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Scores killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza

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posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:24 PM
Seems like alot of people forget the Jewish people have been the target of extinction for a long time by many different factions, so to those of you spouting off about the US and jewish lobby group being in the wrong
go back to school. we have been the only solid ally to the jewish state, whilst all other want them abolished, who's in the wrong??

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The founding fathers of the U.S. were fighting to create a nation of the people by the people.

Muslims are fighting to dictate to everyone how to worship god, and to force everyone to swear an oath to their supposed prophet daily, or else live in constant fear.

Muslims are fighting for their freedom and to end illegal occupations on their lands.

NAME ME One Muslim country that has Invaded a country, killed all the infadels, forced their women into submission and raped their resources?

90% of the world feel more threatened by US and Israel than Islam.IF Islam was the real threat, the russians and chinese wouldn't be arming muslims with hi-tech missiles and nukes.

The world knows who the real ENEMY is.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Let's face it. We all know, no matter where we live, who the bomb carrier is going to be. Whether you live in Paris, Moscow, Mumbai, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, New York, etc, you just know the geezer with the suicide bomb is not going to be a Mormon.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
reply to post by poet1b

Let's face it. We all know, no matter where we live, who the bomb carrier is going to be. Whether you live in Paris, Moscow, Mumbai, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, New York, etc, you just know the geezer with the suicide bomb is not going to be a Mormon.

IF you invade other countries and kill civillians brutally, you're not gona get presents from them.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by t0ken

Sorry, but Islam has never been at peace. Always they have been busy starting wars, and it continues on to this day everywhere they go.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by t0ken

Sorry, but Islam has never been at peace. Always they have been busy starting wars, and it continues on to this day everywhere they go.

Islam has been busy starting wars?

Answer my question,which country Muslims have invaded recently and killed all the infadels?

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by t0ken

I would love to know the average Islamic IQ in response to your answer on invasions. I think the average Ashkenazi is 126. Anybody............The average Islamic IQ?

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by t0ken

Are you really this ignorant about history?

Islam conquered Isreal a thousand years ago. They also conquered Persia, and tried to conquer India. Islam spread across the Sahara, conquering all along the way, and is now busy trying to conquer the rest of Africa, practicing genocide against any who stand against them.

Islam has tried to conquer Europe for centuries, taking over Spain for a few centuries, and Serbia, who they brutally oppressed for centuries.

Palestinaina are Arabs who refuse to give up the land they conquered long ago.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by t0ken

Are you really this ignorant about history?

Islam conquered Isreal a thousand years ago. They also conquered Persia, and tried to conquer India. Islam spread across the Sahara, conquering all along the way, and is now busy trying to conquer the rest of Africa, practicing genocide against any who stand against them.

Islam has tried to conquer Europe for centuries, taking over Spain for a few centuries, and Serbia, who they brutally oppressed for centuries.

Palestinaina are Arabs who refuse to give up the land they conquered long ago.

Yeh i am not talking about centuries ago.And Islam didn't spread by sword in them times, it was all peaceflly done Slahuddin style.

We are looking at the recent threat of islam taking over the world now, so name me a muslim country that's invading and chopping up infidels?

Muslims are being invaded, killed and raped at the moment.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by poet1b

The founding fathers of the U.S. were fighting to create a nation of the people by the people.

Well almost, they were fighting because they felt the land itself could be better served by a representative government within its own shores. They weren’t fighting for the indigenous peoples to be included in that, or the enslaved Negros or the British Loyalists. They did however achieve critical mass and managed to found a very effective form of government for about a hundred years based on separation of church and state. Sadly the short comings of the slave labor policy opened the door to a Civil War which opened the door to the encroachment of religion into government and it’s become less and less representative of the people as religion influences more and more of the government.

Muslims are fighting to dictate to everyone how to worship god, and to force everyone to swear an oath to their supposed prophet daily, or else live in constant fear.

I have Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, New Age, Agnostic, and Atheist friends and business associates, none of which to date have tried to convert me to anything except some other sect called sanity. I see a far more concerted effort on behalf of Christians and Jews though to subvert government with their religious and political agendas than I do Muslims.

Good is not evil and evil is not good, you should learn the difference.

Very simple matter my friend, Zionist factions throughout Europe with the help of some very wealthy Zionist supporters spearheaded an initiative to reacquire the lands of Palestine for a Jewish national homeland. Some other people called Palestinians had long been living there. The American Indians are no happier about the loss of their lands than the Palestinians were about theirs. Anyone who imagines it’s Palestine’s fault the Jews went in to Diaspora for well over a thousand years and then decided not en mass, but through a political organization created to influence the mass to establish a new nation in what had since become Palestinians ancestral lands is simply ignoring the obvious for the obvious. Anyone who imagines it was Palestinians that unleashed the genocide against Eastern and Western European Jews that in large part was the only thing that did influence that mass to immigrate to realize that political body’s goal, is also likewise failing to recognize the lessons of the Jewish genocide. Anyone who feels that political organization or the traumatized masses finally responding to extenuating circumstances and pressures to immigrate, has a license to commit Terrorism, Theft, Genocide as a result of that is clearly no different than the perpetrators of that Genocide against the Jews. For the Jews to be so insensitive to the fact that they were displacing a people, and robbing them of the very same things many of them had been robbed of in Europe well to me that’s just as shocking as it is appalling.

The root problem of Middle East Terrorism is not religion. The Jews who did not go into Diaspora lived side by side with Arabs in Palestine for well over a thousand years amicably and often as friends. The root problem is the theft of the land. It’s that simple, the mechanism to set up lawful immigration of Jews allowed for them to have half the land only.

The fear mongering ignorance and stereo typing just doesn’t motivate me my friend. I eat my spinach too!

Religion really does not belong in this matter. The Zionist’s goals were not religious but political. The Palestinian’s goals are not religious but political.

Deceiving religious minded Americans with too much unconstitutional influence on government it’s religious to get them to turn a blind eye…well that is evil.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by t0ken

Islam is busy trying to take over Africa as we speak, and busy trying to carve more territory out of India. Heck, they are taking over neighborhoods in Europe and physically intimidating people who choose to stay, picking on old people. The Europeans are quickly finding out that they can not live with them either.

Islam was spread by violence. What stopped Islam from continuing their bloody aggression was tbe fact that they are technologically inept, and didn't stand a chance against the Europeans after European technology eliminated Islams ability to effectively fight wars against the Europeans.

I am so tired of hearing these false claims that Islam is not inherently violent, when the evidence is so over whelming.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal

Except the videos on You tube were taken to court and the court found that Pallywood did exist because of those videos! So you may want to edit that.

Your still peddling this garbage? 1 freaking video. 1 video that was heard by a French court, going through 4 appeals, of 1 man and 1 child curled up next to a wall. THAT is the ONLY video that EVER whent to trial and was judged, after 4 appeals..count em 4 appeals, before the court finally decided to give in and say ok the video is fake, happy now?....1 video, not several, not hundreds, not thousands, ONE O.N.E., 1, Uno.

Show us where there is more than 1 video that went through a court proceeding. 1 video does not apply to others. And link us up to credible, valid and reputable sources, not the wing ding free for all lollypop land youtube poppyworld you rely on so much.


posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by John Matrix

as have i exposed israel propaganda - that picture is of IDF soldiers pretending to be hamas - the star of david gives it away that he`s jewish not muslim.

You know nothing about the law or rules of evidence. In a court of law that photo proves nothing.

You should tell that to GG and the youtube video and the French court about the faked death and attack video then.

Apparently photos and videos do count as proof.


posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by poet1b
On the BBC tonight. London. 2000 Islamics try to storm Israeli Embassy. Police fight them off using force!

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Equinox99
reply to post by RFBurns

Well good thing it isn't your choice because the US would have been bankrupt 30 years ago. You must understand that Israel has a lot of money invested in the US and if the US does not comply they will simply take their money elsewhere. It is the same thing with Canada and the US. If Canada does not jump to the US command then the US will cut ties with us and pull their money.

Pulling their relations would be the worst thing the US does.

The US didnt need Israel or China or anyone else before WWI or WWII or the start of this whole mess back in 1946. It is when we got involved and entangled in professional corrupted politics starting in 1946 with this ordeal, thats when it all went to heck and carries over to this day.

Pulling out from funding everyone else and taking care of our own would be the BEST thing ever for the US. The US was once self sustaining and did it very well. Now we rely more on outside products, workers, services, manufacturing, even energy than ever before. Wake up.


posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Islam conquered Isreal a thousand years ago.

I hate to break it to you but Jupiter loving Romans conquered Judea 1700 years ago and sacked the Temple.

Don't worry you sure got even with that doom and gloom diety you pawned off on the fun loving pagan Romans.

Anyone else we should pretend did something to Israel?

Anything else we should pretend was done to Israel?

The Zionists made an agreement to lawfully immigrate through the British Mandate and it's administration to set up a Jewish Homeland in one half of Palestine. Period. No more, nor less. They broke the agreement by using Terrorism.

It's why Israel has a terrorism problem.

Want to solve your terrorism problem? Do the right thing, give up the extra portion of the land not promised, compensate Palestinians for the lands stolen that Israel does keep.

Everyone will actually like Israel then, instead of just having to pretend to for the sake of political corectness.

Fascist political correctness.

The U.S.A. is a democracy founded on Seperation of Church and State.

We don't have to worry about fascist political correctness, we can just say a fascist is a fascist regardless of their religion. Because we were founded on Seperation of Church and State.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by t0ken

I am so tired of hearing these false claims that Islam is not inherently violent, when the evidence is so over whelming.

Ok if that's the case than name me a muslim country that has invaded, killed every non-beliver since Muahammad (Peace be upon him) brought Islam to this world?

In them days Christians did their part of invading and killing while islam stopped them in their foottracks and it managed to spread its influence all the way to spain.

Since the Ottoman empire went down Muslim nations have been suffering.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by ufoorbhunter
reply to post by poet1b
On the BBC tonight. London. 2000 Islamics try to storm Israeli Embassy. Police fight them off using force!

Only cos one of them chukd a shoe at israeli embassy doesn't make them all blood thirsty terrorists.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Do you really believe your twisted and biased version of U.S. history, or do just like to spread distortions of the truth.

Slavery was abolished in the North before the civil war, and the continuance of slavery in the South was considered to be a stain on the U.S.. You don't know squat about the founding fathers of the U.S..

Native Americans were allowed to join the U.S. and become a part of the U.S., and a great many of the descendents of native Americans live and prosper in the U.S., doing far better than those who the Muslims conquered.

As for the resat of your absurd claims, what about India, Africa, and the rest of the world where Islam spreads their violence? How is it that the people of Serbia were forced to speak Arabic? Yeah, real peaceful, as long as you worship god they way the dictate, and women cover themselves from head to toe, and must go with escort, or face being raped, and then punished for allowing theselves to be raped.

Such great people.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Yeah, real peaceful, as long as you worship god they way the dictate, and women cover themselves from head to toe, and must go with escort, or face being raped, and then punished for allowing theselves to be raped.

Such great people.

And you know what the funny thing is?

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the West.

Must be peaceful if soo many are converting to it.

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