area of Yellowstone locating gas? Just a thought. I would link to his YouTube video, but I lost the link pages ago.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:55 PM
I had asked in an earlier post, but specifically, to those of you in Wyoming, have you noticed anything such as shipments of supplies or personnel or Fema or anything of the sort, since in an earlier article posted mentioned Homeland Security and monitoring the YS situation and being ready to work closely with authorities in Jackson Hole and uh, pfft, mind went blank.

I have to get to bed as school and regular schedules start back up tomorrow morning. I can read this at work, but can't log in or post
, so I'll try to stay caught up on reading. I still do think something isn't right in that area and that it seems the activity reported in YS stopped in it's tracks, with no milder quakes reported and that USGS isn't reporting any aftershocks or milder quakes with the two in NV even tho it seems people here that have been reported some activity and I was watching GEE till it went down earlier (still can't access at all). It seems there would be at least a few one and one point somethings listed as they have been in past days. And it is odd that the YS volcano, even listed as green showed on on the USGS site, disappeared and came back (same on the RSOE site) Hopefully someone from YS will get back in touch with Jay in AR's brother.

Thanks to everyone for all the new info!

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:56 PM
Okay, here is my current theory on all of this stuff. Aphelion, you are exactly right about that I feel. These things WILL have an influence on our gravitational fields here on Earth. Even if it is only a small effect. We have noticed a marked increase in EQ activity all over the place today. I suspect this is why. I also suspect that since Yellowstone sits above tectonic plates, it is resonating with the increase in activity all over the place, possibly displacing water because of the ringing.

The only danger in my eyes at this point were put pretty well by TrueAmerican last night when he was speaking about the possibility of something being jarred lose in the Caldera because of one of these EQ's and creating a sudden release in pressure... Resulting in Boom. Basically.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:57 PM
Is everyone blogging about this? *lol*

This is kind of unnerving, if it's for real:
(Taken from an earlier post @

ShropshireLass said... Hi Elizabeth Nice to see some of us are staying alert to the possibilities. Interestingly, there is also abnormal activity around 40 miles south of the lake at Flagg Ranch. This is the only monitor in the Teton range that is showing activity. After evaluating data by seismic intensity, a very clear picture is emerging of quiet areas of almost no activity to the north and east of the caldera and the area of highest seismic activity (constant harmonic tremors, short interval) on monitors all around the lake edge, going south to Flagg Ranch, extending WNW just beyond the caldera and NE, again just a little ways out of the caldera. Areas of medium activity are, as expected, generally between areas of high and areas of low activity. ALL monitors within the caldera are showing "hot" or "medium" activity. WHY are no precautionary evacuations being initiated, at least for the park itself? I am reporting from England. My colleagues are as concerned as I am. We have NO media reports on these events over here whatsoever. I can't believe this! We have JUST seen another swarm of quakes, with 3 quakes at 3.0 and higher inside of 11 minutes. Check this link: Look at the quake list below. They DO seen to be getting shallower. The magma is moving, possibly upwards. Watching the data recorders with bated breath and VERY sweaty palms.. YELLOWSTONE LAKE MARY LAKE FLAGG RANCH40KM SOUTH OF YELLOWSTONE LAKE Hit "Reload" every 10 minutes or so for updates. These ARE harmonic tremors. Magma is moving under the lake. I, for one, am extremely concerned. 2:21 PM

** edited. That wasn't from today, but from the 2nd.

[edit on 4-1-2009 by Aphelion]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Rumbottlerenovator
Are those signatures showing up on YTP harmonic?

Everything looking normal on

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by sageturkey

Here ya go!

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by opal13

See, now that's what I don't understand. Is it a fact that there have been absolutely no quakes what-so-ever in yellowstone since :23 into Saturday? I thought there were at least 3 on that date?

Or are we just not sure since we don't really have any scientific factual data to work with besides what we've been trying to dig up ourselves?

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