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Night Vision UFO's Clear footage

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Very interesting footage. As Silo13 said, the third one is a flock of geese. I see those all the time and that's exactly what they look like.

Statistically speaking I have to think if your getting tons of footage then most of it has to be mundane stuff that is around all the time. Although I was at a loss to explain those first two. Could the second one be a stealth plane?

Either way, I loved the footage and keep it up! Its people like you that see stuff none of us ever would and you never know you may catch something that will be the most important find of all time. I always think of that guy doing the firefighting video who caught the first plane going into WTC... if he hadn't been filming at that time there would be no film of the first plane. I think there may have been one other person who caught it, but it was a bad video.

Thanks for the film!!!!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:29 PM
I will say this...I hadn't watched the whole video # 3 when I posted about it probably being a flock of geese. But I have never seen such a drastic disruption of a flock like happened in the end. Would someone taking pop shots at them do that I wonder?

If it wasn't someone trying to put a fat goose on the Christmas table, then something strange happened to separate them like that...think fluctuations in the earths magnetic field prior to a possible pole shift.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
reply to post by flyingfish

I was asking you to clarify which video you are claiming you can reproduce.
I would like to see it.

Just for you I will clarify I was outlining the fixed winged vid not the bird vid.
Sorry I will not sacrifice one of my flying wings just prove to a hoax.
But if you would like to back me with cash I could make a more convincing vid with your backing..

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by flyingfish

Eh, like I said before, I don't want to hear it, I want to see it.
And no, I'm not PAYING YOU to back your claims.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
reply to post by badmedia

Don't take this the wrong way, but that isn't correct.
NVG's work in the 3-5 micron spectrum. Or the short-wave infrared spectrum. They aren't detecting heat, they are bouncing light. Above that specific spectrum, you get into thermal imagery range... Where you can actually register heat differentials.

Also, not to be rude, but your story falls flat. If you were observing a deer through a heat detecting device, it wouldn't appear as just four sticks (the legs) bouncing up and down. A deer's legs would be the only parts of its body that produced more heat than its horns (if it had antlers, that is). You would see the torso and head of the body above all else.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

I agree, night vision devices are only amplifying existing light, they are able to see most infrared illumination but bodies do not produce infrared.

The thermal imaging device badmedia is referring to shows heat as a white color and cooler materials as darker variations of grey, if it is a black and white thermal imager. I have a color thermal imaging camera and prefer the contrast that color provides. I have owned a few 320 by 240 mil/spec monoculars with high resolution lcd displays that would have easily shown the legs in addition to the torso and head of the deer or whatever as badmedia described.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Very nice work with this!

When I watched the first 2 videos, I thought perhaps it was just some new military technology that rendered the craft invisible in the visible spectrum. However, after watching the third video, this simple cannot be possible as the group breaks apart moving both forward and sideways at the same time and I am certain we have no such technology at this point in time. I cannot explain it in any manner, which makes it definitely qualify as a UFO. Be it extraterrestrial or terrestrial I cannot say, but it is nothing we can duplicate. So it is obviously more advanced than anything humanity has to offer. Do you have an educated guess at the approximate speed the group was moving? Did they do any high speed 90 degree maneuvers? This is interesting to say the least.

I remember reading something somewhere about advanced beings living right here through some passage inside the earth on the south pole or on the south pole itself, I cannot remember which. But this ex-navy pilot swears he made contact with them and shortly afterwords was when all the UFO's were seen over Washington D.C. and shortly after that Forestall supposedly committed suicide. I found a video for this. Unfortunately it is from you tube and I do not place much credibility on anything I find there; however it is interesting.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by interested-one

Oh, there is no doubt that a thermal imaging device will do these things, but the claim was that through NV a deer appears as four sticks bouncing up and down. That isn't correct.
That isn't even correct in regards to thermal imaging. Yeah, you may see the legs, but they would be secondary to the torso and head.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by DarrylGalasso

There are a few factors missing in order to guess a speed. 1) Altitude 2) Distance horizontally relative to observer.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
reply to post by flyingfish

Eh, like I said before, I don't want to hear it, I want to see it.
And no, I'm not PAYING YOU to back your claims.

Come on!
Lets all pitch in I would like to see a copy!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by interested-one but bodies do not produce infrared.

infrared is heat

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by interested-one

Originally posted by Oreyeon
Hey Zorgon. Not sure if anyone has pointed you in the right direction or not, but here are some more affordable pieces of equipment. This first one is digital Nightvision. I have one, and it's AWESOME. It sees in the Infrared spectrum much like a Camcorder with Nightshot, except WAY better. You can also get different lenses for it. They have a 9x zoom for it too.:

And then here you can find consumer priced Night Vision Scopes, Goggles, and Binoculars for under $1000. I got a Yukon NVG Monocular for $199 off of Amazon. You can also get attachments for these that let you hook them up to a camera or camcorder:

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Oreyeon]

Infra red sensitive ccd driven night vision (digital Nightvision) is useless without a powerful infra red illuminator. I happen to own multiple versions of this with close to 1 watt illuminators and they are great for ground viewing within the range of the illuminator only. Max usefullness in my opinion is 100 yards or less.

Your Yukon nvg for 199 dollars is a generation 1 Russian device. These work well with a powerful infrared illuminator up to maybe 100 yards. Don't look at the sky with it, it would be a waste of time.

You can buy true night vision devices (gen 2 or later) on ebay for less than 1000.00 dollars BUT there are many scammers so beware. Don't let that scare you, it never did me but it did make me study the technology and experiment.

This video was obviously taped with a video camera pressed to the lens of a gen 3 looks like a pinnacle 3 or newer tube with a minor defect in the display (black dot), this defect would have prevented the tube from being used in a mil/spec unit.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this one in regards to the NiteMax Digital Nightvision. Who says you have to use it exclusively at night? I bought it because it can see into the IR spectrum, and this particular camera auto-adjusts for daylight viewing. These things fly around during the daylight too. As for at night, it can still see up there quite well when it's clear out and the moon is out. I imagine, even better with the 9x lense. I didn't really buy the unit for it's night time capabilities. I bought it for it's IR sensitivity. Although, when you're in pitch black, and you switch it on, it's amazing how bright it is and how well you can see. I just wish it had a better design for carrying it around. For mine, I rigged up a box that houses the portable DVR and the Nitemax. But it's still ugly.
My theory on extraterrestrial craft is that they have a way to cloak, and they do this by bending certain spectrums of light. We cannot see into the IR spectrum with the naked eye, so what better way to hide from us than to camo by bending IR light around their crafts. Same applies for UV light.
As for the Yukon NVG, I agree, they're not the best, but you can still get a good view of the sky at night even without the illuminator. It just needs to be a clear night. I wish I was rich, I'd have a Gen 3 model, a thermal imager, and some other serious hardware.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:54 PM
After spending hours frame by frame on all 3, my conclusions are...

1st vid...birds. Nothing solid in the V, just illumination in a V pattern and moving in a bird-flight like manner. Stars can be seen through the V, indicating no craft or solid object.

2nd vid...definately not birds. Too fast for birds. Too high up, and not just a V formation of lights, but a light in the middle of the V, plus with zooming into the frames, there is definately a hull that can be seen. This is most likely a variant of Aurora. One that apparently is not using typical jet/ramjet propulsion because we do not see any heat plume from the rear as it moves further away. NV will pick up heat plume and that video shows no heat plume.

3rd vid....birds. Again stars can be seen between and behind the illuminations.

Still no UFO's in any of these, but 2nd vid is probably the most credible piece of evidence of the Aurora type craft. If that is in fact one of the Aurora variants, it is one that doesnt need typical fossil fuel to run. No heat plume from the engines. More like Hyper-D energy, ZP or other extremely advanced propulsion system that does not leave any heat signature.


posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by RFBurns

I have to respectfully disagree with your assessment of the first video.

I'm going to see if I can plot some still frames of the first video into auto cad and see if my suspicion is right. I believe that the objects in the first video, be it a solid craft or Seven different objects, are moving in such a way that their positions are being precisely held to one another even while making a 15degree turn to the right (rough guess until and if I can get the images into auto cad.)

As far as no UFOs goes, I disagree there also.
That craft in the second video may be of an experimental craft called the Aurora, but you don't know that. It is unidentified.

If I can get the images loaded into auto cad and hinge them from one of the corner lights and observe their positioning throughout the video, I'll post the results here tomorrow. It is getting late.

[edit on 20-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by interested-one but bodies do not produce infrared.

infrared is heat

Yes but the heat a body generates is not visible as infrared to a night vision device only a thermal imaging unit.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

The thing to watch for when you zoom into the objects on vids 1 and 3, are the fact that you can see the stars in and behind the V illumination.

IF this was some "cloaked" UFO or military craft, the whole thing would be cloaked, not just the hull and leave lights visible in the IR spectrum or other part of the spectrum.

The 2nd video is no UFO. It flies too much like a normal aircraft, but with no heat signature. It is acting like it is trying to maintain within a certian flight envelope characteristic of a high speed jet, that would not make sudden turns causing high-g effects and thus end up loosing it. Near the end of the vid, it makes a gradual turn to port (left) and not the typical sudden jerk turns as seen in other footage of suspected UFO's. That suggests the craft in the 2nd video does not have inertia compensation systems that would eliminate the effect of high-g manuvers, thus it is making the gradual turn. It is flying under some power source that is definately not petrolium based or there would be a heat signature, especially in IR. Even the F-117 leaves a significant heat plume signature when viewed with NV IR equipment, and that thing has specially designed exaust vents to limiit the heat signature to heat and IR seeking missiles.

Third video again, stars can be seen in between and behind the illumiations, indicating to me there is no solid object there, just a formation of illumiated objects, birds most likely.

But those are just my own conclusions. I dont see any UFO proof here, but definately see a black op Aurora variant there in the 2nd vid. Look forward to your results!


[edit on 20-12-2008 by RFBurns]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:33 AM

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this one in regards to the NiteMax Digital Nightvision. Who says you have to use it exclusively at night? I bought it because it can see into the IR spectrum, and this particular camera auto-adjusts for daylight viewing. These things fly around during the daylight too. As for at night, it can still see up there quite well when it's clear out and the moon is out. I imagine, even better with the 9x lense. I didn't really buy the unit for it's night time capabilities. I bought it for it's IR sensitivity. Although, when you're in pitch black, and you switch it on, it's amazing how bright it is and how well you can see. I just wish it had a better design for carrying it around. For mine, I rigged up a box that houses the portable DVR and the Nitemax. But it's still ugly.
My theory on extraterrestrial craft is that they have a way to cloak, and they do this by bending certain spectrums of light. We cannot see into the IR spectrum with the naked eye, so what better way to hide from us than to camo by bending IR light around their crafts. Same applies for UV light.
As for the Yukon NVG, I agree, they're not the best, but you can still get a good view of the sky at night even without the illuminator. It just needs to be a clear night. I wish I was rich, I'd have a Gen 3 model, a thermal imager, and some other serious hardware.

I beg to differ on the ccd driven nitemax unit, I have installed and sold thousands of video surveillance cameras ALL of which were capable of seeing into the infrared spectrum you are referring to. The best of which could display a good picture down to lux levels as low as .003 but alot of these cameras must slow their frame rates down to get better exposure and your 9x lens is going to immensely diminish the low light capability of your imager even if the lens is an F1.2. These cameras are incapable of amplifying light and must rely on an infrared illuminator to see in even close to total darkness. The nitemax might be acceptable for looking into a well moonlit night sky at least with respect to a video camera, as long as you dont use that 9x lens.

I have to admit I have been lucky enough to have the money to experiment with the expensive hardware but I earned every penny, including about 1.5 million selling and installing cameras.

I have to disagree with your theory about bending IR light around a craft to render it invisible. An example: at my repair shop we have a infrared solder/desolder station that has a VERY powerful infrared lamp than can melt solder in a heartbeat yet I can see everything through the beam of infrared light BECAUSE I CANT SEE THE INFRARED LIGHT WITH MY NAKED EYES, that doesn't render anything invisible. I don't mean to shoot down your theory but...

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by interested-one
True they can cut the anti-collision lights but typically they do this when training and in areas that don't have civilian aircraft flying in the vicinity. I am guessing that since this is a populated area it is not a training ground. As an adder I have repaired the anti-collision lights along with every other electrical componenet from the navigation systems to the generators on every fixed wing aircraft in the Navy and Marine Corps including the Ch-46 and CH-53 helicopters. Only thing we didn't repair at the intermediate level were radios and radar. This doesn't make me an expert by any means in relation to ops but I have a clue.

This video was obviously taped with a video camera pressed to the lens of a gen 3 looks like a pinnacle 3 or newer tube with a minor defect in the display (black dot), this defect would have prevented the tube from being used in a mil/spec unit. I can give you good advice and I have a great contact for you if you want a real mil/spec AN PVS-7D, it will cost a minimum 3k but it's not bs equipment like what you find on ebay.

ITT is the only way to go, Litton to me isn't as good, I have owned a few. I know one of the engineers here in Fort Wayne who shared in the design of the first ITT Mariner. I have owned 4 PVS-7's All gen 3 but they were all of different evolutions of the tube. The best pair was the d model absolutely clear, very little noise (scintillation). I have a thin film autogated 72 lp/mm 0 defect ITT tube in my pvs-14 and it is UNREAL! I sold every night vision monocular and 2 goggles after using this monocular and never looked for another. Don't buy any Gen 1 crap and beware of all gen 2 unless it is an ITT tube they are acceptable.

Yeah, you can imagine my surprise when they cut their lights over my neighborhood one evening, in a Major Population area. It is highly regulated Airspace however. Two Fighters were at Full Combat Power, then they cut thrust to MIL Power, and the lead Falcon cut his lights, his wingman kept his on for a moment, then cut his, and soon the lead lit back up, and they both high-tailed it with Afterburners again.

It was a fairly low-level FLT, as I live right under Major FLT Paths, and I have had years of experience judging height, speed, size, etc. I would place them at about 1000 to 2000 FT AGL. It was an amazing sight though, because for all of the experiences I have had with Vessels, Aircraft, and the like, this was by far one of the most unexpected and surreal flyovers. Most likely it was the ANG, since they often fly the CAPs and peform Intercepts.

As for the Sea-Stallion and Sea-Knight, those are some good sized Helos. You must of had some fun working on those craft right there. I see the Army variant (Chinook) of the Knight around here from time to time, it is always an experience to hear that unique rotor beat, and watch them run low-level ops. A relative of mine worked on USAF craft as well, specializing in the F-4, so I know how important that job (your job) is. My old man was CIC too, so Aviation has always been a topic I consider highly fascinating.

As for the NV, lol, I practically grew up in the backyard of the NVESD. Too bad I never had a chance to take a peek inside, as their progression of technology is astounding. Have you seen their "Latest and Greatest" ENVD (Combined Thermal Overlay on Near IR Night Vision)? It is really something else.

Yeah, thanks for the offer, I will definitely reach out to you when I save up some more dough after Christmas.

[edit on 12-20-2008 by TheAgentNineteen]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

Ya the CH-46's and 53's are pretty big helos, the first aircraft I worked on were the A4's and F4's. We phased them out to Harriers while I was in Yuma and to f18's when I was in Kaneohe Hi.

Funny thing though while in Bahrain during the first Gulf war the air force had F4's there and damn they looked good. It seems that the Iraqi's turned their radar off so that we couldn't sense it and destroy it, so we had EA6B's that would fly over the sites and turn their radar (Iraqi's) on and the F4's would swoop in and take them out.

Combined Thermal Overlay on Near IR Night Vision is nothing less than awesome. I have never had the privelage of owning one or even looking through one but from the pic's I have seen man o man I want one.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 02:42 AM
the first two videos are very nice the third however looks like birds in formation. Once on a very dark moonless night i was in my backyard and caught some kind of shape flying over head from in my peripheral. it looked like a v shaped darker patch on the sky. . . . at first it really freaked me out but upon focusing in on it more i could tell it was birds in flight

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:17 AM
Does anyone have a suggestion for what the best brand of 3rd generation goggles would be? Which ones were used for this footage?

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