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Scores killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by RogerT

There is a ton of disinformation that people like you propagate, but facts remain the same, and that is that Hamas does not have the right to bomb civilian targets, which they have done repeatedly. Israel does have the right to go after these terrorist thugs, and most of the world is behind Israel.

Let's put some facts on the board for a change.

Militants often operate against Israel from civilian areas. Late Saturday, thousands of Gazans received Arabic-language cell-phone messages from the Israeli military, urging them to leave homes where militants might have stashed weapons.

The offensive began eight days after a six-month truce between Israel and the militants expired. The Israeli army says Palestinian militants have fired some 300 rockets and mortars at Israeli targets over the past week, and 10 times that number over the past year.

While you propaganda agents like to pretend it is ok to fire rockets into communities, but it is not, and I don't care what treaty you claim is being violated. Outside of the Arab world, people don't care, they see Islam as a major source of violence on our planet, and they aren't going to change their minds over this.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Once again, both of you have failed to provide a legitimate source for your claims about the U.S. Liberty, a single incident that occurred over forty years ago. If you are so right, you ought to be able to provide a legitimate link as I have done.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by poet1b

They can't. Just like Pallywood is getting under their skin because all facts, evidence, video, and the legal courts disagree with them. So they insult, and don't provide evidence or links. Also, note how they say Israel attacked Palestine. They totally ignore the constant missile barrage fired at them.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
Once again, both of you have failed to provide a legitimate source for your claims about the U.S. Liberty, a single incident that occurred over forty years ago. If you are so right, you ought to be able to provide a legitimate link as I have done.

Why don't you look it up yourself? What is it with Israeli apologists making demands, isn't the blood of the people of Gaza enough? You would think this years holiday slaughter would satiate you.

While you are looking up the USS Liberty, look up the Lavon Affair and the assassinations of the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme and foreign minister Anna Lindh.

When you are done let me know and i'll suggest more murders and false flag operations you can research.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by GamerGal

I know, the level of absurdity of those who back these terrorists is surreal.

It seems they think the conversation should go like this,

"Gee, the people across the border are firing rockets into our communities, what should we do? Should we fire back, and go and fight them to save ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors?"

"Naw, that would be spreading violence, we should just sit here and wait to get blowed up."

To launch rockets on civilian targets and not expect retaliation is pure insanity.

Allow the women and children to flee the area, and let the fighting begin.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by RogerT

To ProtoplasmicTraveler: thank you for your unswerving, level headed and gentlemanly persistence in presenting the historical facts, post after post, which are just as persistently ignored by the pro-Israel camp in favor of immature rhetoric.

Thank you for that gracious compliment and encouragement. I truly feel if our nation is bent on policing the world, we need to fairly judge those peoples and situations we intercede upon to various degrees more thoroughly and fairly first. Since ours is a representative government in name still at least, the responsibility falls on us as citizens to know the histories, and the cultures, and the wants and needs of the peoples we are going to impose upon. Clearly we are doing a poor job of that, and it requires us as citizens first doing our parts so that we can conscientiously and morally give our representatives guidance, rather than simply acquiesce to their rushed judgments to appease and to appeal to well funded special interests, that often have neither the interests of the people they wish for us to police, or our own government in tasking it through this perverted and corrupt fashion to so act on that special interest’s behalf.

The hardest objection to overcome is ignorance and those who deliberately to evoke that sometimes blessed veil are typically impossible to sway as those convinced against their will are those who remain unconvinced.

All that can be done in such cases is to be kind and remain hopeful that one day they too will feel a greater moral responsibility to learn and understand, and to try to better balance that knowledge with compassion and wisdom.

I have learned from your posts and your exemplary tolerance. Thank you.

It’s why I take the time to share the things I learn for those who might enjoy learning those things and find them insightful or useful, and to learn from others humbly in that process, you are very welcome, and thank you.

The point here is that human beings are being subjected to conditions we wouldn't tolerate in our zoos, restricted, persecuted, controlled, discriminated against, by an oppressive regime practicing an illegal occupation and an apartheid system.

That is indeed the point and it’s to all our own shames that this could happen, even more so in a vacuum rife with ignorance, prejudice, denial and biased bigotry and hatred. With out that shared belief that we all are responsible and we all have something to gain by elevating one another out of these dismal plights we are trapped into these often sadistic circles where precious life is dehumanized simply to satisfy the egos, vanities and greed of other’s lives. It’s mystifying how so much money and effort could be spent on arming these factions and perpetuating these myths, tragedies and travesties and so little money and effort has been spent on elevating the conditions that promote the squalor, hardships and fears that enable and compel those involved to turn to weapons to destroy instead of gifts to build and create.

What mohammed did or didn't do 2000 years ago has NOTHING to do with that. What muslim extremists allegedly do in Africa has NOTHING to do with that.

It sure doesn’t. There is always going to be a lowest possible common denominator that appeals to people suffering fear and anger, prejudice and ignorance, the sting of persecutions real and imagined. It’s up to each and every one of us to give our brothers and sisters a hand up, as we look for hands to help us further up to eliminate poverty, disease, hunger, oppression, war fare and promote something everyone claims they want but will do little to achieve and that’s called peace.

Peace doesn’t pay a big profit to nations whose cornerstones our military industrial complexes, security industrial complexes, and prison industrial complexes.

It pays the most substantial dividend of all though to those who prefer to love and create versus hate and destroy. We all in theory agree we want to do that, we all have a responsibility to work towards understanding and compassionate and wise solutions that actually allow us to do that.

Gaza sadly is wisely calling for help the only way it can in a world indifferent to its plight.

Obviously they are well aware they can not conquer Israel or hurt it, with it’s limited armaments, inferior terrain, and limited numbers. They just want some one to care, to take notice finally and show that people care.

I hope for their sake as well as ours in the end that enough people do as to make all that suffering have not been in vein.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:19 PM
What does all this crap have to do with Hamas attacking Israel, and Israel counterattacking?

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

I have already looked it up, and provided a link and a quote to the facts that I found. This nonsense is so old it is pathetic.

You are the one whose blood lust seems to know no bounds, supporting Hamas terrorists who are firing rockets intentionally on civilian targets. How many people must be killed in the name of your god will it take to satisfy you?

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
While you propaganda agents like to pretend it is ok to fire rockets into communities, but it is not, and I don't care what treaty you claim is being violated. Outside of the Arab world, people don't care, they see Islam as a major source of violence on our planet, and they aren't going to change their minds over this.

There you go again. Nothing intelligent to say so make up something controversial to get a rise.

I have yet to read a post in this thread where anyone pretends it is 'ok to fire rockets into communities'. Can you quote one? If not, will you admit your slander and apologize?

Outside the Arab world people don't care? Is that denial or delusion? Even members of the IDF care enough to say NO!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

When you are done let me know and i'll suggest more murders and false flag operations you can research.

I would greatly appreciate anything you can share along those lines from your research and archives. Please feel free to U2U them or post them here.

Respectfully, thanks

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by RogerT

Israel didn't attack Palestine. Palestinians attacked them and Israel is counter attacking. Make sure you get it right.

He did have it right. Israel started this when they took Palestine for themselves and began killing anyone who stood up to them. They are no better than the Nazis of WWII now.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:37 PM
All this crap for a people that won't even exist in fifty years. The other Arab nations truly don't give a rat's fuzzy ass about the Palestinians as they have nothing to offer, except to be a boil on the ass of humanity.

They keep losing land and people due to their own stupidity. Soon, they will have to find somewhere they can aggravate the hell out of someone else.

Fifty years - tops.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by dooper
All this crap for a people that won't even exist in fifty years. The other Arab nations truly don't give a rat's fuzzy ass about the Palestinians as they have nothing to offer, except to be a boil on the ass of humanity.

goldent Post,
sounds like mass genocide. you promoting the death of all palestinians there?

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by mybigunit

You don't footrace the Flash, you don't swordfight with Zorro, you don't bike race with Lance Armstrong, and you don't attack Israel.

...And you also don't illigally occupy muslim lands because they don't bow to their enemies and will resist until their enemies retreat.

How many times do we have to go through this?

Unfortunately the zionists only know the language of Bombs, so you gota talk to them in their language until they completely understand you.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by poet1b

"Gee, the people across the border are firing rockets into our communities, what should we do? Should we fire back, and go and fight them to save ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors?"

Those communities are only in range of those rockets because those communities are build on stolen land.

The land was stolen through Zionist terrorism against the British Mandate and in defiance of multiple U.N. Resolutions and Acts.

If Israel withdrew to it's intended borders, it's legal borders, then I am fairly confident no one would be firing rockets at her illegally occuppied zones.

Ready to address that yet?

Or must we continue to be accomplices to Israel's thefts while you pretend you have some legal justification for being on the lands, Zionists waged terror attacks upon English Officials, and fellow Jews, and Arabs to steal?

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by dooper
All this crap for a people that won't even exist in fifty years. The other Arab nations truly don't give a rat's fuzzy ass about the Palestinians as they have nothing to offer, except to be a boil on the ass of humanity.

Well you just hope the puppet arab leaders exist in fifty years, otherwise if ahmadinejad types start to pop up as leaders in ME, than they won't hesitate to turn off the oil taps.

Than israel will have to use johnsons baby oil to fly it's future F-22 and 35s when the fuel reserves run out.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:50 PM
I dont blame Israel for this. How can anyone blame Israel for this? The fact is its the US governments fault for all of this. Our government is the one allowing this to happen. Because of our governments unwavering support for Israel with no questions asked Israel feels they dont have to get along with their neighborhood. If the US would send a little message to Israel to suck it up you're on your own now I promise you that you would see peace in the middle east in 60 days. Another example of government needing to sit back and midn their own business.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by GamerGal

i have allready shown at least 6 times that `Pallywood` is the work of Richard landes , who , along with Ruthie Blumm both work for the Jeruselm post , therefore its nothing more the Israeli propaganda

prove ME wrong and the close personal relationship the 2 have.

you can`t because its matter of record and fact.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:33 PM
I Stand TALL with Israel.

Gamer Gal and a few others are the only ones who have approached this whole issue with a sense of perspective in this debate. The rest of the bunch is just more and more rhetoric coupled with some emotional outburst.

Apparently a few gory pictures and a few crying women can make people ignore the fact that a KNOWN terrorist organization has been firing CONTINUOUSLY on Israeli citizens for a better part of a year DESPITE Israel allowing medical supplies and aid to the Gazans.

If only the Magen David Adom had a professional photographer to take bloody pictures of the dead and dying for publicity maybe these "preachers of peace" would have more perspective.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:34 PM
Aussie activist calls for Gaza sanctions

An Australian human rights activist in the Gaza Strip has called for Western economic sanctions to halt Israel's onslaught after surviving a bombing in what she says is a residential area.

Read more:

I have listened to this woman's account of events via satellite link to the TV stations in Australia as well. Just adding to the thread is all.


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