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Night Vision UFO's Clear footage

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posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 12:13 AM
My questions are retracted. If I'd read up on infrared and night vision I wouldn't have posted. Sorry.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Looks like secret USAF operations to me.

This formation of 6 look familiar? Interesting that they were invisible, but presumably this video was shot at night.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:42 AM
Uhm no. For a start you would have HEARD 6 F16 Im quite sure of that. And secondly why is each plane glowing in this supposed 'formation' it surely would be just the tail lights or something. But I see not enough space even between planes to support this theory. Again there is no noise. And I doubt they would risk such a close formation in the dead of night right over a heavily populated area. (No IFF lights whilst they practise some weird close formation over general aviation traffic? C'mon...)
Next this light formation moves exactly as one and there is no deviation as there would be with 6 individual planes. Im just not buying this and it makes no logical sense given the circumstances sorry.

Originally posted by Yoda411
reply to [
[edit on 21-12-2008 by atsbeliever]

[edit on 21-12-2008 by atsbeliever]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by atsbeliever

"Im just not buying this and it makes no logical sense given the circumstances sorry."

You say that the things that have already been determined to not be UFO's are in fact ufos'.

This ruins it for us. There were birds, planes AND real UFO's in the videos Zorgon provided. By saying they are 'all' UFOs, you only give debunkers more ammunition.

It is almost as if you are actually a 'pretend' believer here to ruin it for the rest of us by saying everything is a UFO - especially that which has already been 'debunked'. You aren't helping matters.

But you already knew that....

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:55 AM
Im not saying its extraterrestrial but Im sick of these throwaway theorys that havn;t been thought thru. Especially in the case of the 2nd triangle video its CLEARLY not a bunch of friggin birds of a squadron of F16s practicing dangerous maneuvers in the middle of the night over some city! Just an ounce of common sense goes a long way there no matter what you believe eh?!!
Its either 1 of 2 things..a highly advanced military craft and if it is, it begs the question again..WHY would they risk flying it over a populated area when they have THOUSANDS of miles of test ranges in the desert to fool around with. That alone makes me go towards it not being a man made craft.

Originally posted by Dreemer
reply to post by atsbeliever

"Im just not buying this and it makes no logical sense given the circumstances sorry."

You say that the things that have already been determined to not be UFO's are in fact ufos'.

This ruins it for us. There were birds, planes AND real UFO's in the videos Zorgon provided. By saying they are 'all' UFOs, you only give debunkers more ammunition.

It is almost as if you are actually a 'pretend' believer here to ruin it for the rest of us by saying everything is a UFO - especially that which has already been 'debunked'. You aren't helping matters.

But you already knew that....

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 02:04 AM
Again, in case everyone didnt read my post before and arent taking what I said into consideration, where the heck is the heat plume in the 2nd video?????

If this is a formation, there would be a variance between each aircraft and slight changes in the seperation between each as well as slight speed variances. That "flying unknown" there is moving quite fast, and at near the begining when we see the commercial airliner, which most fly at 30,000 feet, that triangular lit up "thing" is MUCH higher up.

Again, where is the heat plume? NV and IR are going to see heat plume even from the F-117, an aircraft specifically designed in the tail to block out heat IR signature to evade heat and IR seeking missiles. But with NV and IR vision, even the heat can be seen very well from the F-117.

But in that 2nd video, there is no heat plume at all. If it is individual aircraft flying in formation, where are their heat plumes? All we see are lights.

Almost near the end, the triangular shape seems to slide a little to the right and dip its left side a little, then slide back again and the left side raises, like one aircraft hitting turbulance and making yaw corrections. All of the lights in the V shape move together in this slide and dip on the left, not seperately as would be with a formation of independant aircraft.

Could be just some opitc effect due to lens flare or impurities of the lens or NV lenses since the camera was in fact zoomed in. But there is still the primary question of where is the heat plume. As fast as this thinig, or those things are going, there should be a nice brilliant heat plume from it, or from all of them. It/they are moving much faster than typical sub-sonic flight.


[edit on 21-12-2008 by RFBurns]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by atsbeliever

Obviously we have secret aircraft flying around, and who cares where they test them... it's not like you or anyone else can do anything about it.

Perhaps this was the test; to see if anyone noticed their new planes.... And we did, then zorgon made a thread.

Besides it makes sense that we develop such top secret aircraft, we need something to match the craft of the visitors. I bet we have reverse-engineered technology flying around. We'd need it in order to shoot-down more technology and defend against the malevolent visitors.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Dreemer
reply to post by atsbeliever

Obviously we have secret aircraft flying around, and who cares where they test them... it's not like you or anyone else can do anything about it.

Perhaps this was the test; to see if anyone noticed their new planes.... And we did, then zorgon made a thread.

Besides it makes sense that we develop such top secret aircraft, we need something to match the craft of the visitors. I bet we have reverse-engineered technology flying around. We'd need it in order to shoot-down more technology and defend against the malevolent visitors.

Well I would agree that we need something to match up to these alien visitors who have craft that can zip across space and time and across our skies in microseconds and be thousands of miles away, and be able to defend ourselves against any hostile intent, given it is plausible that these visitors have been comming here for eons and have the ability to wipe clean the entire surface of us humans at will.

But if that was the intent, cleaning our clocks would have happend a long time ago and this nice little thread and forum and all of us would not be here right now talking about it.


posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by RFBurns

"Well I would agree that we need something to match up to these alien visitors"

Glad you agree.

But you are assuming that they fight wars the way we do. We know nothing about their grand strategy. We don't even know if they even have 'wars' as we know them.

Conquest via Force of Arms may be too primitive to them. They might rely on more obscure tactics such as infiltration and mind-manipulation. We just don't know.

We aren't helpless either; Regardless of how hopeless YOU may think we are, we are still periodically knocking them out of the skies - and all with our primitive earth-man technology.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by Dreemer]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by arizonascott

Why the laugh?

Gotta keep an open mind about these things.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:25 AM
I'd like to talk about the second video.

Lets just throw the 1st and 3rd video out, shall we? The 3rd is obviously birds, as recreated, the do glow through NV equipment.

The first video has Zero aerodynamic shape, iand looks like lighted balloons/laterns filmed in NV.

Ok...the second video we can see is 5 lights in a rigid strict "V" formation.

Here are my problems-

1)there is no way to gauge this things size. None, zero. It could be the size of well 5 Laterns(or Ballons with LEDS), rigidly connected in a V formation with anything rigid, strong and lightweight, and some masking tape.

2)why Does this object not make any hard turns ,or stoprs or do anything but glide across the sky, appearing to yaw down a little then up, a litte as it rides wind currents.

3) the kicker, the film of this "V" craft lasts under 2 minutes. Where it is seen just over the power lines (again could be a very small object.), then travels to the right at about the same rate it seem to gain altitude, then dissapears high into the atmosphere, where it is lost ,and cannot be zoomed in on anymore. Wow, just like Helium balloons, and chinese lanterns do!

I'm calling BS until some manuvears At least are pulled by this 5 light V. Then at least we know someone or soemthing is at the controls whether they be Remote control or otherwise. Or until we can somehow guage the size of this thing.

Also, The dates given for these films mean nothing to me. If I think about it, I believe, the 3rd video was shot first, giving the guy/girl the idea to film in NV to give the video a more realistic ( military/spec ops) feel. Then they made an attempt to create a craft, which broke apart(which is what we see in the thrid video). I believe the second video, was the last, and they were satisfied with thier work, and that is that.

There's my take on this situation.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:32 AM
It would have been nice to see a video that had both night vision and a regular cameras shooting the same spot in the sky.

That would give us the proof we need to know that any of the objects are invisible unless seen through these goggles - and thus possibly existing only in the UV spectrum, or made out of materials reflecting outside of our normal/natural visual spectrum.

Two cameras side by side, one equipped with night vision and the other normal - both targeting the same spot. That is what I need to see.

anyone got any vids or pics?

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by Dreemer

Glad you agree.

But you are assuming that they fight wars the way we do. We know nothing about their grand strategy. We don't even know if they even have 'wars' as we know them.

Im not assuming anything. They KNOW how we fight wars, and putting it side by side comparison to a technology that zips across space/time and across the skies in a split second is IMO, a notion of loosing before any battle of any calibur were to even start.

I said they would have cleaned out our clocks long ago if they had any intention of taking us over. Why wait till we have technology when all along they already are way ahead of us to take us over.

Originally posted by Dreemer
Conquest via Force of Arms may be too primitive to them. They might rely on more obscure tactics such as infiltration and mind-manipulation. We just don't know.

Correct, we dont know what they possess, other than seeing streaking objects zip across the sky. Its quite senseless to assume that we are in any position to say we can match or even defend ourselves to a point where we can just be comfortable with that notion when we do not know what they have in their arsenal.

Originally posted by Dreemer
We aren't helpless either; Regardless of how hopeless YOU may think we are, we are still periodically knocking them out of the skies - and all with our primitive earth-man technology.

I did not say nor imply that we are helpless. I did say, in not exact words but figured people can pick up on it...if you compare our apples to their oranges, they are two different things entirely and there is no way we could expect even our grandest hidden project black op stuff to even barely match what they may have simply because we do not know what they have.

There is ancient evidence of visitation by highly advanced beings to this planet in cave paintings and glyphs and ancient texts. I do not believe that if any of them had hostile intent, we would be here today. If we were taken over long ago, then we are an occupied colony of those in control...which until proven, could be the case but I doubt it very seriously.

In either case however, it would be like tiny bugs up against very large shoes that can easily splat us flat. We may be able to put up a fight for a few minutes, but going up against an unknown technology, or psycological technology we know nothing about or the extent of its power, we cant just be comfortable that we will be alright in the end if such a thing as invasion or a take over were to occur, using hardware or the mind.

I doubt anything like that will happen at all. IF anything, they are more likely concerned about OUR intent, as humans seem to have a nasty habbit of wanting to destroy more than it wants to create, and then even destroy what little we do create. And there is a very very long history of that.

They (visitors) dont want that out there in their realm, and it makes sense that they would be watching our activities very closely and even prehaps intervention here and there has occured, such as the neutralizing of several ICBM missile facilities on both the US side and the former Soviet Union's side during the cold war era. And who is to say that doesnt continue to this day?

We are not weak, but we certianly are not superior to such a power that can either use psycological means or indirect affect to our hardware and literally control it or neutralize it.


[edit on 21-12-2008 by RFBurns]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:02 AM
A question I'd like to ask is, " What are all these UFOs doing up there?" Like I mean are they carrying out some sort of work? They appear very busy flying to and fro. Are they involved in some mining activity on earth or on the moon? Or are they robbing us of some of resources, and we don't even know that this is happening? This is what I'd really like to know. Any calculated guesses?

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
Don't take this the wrong way, but that isn't correct.
NVG's work in the 3-5 micron spectrum. Or the short-wave infrared spectrum. They aren't detecting heat, they are bouncing light. Above that specific spectrum, you get into thermal imagery range... Where you can actually register heat differentials.

Also, not to be rude, but your story falls flat. If you were observing a deer through a heat detecting device, it wouldn't appear as just four sticks (the legs) bouncing up and down. A deer's legs would be the only parts of its body that produced more heat than its horns (if it had antlers, that is). You would see the torso and head of the body above all else.

Excuse me, but I know what I saw, and I know what mode my optics were in.

The modern day things seem to blend in light and heat. Back on the M1A1 when I was looking through them, then that is NOT what I was looking through. I either had my choice of looking though nightvision - which amplifies light, or just pure infrared - none of this nice mixture stuff. As such, the images I saw in infrared were nothing but heat signatures, there was no light sources brighten in with the vision at all. As someone else mentioned, you can choose between white hot and black hot. Because it is only looking at the infrared range, not all the others as well.

Thus how the birds light up, they are not reflecting light, they are putting off infrared light from their heat.

As I mentioned M1A1, which should give up that this was roughly 15 years ago. Go find any M1A1 gunner and ask them what a deer looks like from about 2000 yds away in infrared. It looks like 4 sticks, just as I said. 1 for each leg which is hot. Again, this is from a distance, not an up close shot which would have lots more detail, but I never seen any get that close.

I personally didn't think they were birds until it was mentioned that the camera worked in the infrared ranges. Didn't realize these new cameras were picking up infrared, thought it was just ultraviolet. Once I heard infrared ranges, then I knew they were birds and I posted why I knew it.

The night vision googles we used at that time, and also for the drivers periscope honestly sucked unless there were light sources around. Let me tell you, the entire drivers night periscope goes black when you get in a forest in the middle of no where and the moon isn't lite up - can't see anything. Not too bad when there are light sources around though.

I had to learn how to identify vehicles based on their heat signatures. The story is based on my own military experience using infrared scopes. But again, it is only the infrared range I looked at, not the combination in these night vision googles(which are much much improved over the crap we had).

The night vision Thermal Imaging System (TIS), also from Hughes, creates an image based on the differences of heat radiated by objects in the field of view. The thermal image is displayed in the eyepiece of the Gunner's sight together with the range measurement to within 10 meters of accuracy,


The second-generation thermal sight consists of upgrades to the M1A1's infrared optics, an infrared focal plane array, associated analog and digital electronics, display, and brackets and cables.

This is what a M1 looks like in TIS.

Infrared light is emitted by an object because of what is happening at the atomic level.

Seriously, I didn't just make up some story as you claim "falls flat on it's face". I'm sure I'm not the only M1 gunner on these forums and they would be able to call me out easily. I know what I am talking about. I know why the birds show up.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by carlosox
A question I'd like to ask is, " What are all these UFOs doing up there?" Like I mean are they carrying out some sort of work? They appear very busy flying to and fro. Are they involved in some mining activity on earth or on the moon? Or are they robbing us of some of resources, and we don't even know that this is happening? This is what I'd really like to know. Any calculated guesses?

I had heard in an audio interview from the Project Camelot website that these are not actually alien UFO's, but our own Aurora like craft going back and forth from the Moon and Mars bringing resources..for what who knows, and who knows if thats what is actually going on. But if anything its mere playing around with their fancy toys that use free energy while us down here are put putting along with relic oil powered antiquated stuff.


posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by Nola213

Umm, airliners don't make such manuevers. If you are flying, then you are going somewhere, not just flying around in circles and stuff.

I think it is most likely a military aircraft, but not one which is known publicly or openly admitted to existing. V shape is aerodynamic for atmospheric flight, which wouldn't be needed in something advanced working off some kind of gravity field in the universe needed for long term travel(aliens).

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by Dreemer
It would have been nice to see a video that had both night vision and a regular cameras shooting the same spot in the sky.

That would give us the proof we need to know that any of the objects are invisible unless seen through these goggles - and thus possibly existing only in the UV spectrum, or made out of materials reflecting outside of our normal/natural visual spectrum.

Two cameras side by side, one equipped with night vision and the other normal - both targeting the same spot. That is what I need to see.

anyone got any vids or pics?

Here you go Self, I found Exactly what you were requesting in your last post - I found it on the Youtube. Took me five minutes.

It is two cameras with two different settings filming the same spot in the sky at the exact same time - but more importantly, it is during the DAYTIME!!!

*This is what you were looking for right? this is what you Said you 'needed' to see isn't it? Well here ya go. The speaker is named Jaime Moussan, he is a famous UFO researcher from Latin America.

Edit: Thanks very much Son, for making me sound crazy and finding the video. You're officially written out of the will.

And you were an accident too.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by Dreemer]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by atsbeliever
Its either 1 of 2 things..a highly advanced military craft and if it is, it begs the question again..WHY would they risk flying it over a populated area when they have THOUSANDS of miles of test ranges in the desert to fool around with. That alone makes me go towards it not being a man made craft.
Why do you say it may be a highly advanced military craft?

What makes you think that it must be a highly advanced craft, military or other? I do not see anything that shows high advance in anything, from what we can see it could be a 50 years old aeroplane, we do not have any reference.

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