posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:58 AM
Any one who doesn`t aggree with Israel or its policies or supporters are automatically labeled as `anti-semitic` and are remineded , hourly , of the
tragedy in WW2 ; well i ask this
how often are we reminded of the holocaust in russia? or in Dafur? or in fact of the many millions slaughtered around the world?
or it is that we should pity the zionists in Israel for not aallowing the young to grow in there own culture and identity?
Israel IS a culturally rich country - and with many many beutifual sights - and yet everyone is reminded of the suffering 70 years ago , constantly.
the German young want to be remembered for the downing of the Berlin wall and thfreeing and unity of a country oppressed for 4 years - instead the
young are demeaned by the constant reminded of what happened in WW2 - there is a time to remeber and a time for rememberance ;
there is remberence in Bosnia , in Russia and in Dafur - but they don`t live on it - the events are remembered and will nver be forgotton but they
don`t make it the entire existance and don`t let the people grow.
so i ask , what do the zionist leaders in Israel want to live in the past and not look to the future for the sake of there own people? why do they
constantly remind everyone what happened, all the time?
and 1 final thought - Menachem Begin
he was teh commander of the Irgun and responsible for attrocities like the King David Hotel boming , the Deir Yassin massacre and the murder of many
british officers and troops.
and he lead Israel as Prime Minister , can`t really say many civilised countries put terrorists to lead them.